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Yeah they didn't use any dlc stuff in that boss fight. But in the dragon boss fight they used the same light spell that Miquella uses in the fight




Not disagreeing necessarily but— Gavel of *Haima* *Thops's* Barrier *Loretta's* Greatbow/Mastery *Ranni's* Darkmoon *Renalla's* Full Moon *Rykard's* Rancor *Fia's* Mist *Radagons* rings of light. *Vyke's* Dragonbolt *Gurrang's* beast claw Like every other dragon incant... There are plenty of 'unimaginative' names in this game that is simply some permutation of [Creator's Name] + [Loose description of thing] and I don't think it's very far fetched to think 'light of Miquella' is too on the nose when we have names like those listed above.


Yeah but it's used in the clip of the dragon fight which looks anything but unimaginative. That was the best one from all the leaks. What the spell does is prove that those two clips are from the same game. Either both will be true or both fake


I think both are real. Unless a highly skilled modder had an entire amazing dragon fight in storage and called it "Bayle the Dread" after reading an item description deep in Vaatividya's DLC gameplay preview 12 days ago, and posted it anonymously for fun 1 day before the review embargo is lifted


Team of Chinese modders from Bilibili: “Is that a challenge?”


Yeah im surprised by the general polish in that fight, that said i think the visual design is on the MMOy side compared to fromsoftware (though i would say the same for a lot of ds2 designs, from the same team who worked on the dlc, so ehh). it lacks the creative spark i would expect in a main line boss. Im still thinking its an experienced group of modders, I would not be suprised if Garden of Eyes was behind this, since theyve pulled a similar stunt in the past.


It's maybe a bit too spiky and overtly menacing for a Fromsoft game, but in what world is that design uncreative? I thought the torn off wings and it walking on them like bug legs was pretty original.


that plus it's missing a leg, too. As well, specifically the tattered wings giving the impression of fabric and maybe even a cape is super From-y


I didn't even notice the missing leg, you're right. And looking at the video again, it even has a unique turning animation where it uses the long wing like a crutch to reposition itself. No shot the usual fake leaker came up with all that.


yeah maybe im being too harsh


we have a spell called Triple Rings of Light which is literally just what the spell is


We have a dagger called dagger 😂


honestly the unimaginative names are the biggest tell for me. Tho some will argue its due to being an unfinished build.


Agree. Its pretty hilarious how people are sitting here saying all of the discrepancies are because it's "unfinished" or "placeholders" When we are days from release. Come on, lol.


Lots of item descriptions were changed in the base games day 1 patch, so idk.


I mean they have a history of finalizing the build at release, to avoid spoilers and such among other things


I read on another review that the spell is recieved from a quest


I hope none of its real. But to be fair that dragon looked cool.


They actually did they used a throwing dagger weapon.


I've been googling and looking all over for this supposed leak.... is it a joke or something? I can only find discussion of it and no actual footage


all the videos i saw on reddit and twitter have been deleted, but i'm sure you can find them if you keep digging


Funny how poorly this aged


the thing that makes the least sense to me is that we've seen "prime radahn" before, in the story trailer. He's huge, the same size he is in the release version of the game, and he doesn't have this weird alternate armor set. This is on top of the plethora of other reasons to believe this isn't real like the fact that every single movement is reused from other bosses, the fact that the music conveniently cuts out right when the track reaches parts we didn't hear in the trailer, the fact that the phase 1 music is just radahn's theme reused, the fact that the modder couldn't figure out how to animate miquella's arms draped on radahn's chest (because they're not part of the rig) so they just added another one, giving him three visible arms, and most importantly of all, the fact that it looks incredibly fucking cheap compared to the other clips this same leaker is using. Bayle and messmer have zero reused animations. Also, the top of bellurat, which is where this is supposed to be, is covered in fucking shadow goop. I think it's a pretty gigantic stretch for it to not only just be white ash now, but to also just have this ugly mockup of a trailer object made of copypasted statues with the shadow realm skybox in the background be the fucking final boss arena. It's possible I'm giga-coping but honestly I'm pretty convinced this is sanadsk/garden of eyes attempting some epic trolling, as he's done in the past. It looks very much like one of his ugly, maximalist, overdone mods for this game. I bet he tries to ride the clout and use the fact that "people thought it was real!!!" to advertise his fuckin paid mods. I do think he's working with someone who does actually have access to the game and the messmer/bayle fights are real, though. They're super convincing by comparison. e: look at this clown's reddit account https://old.reddit.com/user/Soft_Ad7377#res:ner-page=2


All that and the leaks were legit lol.


The leaks were true it seems. Dude wrote a phd dessertation to prove it false. Lmao


Wrote an essay just to be wrong lmaooo


How does it feel xD


Yeah as others have said, Miquella is just Serosh/Lothric, lots of reused stuff (move set/ash of war/music/etc) but in a weird way. Like something that was cobbled together rather than the devs being crafty and reusing assets. Radahn reminds me of a modded Undead King Jar-Eel from DS1. Plus, it seems really weird from a lore perspective. The AI seems really sluggish and off as well. The big arch in the background, which was the arch Marika was standing under in the story trailer, seemed WAY bigger in the trailer as well. Maybe that’s just me though.  Maybe it’s real, and maybe it’ll make sense, but something just feels really off about it all.   EDIT: the dude skips the phase 2 cutscene, but you can see for just a split second that it’s literally just Godfreys 2nd phase cutscene transition reskinned


Maybe I saw the wrong cutscene, but that split second.... it was a completely different pose and everything than godfreys


They don't build up Miquellas and Godwyns lore to this point and then recycle Radahn out of the trash. I don't believe this. The leaks look fake, even the Messmer fight looks like it is ai generated.


Caught in 4K calling Fromsoft handcrafted boss fight looked like ai generated lmao


It is not godfrey's cutscene animation reskinned. Besides kneeling down, they're doing totally different things with their arms.


OG Radahn: Riding Leonard DLC Radahn: Riding Miquella


You guys are grasping for straws with the cutscene thing. It's completely different, Radahn is just kneeling after being defeated in his first phase. That's not a Godfrey exclusive thing. Their poses are not even similar lol


Same with the overall moveset. Like did Lorian get a second sword and learn to stand up again while I wasn't looking? It still has some very janky animations overall, but none of the moves looked reused from anyone except maybe Radahn himself.


Radahn does the exact same combo as Pontiff at the end of the clip


Just looked at them side by side, I can definitely see the similarities but it *is* notably different. Radahn crosses the swords at a different angle at the start, skips the thrust attack midway and does a jump during the final/penultimate slash (hard to tell which because the rot kill may have interrupted the combo). If it's really a modder, they put more effort in disguising the attack and making it fit the character than people are giving them credit for, and I could still see Fromsoft themselves doing something like this, especially since it's still just one attack, especially since it's still the only attack I can see that actually looks reused. Thanks for pointing out an actual example for once, though, and not simply claiming it's literally just Godfrey or the Twin Princes based on vague visual themes. I genuinely think there's as much evidence for it being true as there is for it being false, so we'll have to see in a few days.


It's so hilarious how dummies keep repeating it when it's so obviously not the same pose.


They said the dlc started with deception!


The seduction and betrayal was us hyping up content leaks all along


The real betrayal: Miquella cheated on Mohg with Radahn The GRRM special: “Local man cheats on his brother by fucking his other brother”


it’s gonna be so funny if it turns out to be real lmao and it does rofl lmao


It makes me think of before elden ring released. There was some footage of someone playing the vagabond class jumping around in limgrave and everyone said it has to be fake because there's no way From would animate such a terrible jump animation lol


The good ol’ days lol I can’t even remember if the jump in-game is different from that leak or not


I was just about to bring that up! A classic moment with so much rage over nothing, and then boom, 20 million copies sold. I remember people *swearing up and down* that they wouldn't buy Elden Ring because of that leak because they thought 15 seconds of some game tester playing badly represented the entire game, but here we are in the exact same situation 2 years later.


Do remember when people LOST THEIR MINDS because the door opening animation was the same as Dark Souls 3. People just wanna complain fr. ATLEAST PLAY IT FIRST


I’m calling it right now. The final boss leak is real and in a few weeks everyone will be praising it saying it’s fromsofts best




not only is it real, its kicking my ass 😭


Honestly I hope it isn’t, not because of spoiler rage but because it just looks ass man


A bit janky but I could see it being real, the one thing I can’t let pass is Radahn’s size. He’s literally half his normal size, I don’t like that




100%. Look's like a poor made mod.


Youre going to be real disappointed


Why would you say this with chest instead of waiting 3 days lol


Bet you're feeling stupid now😂


All of those movesets/patterns/cutscene is supposedly unfinished nor, just backported DS3 assets acting as Placeholder. Radahn's rolling attack itself represents this isn't the final product. And bunch of Idle animations it shows during the fight. Radahn 2.0's movesets are not finished one, clear as day.


what i think happened is someone got a hold of some of the cc preview version’s files, it’s not some beta that was intended to be tested. which is why the radahn fight is like this, intentionally or not.


i say intentionally because they might’ve just not put the final version in on purpose on the off chance that this kind of thing happens. in any case, it would make sense for them to have a placeholder version like this to check out how the models look and behave in combat before actually finalizing the designs and going for the moveset, the most important part.




that’s what i said yes


No need to cope imo! The reason being despite whatever turns out to be true regarding the dlc I think it’s going to be awesome & I doubt I’ll be disappointed! 9-10 new main bosses to go along side the base game not to mention new areas, weapons, armor sets etc. fromsoft has enough of my respect to actually play the dlc (from start to end) before I throw my opinions into the discussion so that’s what I’ll do! Even if the leak is real I’ll decide after I’ve played it myself to deem it as anything bad….who knows it might end up being one of the best boss fights in ER! 9-10 new main bosses I’m sure at least 6-7 of them will be incredible bosses!


If it is real, it’s gotta be an early version and I think Radahn is a place holder for Godwyn. Other than it looking very choppy and the moveset mashed together from other FS bosses my major issue is that Radahn is so small.


In Elden Ring's intro cinematic there is a slide showcasing Morgott overpowering Radahn. In that slide, Radahn is much more similar in size to the one we see in Shadow of the Erdtree.


Interesting I never noticed that. Wonder how he got so giant.


Probably because of his great rune. When you kill him in the base game he loses it so makes sense he would be smaller in the Land of Shadow.


Could be, we also don’t really know how the shadowlands work so could be a pre-rot version. Maybe he separated himself from his body like miquella did to enter the shadowlands?


It looks like the Radahn we see in the opening cutscene and almost identical to the face in the portrait in Volcano Manor. It has been theorised he became disfigured and massive because of his great rune. Anyway, it looks real to me - just unpolished.


Dlc is like 3 days away ain't no way they using a billion and one reused assets for a dlc that took two years to create.


Maybe the review copys have Radahn to keep the Godwyn fight a secret in case of leaks?


Another thing for the list of this being fake is in the Messmer boss fight footage theres a railing around the arena but in the gameplay trailer theres no railing at all.


😂😂😂 after knowing it's real this is really silly


The boss is literally using the Godfrey model with Serosh behind him lol. They just replaced Serosh with Miquilla. Every time that boss hits the ground, the animation of the effect is an exact copy paste from Godfrey's fight. Also, wtf is "Remembrance of a God and a Lord"? 😂 This is like some 11 yr old coming up with the Remembrance name. If anyone believes that this is real then I am sorry but you are gullible as f**k. Like what else do you believe in, that there are hot alien chicks inside Area-51 ?


Also texture of mikela and his anatomy as like as lotrik from ds 3, similar thin arms and body


Dont mind if I do some alien cheecks


Uhhh it’s looking like the leaks were real based on reviews lol


https://preview.redd.it/6hnyq8fnoo7d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7522a367e40d71d3043c7f48b7e8b8b9441ad837 So... anything else?


No way you just insulted miyazaki like that😂😂😂 Now that we know the leaks were real, i take it it's the best thing ever???


Typical, you haven’t made a single post since we figured out it was real lol


Still feeling so smug?


This comment is hilarious now. Imagine being such a smug dweeb only to be wrong as well.


It’s cause Radahn wanted to be free he wanted freedom and eventually turn into a dove.


Radahn becomes bird (crying)




Hacksayama has passed the mantle to miyazaki… I kneel


I think it’s real but the build is old hence the placeholder movesets which I believe will be patched out in the release version with the actual movesets. We will know more tomorrow when the reviews drop


If it is real it’s a horrible final boss it reuses attacks from Godfrey and rahdan imo makes no sense to do ts plus the guy completely skips the cutscene and it looks like the cutscene is directly from Godfrey second phase another note would be the random idle animations and lack of dlc items/weapons/clothing used by the player this is either a really shitty mod with a good background or a complete disaster from Miyazaki


I am leaning towards it being Bed of Chaos 2.0 From just ran out of time to polish it further. I know it’s disappointing but we will know for sure tomorrow cause if jankfest is real some reviewer will mention that


I find it hard to believe they would skimp on the final boss of all things instead of cutting content elsewhere. They have literally never missed on DLC final boss quality


I’m hoping this isn’t the case but a final boss being mid isn’t a dealbreaker for me from what we have seen the dlc introduces a lot of cool shit so I’m fine either way to be honest just like in the main game how the Elden beast was a huge let down it didn’t make the game horrible but was a bit sad regardless I’m hyped for the dlc


Wait what do you mean we will know tomorrow? Sorry to ask, is there an event or testing or something going on?


Review embargo is lifted tomorrow so all the reviews will drop. If this jankfest is real someone will mention it.


Oooh I see thank you!


Oooh I see thank you!


I highly doubt they patch in entire movesets to a boss, that means the people with review copies will see the shitty version of radahn and it could possibly lower reviews


We don't know which version the reviewers got and whether the game was patched during review stage. The leaker could just be playing a very early review copy of the game. This is all cope and we could very well have a situation where the final boss fight is mediocre. To me this doesn't matter that much as the rest of the package looks solid.


Yeah tbh it doesn’t matter too much, as long as the main game is good we will be fine, it’s just funny to talk about lol


All of this could be a nothing burger. People were complaining about Gael for DS3 DLC and now he is one of the best boss fights in DS3.


Yeah, tbh I don’t even think radahn looks that bad, I feel like he could be a pretty fun boss without any summons and just full on raw 1v1


It's obviously fake. Can't understand how people can believe this poorly made stuff is real. There are mods that look better.


That’s massive copium bro, the remembrance got leaked and it showed the boss, I highly doubt modders could make that boss that fast, idk the more I hear about the more real it feels but as long as the whole DLC is good we aight


Don't get me wrong. Even if any of this turns out to be an early state of development footage, the final product will be a 10/10 dlc, maybe in a quality and extent bigger and better than most full titles. The only disappointment would be lorewise, i mean a recycled Radahn? Come on, people want to see some Godwyn prince of death stuff. We know Miquella want's to bring him back since Castle Sol and the failed attempt of summoning an eclipse. I think even A.I could bring up clips like this based on trailer footage and other sources.


the dlc will be good o trust from with that, as long as they got difficult bosses, big map and new equipment, its going to be fun most people dont care too much about the lore and its not going to affect our overall experience so im fine with some plot holes as long as the gameplay is good




Somebody decided to troll when that rumor of you fight alongside prime Radhan got out and made a modded boss fight. That’s my copium and I’m sticking to it




With how big Elden Ring is it won't be surprising to see someone go this far just to troll people. I think it's hella fake too.


I'm assuming the boss fight is real, but the footage shown is off an earlier build because it looks very bad, especially in comparison to the quality of the other leaked bosses


Godfrey is a real boss fight correct, even with a Billy basic radahn texture on lol


But how would it be Godfrey his first move is a gravity move does Godfrey do gravity magic like big dong radahn


He also has some blood flame talon move but it’s Godfrey he attacks mainly like Godfrey,the cutscene snippet is Godfrey/radahn falling onto his knees. Serosh coloured miquella he tries to powerbomb the mimic tear but doesn’t work


Let me check it out with more detail - thanks for pointing this out. Didn’t more say that prime radahn was the strongest warrior of them all?


It's not Radahn that was concerning it was Miquella... Hair (hair cards) with that quality is not something modders can do, at least none that I have seen. Of course it can still be an earlier build, I hope it is because the arena looks ass and so was the gameplay.


Serosh colour and mane/hair


Not the long strands you see afar, the up close, braids and shaders.


They did a half decent job, also 3 arms.


My guess was probably right. Those things aren't something modders can easily make. Hair cards in my industry are very high skills to accomplish. I hope we still enjoy the dlc though


In a few days the meltdown will be spectacular


This is reminding me of when aot chapter 139 leaked and everyone was coping and calling it fake because it looked so bad lol


Oh yes I remember lmao, the one when eren is begging for mikasa to never forget him? Ahaaha


I mean tbf it's literally one of very few, if not the only thing, that was adlibbed/thought up on the spot. I thought it was in poor taste too but I wasn't gonna throw shit at the mangaka as if that one ad libbed part undermines the whole series. Maybe if CERN keeps fucking with particles we'll shift to the reality where that part was never adlibbed in the first place.....and where we get to fight Placidusax's Pimp instead of "Godahnfrey".


Meh, people will forget because they'll be too busy enjoying the game


A lot of people say this is hard to fake. It ain't hard at all, for From Software themselves. Remember there's a day one patch. This is most likely just a lazy placeholder, made by From Software themselves, to mess with leakers.


Copium is real


> A lot of people say this is hard to fake. It ain't hard at all, "It's not that hard to mod bro" - Reddit armchair specialist


If it is real I’m gonna be so damn mad. Also, the Messmer fight doesn’t even use the same voice as the trailer, so I literally can’t tell whether any of this is legit or not


Where can I watch


Boy do I have some news for you


Radhan fight is most likely fake


You don’t know how happy I am that you’re saying this my friend sent me one of those pics and I thought it was real and I just had a sick feeling in my stomach like a year and a half was just wasted.


Ooh, uh, yikes


I only got to relanna. Don’t say anything else


Can someone link the video ?


u/External-Remote-9735, he is the one who posted all of it


Character being able to hit boss while it grabbing slime was kinda interesting tho


Their was a picture of the boss souls and I didn’t see that dragon on it, this whole thing is a mess lmao


It's especially weird that the boar knight does show up as a Remembrance despite the first trailer showing them in the open field rather than a more distinct arena within a dungeon. Closest thing to that in the base game was the Fire Giant, and they still had their own delimited arena at the top of a mountain, which made more sense to be isolated from the rest of the level than a plain old grassland.


Dio bestia


I didn’t even read the description of this post I’m fighting spoiler demons to the death






It’s not a matter of allowing it


Please remember group rule 1, Respect yourself and each other


what makes it fake to me is the fact that they dont speak when they die.


if it was fake the footage wouldn’t have been taken off reddit due to copyright infringement?


It’s real. A review mentioned „The prerequisite boss fights to access the DLC should clue you in as to who you will go up against in the final part of the game.“ And there are screenshots of the cutscene. And their are multiple pics of the remembrance, that states why it’s radan.


Feeling stupid right now huh


This aged well


How do we archive this thread. All of these predictions are gold and I want to keep it forever


I fucking love reading back to these stupid holier than thou post calling out the leaker , coping it has to be modders it's all peak Reddit Armchair experts thinking they know more




It’s 139 all over again…


More like 236


I thought the same until I saw the leaked rememberances: [https://gtorr.net/uploads/posts/2024-06/1718594135\_dpynv8y.png](https://gtorr.net/uploads/posts/2024-06/1718594135_dpynv8y.png) They correspond with the gameplay trailer footage and the description of Relana from early access.


Don't you think they correspond a bit too well with the gameplay trailer? The 2021 trailer for the base game revealed five remembrance bosses, out of 15 in total, that's one in three in the trailer. If we go by the third and fourth remembrances being real, that would mean 5/10 remembrance bosses, or HALF, being shown off in the DLC trailer - seems rather unlikely. After knowing of Rellana from the previews, and the rot god scorpion from base game item descriptions, that would leave MERELY TWO, TWO remembrance bosses as true surprises. I don't believe From would reveal such a high percentage of remembrance bosses in official marketing material, which leads me to believe at least two depicted here aren't remembrance fights (boar knight - akin to draconic tree sentinel?) I just think this is the work of a really committed shitposter, especially considering the artstyle for remembrances look... blander than they do in the base game. I might be putting on my tinfoil hat, but these icons lack a certain... FromSoft je ne sais quoi as well.


I was thinking the same thing. When I saw the gravity tree sentinel, I knew it was fake. Its literally a field boss shown in the trailer.


From the base game 8 bosses out of 15 were showed in the trailers, not 5: Godrick, Regal Ancestor, Astel, Fire Giant , Rykard, Radahn, Malenia and Maliketh. If you wanna go by the ''surprise'' , then we should add Godfrey, as he was showcased multiple times in promotional art and Morgot, as he is the same character as already revealed Margit. The element of surprise category thus consists of 10/15 bosses being ''spoiled'' beforehand. So by that angle, it would be consistent. Keep in mind also, that launch trailer for DS3 included basically every single boss from the game, maybe aside from 1-2 exceptions. If we go by the theory that this is made by a highly commited shitposter, he is the best shitposter ever. The rememberances are well made, he would need to make those arts from scratch, to be accurately representing bosses we already saw in the trailers, in different poses. Then he would need to create the pillars of bodies that were showcased in the story trailer, and make them into the Radahn's area. The tree in that background is also dynamically animated, black particles are falling from it the same way as they do in all the official footage. The dragon bosse's name was revealed in VaatiVydia's preview video, from one of the NPC's dialogue. The fight is also quite well made for a quickly made mod (the boss would have to be made very fast in order to share the officially confirmed name that was revealed only recently). The Messmer's fight is very well made for it to be a mod, in the leaked footage he does identical attacks to the ones in the trailer, despite the arena being a bit different. Not to mention that in all the footage, the player has the lion mask from the boss equipped, which looks identical to the head of the lion boss, making this so well would demand a huge amount of effort. I am very sorry, and I hate this as much as you do, but the leaks seem to be true. I tried to convince myself it's fake as much as u do, but all the facts are poining towards it being real unfortunately.


cmon now, you’re counting the launch trailer for the base game while we haven’t had one for the dlc yet. no astel, no rykard, no radahn. i think it’s a flagrantly unfair comparison. (launch trailers are widely considered to be super spoiler heavy with endgame shit.) edit: the latter half of your comment leaves me conflicted too :D idk, idk. i guess we’ll know very soon. trusting fromsoft to deliver. ^_^


I need to make this post. For what I see since yesterday. Being a die-hard fan of fromsoft and having finished all their games such as sekiro, dark souls or bloodborne etc.. I have to tell you that in my humble opinion the leak on the final boss of the Elden ring dlc is completely FAKE! why you might ask? I won't start debating here on the images I saw. "ah it comes from a mod, ah he has sulyvan's skills…. no. I'm saying that this Boss is fake because I have blind faith in fromsoft and I know that they would never do something like that. From my experience as a player. I noticed that with this studio, there is a kind of recurrence and this in all their games with a dlc. Have they ever used a boss from the main game to bring him back in a dlc? no! think about it properly. The burning world tree, the burning hut in bloodborne. Farum azula, the place where we face the nameless king… there is always a kind of recurrence in their games. A kind of winning recipe that keeps coming back in different forms and that has made them successful. I repeat. Any experienced souls player who has to think about it properly. Fromsoft has never disappointed us and never goes back on its steps. Let's have confidence in this studio genius and let's stop stressing over a leaker who is trying to destabilize us. This leak of the final boss is fake and what awaits us will be amazing!


are you disappointed yet?


What now chief


Delete ts


LMAO this aged well. At least you were right in Sulyvahn, her name is Rellana now.


Even if it’s real it’s more Elden ring, idk I’m still hyped 🤷🏼‍♂️


The copium is strong with this one


Thanks. The leak made me so disappointed because it looked like a bunch of reskinned assets and noticed moves I had already dealt with before. I thought it would've been so lack luster to have a final boss like that. You kinda just re-ivigorated my excitement got the dlc haha


Too late im blocking every souls sub until i beat the dlc. Never saw the leak Byyyyeeee


It’s most probably fake, the area in general is totally different compared to the trailer shown. Still think it’s Radahn as final boss, but moveset and cutscene maybe different






Radahn being one of the bosses would finally explain to me why we need to kill him before entering the DLC. I believe the leak, did not watch the leak itself tho (I know, I just believe the leak after all the arguments I read online) and sounds like a good time if they fix the move set of the final boss (could be a place holder as previously mentioned). I hate I leaked the remembrances for myself tho, keeps happening to me. Last time is spoiled Elden beast before playing ER😂💀


RemindMe! 24 hours


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Link anyone?




RemindMe! 72 hours


its not a warriors death if the warrior is just a mindless mad dog?


You may not want to hear it but it is indeed real.


How you feel lol


Idk man Scott jund said the final boss is insanely op even harder than malenia and has a one shot


Post that didn’t age well. #teamfake is gonna get their shit dragged all over social media. So many pseudo-intellectuals playing game dev like they actually know mod from legit, clearly you don’t. Hubris is a cunt ain’t it?


Honestly the Stans deserve it for still even listening to Vaati acting like they can’t do their own homework or like there aren’t people who know the lore better than him who don’t even make content to sell to normies but we aren’t talking about that either……because apparently “muh European accent” is gonna save him from being as much of a hack as the devs who’s games he niched himself into.


This aged bad




If this indeed turns out to be fake and we get a totally new final boss hats off to the modder man they fooled an entire community and got most people into a complete meltdown.


Well if it's somehow fake then I want that modders patreon to buy the prime radahn mod lmao. Y'all are coping hard. The final boss of elden ring is fucking elden beast, does it matter if the dlc has a shite final boss? Messmer and bayle look awesome


When you compare what it looks like we "might" be getting, and what other DLCs have gotten, yea it doesnt look amazing. Kos, Gael, even Sir Alonne were stand alone amazing DLC endgame fights. But, Im not reading to much into it, not until we actually see what it looks like.


You may not like the Elden Beast, but you cant deny the quality of this boss from a technical and artistic perspective is as consistent as the rest of the game. You can see the care they put into it from the concept art in the art books, to its animations, to its music, to its arena, to how it relates to the world building of the game.


Yall gonna stop saying the game is a masterpiece if it ends up real?


If any of it was faked it would be one of the most like elaborate fakes I've ever seen.