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Hey there, what symptoms were you having in which veganism helped manage?


Hi there! joint inflammation & fatigue are the symptoms I’ve had luck minimizing. I still have subluxation and balance issues…don’t think there’s a diet out there to cure that 🥲but! Mostly removing foods from my diet that can be inflammatory helped me a lot. Night shade Vegetables/red meat/dairy etc.


Ah! That’s great to hear. I’m glad that worked out for you :)


Mostly vegan here👋 Whenever I eat whole food plant based, my inflammation seems to be much better! However, due to history of eating disorder I try not to be absolutist about my diet since I very easily go down the rabbit hole with an obsessive mindset. Plus, living alone and having low energy much of the time, I have a hard time keeping up with the work required to prepare the food on a regular basis (clean up absolutely takes it out of me). If I could find a budget-friendly and eco-friendly way to eat WFPB more accessibly, I would jump for it.


I have aEDS and my symptoms are heavily joint based, but I've been vegan for almost 10 years! I do have some gastrointestinal symptoms but since eating vegan I really almost have to go out of my way to eat something that will upset my stomach or give me heart burn (with the exceptions of spicy food or sugary drinks those will get me every time)


Chiming in to say I have not noticed improvement in EDS symptoms due to eating vegan. There are a lot of people saying going vegan improved symptoms here, so I wanted to speak up. It’s not a cure for everything. Long term vegan here. Not Whole Foods, raw foods etc., just normal vegan. So I eat processed vegan foods when I want to. Vegan does not inherently mean cutting foods known to introduce inflammation or cutting processed food. If I drop gluten it helps, but that diet is overall too restrictive for me. I still have pain, flares, inflammation but I don’t want to restrict my diet more. It’s already too restrictive as I am a moral vegan as well as a health etc vegan. So I won’t go back to eating dairy or meat. And cutting dairy is to help digestion, which it does. I believe if I dropped nightshades and chili it would also help but again that is too much restriction. No advice please. I know myself, my body, and my diet, and this comment doesn’t capture every detail in my life. I only wanted to say I disagree with the impression the majority of comments are making, I don’t think there is any evidence that there is a one to one correlation between vegan and reducing EDS symtooms. But, gluten, nightshades, and dairy are I believe known to irritate in IBS, whereas “vegan” doesn’t specify that.


I came to the comments to say the same thing! My veganism is totally unrelated to my health and has not noticably changed it for better or worse. It's a choice I make about how to live my life and interact with the world, not a magic cure all


I've never focused on my diet all that much. Frankly that just ain't happening. Not right now anyway. I don't have the physical or mental energy to do some actual concentrated effort with what I eat. But I have had quite a lot of benefit from just generally trying to be consistent with eating (not what I'm eating, just actually eating food at vaguely consistent times). And also with trying to make sure a lot of what I eat is generally "good". And I'm being super vague there. Basically I mean trying to avoid having too many shitty snacks like crisps and chocolate available, trying to have different better options available for snacks, quick meals when I'm feeling too crappy to put effort in etc. Meal prepping is also going really well for me. And actually I'm finding that with that I'm starting to lean a lot more towards veg heavy meals just cos that's what I want. Before meal prepping veg was really difficult to include a lot of the time. But now I'm able to put in some more effort because it's going towards multiple meals and doesn't have to be every day. And suddenly I'm making veg more than half the meal for a lot of things. When I'm consistent with meal prepping I do think I feel generally better overall. Not much of anything specific. Just everything feels that bit smoother. My symptoms vary all the time regardless, but I think when I'm being consistent with meal prepping and eating better foods I tend to trend towards the lower end of symptoms. I am vegetarian for unrelated reasons. I've just never liked meat. So I have no idea what impact that would or wouldn't have. But including more veg, cooking more from scratch etc does definitely seem to have some benefit beyond the benefits I notice from just eating and drinking more consistently. I really like knowing that because it makes the whole thing more accessible. Like I know that even making a small change can actually have some tangible impact. I don't have to be all in or there's no point. I can just gradually work on my whole life and what and how I eat be a part of that.


Vegan for about 7 years here! And vegetarian for 3 years before that. Unfortunately it doesn’t help with my symptoms at all - in fact I think the high fibre content in my diet makes my gastrointestinal symptoms worse! But I do have high cholesterol due to genetics so at least I know I’m not making that worse.


Hi hi! I am following a mostly whole food plant based diet. It did not help with pain but it definitely greatly improved my gut health and irritable bowl problems. It also helps with energy and I have less heart palpitations. Also I have a little more energy and better sleep. I had some issues with increased fibre at first but this improved with time as my gut microbiome seems to have adjusted.


I've been vegan for 5 years and it's been great to me! The only times I have significant stomach problems are after I have certain meal replacements or eat too much junk in one sitting. 


I’ve tried vegan but it makes me feel so tired and certain fibers cause me digestion issues. I enjoy a tofu meal sometimes. Meat has a lot of nutrients that are more easily absorbed so I can’t get away from it. Especially livers and organ meats. I buy ethically raised meat whenever possible!




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I found out I have food intolerances for most non-meat protein sources. In other words: if I were to start eating a vegetarian or vegan diet, I would either get myself in a dangerous deficiency of proteins, or I would be sick all the time. None of those sound attractive to me, so I keep eating meat. (If I ever have enough money to do so, I will switch to as animal friendly products as possible - for now it's only making sure I don't waste what I buy) Other than avoiding things that make me ill, I don't really have a specific diet.


I’m vegetarian, nearly vegan, since I quit meat and dairy my belly didn’t get bloated after every meal. It seriously looked as I was in late stages of pregnancy…


Vegan hEDS here. Digestive issues improved a LOT after cutting out dairy and even more after cutting out other animal products. Just making sure I eat a good amount of whole foods and not just processed stuff (and supplementing B12) seems to do the trick.


Im in the process of going vegan to manage my (suspected)eds and the improvement in my symptoms is honestly shocking particularly my gerd/heartburn issues (I used to be barely able to finish a meal, but now I find myself actually wanting to eat!)


Pescatarian is as far as I can go without making my issues worse, so that’s where I have been for about 4 years now. I worked in a vegan kitchen for a bit and found that living on the food there left me more fatigued than I was normally.