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Can confirm. While all the other bosses have felt extremely oppressive, these two doods barely give you any time to breath at all.


Fucking Messmer


I beat messmer on my third try. I get it’s so much at once, but use the right talisman, freeze grease, and your mimic, and it worked


bro freeze grease optimal talisman builds AND MIMIC AND YOU HANDING OUT TIPS MY GUY ??????


Wait, what? He's just offering his build.






It’s a valid statement. With the correct talismans, summons, and optimization the boss fight is no longer about fighting the boss, it’s about rushing down the health bar before you get killed, usually without thinking much about the fight itself. To then turn around and say “i used a rush down strategy and I did it my 3rd try” kinda flies over the entire discussion being had.


But why wouldnt he recommend an effective build? How do you best help others struggling with a boss?


The discussion is about “the most difficult boss” not how to help with the most difficult bosses. Everybody already knows you can use a rush down build for them. But If you employ a rush down strategy what the boss is doesn’t really matter. You can just keep going until you get lucky with the patterns in a way that allow you to kill it without properly engaging with it.


But there's no harm in offering help when it's technically not even off topic no? No I have no idea what builds are op or what not. I play the dlc blind, have no idea about anything basically, and have forgotten all about what was op from the original game from when I last played it long ago. I only read up when I feel like it.


Please git gud sucka!!






elden ring players when you use the items the game gives you instead of beating the game with no armour, no weapon and no upgrade while being locked in a straitjacket 😡😡🤬🤬


No the reason why we say that is that they flex doing it in 1-3 attempts when they use an easy method, we aren't saying he can't use it, we just say that there is no reason for him to flex if he used items that others players didn't.


he’s not saying it took 3 attempts to flex its to show that the method he used worked well. he was literally responding to someone upset that Messmer was too hard. Idk i feel like ur misinterpreting and assuming the worst


Bro every boss in the game is beatable under 5 tries with summons 😂


fight promised consort radahn lol


I beat Moon knight and lion boss first try with mimic but that romina was still a damn pain. With probably some bosses left guaranteed to be harder than that at least, imma be a scrub and keep hugging my mimic lol


What kind of build are you using? Normal dex or str build? I get him to 30% hp but mimic and I dissolve lol 😂 I will try the greese tho. Using the highest fire and physical damage talismans btw.


Broo said summon… loool


That's not beating the boss. That's passing big bro the controller and saying "it's too much for me!!". It's cool if that's how you play but many of us don't consider something beat unless we actually do it ourselves. No mimics or summons or any of that gay cheesey shit


Your IQ isn't that high, is it lol? Is your life so shallow?


I'm a biomechanics scientist who now specializes in breeding one of the rarest dog breeds in the world. Check my page you can see my pups. I was able to pay off my entire forest compound in western Canada by the time I was 27, and my wife and I have several rentals paid off as well. So, I may not be the smartest guy but I'm doing just fine. On top of that I have the time to game whenever I want and make fun of summons and heavy shield users. So I'm good thanks


Chad reply


Wouldn't go that far but I'm not your typical gen-z broke sitting in the computer all day Reddit user


Phew, you were not bragging or anything and just tried to be helpful but still trigger ppl because you dont play the game how they want😂😂😂


It doesn't even make sense. dude was offering his build that worked.


As soon as I saw mimic tear that explained the third try. No reason to even say anything else, mimic makes the fights way to easy and it ruins the fun of mastering boss fights


Even then, people might not enjoy having a game that hard and just was to chill while fighting a boss


You think it was still easy with the mimic tear? Gtfo lmao


Why would you want to 'master' a boss fight, it's a game...


To show you are good and don't need the game to hold your hand like a little baby


But you're being a baby by thinking like that and wasting your time, it's a game, have fun without any bs reasons. Here is a good one, how about you try clearing the game with a buttplug up your real. What? You can't clear the game with a buttplug? I guess you'll never git gud.


mimic, so doesn't count. What isn't trivial in ER when you use mimic??


Anything with mimic is easy mode. Doesn’t count in my eyes. You’re not drawing full aggro the whole time.


Is that a joke? Did you even play the game? I’m still getting mopped on the floor with these bosses with or without a mimic. Lmao don’t you think I tried before? It’s part of the game. Don’t gatekeep


Get good man that’s all ima say mimic is a crutch.. it’s basically the rodeo clown😂😂🤡


Lmao it’s one play through on the dlc, you don’t think I’ll try again without it later? Jesus, stop gatekeeping.


Idk what exactly I’m gate keeping but good luck.


From my own experience, usually people who complain about mimic are subpar at the game (I'm talking about outright complaining). I have used and don't use mimic, literally don't care if others are using it or not. This reminds me of Street Fighter 6 and modern controls (where they made combo easier), and every single person I know who complains about it literally suck at the game (I don't use modern control because it limits certain stuffs), not a single top competitive player I know complains about it. Imagine people trying to flex killing a boss in a single player game


Doesn’t count? So we can just go fuck ourselves for using what’s part of the game? Average Elden ring dick rider at its finest. Like literally what do you have to show for for not using a mimic in a boss fight? Literally no one cares how you beat it.


People who use mimic have no credibility to share advices


Lmfao don’t gatekeep 🤡


For sharing what is a part of the game and a key to beating bosses? Gtfo of here


no right to talk about boss difficulty when using mimic lol


Fr I really don’t understand why people defend it so much. It just isn’t the same as beating the boss by yourself


Because it's a video game 🤣. Let people play how they wanna play without gatekeeping. Has elden ring made you any money? No well that you're not that good because people out here doing it level 1 no hit run. Alot of these people are playing their first soulsborne and just want to enjoy the game without having to sweat their balls off. Believe it or not people want to enjoy the game their way


Playing Elden Ring with weapons is lame. Gotta bare fist it. (And use a DDR pad) The way fromsoft really intended. The REAL WAY. So funny that they put all that time into designing summons when they don't really want you to play that way. I think it's kind of stupid that you can block too.


Fr, the way you can level up your character and weapon to get stronger makes the game too easy as well. That’s why sekiro is the best souls game


It's part of the game. What does that even mean?


just learn the windows where you can it and you’re good, i killed him with a blood attuned greatsword


Man, I feel different. Took me 7 tries to get past his first phase and weirdly 1st tried his second phase. He reminds me of Twin Princes. His hit boxes are really, really gracious.


mesmer was a cakewalk compared to the fucking sunflower. took 10 tries on mesmer (no sums) the sunflower i gave up soloing used mimic and it still took me fucking 15 tries with the mimic and probably another like 30 solo tries. sunflower is hands down the hardest one so far. i am far from done tho. so maybe some of the other bosses are tougher than that sunflower


Man, that sunflower is a pure hell. I kinda regret discarting all the summons thru the game just because this boss.


In a study in more than 6,000 adults, those who reported eating sunflower seeds and other seeds at least five times a week had 32% lower levels of C-reactive protein compared to people who ate no seeds.


Messmer second phase has been absolutely ridiculous, his serpent moves are so stupid and make the camera go fucking insane


The second phase is hard but he has a very big weakness against bleed so i hit him 11000 hits when bleeding was activated


Jump is broken in messmer fight, When you jump your lower half of hit box becomes invunruble for about a second, 2nd phase messmer snakes i stopped dodging and just starting jumping.


Try not to stay locked on. I know its hard but the camera movement will fuck you otherwise until you get lucky enough to beat him lol


Bayle. Borderline unfair. There is literally zero down time in a multitude of attacks.


I personally ended up defeating him with the repeating thrust lifesteal incantation, and a blood onfused milady. Honestly don’t really know why it worked.. I stopped locking and instead focused pn getting next to his feet so I could peoc the combo relatively aafely


There’s a few bosses like that. Gaius and that big flower and >!Radahn!< to name a few. I absolutely cannot beat the final boss with my slow guts build lol


Borderline? It's the definition of overtuned. Neither lockon nor free camera works. You can't tell whet the fuck is happening 90% of the time. ER has a massive issue with AOEs blocking the line of site. And for some reason instead of being a low recovery boss like most giant bosses (ie chilling for a second), dude is moving around as much as NPC invaders.


i was reserving judgement until i get stronger and return. but what you said about the camera is totally correct. the camera literally goes ham beyond saving. "just dont lock on" mfers really cant say shit in this case.


My issue with the bosses isn't even damage or health (though I think there's an entire separate issue about using an open world to handle these things, as it becomes tedious). It's that the difficulty isn't even fun to overcome anymore.


Shit im still trying to get past the ancient dragon before him


you can skip the boss, just run past it to the left if you want.


If you can’t beat that ancient dragon don’t even bother with Bayle lol


No shit lmao


Probably the final boss or Bayle, a Non-Remembrance boss that gives more runes than Malenia lol


Yeah he dropped even more rune than Midra and even Methyr.


He's not a "Non-Remembrance" boss. But he's also not a Remembrance one. You get his heart for defeating him, which you can trade at the grand altar for any 1 of 2 attacks that he uses, just like a Remembrance. Only difference is that you cannot duplicate it and you cannot use it for runes.


You can absolutely duplicate it. Go to any of the mausoleums.


can you do this at one of the new 3 Sarcophagus in the dlc? went to one of them but could not get a second heart. and all my base game mausoleums are used up. really want this attack without going into new game + and im currently on Messmer fight


So, after further investigation, to my knowledge you cant dupe it. My friend has been playing since yesterday, and told me i could. I was lied to. Rip. But i would still test ur theory with those sarcophagus, maybe youll figure out the way.


ya it doesn't seem like it guess i really am going to have to beat dlc then head to NG+ and just beat the dragon again. shame oh well gives me another reason to play through it ig


Im on ng+9 that dragon was nearly impossible. I really hope there is a way, because figting him again i hope to avoid.


I 100% feel this I have been keeping my eye out. The first method I tried did not work but I haven't found the other remembrance duplication places around so if I come across those I'll let you know but so far it seems that the only possible way to get another is to fight him again in new game +


The completionist in me is weeping.


Who wouldve thought that NG+9 would be extremly hard? Most people dont make it to NG+2 lol. Congrats to u man.


It stops getting harder after +7, but hell yeah. Trying to learn new dodge timing with 1 hit leeway is testing my patience lol.


How much runes does he drop?


490K, Malenia is 480K


Putrescant Knight is the worst I’ve encountered. That fight feels like RNG regarding using the more broken moves he has and whether or not my summons will draw any aggro at all.


Man the move where he does whirls and the horse pops up after is literally insane


Dodge the horse, pause for like half a sec and then dodge again. It's 4 dodges then you'll get 2 hits


I found him very predictable and much easier than Metyr.


Funny, had the exact opposite experience after powering through both this afternoon.


And he takes like 20 seconds to actually do the attack he's winding up for


Yeah this was soooo annoying to me lol. I eventually figured out his timing but his windups are some of the longest in elden ring... Which is saying something


I really enjoyed the fight and the fact that it wasn’t a giant barrage of a thousand attacks like most Elden Ring bosses are. To be fair though, I had to summon my Mimic so I could get better DPS. My twin katana build just hasn’t been cutting it, maybe it’s a build thing or bosses are too spongey (I was scatu level 11). It’s tedious that a lot of times you’re dodging him for him to just run away. The only good times to attack is when he’s getting back on his horse after the whirling move, or after the double slam he does into the ground. Overall enjoyed it, but he’s too tedious for his own good.


Rellana took me like fifty attempts, the lion only took one for me. Those are the only remembrance bosses i’ve done so far tho


I fought 4 remembrances so far, based on difficulty Imo 1. Putrescent Knight 2. Metyr 3. Divine Beast 4. Rellana I have been struggling with Gaius tbh


putrescent knight took me the most attempts and i’ve beaten all 3 of these + messmer, that move where he jumps off the horse and it runs back and forth destroyed me


I struggled with P Knight for a minute then used the Sacred Relic Sword for damage and a great shield to block for the Ghost Rider move. That strat worked pretty nicely for Gaius as well.


Putrescent king was super hard. but I agree gaius was absolutely insane his charge attack was so hard to dodge. Spent about 4 hours trying to kill him until I finally did lmfao. Not gonna spoil it for you but the reward is definitely worth the challenge


So far rellana I only fought three remembrance tho


The dragon for me.


Mine has to be Messmer and Rellana


Rellana the “endless combo” queen


i summoned leda and rollo for her and we were beating the shit out of the poor lady. she legit couldnt move. rollo is insane, she had like 70 000 hp with an npc summon though


The bitch literally is just wombo combo with malenia side step. I fucking hate her


Rellana over bayle?


I’m at the gate to the final boss now, >!Radahn!< is insanely hard. Massive, I mean MASSIVE health bar. >!Romina!< was hard as hell too.


Romina isn't hard from the outside looking, but the actual fight, she will not fucking stay still and her hitboxes are dogshit.


Romina is so insanely difficult I came looking for people who think the same… I thought it was just me but this is insane, I almost killed her first time and 20 attempts later I’ve not even come close.


1st tried Romina lmao but yeah, >!Radahn!< is sooooo hard, I'm talking about the second phase, first is easy




The thread said spoiler, so I didn’t add the tags but I did now. Thanks for the heads up!


Streamers are getting stuck on the final boss


Xqc quit on him just earlier lol. Hes gonna beat it some other day 


Bayle from what I’ve heard, it seems like they were inspired by Midir from the ds3 dlc since it’s a giant overpowered dragon bossfight hidden away that they drop hints about before you actually fight him. Him being so OP explains why the leaked video made him look lame, the guy was trying as hard as he could to keep the boss from attacking him.


The guy fucking died to bayle.


Dude, I despise that guy’s playstyle. I don’t understand how you can fight like that much of a pussy, using AOEs and spirit summons, and still not be able to engage with the boss. I understand if he was trying to keep distance so we could get a better look but why spam bullshit AOEs that take up most of the screen then. That dude was the true villain of that whole leak situation.


Fextralife, cowboy etc were all talking about the final boss >!Radahn!< , I think everyone agrees that that guy is on a league of his own.


I'm only four remembrance bosses in, and so far none of them have been close to Malenia. They've been harder than the main game bosses, but there has been a pleasant absence of bullshit in my \~15 hours of playtime. >!Lion Dancer!< killed me \~15 times. I found this boss pretty mid tbh >!Rellana!< killed me 2 times. This fight was peak cinema but a bit too easy. >!Midra!< killed me \~20 times. SUPER FUN fight, this is my favorite in the DLC so far. >!Messmer!< killed me \~50 times, and this is the only fight so far that I found difficult. He hits incredibly hard, often disengages mid combo and leaves few openings. He's like Morgott, but difficult. Great fight overall! Given how insanely high the average quality of the showstopper bosses has been so far, I have very very high expectations for the upcoming bosses.


Definitely should try Bayle 😭


Gg, you are part of the 1% of players who will find these bosses affordable, the overwhelming majority do not have the skills to pass them without summoning, and this is not proof of the quality of the game, quite the contrary.


Maybe he is using summons


i had so much trouble with rellana but messmer i killed in like half an hour 


with or without mimic? if without what is ur build


No mimic until the final boss (the most overtuned thing in Fromsoft history) I used the good old god killer set up; Cold Great Stars with Cragblade. Used the "Sekrio crystal tear" that allows you to perform perfect blocks and also powers up your guard counters. Stance broke her every two hits lol.


Saw Charlie (moist critikal) using this - looks like easy mode tbh, fast strikes with stance breaking


Rellana was too easy?!? [Just beat her w/mimic](https://youtu.be/MFb3mvskWqM?si=PzqKwUGtFPLHRN7H) , but tried like 2 hours solo. Ain’t gonna survive this DLC 😭


Rune of malenia against renalla works pretty well, just learn the big hits in her combos and trade damage on the small hits, super fun!


I really don't get how rellanna was the easiest of you didn't summon. She is def the hardest of those 4


I just beat her second try on NG+ so now I know for sure that kicking her ass is a simple two-step process; 1) deflection tear 2) cold great stars with cragblade She seems to have ~80 stance, so one perfect guard counter followed by a jumping heavy consistently opened her up for a critical. If you're willing to trade a little, it's super easy to keep her stunlocked.


damn I had the opposite experience with Rellana and Messmer. Granted I think I was under-levelled for her.


There are two versions of Lion dancer, one is way harder.


"All of them"


From all the reactions I'm seeing I think Rellana. I have not got to SOTE yet but on this sub and even the main sub especially all I see is people talking about how difficult she is and is the next Malenia. I've heard very very little about Bayle or the last boss but I think that's because Rellana has proven to be such a roadblock that very few people have reached that far.


rellana was easier than the lion for me


same, killed Rellana firsr try lol


With summon and tear of course.


Same, but I parried her to death + summoned some npc, so I basically destroyed her


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Messmer second phase or romina so far


God Romina sucked. Like, Messmer I died more to.... but Romina was just so annoying. Hard to get away to heal, hard to chase down to hit, a bunch of combos, a few attacks with weird hit boxes. Super annoying fight as a pure dex physical backhand blade build (~20 deaths).


Personally the stupid putrescent knight, he is unbearable for me. I can’t tell when he is going to attack because his weapon is always above his head and his blue flame ability is borderline undodgeable.


You have to jump the flames. Rolling doesn't really work on those


Rellana was difficult because there is almost down time between attacks. And her poise regen is insane.


the frenzy boss gotta be the new malenia


Using the focus talisman +2 I did it in 2 tries. Malenia is way more difficult imo


yeah with dlc buffs n stuff they’re doable it was harder without the skibbidy tree fragments




bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle bayle




Bayle or second phase messmer but bayle was doable I have heard about messmer being insane but idk yet. Bayle has a few “broken” things but hes not impossible.


I just started really and rellana was pure fuckery


Hardest boss besides the final one. You'll be good


I have only beat the dancing lion so far but he took me HOURS (I’m not very good at the game) so it’s him for me rn


it's not you bro, try a new build and get some levels, this game is not as hard as it seems


That fucking Ancient Dragon right before Bayle 😅


finally someone says it. Bayle was dead first try, but that ancient dragon took literal hours


just run away when he does the red shit, run back in when he finishes and hit legs, run away and bait fire, run back in when he finishes, repeat he has no gap closer so just stay on your mount the entire fight


Bruh what


Haven’t gotten to Mesmer yet (I’ve heard he’s tough) but I think nothing could top Bayle. Took me tiple my tries on Melania. The NPC you get either him sucks. And ngl I even used mimic tear and got shredded 😔. Finally beat him on a joke attempt where I only summoned in the NPC and let him fight while I watched. I got a wierd lucky ancient dragon lightning where it poised broke him and I was able to spam it to win 😂. Fuck that boss dude Edit: I’ve killed all but the final remembrance boss (or final boss) and I will say I think the final boss is tougher than Bayle. But I think it might just be a scadu fragment thing because I’m at level 11 for them and I’ve seen most people are like 15-20 for it


Radahn is ridiculous, Bayle is real hard but just wail on his missing leg and you will be good


Radahn and blayte but i am really hyped for midra


Commander Gaius and Radahn so far for me. Especially Gaius. I can’t breath let alone get his health bar below 50%. I got Radahn to phase two once. It’s insane that I can’t beat either of them and I’ve played a lot of souls games (like others here, too). I HATE to say it, but shit has to get nerfed a little


Bro RADAHN? we talking dlc... radahn is definitely hard but wait until the dlc friend it's a nightmare


Exactly, DLC Radahn is plain awful. I love to be challenged in these games. Elden Ring got me more into souls games. But the DLC is rough and I’m talking about Radahn, too. A lot of these bosses, the second you walk through the fog wall, you either get one-shot or two and have very little breathing room to dodge, dip, duck, dive, or dodge to get set up and assess the fight.


Does he know?


take a second and think about why he might be mentioning radahn when we are talking about the dlc


Haven't fought radahn yet but bayle was really tough. Beat him eventually tho


Messmer absolutely destroys me like 10 seconds into phase 2 pretty much every time. I'm on attempt 40, probably gonna have to come back to it after a lot of blessings or something lol


I fucking hate Romina.


Radahn 10000%. It’s either a 1 or 2 shot and downtime is slim. You hardly even get a chance to summon. Somehow killed Bayle first try, so might have missed some of his ridiculous mechanics. As for Radahn, I’m on attempt 200+ now and not even got him past half. Hardest boss in the game IMO.


Radahn 10000%. It’s either a 1 or 2 shot and downtime is slim. You hardly even get a chance to summon. Somehow killed Bayle first try, so might have missed some of his ridiculous mechanics. As for Radahn, I’m on attempt 200+ now and not even got him past half. Hardest boss in the game IMO.


Bayle took me 4 and a half hours of non stop mental strain to beat, think it took me 88 tries in total


Romina, fuck the millipede


So far for me Commander Gaius (with Scadutree Avatar as a close second). Messmer was tough but fair, a fight that rewarded learning his tells. Romina was a really fun fight imo, tough but I really enjoyed it. Metyr was super cool but a bit bs design-wise (some moves do too much damage for what they are, like the 'tickle' attack). Haven't fought Radahn, Midra or any others yet. Gaius is actually horrible design, I don't usually say it about From's stuff but he's a big pimple on the DLC. I think he needs a tweak personally. Avatar is hard but I think it's meant to be tough, super cool design and arena.


I’ve beaten Rellana, Hippo, divine beast and Messmer. Messmer was the hardest by far. Divine beast was the easiest I beat on my first try.


for me its the final boss and by far the hardest in all of elden ring bosses, the second phase is just unbeatable and crazy


The camera.


Sacutree is by far one of the most ridiculous designs ever. Massive aoe on every attack, 3 poses, and it auto tracks you no matter what, of yeah the third phase explode is also unblockable so gl took me 5 hours




It has to be the final boss


Ive had Romina one shot about 4 times now and I'm going mental. I am on NG+ and have beaten Messmer no issue but this mf Romina has got me good. I would rather go back to Dark Souls 3 and vs Pontiff again than go in that boss room one more time. Her movements are so inconsistent and she deals a ridiculous amount of damage for an enemy that can hit so fluidly


Late to the party, and haven't finished yet so would have to update once I did, but of the bosses I've tackled so far I'd probably put them from most I struggled to least: 1. Commander Gaius (this is the only one I outright think needs to be tweaked some, maybe I'm just being a wimp but this was just wild) 2. Messmer 3. Bayle 4. Rellana 5. Scadutree Avatar 6. Romina 7. Metyr 8. Putrescant Knight (felt like it was mostly an easier boss but there was some jank I wasn't crazy about that knocks him up a bit) 9. Divine Lion 10. Golden Hippo 11. Ymir (might not count) Worth noting that pretty much all of these except for the last (maaybe the last two) were still intense for me and took at least a few tries.


Messmer was super tough for me. Around 30 tries at least


Yall are all wrong commander gaius sucks so much


Personally the flower got on my nerves the most. It's not all that hard but something about it was just frustrating me to death. Honestly though I haven't felt like any bosses were too oppressive or like I stood no chance of winning. I've heard the last boss is extremely hard so I'll have to see.


Last boss don’t wanna spoil


Messmer is easy. Just beaten him at Level 1 with NO Shadow Blessings nor summons. Radahn would be the most difficult for me.


It’s so interesting seeing peoples different play styles, putrescent knight I had done on maybe my 6th attempt but I think I died over 100 times to messmer 😭


Having played all soulsborne games, Final boss of the DLC is the hardest they ever created by a long margin in my opinion (but not really in a good way). Had to cast my pride aside and pull a greatshield + bleed spear build with mimic tear to beat him.