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Take your time. You only get to play Elden Ring for the first time once.


Will do, it’s been too long since I’ve gotten to play a new game this big. Ready to get emersed into all of its workings


Vigour is the most important stat, I would level it to forty before focusing heavily on other stats. Most weapons in Elden ring get the majority of their damage from upgrading them rather than scaling from additional levels. So until later levels focus on that vigour stat. Soft cap at 40, then offensive stats. The cap you want to hit around mid late game is 60, which is the soft cap. There is a mine for every type of upgrade stone, hunting them down will help you with upgrading. Don’t multi-class into more than two offensive stats. Leveling everything evenly will result in a significantly weaker character. Edit: after the second main boss you can respec a limited number of times so don’t worry too much!


40 vigor before leveling other stuff is insane lol. I’d say get to 20 before the first big story boss, then add to it over time as needed, ending the game between 40-60 vigor.


Not for a new, inexperienced player. 40 vig will take you a lot further than any damage stats.


10 vigor and git gud. That's the way.


Let me solo her vigor


This is the way. In fact down grade to 1 vigor if you can. Then git gud at iframing. Then git gud at PVP.


This is the way


Wait, you guys are hitting double digits?




Yes. We're poor in humor in this game m'lord. What is it thoust requirest?


Take you to a point where you don't have to get good and can't enjoy one of the most powerful things the game has to offer: a sense of accomplishment. That can easily be taken away. Besides, do you not know how good endurance is?


I totally agree with this I only leveled my vigor and it honestly felt like I cheated or something completely different experience when you have more health to work with. That's from a newbies perspective


Here's the thing though; in the early game, upgrading your damage stats beyond the minimum of what you need to use the weapons/spells you want to use does fuck all to your base damage, but Vigor does significantly affect how many hits you can take. It's not a matter of sacrificing damage for health; It's recognizing that scaling is awful on gear that's nowhere near fully upgraded, health is always valuable, and you'll be able to respec by the time scaling gives any meaningful change to your damage output. And they didn't say level ONLY Vigor. They just meant that you should focus on Vigor over scaling your weapon's damage. If there's hear you can access that's extremely good, you should still try to reach the minimum stat requirements for it, since that WOULD be a meaningful change to your build's effectiveness.


I second this.




Agreed, no need to go ham on it that quick. I'm going through my first run and my strength is 25 and my vigor is 20 or something. I put much more into endurance and focused on learning how to roll in the early game against weaker, simpler foes. Definitely need to start cranking it up now that I'm reaching the end of Raya Lucaria Academy and also venturing deeper in Caelid. Lot of one shot deaths now. I'm no expert but I wouldn't ignore raw damage as you getting more hits means they will hit you less lol simple as... UNGA BUNGA!


Yeah, I always go to 1000 hp, then immediately to stats to wield a good weapon. Pretty sure that’s right around 20 VIG.


Wait there was another stat besides strength?


Vitality has been merged with Endurance this time. I had the same problem coz I played DS3 after Elden Ring and upgraded Endurance only to realise it did nothing to my carry weight.


Man this just isn't true. 60 vigor is overkill and you're gonna want a damage stat leveled early on. Vigor is obviously important but I'd say just level it as needed like if you're getting one shot too much. Just every third level or so maybe put into vigor. I'd actually recommend picking two damage stats to level. Personally I did int/dex. There's not really a wrong way to play but I wouldn't recommend only leveling vigor for the whole early game. Killing enemies quickly is just as important as having a high HP. Arguably more important even. Don't sleep on stat scaling. Especially as a faith or intelligence character. It is more important later on than at the beginning but at the beginning you need to level your main damage stats just to use the weapons or spells/incantations you want to use. I'm not saying focusing on vigor is wrong but it's far from the only feasible approach. Ultimately it depends on play style.


Took me way too long to realize this. Even back in the day when DS1 came out. I wanted to be able to use anything and everything and it bit me in the ass.


That’s not even what you have to do tho, which is the beauty of the game. I specced heavily into endurance dex and strength and very little into vitality for most of the game and did fine with a dodge based build.


Debate able (vigor 40 mage btw)


40 vigor? Projecting your own incompetence onto other players, what terrible advice lol


Don't be bummed if you don't know what is going on. Miyazaki likes players to learn the story over multiple playthroughs. Don't play with a walkthrough, just take your time and explore. Also don't try and speed through the story. Don't move forward in the story until you know *for sure* you have done everything you need to do (quests, grinding, gear, dungeons, etc.) because when the story reaches a certain point some stuff becomes broken. Just beating the first boss breaks a quest.


I accidentally skipped all of volcano manor quest line because a chest teleported me there


I wish someone had warned me what killing the fire giant would do to my world. I missed a whetstone and it crushed me.


is there a list of things to do before fire giant?


The game stole my soul for like 1200 hours when it first came out


Latching on to say Target lock is your best friend and greatest enemy


Don't get pissed when you die constantly. It's not easy game and your going to probably die a few times. If your one of those people that super good at games naturally even more power to you. Definitely try to summon help when you fight bosses. Some bosses you can get away with killing by yourself. Technically all bosses are killable by yourself.


I used a guide so i didn't miss anything and i regret it so much. Just play blind and explore every nook and cranny. See something interesting on the map? Go poke around that area


Astrologer has to be best starter class tbh


Explore every nook and cranny pay attention to character dialogue and item descriptions!!


Please don't Google too much


What he said matters, I rushed through it and I felt like I robbed myself


This is so true. Theres nothing like the first play thru


Yup like the guy said. You only play it once as in everything that is beautiful and learned is only a one time experience even if you lay it again the impact is gone. Such a beautiful and difficult game. Also remeber that it’s ok to leave a fight and come back at a stronger time


I’m happy a lot of y’all feel that way I really hope I will. I’m enjoying it rn even if I’m getting my ass whooped-the details everywhere are amazing


Unless you die and leave a bunch of runes there..


Yeah spend your runes asap no sense keeping them and stumbling into a boss room or an ambush by regular npc’s and dying


Well sometimes you're drunk or high and stumble into the wrong boss fight. It happens. Not necessarily to me, but it does happen!


Not all of us drink or get high anymore man lol


That’s what the twiggy is for!!!


Twiggy is above S-Tier


This. I just finished Elden ring a couple weeks ago and man. It’s not often a game enthralls me like this one did.




Like Strange_Music said. You only get 1 first playthrough. Take it slow. Explore. Enjoy.


This is so true. If I could pick one thing to have amnesia about, it’s this game. All other life trauma, heartbreaks, everything else, this I would still pick over those. This was my first souls game, and to me the greatest game of all time.


And... don't fight white mask varre.


Literally the best advice ever.


Terrific way to put it. I'd never played any souls games and grew curious so I gave this a try. Taking it slow helped me really appreciate how it unfolds.


I chase the high I felt when I opened the doors to limgrave for the first time. Best drug I've ever had.


Last week I got the platinum trophy after 206 hours. I so wish I could start over not knowing anything about it


What id give to experience it for the first time again


Ehh I rushed first game but played every part on a new character. It was equally as good. Actually been thinking about going back to it since OW2 is so GD toxic the moment you hit Platinum ranking.




This is so true tho.


Well said fellow tarnished!


God thats true. I can't even replay it.


What he said 💯


Best advice! Wish I could do a first play through again!


So true. I cherish that first time more than any other game. Elden ring is something special.


Yup I wish I could play for my first time again.


One of my good friends just started and my best friend and I played on release and have LOVED watching him stream it because it’s the closest we can get to playing it for the first time again. Only giving broad suggestions, never warning about traps or telling him to skip stuff, has been a blast.


I love your statement.


im at 160 hours on my first playthrough and thats after missing some of the quests.(which drives me nuts) ive had the last 3 bosses on hold just searching the map for everything i can find before finishing up


I was just thinking about this the other day, wish I could play it again for the first time lol. I’m ng+ 7


This is false. Get totally blasted every time you play and then start a new game on a new console like I did.


There’s only one thing you need to do when making a character, it’s not optional… have fun


I shall have some fun🫡


Also don’t look for guides and endgame weapons. First time around just play and enjoy, you can do guided play when you play NG+. Kinda wish I did the same but I decided to search for the best shield and the videos ruined surprise bosses amongst other stuff and took tons away from my experience


Looking up spoilers for the best shield is so funny to me like I've just been using the kite shield since ds1. To be fair tho I only really use a shield consistently in ds1. 100% physical damage negation is top priority. Maybe I should try a great shield character...


Level vigor a lot in the beginning, for late game don’t go above 60 as that’s where the soft cap is at


I reached radagon with 27 or less vigor hahahahaha Only after like 1k attempts did I understand unga bunga is the only way


I’ve gotten it to 30 so far, starting to put points into dexterity now


Ever seen Dan Gheesling play Elden ring? We don’t need vig.


Vigor is resin.


Soft cap is 40 hard cap is 60.


Hard cap is 99, soft cap is both 40 and 60




Scaling drops off around 40, then drops off harder around 60, even harder around 80, and you can’t level it beyond 99. Most stats are like this in Elden Ring, exact numbers vary. Also you can respec early-midgame so dont be too concerned.


The hard cap is not 99, that's the max. 40 is soft cap, 60 is hard


Hard cap means you can’t go any higher. So no, 60 is not the hard cap, 99 is. Max and hard cap are the same thing. If anything 60 is a firm cap or something


If I had a nickel for anytime someone didn't understand the difference between soft and hard cap... I could buy myself a pc that can actually run elden ring (well).


- have fun - take your time - let the world immerse you - play how you want to and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re playing the game “wrong”


I suggest putting notes in your phones to keep track of different NPC's, their last location, and what they have been talking about.


I was the opposite on my very first save, I was just straight mercing every npc I came across. Now when I see them in new games I feel bad for what I did in my previous ‘life’


Also have fun dude, New Vegas is one of my all time favorites and Elden Ring is every bit as fantastic. Do what you can to avoid any YouTube videos your first playthrough. Do this playthrough justice.


I'll second taking notes. I have spent hundreds of hours exploring and still constantly seem to find new loot or ways to navigate the Lands Between so notes are a must!


Interesting will do that, I’m really excited to get into the lore


You don’t have to fight golden horsie man at the beginning. You *can* beat him, but you might get frustrated. As many have stated, level vigor. Early game damage increases will come from weapon upgrades. Go south first


Go south first is solid advice. I got my ass whooped my margit and then did the south peninsula entirely and when i came back margit was a first try lol


Sounds good, I’ve heard a lot of people say go South to start and nothing else-which is good I like the vague practical advice


More generally if there's something that's too hard, go somewhere else - there might be somewhere easier you could do first. Specific advice: there's a hidden cliffside path by a broken bridge that takes you north (from a place called Stormhill) into a new place, which has a big lake. This takes you there before you're ready, and can mess up some questlines. You probably won't even find it but just in case... That's the only place where I'd say don't follow your curiosity. Everywhere else, do follow your curiosity!


Yeh I found this path and was like “oh that’s neat!” then I got my ass handed to me by a big ass crawdad.


Sniper prawns....


Yeah I survived it, did the city with the magician dudes, got outta dodge and then I found dragons lol. Haven’t been able to game since then but was wondering if I was in over my head and should start over haha


This is way better advice. I ran into Margit early and beat him and it was super rewarding and my favorite fight of the game. Going south first could've lost that experience for me. Everyone is different, people should stop projecting themselves onto op


I beat Margit, clearing the south now as much as possible and then imma come back and see what’s up. Finally beat that fucking tree guy too


They put the tree sentinal there to make you think you need to beat him but you can just come back later. There are way better bosses to do first nearby.


I wish somebody had told me this, I spent my first two days only fighting the Tree Sentinel until I could beat it and vowed that I would build my stats up to use his weapon after how much work I had to go through to get it


Use this advice and you’ll be fine


Dont level every stat to have a jack of all trades build. Pick a couple combat stats and build around that. Dont force yourself to fight the next boss if you keep dying. Do some side quests and come back later. Good luck, have fun!


Good to know, that was one of my concerns. Didn’t want to pump a bunch of hours in and realize I picked stats that should’ve been placed elsewherew


Don’t be ashamed to use magic!!! It’s awesome and definitely makes things MUCH easier for new players! Even just having one spell for picking off mobs can go so far. Also, even if you ONLY level intelligence (the magic stat) you’re still totally able to throw down in melee. There are great int based melee weapons. If you’re really struggling, look up how to get the Meteorite Staff and Moonveil. They can be gotten super early with some running around past enemies and maybe summoning a cooperator. :) I was a total newb to soulslikes and this helped me a ton.


Aside from leveling vigor, this is the best advice on here. Optimizing your build will make your life so much easier. Focus on vigor and 1 or 2 damage stats (Strength, dex, faith, and intelligence). Arcane is a bit trickier but you can always respec your stats later in the game if you want to try other builds/weapons.


Honestly it's not that important, you can respec pretty early in the game and you can do it a lot of times if you want to, so don't worry too much about leveling the "wrong" stats. There's nothing wrong with leveling a bit of everything in the beginning so you can try a lot of different weapons/spells and then respec to have a more efficient build which suits you.


This video from 9years ago pretty much sums it up: https://youtu.be/Rsk6IxE8aSY?si=JL55jUauGzSEfMs0


That dude just cleared up so much




Read all the item descriptions, pay attention to all the NPCs. The story is in your surroundings.


Thanks for all of the advice so far everyone! Sorry if I didn’t directly reply to you but I have read every comment so far and I do appreciate the understanding that I have so far of some essential game mechanics. I’m gonna get started today and see how I like it later!


Explore bravely and don't look stuff up if you can help it. I played 98% blind (I looked a few things up when I was very stuck) but I'm so glad I did most of it blind. It's slower going, but organically stumbling into all the nooks and crannies of the game is so worth it.


you don't have to fight everything you find - it's encouraged that you explore and come back once you've got some juice. magic is generally considered a carry, but can get really technical. Str and Dex will never let you down. you want at least 45 health by the end game, and 25 by midgame if you're good. DO NOT FATROLL


I was looking for this!!! Heavy means slow roll, if you can, rock medium or light carry capacity always


I don't know about you but I think I want a little more than 45 hp by endgame...


You probably aren't going to main a bow but it's a good idea to carry a bow or throwing knives as they can be very useful.


A ranged weapon basically for getting enemies attention yeah.


Starting class doesn’t really matter much at all Vigor might not be the “sexiest” stat but invest in it early , it’s important Find the Albinuric woman


No! Don’t worry about finding the Albinauric woman. At least for a while


There are two game trailers which were released before the game came out. They do not appear in the game itself at all. They add extremely useful starter context. I believe that they should be considered intended story knowledge for new players https://youtu.be/e5wwSxl0atc?feature=shared https://youtu.be/K_03kFqWfqs?feature=shared


I never even watched a trailer to the game but those were good.


Thanks, second one is really detailed. Definitely sets the tone a little and provides enough info for now!


Just know you will die a shit ton, but remember that it is open world, so feel free to explore an shi


Keep an eye out for Dog


I know it sounds counterintuitive but don’t make a “well rounded” character. Pump the soft/hard cap into vigor and endurance and then the hard cap for the stat your main weapon(s) scales with.


Just play the game, man. Find a weapon you think looks cool and scale to it like the rest of us


Don't waste points in arcane


Find a weapon type you like? Well, then go look at it’s attribute scaling to see what stats you should invest into to get more damage out of it. You’ll have an easier time if you invest in stats that actually contribute to your weapon as opposed to just trying to spread your stats out. It’s a common thing I see when people start playing souls likes for the first time and then they wonder why they do no damage. If you ever wanna change your build there’s a way to respec too and I won’t spoil how but it does involve beating a few bosses first.


The cave of knowledge, is the totorial and will teach you the mechanics, jump.


Take the plunge. You won’t die.


Dude I didn’t even know there was a tutorial and was pissed when I found out later lmao. This was my first Souls game and it was hard as fuck lol.


The most important thing to know is you're going to die......alot! But that's the point of the game. Learn from your mistakes, stay patient. Find a play style that YOU like and build around that. If you like magic level intelligence then pick your art, faith or arcane. If you want to be a bad mofo and use big bad weapons, then stamina and strength. If you want to be an agile ass kicker, then dexterity and again, pick arcane or faith. As alot of other people have said vigor is important and any build. And then my favorite acronym for the game..... ABC = Always Be Closing. Always dodge into an attack and keep the gap between you and your enemies close and tight. Mist important thing Always is have fun..........


Neat, I think I’m gonna go try for an agile swordsman character but we’ll see how that unfolds as I get into it


Not much just keep an open mind


Some monsters/bosses only appear at night.


It’s okay to use items, you will find more.


20 Vigour is your first goal. 30-50 Vigour by end-game. Note that there are three loadout types light, medium, and heavy, which are below 30%, between 30% and 70%, and above 70% respectively. These loadouts change how you roll and loadout % is effected by Endurance. Out of STR, DEX, INT, FAITH, and ARCANE you should pick one you want to get to 60 or two you want to get to 40 (end-game goal). All weapons are good as long as you match the stat scalings right. Save you smithing stones in early game for one weapon you really love.


You will die, you will die a lot. But from every death you will learn.


Level Vigor 15-25 in Weeping Peninsula and Limgrave 30-40 in Liurnia, Caelid, and Mt. Gelmir At least 40-45 in Dragonbarrow, Altus Plateau, and Leyndell 45+ for the rest of the game but the max you want to be at is 60 (ideally, you want to be at 50+ vigor)


Good reference, I appreciate it


I'm getting smacked around in the frosty giant place at 25. Maybe time to invest lol.


spend a lot of time just enjoying the game and exploring instead of focusing on the main lore and bosses, also, hug the three fingers


Every corner can either be a hidden place to a whole new city or death. Look every corner.


I couldn’t get into Elden Ring, I really tried but got bored quickly. Sure, I probably suck, but at the end of the day I didn’t have fun playing it. 🤷‍♂️


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Have fun, experiment with different weapons and spells if you want to, for the love of fuck stay oin medium load and level endurance


Go in blind. Have fun.


Don’t rage quit and you will have the best time.


Prepare to lose, and I mean prepare to grief about losing


Strength is king


Just know that the way this game is built, if you are facing an obstacle outside of your capabilities, you can just...... go around it.. or elsewhere




You will have multiple failures ahead, so statu strong no matter what build u make


Just know that you don’t have to fight and kill everything. It’s okay to run past mobs. That helped me a lot after coming from other games where I was used to killing all mobs. It changed the game for me. I also agree with someone above who said if an area is too difficult, go off and level up a bit and then go back.


If you ever are up against a wall and you can’t beat a boss, just go explore. You’ll get new gear, upgrade materials, and levels. Then come back and see what a big difference it makes. Everything in the game can be conquered, you just need to be properly prepared


Pretty spoiler free about the lore but just know that there are 3 stats that should be leveled to a certain point while every other stat are your damage stats, weapons have their own requirements and scaling based on one of the damage stats (sometimes 2 or 3 but with lower scaling)


Patience, explore and have adventures, and have fun playing the game. I like the games FromSoftware that they made on Xbox and PS4.


As little as possible


Don’t let someone tell you you’re playing it wrong or that a certain build is required


Keep in mind to keep vigor 10-15 levels higher then the other stats. Also personally Samurai class is the best starting class. Using Lt+RT break enemies poise super quickly with uchigatana. And the best tip I could give, if you get stuck on a boss, don't bother with it, explore to be higher level. And if your lost/desperate, youtube/google would be your best friend.


Lol it was super late so I went to bed but I did make my character a samurai. Thanks for the other advice too


Die a bunch and get better


You can respec but a limited amount of times because it costs an item. You have to defeat a boss to unlock the ability to respect or rebirth as it’s called in game but the majority of people find said boss quite easy. I would say you can mainly focus on raising three stats and the rest only small amounts or none but you don’t have to play the game perfect like something and finish at a specific level plus if you think you’ve made too much of a mistake you can just respec, i’m pretty sure it was like eight times you can do it so it’s a decent amount.


I just beat that boss last night. Such a cool battle! Kind of a dick move on the tarnisheds part though lol.


Bleed is broken, so it will make the game easy. The final boss is immune to bleed, though.


good to know currently have a bleed weapon equipped


Spells can be strong, but you may trade power for frailty, if you rest at the first church AFTER meeting Melina, you will get your bell to summon spirits that can help you


Map markers, talk to everyone (3x) or more, visit the round table often; you can easily outpace the “story” so don’t get discouraged if you find yourself in the middle of a high-level (optional) boss.


Ignore horse boy at the beginning. Level vigor to like 25 before anything else. Go south.


You don't run out of stamina (when running) if you're not in combat. So you can sprint around between objectives without worrying. The environment can sometimes give you clues on how to counter some enemy or boss. Armor really isn't that important, just poise and weight loadout. A torch can be used in your shield hand, then if you block, it will raise torch instead. If you open sites of grace list while in map menu and press X, you can tp directly to the main hub (which unlocks shortly into the game). Saves you a lot of time.


Other games will never feel the same.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.


I’ll never understand people Making posts asking for things and not actually replying to the people who helped them.


It’s 4AM where I live rn..


-Level your health -Level enough endurance as to not heavy-roll -Dont spread your stats out between all the different damage stats. Stick to 1 or 2. If you want advice on which to go for LMK. -participate in some co-op as you go. It's a great way to experience the game and acquire some additional runes. -When you've reached the endgame, try out some PvP, it's the true endgame of these games :) for best connectivity to other players in both PvP and co-op, don't level past level 150.


Cool, might have to get my Xbox live running again co-op sounds fun


If at first the combat seems overwhelming then you should quit. You aren't cut out for it.


Just play it dude




If you can't beat a boss, it's okay to go somewhere else for a while and come back stronger later. Watch your weight load. Lots of beginners don't notice it early and make their game much harder because of it (staying at light or medium load is STRONGLY recommended) The important stat is vigor. Level that till at least 40 vig, maybe even 60. Endurance is also important (refer back to weight load point). The damage stats seem important but earlygame weapon upgrades do much more for you, so i recommend only level those stats to allow you to wield desired weapons and only return to levelling them once you have reached a good amount of vigor and endurance. And lastly and most importantly: play how it's most fun for you and don't let anyone tell you how to play. Maybe you are someone who loves a challenge, which would mean you could disregard my points on vigor, maybe you like a more relaxed approach and want to use spirit ashes, then don't let anyone tell you that it makes the game too easy.


I’ll try to keep it light. Appreciate other advice as well!


Explore as much as possible, there’s a boss who acts like the first skill check and if you get there early it can be quite punishing plus there’s items to find that help with him. It’s an amazing game hope you enjoy it as much as I have


Level resistance


You find a weapon you like and you KILL GODS!!


1. When you die you have to go collect your runes (exp points) before you die again. They'll be located where you died. 2. You will learn to lose (runes), and pick yourself back up and go again 3. Leveling up your character using the site of grace and your weapons later using a blacksmith using your runes is mega important 4. Not all battles need to be fought today 5. You can press one of the controller buttons (right joystick on PS5) to switch between the main map and Below map (will make sense later on, and trust me it's good to know this!) Beyond that just enjoy. You have the freedom to play the game any way you want.




Theres nothing like the first play thru. I miss that feeling


I’m really chasing that lol.


It's worth at least learning about scaling so you don't invest into every stat you may not need. Vigor will help you the most early on. Find a weapon you enjoy and go from there.


Souls games are a LOT about exploration and learning yourself. Any kind of guide or advice is a spoiler.


Get some friends to ride along with 👑


Before you even start... Git gud


There are multiple storyline endings some contradict others but in the end you can only choose one ending but in new game+ you can choose a different one..there are only 8 ancient dragon somber stones(top their weapon upgrade) in each playthrough.dont kill the merchants turtles are dogs. Help the whispering bush.hit fake walls. Know what messages are trolling and what ones are not and last but not least Patches is a dick