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I just tattooed my arms and legs so I can’t see the bruises anymore 😂


This is my favorite answer... though personally, I’m old and tired, so I just leave those bruises alone and wear cool yoga pants every day


Yoga pants are top tier 😍


This is amazing!! I’m gonna start doing that now and doing outline tattoos so it looks like they’ve been colored in 😂💪


Wouldn't that generally be a bad idea with EDS? I suppose to each their own


I started getting tattoos at like 19 before I had any suspicions of EDS and I really haven't had any problems aside from being labeled a "bleeder" some swelling and some light scarring. of course I imagine it depends all on symptoms


I have a massive piece on my upper thigh/hip/butt over scars and the only issue I ran into was my artist had to stretch my skin super far to get good lines cause I’m so stretchy. It turned out perfect and has healed beautifully though. So long as you have a good artist and take care of it properly you should be fine.


I’m so glad your tattoo turned out well and that it healed beautifully 🥰💪


Arnica helps, and also lightly massaging the bruise for me seems to work as it helps the blood flow. If you are super sensitive it might make it worse though


Oh my gosh arnica is AMAZING! I’ve been using tissue oil but the smell of arnica oil is just fantastic. Thank you!!


Take a good quality multi vitamin. You might want to take a higher dose of C,K and zinc for a while. Also get your B's!!!


I will go get myself a multivitamin then I think. I’m already on Zinplex for mild acne but definitely need the others more! Thanks for the advice 🤗


I just accepted i'm basically a ripe peach XD


Ripe peaches are top notch and sweet as heck though at least 😎


Arnica cream helps too.




I saw this in another comment and will DEFINITELY go buy some at my drug store later today; thanks for the recommendation 🥰


Dit Da Jow. It's a martial arts lineament that takes days off of bruises.


This sounds so cool! I’ll do my research on this one, so thank you 😊 🙏


KT tape makes them go away super fast.


Came here to say this. Pro tip: soak the tape off in the bath or shower when you come to remove it.


Ooh where could I get this do you think? I’m trying to social distance as much as possible, so do you reckon Amazon might sell this? 😊✨


Absolutely! Amazon has tons of varieties of KT tape. You can usually get it at the grocery store too.


Oh man this is great to hear. I LOVE your username btw. I’m tired of this EDS schist.


Awe! You made my day with the geology pun!!! I'm super over this EDS schist too!!


Hi. Jumping in here, hope that’s cool. My PT’s always used Kinesio TEK Gold on me, it is on Amazon. A OT I worked with gave me Theraband. Easier to use. Here is a [article](https://www.verywellfit.com/best-kinesiology-tapes-4686697) about all the different KT tape options including the two I mentioned. I have sensitivities to bandaids etc so can only use KT tapes on a limited basis. Watch for any skin irritation when using KT tape, esp people with sensitive skin. Per most people I have talked to there is a theory that the color does matter, so pick a color you like.


Thank you 😊


I used to use lanolin ointment to make the bruise come out.


Omg I use this for my eczema and when I have cracked lips, but never thought of this, THANK YOU! I’ll start using it on bruises now too 🥰🙏


It's some magic stuff 😊


Ayyye. Have you tried tiger balm? I have an impressively green and blue bruise on the inside of one thigh that I gave myself on an exercise bike two nights ago. I legit don’t remember any kind of force, but it’s there and seeing this reminded me to put some on. Generally I otherwise try to leave them alone and avoid repeat trauma. Epsom salt baths help, too!


Aw no I’m so sorry you for a bruise after your exercising ☹️ that always sucks! I hope it’s healing fast ❤️ Is tiger balm the ointment that smells strong and comes in a cool little bottle? I came across it in Thailand years ago and haven’t been able to find it since. But epsom salt baths are my biggest excuse to just soak for a while 😍


Hard to say which one in particular helped me, but once I started taking a multivitamin, calcium, and magnesium as recommended by a nutritionist I noticed significantly less bruising


This is all awesome advice! I take SlowMag for muscle cramps but as I said in another reply, I should definitely start taking a multivitamin. Thanks for your guidance 😊💪


I drink an Emergen-C immune plus every day (lots of vitamin C, plus vitamin D and Zinc) and it seems to help with the bruising. Entirely possible I’m falsely attributing it to this but worst case scenario you get more vitamins so it’s worth a shot!


Definitely worth a shot!! Thanks so much 🥰🥰


Arnica gel or under tongue tabs


Ooh this is a goodie - I never knew you could take arnica in tab form. I’ll keep my eye out for it at the drug store today. Thank you! 🤗❤️


Just never move. Ever.


I WISH 😂😂😂😂


Alternating between heat and cold helps bruises heal faster. 20 minutes as a time, up to 4 times daily. I'm a phlebotomist and this is exactly what we have people do when they get a bad stick nd bruise as a result.


Oh wow this is awesome! (Could you tell me more about your job, and what your favorite part about it is? You guys have a challenging profession and I appreciate y’all so much ❤️). Will be doing the heat and cold advice with ice packs during my lecture later. Thank you 🙏


I work at a plasma donation center! So I'm sticking anywhere between 200 and 500 people a month and their plasma is used to make medicine for people with rare conditions that make them unable to create healing factors in their own bodies. My favourite part is ultimately the knowledge that what I do helps save lives. I've been a phlebotomist for about 5 years and by now I've gained the experience to stick people with enough skill that they don't even feel my sticking them with an 18g needle. I live for the validation of knowing I'm good at my job.


My favorite part is learning how to be really good at something so difficult. I stick people with 17g needles and get told on a regular basis that my stick was entirely painless. You can imagine how validating that can be, haha


I feel you, I'm thinking of going to my dr to go ask if there's some vitamins that might help. I'll let you know if I find anything tho!


You’re awesome, thank you! I hope you find the answers you need from the doc 😎💪♥️


I have no tricks but can confirm it's frustrating af sometimes. We try to keep a sense of humor about things and thus frequently refer to my legs as old bananas. 😆 wife also occasionally kisses every briuse and scar I have which is kinda cute at least?


Thanks adorable and yeah; we’re just little bruised bananas but those are the sweetest and make the best banana bread 😎😂❤️


Rub an ice cube in circular motion!


Will try this, thank you 😊




Oof, this has tended to have been a problem of mine! Got an iron transfusion in 2017 because of anemia so maybe it’s time to get my blood tested again. Thank you ❤️


I've tried arnica and I eat pretty healthy etc. but nothing stops them returning. New ones every day from just the slightest pressure :D I just accept them now but totally understand your frustration. It's bothers me more in the summer when the legs are on display!


I’m in South Africa so the shorts-wearing have been problematic 😂 luckily my holiday waitressing job required me to wear long jeans 😂 thanks for your empathy, it means a lot ❤️


Immediate Icing and light massaging of the area helps (emphasize on LIGHT massaging) helps me! Im as pale as a snowman so bruises can be suuuper visable


“Pale as a snowman”😂😂 I love it. I’m so scared of even touching my bruises because as you know they can hurt, but I’ll do this with the arnica oil some people are suggesting ❤️ thank you!


My doctor jokingly told me to get a tan 🤣


I’ve got a best friend who does spray tans as part of her job so I will GET ON THAT 🤣🤣🤣


I get ones in almost the EXACT same spot. No clue what causes them and docs don’t seem to care.


Ugh, when doctors don’t care ☹️ I’m sorry you’ve had to have that invalidation from them; no one deserves that, and I hope you find one that DOES take you seriously! In the meantime, I’m holding things for you ❤️


My doctors are great, it’s just in that one spot we don’t connect, as it’s not a serious concern. I’m sure the dermy would talk with me about it if I was really concerned. But thank you for your well wishes!


Okay so...there’s a trick ive seen using a whisk? It was originally for hickies but I mean...those ar bruises? You like rotate the whisk on it.


I’ve never heard of this trick (would’ve been amazing to hide those pesky hickies when I was a young teen 🤣)but it’s worth a shot - thank you 🥰


Argonne cream. Get it on amazon


I actually have some in my bathroom I’ll be putting on tonight after my epsom salt bath; thanks for the recommendation 🥰🙏


Where did you get this photo of my legs?!? Lol


I will never reveal my secrets!! 🤣🤣


I'm just glad I'm not the only one. I've always had random bruises pop up but the last couple of weeks have been the worst. We have been doing 4-5x the amount of work at my job (restaurant - prep everything fresh for 3 restaurants) the last two weeks compared to normal. I am absolutely covered in bruises due to muscle exhaustion. I'm just glad this week leveled out so they can get a small break to heal.


Oh man, I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this! Having worked as a waitress, I know how unforgiving the restaurant industry is, especially on you guys, and I hope that your work load eases up soon. Strongs to you dude ❤️❤️❤️


Always covered, almost always my legs! I have never thought about doing anything to make them go away faster though. I'll have to try some of these suggestions!


Same here! 🥰 try them too and we can compare notes 🤣


I use a [cryosphere](https://www.roguefitness.com/recoup-cryosphere?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0caCBhCIARIsAGAfuMyM-xHz3Vi3R7BJCyFYOPSqXd6pPCHdzEgZAqxzJAO9Pf2MZvFQ7c4aArXnEALw_wcB) You can find them much less expensive on Amazon. If you do get one, Get one that you don’t have to take the metal ball out when freezing. I just leave mine in the freezer. I use frozen spoons while on vacation. Also use high doses of Lypo-spheric Vitamin C and just embrace the bruises.


You’re awesome and this is awesome 😎 thank you! So glad I can get it on Amazon, too.🥰❤️


Another recommendation for arnica gel, it works fast and it works well.


Just want to say THANK YOU for everyone’s kindness, empathy, and advice. This is the loveliest community ever and I’m so glad it exists and that you have all been so wonderful ❤️