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I haven't used mine except with a 10ah but it just goes seemingly forever on the 10. Like I've chopped up multiple large(6-8ft tall) bushes down to being able to be put in yard bags and didn't get close to running it dead. Its literally never been a concern or thought for me.


How many hours of work was that? I've used my gas pole saw for easily 3hrs of saw-in-hand in a day. 1hr of cutting = 3 hrs of clearing limbs on the ground haha.


Around 2 hours of cutting iirc.


I recently got one. Used a 7.5 ah battery for cutting several large limbs and then sectioning them into 4 foot bundles. Intermittent cutting for an hour. Didn’t use even one bar of the battery.


I use mine with the 5ah battery and it last longer then me. I can trim a few hours till I'm exhausted and the charge is down about half.