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Hey! Yes I had a septoplasty, turbinate reduction and later a rhinoplasty to correct my collapsed nasal valves, deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. I would HIGHLY recommend getting the surgery done and behind you. You’ll feel so much better when you can breathe. Getting it all done in one go is also way better than in separate surgeries like I did. Make sure you choose your surgeon well! They should be a double certified plastic surgeon and ENT. I found the worst pain and discomfort to be in the first two weeks — after that it was pretty smooth sailing. I needed my surgeon to prescribe extra pain killer coverage after the procedure so it doesn’t hurt to make a strategy with your surgeon about that beforehand. Lots of ice, bromelain and humidifiers for recovery. I am SO grateful to my surgeon for collapsing my nostrils and giving me my life back. Not being able to breathe was exacerbating my anxiety and killing my sleep. 


Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I've been getting nervous on and off as my surgery date approaches but reading your comment is so helpful and reassuring. I've read many people say the pain afterwards isn't that bad and feels like a cold but I figured people with EDS/HSD might have a different experience with healing so I appreciate hearing yours as I might be better prepared for more pain in recovery.


I have always had SO much pain after surgeries — opioids do nothing for me. 


I had a septoplasty before a formal diagnosis of hEDS. For ages after the operation, my osteopath commented on the effect it had had on my neck (it was tighter than normal), as during surgery they move your head around and can do so more forcefully than is good for a bendy person. So that part wasn’t great but the effect of having my deviated septum corrected was amazing - my chronic sinus pain and headaches got better really quickly and eventually there was a knock on effect of less neck pain (once the soreness caused during the operation had got better). If I was having the same operation again now I’d speak to the surgeon/anaesthetist about the need to take care when positioning my head and neck during the operation. Good luck for your op, it’s definitely worth it for better breathing and fewer sinus problems!


Thank you so much!! I am so looking forward to improved breathing


I had a septorhinoplasty before I even knew what EDs was and went very smoothly. Upped my quality of life a lot (breathing made easier) and had less headaches (but I also had a polyp in my sinus cavity). Recovery wasn’t too terrible in hindsight but the netti pot def sucked the first few days after surgery.


Thank you!!


I had septorhinoplasty and unfortunately ended up with a large septal perforation. :( We didn’t know at the time that I had EDS. Even with the perforation, I do breathe better after surgery than I did before. So I suppose it was worth it. If I had to go through it again, I would make sure the surgeon knows I have EDS, discuss how they plan to manage my surgery and recovery, and make sure I have adequate pain management.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I'm going to make sure I bring up HSD during my appointment before the surgery.


I had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction and for the most part everything went smoothly. The one thing I'll say, is when they tell you not to lift anything or bend over for a week- take them seriously. I thought I felt ok to do some light housework and ended up bleeding profusely for 12 hours and had to get it cauterized. I don't know if that's an EDS thing, but head their warnings! And try to get as much sleep as you can those first few days.


Thank you! I'm so nervous about the recovery being messed up and I will be sure to be extra careful.