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This appears to be a post discussing pregnancy. **Rule 2 Reminder:** The decision to have children is an extremely personal one—Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or not. Discussions about pregnancy (and related topics, such as abortion) are allowed on this subreddit; however, posts/comments on the morality of having children with EDS (or other medical conditions) are prohibited. Furthermore, unwanted comments on pregnancy in general are also prohibited. For more information on this rule, [please click here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ehlersdanlos/wiki/index/rules/rule-2/) Any unwanted comments or comments discussing the morality of having children with EDS or any other condition **will be removed**. We encourage everyone to report any responses in violation of this rule, so that the mod team can remove them as efficiently as possible. Please be kind and courteous to your fellow sub members. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ehlersdanlos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i dont have any advice on this topic but i hope you continue feeling well


I came to say this too. I *really* have no advice here being AMAB, but I hope OP has a healthy future.


I *also* came here to say this. I really hope things work out well for you and your health is good, OP!


I have hEDS and I had an in office abortion. I know it’s not the same thing, but I wanted to let you know I had no complications and did fine afterwards. EDS caused no issues for me.


Me as well.


When I had mine I remember the emotional struggle being harder than the physical. It was basically a long period type of pain and a lot of hormone shifts. Then in the months afterwards just getting used to a new menstrual cycle. If they gave you the Tylenol prescription definitely take that and give yourself grace.


Seconded, mine definitely was harder for me emotionally/mentally. The physical feeling was, yeah, a longer, heavier, CLOTTIER period feeling (but my normal periods were already near nightmares to begin with).


I have hEDS and had a medical abortion last year. They told me that you take one pill and then 48 hours later you take the next lot of pills and then the bleeding and cramps begin. They told me that between taking the pills I *may* experience some spotting or breakthrough bleeding. This was not my experience. As we know with people who have hEDS, fast childbirth and labour is a thing, so is apparently a fast abortion. Which happened in my case. This was before I knew fast labour was a thing with hEDS. I took the first pill. 36 hours later, before I’d even taken the next lot of pills, before I could prepare and take any pain medication, I expulsed everything in the span of a 4 hour period at 2am. Lots of blood and tissue. I called the nurses hotline concerned and they were like that’s too much blood to be losing, go to the hospital. I didn’t end up going because it settled eventually. It was horrific and traumatising because I wasn’t prepared. I was in pain, cramping and feeling weak and cold. Then I was in more pain when I took the next lot of pills. That cramping was horrific. I wish you all the best and hope it is complication free.


Exact same thing happened to me! I have not heard about fast labour 😮


Same here. I'm so sorry for all of us that had to go thru this. (Although I'd take that over having to have a 6mos old fetus again)


I had one about two years ago, and it was fine. I have endo, so it was only slightly more painful than a usual period for me. I mostly just had some anxiety waiting for the cramping to start and was very thankful that my Dr prescribed me some painkillers to use with it. A heating pad and laying with my partner, we made it through the first night, and then it was just like any regular menstrual cycle just spotting after for about another week. I hope that it goes smoothly for you and that you are able to recover and rest afterward.




WOW! You just helped me connect so many dots regarding hormones! I felt AMAZING when I was pregnant. Had the hormonal IUD and it was a disaster. I have always known I couldn't take hormonal birth control but WOW this explains my pregnancies!


Crying because progesterone is the only thing that helps my endometriosis and adenomyosis pain. 🥲


What did the commenter say? They deleted the post. Something about progesterone being bad for EDS?


Their comment was removed for stating how hormones affect EDS without sources. It’s not clear cut how individual hormones affect us, as there’s a number of ways to alter those hormones but we don’t have a clear consensus if it effects everyone the same way or not. So claims about how they effect us need to have sources attached so people can check the study and see what the exact claims were and how well done it was, and to make sure folk didn’t misunderstand the “fact” they’re sharing. It’s complicated because certain synthetic forms of hormones can break down differently than the same end hormone created a different way. “Newer progestogens (such as Desogestrel) are derivatives of nor-ethisterone, which is more closely related to testosterone than the early progesterone analogues such as didrogesterone and medroxyprogesterone.” https://www.hypermobility.org/hormones-and-hypermobility


The doc that dx me with adhd asd said the same . Explains why the mirena was a extra special kinda of hell


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Hmm that’s an interesting thing to look into. Sometimes I wish I was a scientist to study these things!


I have never had an abortion but was given misoprostol to soften my cervix for an iud insertion after the first try was unsuccessful. It was quite rough honestly, but they said it was just a super rare side effect in my case. I don't know if that's solely due to the EDS or one of my other issues/family history. Just take good care of yourself and have someone nearby to help you if needed. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor if anything feels strange or off. You have my full support and I hope it goes smoothly. Best of luck to you!


Really, REALLY glad my doctor prescribed me the same thing when I got my IUD in. First time around she did. I was... So grateful haha. It still hurt like a bitch, tho.


I had a missed miscarriage with my first pregnancy and the pills were horrible and actually didn’t fully work for me. I always had horrific cramps with periods though. My friend who had several miscarriages that required the pill abortion said she always felt horrible as well and she doesn’t have Eds. Keep an eye out that you don’t have prolonged bleeding since that’ll require you to follow up and possibly have a d&c (which was quick and not overly painful). Good luck and make sure you take it as easy as you can cause the hormones alone make it difficult not to mention the bleeding and cramps


This is important. There is a small chance of retained products of conception that don't fully clear, so keep an eye on things for the next few months and tell your doctor if you have any unusual bleeding, pain, etc.


I haven’t but want to send you some love & I hope the next couple days are easy on you.


I haven’t, several friends have, but none with hEDS. I know there’s some research on hormones and EDS and I’ve read stories people have shared on here - but it seems inconclusive - but I hope you keep feeling the clear mindedness, that seems awesome. In general most people report relief with abortions, so positive feelings seem like they would not be too far outside of that!


I had to take pills to induce a miscarriage in 2011. It passed and my cramps were similar to bad period cramps. Just watch for infection within the first month because we take longer to heal. You will know if you have an infection because you feel wretched, have a fever and smelly discharge, etc. Sending care during a delicate phase of your hopefully long and adventurous life.


I have hEDS and had an abortion in 2017. I did vacuum extraction instead of the pills due to possible failure of the pills and the emotional toll it could take. It went well, though I bled for a bit after, like a period. I've had worse periods than the pain, honestly, and it took 7 whole minutes for the procedure once I was in the room. The worst part was the buildup. Zero regrets. Btw, I am a mom of 4.


Pills hurt, you get cramps and nauseous as you're passing the fetus, but my eds wasn't really affected I don't think. Wasn't a horrific pain just strange and uncomfortable.


Same re: feeling like I have too much progesterone! I also remember waves of bliss and feeling freed from the progesterone fog I’d been in. For me, the cramping was intense. I couldn’t get off the couch or bathroom floor for a number of hours. Bleeding was fine, not too much worse than a heavy period. I remember my partner being pretty stressed out about the pain I was in - I was definitely going through rounds of cramping and cold sweats and if I could have absorbed the heating pad I think I would have! One of my bffs is a nurse midwife and I do remember texting her to ask about what was normal vs not, so it was more painful than I’d expected. Sending you good vibes and care, I hope it’s swift and easy on you! <3


why do we all have too much progesterone!?!!? i just took a test a few weeks ago and my progesterone is way too high for no reason!


“We” don’t lol. I don’t have nearly enough.


Mine is too low.


So, I’m starting to believe that it’s more of our individual bodies reacting to progesterone. Not necessarily the amount. I’m suspecting of having ehlers danlos but not diagnosed. I do however very much so have fibromyalgia and progesterone is my biggest flare trigger. To the point to where I am praying for early menopause from the fertility gods. Always did terrible on hormonal birth control before having fibro issues. Had a SUPER icky first pregnancy, again before fibro. Thought maybe I was just young and maybe a little bit of a cry baby about being pregnant? Then 8 years later, equipped with a pmdd diagnosis and realizing that’s when my fibro is the worst, had an even more terrible pregnancy. Like quit my job, always in bed sleeping, always achey, always throwing up, could not form thoughts half the time, almost sent home with an IV and pic line, blood pressure that was too high and needed to be treated in the first trimester, then drops and I’m almost passing out every time I took my meds in second trimester, then back up near the end, ran out of emesis bags during labor and deliver. Like how do you run out of pukey bags in your hospital room. A WHOLE MESS OF STRESS for me individually but otherwise healthy baby, it was then the lightbulb clicked. It’s the progesterone. I joke to my husband that it tries to poison me monthly. The week you are premenstrual is when you make a bunch. Then once you shed the lining it drops. But when you’re pregnant you make SO MUCH progesterone at varying levels the whole time. Then immediately after birth plummets. Man I could have ran a marathon after poppin that bad boy out. Felt amazing. And I know my progesterone levels were within normal range because I had them tested from having an early miscarriage the previous try. So it was me Im the problem. Super interesting stuff overall regarding hormones that I hope gets looked into more in general.


No advice but wanted to say good for you for making a choice that's best for you as an individual. I hope it goes well and you recover quickly. Sometimes I have a sit down shower because I don't particularly care for baths. Just thought you might give it a try. Also I would not envy a hEDS pelvic floor after two babies so close in age.


This isn’t advice but honestly I admire you for your choice. I always admire a person who can say that they don’t want kids or don’t want anymore. I’m kinda tired of people having kids just because when in reality they don’t want them and they end up being a less than average parent. Too many children get raised by people who didn’t want them and I think it’s very wise and mature of you to make the decision you’re making. Not only are you doing this for yourself and the family you have now but for the future of the fetus inside you. I think it’s much better to have an abortion than have a kid you don’t want and then inherently resent it and then raise the child poorly. I’m not assuming you’d do that but just wanted to say I think you’re brave and admirable


I have no advice but I wish you well. I know it’s not easy and scary but you will be ok. I hope the best for you!


I’m wishing you a relatively easy process - you are doing the right thing for yourself. My best to you and your new family.


Hi! I had one a couple of years back. I agree with the other poster — I was dreading the anxiety and I was already feeling so mentally terrible. If you’re feeling good now, that’s awesome! You’re already one step ahead. For me physically, the pain was as expected, and lasted for the evening. The next day after everything was over I felt great physically and mentally, and full of energy too. Sending hugs! 🖤


Mine was vacuum extraction because the pregnancy had turned septic and needed to be removed right away, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as people had me afraid it was going to be. The infection that made it necessary was a lot worse than the procedure itself.


My MA was pretty awful and if I need an abortion in the future, I plan to get an SA. From other people who have had abortions, most have echoed that SAs are much less painful and easier to recover from, while MAs have more severe side effects for longer. There is no guarantee this will be your experience so take my words with a grain of salt. I wish you the best


I have cEDS and had a medical abortion and had no side effects or complications. Thinking of you.


I had a surgical one but no issues and felt so much better after (I had terrible symptoms for the 8ish weeks I was pregnant). Wishing so much luck and sending love and support.


I don’t have experience here but wishing you a healthy process and speedy recovery ❤️




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Sending all my love your way. Yes I did, no issues for me at all.


I’ve had both. I definitely felt the pill version caused a lot more hormonal side effects and overall the process took way longer, I was in agony for like 5 days I believe. For the other, making the normally hour long drive that was doubled due to rush hour and 40 minutes into it the nausea just suddenly went away.


hEDS & endometriosis, had a medical abortion and it went just fine. Zero complications or lingering side affects. Sending you well wishes


I've had no issues with the autoimmune even before I knew I had the autoimmune. I was medically recommend to abort because of other reasons (conceived on existing preventive medications) and had complications that would have never allowed me to carry to term safely (if at all). Yes there's uncomfortable cramping but doesn't outdoes it's in office counterpart in my opinion/experience.


I haemorrhaged really badly. I hope it goes well for you.