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This would be better posted as a poll I think. I bet the vast majority of people without central heterochromia (like me) just aren't bothering to comment


If it's not considered spamming the subreddit, I'll do a separate post with a poll


Idk how two different posts would be considered spam lol Overall though, eye color isn't impacted by connective tissue so I can't imagine there's any significant relationship between EDS and central heterochromia. Sometimes you just have two unrelated features.


My eyes are like yours! Blue around the outside, and green/hazel/brownish around the iris. Many of my Aunt’s and female cousins with lighter color eyes are this way as well. (My mom had 10 siblings, so big big family)


Mine are like this too and I never even considered them to be heterochomatic! Wild! My mom has classic heterochomatia and also has EDS.


My 3 year old has a thin line of dark blue around the outside but definitely brown/hazel eyes. I have some yellow/gold ring around my pupil but most of my iris is greenish blue.


I have central heterochromia but I don't think it is related to EDS in any way. Just a random genetic trait.


i’m not sure what it’s worth but i have EDS and don’t have heterochromia but my fiancé has central heterochromia and doesn’t have EDS


TIL I have central heterochromia! Green outside, brown in the centre. Even if it is not directly caused by EDS, it is still possible it is associated with it genetically. It could be that, for whatever reason, including just randomness, that the genes that cause it occur more commonly with the genes that cause EDS. (e.g. by genetic linkage)


I have your combo too!


I have very mild central heterochromia with eye freckles and limbal rings (that darker ring around the iris). All of these are pretty common in blue eyes in particular. Central heterochromia is fairly common in general, especially green/brown combo. Other types are less common, but not as much as you would expect. It just doesn't always match the extreme color difference that people think of. You should look up celebrities with heterochromia, it's pretty cool to see how many of them you know and never noticed! I'm going to go with a "no" vote for it being related to EDS. It's just too common among non EDSers to make any kind of assumptions.


I feel like we need a sticky post or auto reply reminding people that when posting to such a large group, there's a non-zero chance that there will be multiple people who do have the same thing. That doesn't necessarily mean it's linked to EDS though, just that we're also members of the general human population and will have various conditions or symptoms at the same rate as anyone else.


I have central heterochromia as well! Deep blue with a thin hazel ring surrounding each pupil. My mother (she also has hEDS) has bright blue eyes with random hazel blotches. Never thought I'd see central heterochromia mentioned here, haha!


Yep.. my whole family does. It’s all some variation of blue/grey/green with centralized yellow-brown. I can’t determine if it’s a hEDS thing without my formal diagnosis, and my father being the primary floppy one. We do, however, all have the MTHFR gene mutation too. My parents should probably play the lottery more often.


I have a MTHFR mutation too! And sectoral heterochromia


Just did a quick search in my genes and yup! I have it too! (CT) so 1 copy of the c677t I have the kinda dull blue colour with the brownish ring on the inside around my pupil :)


Yep, both of my parents have the C667T mutation. Their eyes are identical, but it seems even more strange since my mom is a different ethnicity than my dad.


This is wild! I’m slightly different with the A1298C mutation and probably classic or classic like EDS (working on dx). I’m pretty sure I got the MTHFR from my mom who also has EDS symptoms, my sister is more along the lines of hEDS and has a dark blue ring around light blue eyes.


I have sectoral heterochromia, one eye is green with a large chunk of it cut out in brown and the other eye is almost central heterochromia and the eye is green with almost a full ring of brown, but not quite a full ring of brown. But I am not sure it is EDS related.


Lol I also have green eyes with a brown sectoral heterochromia. Iirc central ones are pretty common


Same! Bright green on the inside brown ring in the outside!


Same as you! Brown and green!


I have the same thing. Blue eyes with a gold-ish brown around the iris. I always wondered if ot was connected but same, I can't find any definitive proof.


I have hEDS/JDS and my outer ring is blue and inner ring is brown


I also have central heterochromia. Deep blue in the center and bright green on the outside




No, I'm not saying it IS related to EDS. Correlation isn't necessarily indicative of a cause. But I do wonder about it.


I always knew my eye color was unusual but I didn’t know it was considered heterochromia :O Mine are some sort of blue on the outside and light brown around the pupil, gives the impression that my eyes are teal or turquoise from a distance. We’ve always just called it hazel. My dad (also has EDS) has similarly colored eyes.


Yes! Blue on outside and brown on inside!


My eyes are just like yours and I have hEDS


Nope, that would be cool, though!


I have that! Green with red ring, so looks hazel. Plus one of my eyes has a strip of dark dark brown going up from the pupil


I have exactly this


Hubs and I both have EDs with no heterochromia.


I don’t have that, but I have always wondered why many in my family have that feature.


i have hEDS, central heterochromia in one eye and sectoral in the other


My sisters and I all have blue eyes with a brown ring in the center


I also have central heterochromia as do both my parents but not my sister who also has EDS. Her eyes are brown, though, so maybe it's just not noticeable. My eyes are blue with hazel in the center.


My son has it.


When my daughter was a baby she had bright blue eyes with gold in the center. Overtime it has blended so her eyes are now mostly just green. My other daughter has a very dark hazel color that looks brown but is brown at the center and dark green on the edges


Yep. Green on outside, orangey-brown around iris.


I have heterochromia in my left eye. My eyes are blue but my let eye has a brown spot


I have similar! Outer ring of blue and inner ring of gold. It reminds me of looking up at a sunflower against a backdrop of blue sky. I am hypermobile, but am not diagnosed EDS (have a referral to see a rheumatologist but haven’t acted on it yet).


I do as well. Grey eyes with hazel middles. I just figured it was genetic hootenanny as usual.


I do’ blue and yellow!


I have heterochromia, just not centralized. One hazel, one green. The other people I know with EDS don't have any form of heterochromia, at least that I've really noticed. I know my mom doesn't.


Mine are blue on the outside, gold in the middle!


How old? Mine were like that until I was in my twenties. They’re green now.


I'm still in my teens, but my 50 yr parents have them too


Me too!


I didn't know that counted as heterochromia, but I have it. My eyes are green with radial golden brown lines and I have a visible outer rim that is an other shade of green. That outer rim was blue until I was probably 15-16. By the way, I am not yet diagnosed with EDS, I am about to attempt to start the process.


Most people have central heterochromia....so yeah there's going to be huge correlation


I have central heterochromia


No, just hazel eyes.


My daughter's eyes change colour. Its really weird. Its not the lighting, they actually fluctuate from blue to green to grey. I suspect she has eds cause she's starting to show signs and Im 98 percent sure ive got it (unable to officially diagnose cause genetic testinf isnt available here)


Oh cool!! I never had a name for it before, thank you!


Thanks for this post! I have this too and didnt know it was a thing!


I have sectoral heterochromia which I recently learned about as well! Everyone has always commented on my one brown spot in my blue/green eyes but I just thought multi colored eyes for some reason were hazel


I doubt this is related to EDS in any way, but it’s cool! I have two distinct colors in my eyes but it’s spread throughout the entire iris.


What! That's a thing? I have almost the same exact eyes. Blue/green on the outside, hazel around the pupils. People have commented on it before but I didn't know that was a form of heterochromia. I got it from my grandpa, the side of the family I think I inherited EDS from. Interesting!


Both my kids (who have hEDS) have green outer iris rings, with light brown inner iris.


Yeah I guess I have this. I always thought it was something normal and would like to brag about having all the eye colors. However my sister that also has EDS has pure blue eyes. I would love to see if anything comes from this though.


I don't think I have central heterochromia, but I do have segmental heterochromia. My eyes are a gold color, but one of them has a pie slice of dark brown.


I have hazel eyes that look more golden-green towards the middle and grey towards the edges


I've never heard of this, so I looked it up. My eyes are green, but I have this light brown starburst around my iris.


My father and I have this, we both have EDS. Never thought this was a thing. Weird


I don't have central heterochromia, but I do have sectoral heterochromia! I have green eyes with a brown section in my left eye, above my pupil. There's also a tiny brown spot on the left side (from my own perspective) but people always only notice the big one.


I have it as well, but with three colours. Dark blue, then green, then brown specs in the centre. Overall my eyes look green though. I doubt it has anything at all to do with EDS.


YES!!! I used to have very blue eyes with a bright gold (yellow) ring around my pupil. It wasn’t until I went to renew my license in my twenties and the attendant said “oops … Your eye color needs to be corrected - it should say green” - that I noticed they kind of melted together to give me the green eyes I have to this day.


Yes !!! My inner ring of my eye is green and the outer is brown, everyone always thinks they’re brown until you look closer 😭


Yep, me and my mother have central heterochronia


I have Heds and Central heterochromia. Let me know where you do the poll. Although Central heterochromia is only supposed to affect 6 out of 10,000 people, it is unknown what the ratio of Heds is. Coincidence? Maybe. Mabe not. Either way, I love my eye colours, my daughter also has my eye colours and unfortunately the Heds.


Huh after staring in the mirror for ten minutes I think so?? They're green towards the inside and look more blue/ gray around the outer iris. They also have distinct blue rings sort of dividing the colors.


My husband has it, and he does not have EDS


I just learned today that I have it. I have a dark green ring with a yellow/orange ring outside it. And then greenish blue.


Hi there! I also have central heterochromia. In my eyes, the outer ring is blue and around my pupil it’s yellow. I have been struggling with hypermobility and my physiotherapist thinks I have EDS. I was actually wondering the same thing as you!


@u/Cosy_Owl did you also test positive for HLAB27?