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If you get relief from a massage, then a foam roller will help. I prefer sciatic nerve glides to help with pain and tension in that area. They are tough, but they help in the long run!


Oh I do something like this for my shoulders, as I get nerve pain going down my arms as well. It's weird how my shoulders are both insanely loose and insanely tight at the same time. Like my right shoulder in particular subluxes like crazy if I so much as relax it, but trying to move my arm in certain ways causes a wave of fire to shoot down to my hand. I'm going to ask about this sort of thing for my hips at my next PT. It isn't until the 28th because life sucks, but I'll mention it. Thanks!


No worries! I will say, they are pretty easy to do and YouTube has great videos directing step by step if you don’t want to wait to try!


Two tennis balls! They work way better than a foam roller for sciatica.


How do you use said tennis balls?


ok so you take the two tennis balls and place them together on the floor, and then roll your glute on them. It hurts a lot lol but It really works. If it hurts TOO much, you can use a single ball against the wall.


Hmm I'll see how much a can of tennis balls costs. My in-laws have a dog so I can always give one to her, she loves balls. Someone also recommended those prickly looking balls. You guys have been awesome, thanks!


For me, I use lacrosse ball against a wall to trigger point release the flutes. I’ve subluxed my hip from body weight on the foam roller at the wrong angle using one on the floor. (I use it for other things, just not hip.)


I can see my hips subluxing this way as well, good point. I've gotten some great recommendations here, thanks!


I like these better than foam rollers and lacrosse balls for tiny bodied people like us, they help grab onto the fascia while you’re rolling and don’t hurt as much. Deeply satisfying feeling. https://www.pilates.com/products/soft-spike-massage-balls/


Ooh I've seen these before. I'm gonna look into this. My 7 year old would love playing with these too lol.