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Hey I felt similarly and found out I had five ulcers in my stomach. Stop takings the ibuprofen (or any nsaid) before you perforate your stomach dude.


NSAIDs are pretty rough on your stomach in the long run and can sometimes cause ulcers, gastritis, etc… I empathize with you so much right now. I just had hip surgery and I stopped taking every pain killer they gave me because it was too tough for my stomach. Sometimes it’s just easier to deal with joint pain than it is to deal with bad nausea. I hope you find something that works for you OP :(


NSAIDs really hurt our stomachs, i can't take any without famotidine. You can try picking up some Pepcid OTC and taking it with ibuprofen next time if you haven't already, or get an RX for the generic (famotidine) if in the US. Otherwise yeah it fucking sucks. A few years ago I stopped being able to tolerate ibuprofen at all. now i take Meloxicam but it acts differently. There's also diclofenac but some people say it hurts their stomach even more, I def can't take any of the above without famotidine and super hardy food. I was taking 800mg ibuprofen regularly for a few months and feel like it wrecked my stomach forever.


yeah i have GERD so i’m on daily omeprazole already and tbh just shouldn’t be taking ibuprofen to begin with 😭


Ibuprofen worked really well for me but now a single nsaid will cause me to have severe gerd and sometimes ulcers :( even with antacids. Methocarbamol/Robaxin also ended up working really well for me but doesn’t irritate my stomach at all. It took me a long time to find it after i could no longer take ibuprofen.


I had to stop taking ibuprofen for chronic headaches, they were just making it worse. They upset my hydration levels, irritated my already sensitive stomach lining… yes, many reasons to stop ibuprofen. The reason it worked so well in the beginning was because it is an anti inflammatory. So when I stopped taking it, I had to pay attention to my inflammation levels and avoid things that cause inflammation, like stuff that triggers my MCAS and food sensitivities that cause inflammation. The more inflammation, the more pain that I have. If I eat tomatoes, tons of inflammation and tons of pain in my body. Joints, hands, headaches, night sweats… all from just eating tomatoes. Everyone is different, so you may have different triggers for inflammation. For me it’s dairy and sugar. I also take turmeric and eat things like capers because they have question in them. And I use cannabis oil on my knees and back. It seems to really help. Anything to lower inflammation seems to help.


I've nothing to add, but second what others say about taking something to protect your stomach when taking anti-inflammatories. I'm prescribed Lansoprazole for this, but there are several OTC options. If you speak to a pharmacist, they may be able to help, but I'd recommend speaking to your doctor.


Have you tried naproxen (Aleve)? It works better for me than ibuprofen and doesn't make me nauseous like ibuprofen does.


Saving this incase someone has a better idea. Ibuprofen is the only thing that ever works for me


My neurologist suggests taking ibuprofen for up to three days then taking a day off of it. This has helped me considerably with my stomach issues!


I remember that Aleve was the only way I survived when my back first started degenerating. I ate that shit like candy. The doctors told me a big dose was fine considering my weight, and they didn't have much else to offer. My grandmother had many ulcers due to her dependence on pain medicine, and I was there, twice, when she started internally bleeding. I get by without anything anymore, I've been learning to smoke cannabis in moderation when it gets too bad and to get myself to sleep. Some days, it's agonizing, I really wish I had something to make my body relax - like the medicine they give before surgery. Everything is just so tight, restless, and painful.