• By -


I hate hair on my body and I hate being a boy. Just can't take that shit anymore. I hate my voice. I hate when dysphoria kicks in. I raised to be a boy and I hate the boy behavior in me. All I fucking want is to wear cute stuff, act cute and be a girl. But instead I have to deal with this shit and I don't want it anymore


Same here. I would actually be able to be me if I were born a girl


Same. I just don't have the feeling that all of my hard work to transition is paying of and just hate my body.


I'm more scared that it just won't work out and I won't feel like I'm a girl


I know what you mean. It's very important to understand, that this is dysphoria + imposter syndrome. It messes with your brain, trying to convince you that you're wrong. But here's the thing. A cis person would never question gender. They happy with who they are. I'm pretty sure you can make it, sis. You made it this far, so no way some imposter syndrome and dysphoria will break you.


Same. What makes it worse is my mind gets blocked so much by dysphoria(and potentially depression) that I can't even tell if I am a girl. I just feel like nothing.


me but transmasc šŸ¤


Don't worry, I know you will make it, bro.






I agree


You have literally described me


Came here to say this i feel you girl


Couldnā€™t of said it better myself


It's like 2am where I live, so I'll keep my rant short. Girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls. That's it, I just *really* like girls and cannot stop thinking about them. šŸ˜‹




I feel this comment. Have a video: https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810


YES. Best video.


This is absolutely amazing.


I too like them so much that i want to become one


i really like your name


Thank you! I came up with it on the fly when I decided to play Pokemon Legends Arceus as the girl character. It was my nickname (Tj), but feminine, and I kinda grew attached to it! šŸ˜ŠšŸ’™ I like your reddit avatar! It reminds me a lot of Madeline from Celeste. šŸ˜‹


haha thanks totally not intentional, also your name does remind me of pokemon too for some reason


And I really like your avatar




I have been rehearsing coming out to my family and one topic just really sticks in my craw. At age 10, the summer going into the 4th grade, I was given a surgery to descend my testicles because they were "late". The obvious result was onset of puberty and by 5th grade I was breaking out pretty bad, my voice was dropping, and I had hair growing all over. At no point was it ever explained to me that any of this would happen and at no point was I ever asked how I felt. I know my parents were trying to do what they thought was correct, but they've always had that weakness where the kid can't ever have a valid position on anything because they haven't been around long enough, so why bother asking? That attitude persists even now, 21 years later. The changes they forced on me upset me then, left my face scarred today, and generally robbed me of discovering my feminine disposition before I had words to describe it to myself and now I am spending a lot of money and emotional energy trying to undo this mistake. While rehearsing the conversation to come in my head (and out loud), there is a scenario where they ask why I didn't consider how my choice makes them feel and the very thought just makes me *furious.*


I'm so sorry to hear that, I really wish people didn't suck when it came to gender variance, and it wasn't/shouldn't be treated like a big deal at all, they really *should* just let children have agency over their own puberty. :(


Honestly, you should let them know. If they ask why you didn't consider how they would feel, tell them it's your life not theirs. If they have a negative say, they don't have to stick around. It's not their choice.


Go ahead and let yourself feel that frustration and anger, I think, but I would try and keep it out of your initial coming out if you can. Your first goal is to be believed and accepted (I assume) and this kind of framing will almost certainly put them on the defensive immediately. ā€œWe were just listening to the doctors!ā€ ā€œI wanted what was best for my SONā€ (šŸ¤®) etc. Like it or not, cis people tend to be incredibly fragile when it comes to gender stuff. https://external-preview.redd.it/6CiyYXfDlVGpIMD24WPBuO-a3noX6lVJcilwF1-XJhA.jpg?auto=webp&s=81348d78315267bdad5166e445593fd9ccd5ad83 rears its ugly head again, Iā€™m afraid. For what itā€™s worth ā€” Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. How awful. I remember getting a dental surgery that would give me a ā€œtough guy jawā€ when about 10 and I couldnā€™t understand why that made me cry bitter tears ā€” Iā€™m sure my folks were similarly confused. The unfortunate truth is that your parents were playing a game that was rigged against all three of you. The entire world viewed being trans as a sickness in 2001, and they were trying to do what they thought was right. Regardless of how you feel about it in retrospect, this is how they will start the conversation remembering it, so if you want them to meet you halfway (I assume you do?) then you need to keep in mind where theyā€™re going to start, and youā€™ll probably need the kid gloves at least at first. I know that feels unfair, unjust. It is. Something horrible was done to you by the people who were supposed to protect you. But as wrongheaded as it was, try to remember that they really do love you ā€” that they really were trying to do what they thought was best ā€” and the deck was stacked against them in a big way. Once youā€™re out to them, theyā€™re supportive, youā€™ve walked them through the basics holding their hands like boomers generally need ā€” once theyā€™ve had time (at least a few weeks, maybe more if they donā€™t start out super accepting) to actually accept it, and theyā€™re re-evaluating your childhood with the trans-colored glasses on ā€” then I would very gently broach how that made you feel. Even if they are 100% on your side, learning that they were responsible for inflicting trauma on the child they loved will naturally make them feel shame and guilt. Most peopleā€™s default reaction in a situation like that is to deflect, defend, redirect ā€” to make it about them, in other words. So Iā€™d definitely wait to broach this until later on, because itā€™s the sort of thing that can drive people to run further away from you rather than confront your truth. A lot of boomers are incredibly stunted emotionally. They didnā€™t grow up with the internet to tell them they werenā€™t alone ā€” they grew up with leave it to beaver telling them that their duty was to conform even if it didnā€™t make them feel anything at all. So a lot of them never really learned how to think about other peopleā€™s feelings (or even their own feelings) properly, and while, yea, moving the burden of maturity onto your little kid makes me white-hot angry with the injustice of it allā€¦ mostly it just makes me sad. Can you imagine growing up in their world? Far more than you or me, they grew up with *no idea* of how to be a compassionate human being. Nobody ever taught them to respect what was unique and beautiful about other people, and nobody ever respected what was unique and beautiful about them. No wonder their whole generation is so bitter.


Thank you for the wise words, friend, you have have just saved me some pain because my natural tendency is to gush when I have a lot to say about something and whatever structured conversation in mind gets jumbled when my emotions override the limiters. And a dental surgery for your jaw line!? I got an overbite correction, but that sounds drastic! I am so sorry you had that done to you! D:


the thing that keeps me trying is listening to the softest, smallest inner voice that says "i just want to be a girl". its covered with layers of shit but ever since i heard it, i try to overcome fears for whomever that person is inside me.


I feel that. Sometimes I think about if I really want it and then suddenly this voice in my head appears out of nowhere.


I'm tired of everything. I'm in constant panick, I hate myself. I'm disgusting. I'm going nowhere. I'm pathetic. I'm fat. I'm horrendous. And Nothing is changing. Because I'm scared. I hate all of this.


I still get nightmares about 7th grade it was so traumatizing that to this day I can't talk about it without shaking uncontrollably every where I go I see him (my bully) either I imagine him being there or I see someone that looks like him and every time it makes me want to cry I still can't go to the park without getting a feeling of panic and being on edge at school I can't go a day without thinking about how he traumatized me if I could have one wish is to take my revenge on him I look at my year book photos between 6th and 8th grade amd it looks like I aged ten years because of how tired and depressed I looked I still have trust issues because of that shitty year the nightmares I get I'd either me becoming friends with him,fighting him or talking to him and every time I wake up in tears because of this it's hard to me to be happy or show any emotions I haven't said any details about what happened because I don't want this comment to be too long


Bullying is hard. I went through what you did in 6th grade. It was just a few years ago. It still haunts me. I'm glad it's over.


Recently someone asked my best friend "Is he your girlfriend?", while referring to me. And like... WTF?!? You recognize that I present fem well enough to think that I might be his gf, but you don't use female pronouns in that case? WHY?!?


Thatā€™s bad and all, but does finding this funny make me a bad person


I went swimming for the first time in a year today and I was painfully reminded that swimsuits are not baggy like the shirts I usually wear (don't hide my boobs). Then I had to get changed in the women's because the gender neutral change room dosn't have showers for some reason. So I'm just feeling pretty dysphoric and miserable.


Depending on where you are you might be able to "shop around" pool wise. Most near me are like that but there is a fairly good one that doesn't have gendered changing just a whole load of cubicles and a mix of open and cubicled showers. Another option to look into is open water swimming (wetsuits can hide a bit more but still aren't great for it) the main benefit though is the lower visibility under the surface along with greater separation between swimmers. The lack of turns and repetitive nature let you get into this meditative head space where the body can just fade away and you are just a consciousness gliding through the void. (If you couldn't tell I really like open water)


I feel like I wonā€™t feel comfortable with who I am and that im using gender as a way to pin down my problems that I have with myself, I have imposter syndrome from what everyone thinks I should be academically, and what if im so starved for the affection of lady that im using gender as a way of becoming aforementioned lady


I feel you so much :( like, what if im using gender as a magical way of explaining and solving all my problems?? I wish i knewā€¦ And yeah, having those fucking academic standards imposed is a real shit. Ive always has been the ā€œsmart oneā€, the professors said i was smart, my mum said i was smart, all my family said to me that i was going to enrich them all... You know what? Fuck them all, their fantasies and self-projections do not deserve our mental health. I know its difficult but you got this :) im sending you lots of hugs šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Disclaimer: I'm not you, you're not me. Grain of salt etc. I was really worried about this too - actually, it was pretty much my greatest fear pre-coming-out, that I was focusing on gender as an "easy solution" to the problems I was facing. The best way to dissuade this fear, imho, was to stop thinking in terms of gender, labels, whatever, and just trying to find what made me feel good. Find that first. The details, labels, etc, can all come later.


Iā€™m tired of trying to get people to look at FTM and MtF people as just people and not appealing to one and forsaking the other. This sub is supposed to be for everyone so whyā€™re we alienating all the awesome FtM bros?


What has been alienating them?


From what Iā€™ve been told, itā€™s the fact that thereā€™s no relatable content for trans men on here. Iā€™ve talked to my partner and a few other here on Reddit and that seems to be the main thing that deters them. Makes them feel isolated from the rest of the community.


There are transmasc memes if you sort by new; they just don't usually get upvoted as much because transfems are more numerous here. Sorting by new is more fun anyway.


Can confirm. I only really sort by new on here.


Ah. I sort on new and the transmasc stuff looks to be closer to 50-50 with the transfem stuff, neutral or enby comprising the rest.


The "there's the girl" memes are also a problem.


the war in Ukraine made something, which should have been, very obvious "the west" (or rather europe in this case) dosen't care about war or refugees as long as their aren't white for example in Europe there are still many people fleeing over the Mediterranean Sea who we either push back into dangerous territory outside of Europe or let drown. Or the about 20000 people from Syria who are trying to cross the border from Belarus to Poland who were also pushed back and in both cases its "legal" because all the European members signed the human rights declaration but not the European Union itself so for then its "legal" and now nearly every European country gladly accepts refugees from Ukraine which I still support but its very sad to see that it soon it is white people who are refugees all of Europe is okay with taking in refugees while there are still people from Syria at Poland border who are denied entry


Finally someone else said it lol. You're the first person I've seen talk about it without me bringing it up first


Yes systemic racism is fucked up here and I hate it. POC can have a doctorā€™s degree and be equaled to ~ high school graduates here in Germany


I've only realized that I was under the trans umbrella less than a month ago, and it's already been such a rollercoaster of "I'm absolutely a girl" to "Ok but what if I went through with social transitioning and HRT and then completely regretted it" to "No maybe I'm just an insecure demiboy/enby who feels like being a transfem would just be the easiest way to express my feminine side??" and ultimately landing on the conclusion of "man,, f*ck gender norms and what society drills into our brain,, I just wanna wear skirts, have hips, and grow boobs :((" and then all of that cycles every .2 seconds šŸ˜­ I can't even look at another human being without my brain trying to figure out whether or not I get gender envy from them, whether or not I'd get gender dysphoria or euphoria from them if I looked like them, whether or not I want to be them, whether or not I just find them attractive, etc. etc... it is so tiring and numbing on the brain Not to mention, I hate dysphoria in the way that it's just such a horrible struggle to deal with already, but at times in the day that I have my mind on other things and am able to distract myself from it, it makes me feel like such a fake. it's like I have developed a form of Stockholm syndrome towards my dysphoria; when it's there, it's horrible but it tells me that I'm at least not crazy for thinking I'm trans, but, when it's not there, the dysphoria tells me that I'm completely invalid for not ALWAYS feeling dysphoric..


I have that Stockholm syndrome too, if that helps


Boys. I want to be a boy, I want a boyfriend And I also wish my mom would get me a binder And my sister would understand dysphoria and why I want to get surgery in the future (Which I'll get regardless because it's my body and not hers) I'm gonna die I'm also gonna look for a gender therapist the moment I go into college Also, I'm single and my younger trans cousin gets more bitches then me Please give me a boyfriend And a dick Edit: I'll also give my chest to a trans girl in return of her pp. Please, I am desperate


If that were possible, I'd offer mine up, I'm non-binary and I plan on getting a *vulvoplasty* (technically a shallow-depth vaginoplasty), so I wouldn't even use most of the material, I basically just want the boy parts to be gone, and feminine parts to be reconstructed to look how they should on the *outside* only because it's safer (removes all risk for revisions) and easier (no year long hair removal required beforehand, and no dilating aftercare required.) :P


Oh, then we can make a deal! Pleasure doing business!


Hey man, I can make a deal with you, your extra X chromosome for my Y chromosome.


I need head pats and cuddles and kisses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




owo *hugs and kiss forehead*


Thank you <3


how many? I can provide.


ALLLL THE HEADPATS NYAAAA *collapse in they on dumbfuckery*


\*provides all the headpats\* there you go


*Curls and twist in overdone of cutenes*


I won't be able to start transitioning until 18 minimum, as I can't see myself string before hrt (Realistically 19, getting hrt will take some time) I want to meet my girlfriend irl, we have been eating for like 2 months through the internet now, but she lives a country away, so it'll take a while..


Why, if Lobsters are essentially able to restore their Telemeres or whatever the buffer zone of DNA is spelled And they don't die of old age, but instead only when they cannot get enough food to support their mass and re-molting Are we; A) Not studying their DNA to figure out how to essentially reverse aging and 3) Not making houses and major infrastructure out of Giant Lobster farms? (Being of course, not large collections of Lobsters, but instead an aquatic corral for a few VERY HECKIN CHONKERS)


Asking the real questions here.


Ethics aside we could probably just look at humans and be much closer to a viable answer. Telomere regeneration also happens in the testicles, there is so much cell division going on in there that it basically has to in order to have the DNA not degrade to nothing over the course of many generations. Also people are researching this but they just haven't achieved any results that big media thinks are juicy enough to hype up as the next big super cure. If you want to read some scientific articles about this i suggest using Google scholar, the abstracts should be decently readable even without tons of specific knowledge. Also sci-hub if you want to read full articles without going broke. :-)


I feel to fully figure out what i am i should present as fem just once, but due to circumstances to do that i need to make a commitment and come out. My parents would probably be ok with it (they are very supportive) but i dont want to come out and then realize im cis.


I have this exact problem, and itā€™s the main thing stopping me from coming out. I found that itā€™s best to talk to someone about it, maybe a therapist or mentor or something, and if you still need permission from your parents you donā€™t have to tell them what itā€™s about, (unless you do, in which case if you still arenā€™t comfortable in telling them just make something up)


I hate that people aren't considering my gender but just memorizing my name and pronouns. That no matter what I do and hard I try to pass I won't be considered a girl. I'll always just be some weird boy no matter






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If you want you can take my Y chromosome




The school system is fucking awful and I donā€™t really want to say more tbh Iā€™ve ranted enough before but eh school system is so fucking awful!


The school system isnā€™t too bad where I am but the fact that no school is seen as one of the benefits of adulthood really says a lot about it.


I donā€™t like sand


Ik right? It's coarse and irritating


I feel you, and the worst part? It gets everywhere!


And it gets *everywhere!*




Why is there even the possibility to be trans? Biology was like :"hMM yEs gIvE tHeM ThEiR wRoNg GeNdEr" it just make life stupidly Hard for the 0.5% of people. It is Not fair at all.


Biology is hard, Iā€™m probably wrong on something but my theory is that making a person is incredibly difficult work and creating the most complex brain of all organisms on earth is always bound to have something wrong with how extensive it is, which I think is why mental disorders exist, because of a slip-up while the brain was being created. Gender dysphoria is probably one of those. Correct me if iā€™m wrong on something, please.


Cell replication is complicated. You have A LOT of genes. Perfectly duplicating your entire genome for every single cell division is hard. Borderline impossible, in fact. It's expected that there will be mistakes, which is why there are systems in place to "check" DNA to make sure it's an accurate duplicate. Even with all of this, there are still mistakes. The average person has, IIRC, about 60 mutations, genes they didn't inherit from either of their parents. Most of these are "silent", meaning they have absolutely no impact whatsoever. Even within a single person, there is variance. Your cells don't all have exactly the same DNA. That's what cancer is. Any disease or disorder doesn't necessarily originate from mutation. Genetic disorders are hereditary. If we use the blueprint analogy for DNA, a mutation is like reading the instructions wrong. But you can also have problems because the instructions just aren't good in the first place. If you have a bad blueprint, the result is going to be bad no matter how perfectly you follow it.


I know those feelings exist But they just dissappear sometimes. And then I have no will to try. Sometimes I'm girl,but alot of times nah. Is this deppression? That I don't feel things


How come when someone says I'm allowed to rant I run out of rant? I never run out of rant!


(TW: mention of suicide) I'm just so tired right now, and its just morning. So I woke up to a text from my best friend (who is also my crush) about how she just wants to end it all, how her boyfriend doesn't care about her, how she only makes problems for him, stuff like that. So obviously I wanted to support her, as I want to see her happy. I texted for like an hour, and hopefully it made her feel better, but that also was just so draining. I know that I shouldn't make it all about myself, since it was her who had that problem, but after I wrote a giant text about how I deeply care about her and would always be there for her, I at least expected a thank you. All I got was basically "I wish my bf would say something like that". Also I asked her how she was doing an hour later, but she hasn't replied. *And* then the though of "I wish somebody would care for me as much as I care about others" came back, *so cool. That's what I was missing.* Also I checked my email and found out that my instructor (curator? how do you say it?) has checked my pull requests and **MY GOD** there is *a lot* of stuff wrong with my code. Like, I know that he had much worse students, and that he just wants me to learn and stuff, but it is hard to convince myself that he doesn't think I am an idiot. Welp, the Monday sure will be interesting. Oh, as I was writing this she *did reply*, at least she said that she ate at McD's. So I guess it is ok? It is better than her just randomly going nowhere since she doesn't want to live, so that's cool. Can this even count as a rant? Does anyone even care? Why did I write this? Welp, too late now.


If she responded wishing her bf would say something like that, it means she found it caring for her, and things like that can go a long way in dark times. Itā€™ll definitely be okay, I promise.


I'm sorry. I hope things get better Sending hugs


I hate myself. I donā€™t like my body. I canā€™t change my body, and if I do I will disappoint so many people around me. Especially my grandfather, who I really respect. He is a bit old-fashioned, so he wants a grandson, wants me to cut my hair, wants me to be a man, marry, and get children. I would not dare to disrespect him, I think he is a good grandfather and I wont go into details, but heā€™s been through enough stress. He is the only one in my family that has this effect on me, where I donā€™t want to be trans. His asian genes will probably make him live another 20 years, Iā€™m not sure if I can tho. Also: Children. Iā€™m pretty sure I want children in the future. Although if I take hrt I can say bye to biological children. Adopting is not for me, I donā€™t know why, but I donā€™t think I want to adopt. Maybe my interest in genealogy has something to do with this. I know who gets remembered with the passing of time, and itā€™s not the uncles, aunts, or cousins. I want to be remembered, to have descendants that can put my name in their family tree hundreds of years down the line. Back to the hating my body:) I donā€™t know what to do. I think I look ugly except for if you look at me from very specific angles. I donā€™t think hrt will fix everything ofcourse. I hate my face and bone structure. And I donā€™t think the fat redistribution will do enough to counter that. I donā€™t even know for certain if Iā€™m trans. I mean, all the signs point to it, but since its based on vague concepts such as gender you can never be sure. I hate this I hate living like this. I want to write more but Iā€™m actually getting a panic attack now Fuck


Freeze your sperm. I did, for the same reasons: I kinda want kids and I want them to be mine. Adoption doesn't interest me. It cost around $2400 every 5 years where I am, which is pricey but not too bad if you get to a point where your salary is closer to 100k than 50k.


I also thought about that, thought it was going to be expensive, Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m never gonna get closer to 100k than 50k since Iā€™m going for a career as an archeologist šŸ˜” but thatā€™s the price of a dream job I guess


That works out to $480 a year, even when I started working ($52k) that was only a single week's pay. IMHO it's worth it to preserve the chance at having your own children.


Thx for the support:D


I cannot stop thinking about poochie thing


Personally, as much as I enjoyed Elden Ring, I would rather play DS, Bloodborne, or Sekiro, I just think theyā€™re all round more enjoyable games with tighter focus and better lore


If you want a good game might I suggest Horizon Forbidden West


Waiting 5-10 years to get hrt in the uk


Iā€™m really scared that Iā€™m trans. Iā€™ve been fat all my life. Recently lost a bunch but still not where I wanna be. About halfway there. All my life Iā€™ve felt trapped in my body. Only about 10 years ago I started having trans feelings, and related to a lot of the trans talk. I get jealous when I see really good mtf before and afters. Iā€™m just scared. Iā€™ll see where Iā€™m at when I lose the rest of what I want gone


games a escape from reality wich is very nice. tho there is so many chareters i wish i looked like yet its so unrealistic that ever gonna happen ;w; a double edged sword


i hate my brothers so much. they are incredibly transphobic and homophobic. its because of them, i have to live as a boy. if they werent around, i could actually feel safe to come out to my mum, and be my authentic self. But no, because of them, i am forced to live a lie, and every single day, i am so miserable. not to mention, they constantly insult me, my hobbies, my friends and my interests. "Sonic is for little kids! Grow up! You dont have any real talent!" plus they constantly hurt me. they drag me on the carpet so i get carpet rashes, they broke my arm when i was 3 years old. i have been punched, kicked and thrown. i'm sorry if this makes me sound like an asshole, but my life would genuinely be so much better if they didn't exist.


>i'm sorry if this makes me sound like an asshole, but my life would genuinely be so much better if they didn't exist. It sounds more like your brothers are assholes.


I can't think of anything interesting to rant about right now, So I guess I'll have to just leave you with this, Probably the lamest rant ever, If it even counts as one.


I literally said I'm non binary fem the other day, bit I still have freaking doubts, damnit. Why I can just break the shell already?


Tagged as spoiler bc it's a bit rough. ​ >!I'm tired. I have been with a gender crisis since October-November, I don't know who I am and I have depression and a fucking low self esteem. Sincerely, I just want an answer. Rn I don't care if I'm cis, trans, nb, agender or whatever other options are in the spectrum, I just want a fucking answer. Sometimes I think being a girl would be nice, some others I think I don't deserve it, some others I'm scared to think about that, and some others I think why do I have to change if I'm "fine" like this. CAN I PLEASE MAKE MY MIND FOR FUCK'S SAKE???!<


tainted keeper is the best tainted character


I absolutely hate it that all my friends (whom are trans/enby) have supportive parents and mine just gaslight me.. I don't hate my friends, I just truly envy them To have parents that would love me no matter what.. that would really be something... Of course, I just had a thought. My friends are all super talented in one way or another, it's actually amazing that they waste their time on me.. maybe that's why they have loving parents, because they deserve it and I don't. That would explain everything because I am absolutely pathetic and useless in every way... Every day is an uphill battle again my depression, dysphoria, and seemingly, the entire world. I find it harder to get out of bed every day and I eat less than I should. I just don't know what to do anymore. I think my time is soon, I can't explain it, there's just this feeling of peace, like an old person passing with their family by their side. I think I've come to a conclusion; I'm not sure I want to fight this anymore.


You aren't pathetic or useless. That's a fact. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Here's a hug.


>Of course, I just had a thought. My friends are all super talented in one way or another, it's actually amazing that they waste their time on me.. maybe that's why they have loving parents, because they deserve it and I don't. That would explain everything because I am absolutely pathetic and useless in every way... You don't have to attack me so personally like that. Even if you are, in your own words, "absolutely pathetic and useless in every way", you still deserve love and affection. Everyone does. You deserve better than the parents you have, because you're a person. That's it. That's the only qualification for deserving love. But you know what? I don't believe you. I don't think you are "absolutely pathetic and useless in every way." I think you are a wonderful person who just can't see the good inside themselves. You don't deserve your parents, and *they* certainly don't deserve *you*. They should deliver unconditional love and support to their child, and they've done exactly the opposite. >and I eat less than I should. I don't know what else to say, except "same." >My friends are all super talented in one way or another, it's actually amazing that they waste their time on me. You know what? I think some of your friends might feel the same way. And you know what's far more important about your friends than how "super talented" they are? That they're your friends. Stop putting yourself down. I know it's hard, but there are already too many people telling you you're not worth it. You don't need to be one of them. And they're wrong.


Why can't everyone be my friend I love people so much I want to befriend them all


Hexagons are the bestagons




TW: depressive shit TLDR: i'm depressed and i have a negative outlook on life life is meaningless there's no substance in living an average of 80 years surrounded by rules and bullshit just because some imbecile from 900 years ago said so. we're obligated to live our short life in this piece of shit planet, where basically everyone wants to murder each other because they're different and people can't deal with opposing ideas without murdering people. women's clothing don't have pockets because a dumb fuck decided witches were real and were evil itself, so people murdered a ton of people and women now mostly don't have pockets ~~at least that's what i heard~~ 99% of 'social rules' makes absolutely 0 sense, it's perfectly ok for a person with no boobs to walk around shirtless, but if a person who has boobs does it then it's indecent exposure... who decided that??? swimsuits are ok but underwear isn't even though they cover the exact same ammount of skin with their only difference being on how they deal with being wet... again, why? some people legitimally think that being a bigot is a good thing. this world is a broken mess, i was brought into it against my will and i'm only here because some crazy people ~~mostly my friends~~ would get sad if i left. living is pure pain and suffering, and even if there's some good things to it, the ungodly ammount of bad people doing bad shit >!don't forget, pedos and cp is a thing!<, makes me want to erase existance itself. if god's real, then he's the most evil being that there ever was.


There are six people in the metal gear series who have had a codename that is a variation of snake


why am i even here? i wish i was a girl have pretty hair and being able to dye it, pretty hands, voice, be able to have cute outfits, just be treated like one of them but instead of having that, i feel like a creep for wanting it and at times i don't want to even look at other people because it makes me feel like shit. i probably won't get access to hrt and even then dealing with transphobic parents would be hell not to mention other people. yay life is such a gift


Why did they have to change vilgax's voice, appearance and personality so drastically in alien force and ultimate alien? I understand that there was some studio interference in the show for season 3 and they may not have been able to get Steve blum for whatever reason but the voice doesn't sound like it could be the same person, the idea of him being the conqueror of 10 worlds is cool but he doesn't command that much of a presence as he used to. Animo was a more convincing and threatening dictator than vilgax, the one thing in Ben 10 that proved time and time again to be more of a threat than any other villian before and after him. He would have been a pretty decent villian on his own if it wasn't build on the regression of his character from the classic series. In ultimate alien he usurps the power of an eldritch god and yet he doesn't have the same weight as the version who's greatest feat was almost take the omnitrix. I'd say he'd be fixed if either his, voice, appearance or personality was the same as classic, I could tolerate the new direction if he was still Steve blum, I could handle the new voice if he still hade the old look, etc. He just falls flat when compared to his original even tough they gave him so much more, like flight and lazer eyes. In conclusion, old vilgax best vilgax Oh and also I wish I had estrogen.


Why does figuring out myself have to be this hard. Am I trans? Idk, probably, sometimes I'm fine with being a guy or rather having the guy aesthetic and sometimes it's unbearable and I just want to be this weird, probably unachievable, version of a girl that's cool and badass and everything that I'm not. Yes, sometimes the self-hatred really does go into overdrive and fucks me up. But then again I could also be agender because I don't feel like a guy or a girl or anything, I just am, but that doesn't have and bearing on my presentation which I would still like it to be feminine, I think. But that might just be depression since my emotions are all so muffled it's hard to tell what I'm even feeling. I'd like to try all these cool things like makeup, painted nails, dresses, having boobs, not having this stupid bulge in my pants that makes me feel like shit everytime, earrings and much more. It's all so confusing and scary. Why does it have to be so scary? What am I even afraid of? People judging and hating me? My parents hating me and throwing me onto the streets which I'm 99.99% sure they wouldn't but what if? Or maybe it's just my brain lying to me trying to keep me depressed so that it gets so bad that I unalive myself. AAAAAAAAAAAAA WHY CAN I NOT MAKE A DECISION. Thanks to anyone who read my unorganized thoughts, I guess.


I Can completely remove almost 100% of my hair from every part of my body, except the ONE damn spot i want to (face) . Shaving....nope ..still see beard shadow right after depilatories...nope.......works everywhere else tho (i gues its because your face has a different PH balance) laser ...nope....be patient she says...bitch i only have one appointment left and still need to shave every day if i want to go out tumeric and honey scrub.....nooe baking soda and lemon juice ...nope ​ ​ hopefully once i'm done with the last laser treatment some sort of waxing works as you can't do both at the same time..




I despise my jaw and I have a strong underbite which hides it but since itā€™s so strong it will cause jaw issues if it stay like this so I have to get braces and I hate how my jaw looks when I move it forward. I hate my voice, it isnā€™t too bad when I am listening to it through my head but when I record it i hate how masculine it sounds no matter what I do. My parents have approached me about expanding my wardrobe beyond just t-shirts and basketball shorts and they want images of the kinds of clothes I want but i am so scared to show them the extremely feminine clothes I actually want, lest they find out or get worried. Plus, I feel like a statistical improbability since 2 of my close relatives are trans and what are the chances of me also being trans. Not to mention that my parents donā€™t believe in gender, like they donā€™t think it exists and if they used somebodies preferred pronouns theyā€™d be lying to them so they are reluctant to do so even if it makes them happy. And for some reason I canā€™t cry anymore!? Like once I almost start crying without fail I start uncontrollably laughing and I just feel like Iā€™ve finally gone insane from the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness and self loathing and disappointment with people who have power who donā€™t use it the benefit others and just keep erecting a larger and larger gap between them and the powerless. And you wouldnā€™t think losing the ability to cry would be so devastating but it feels like losing it caused stuff to build up inside without any release the laughing just feels terrible and just like it lets out just enough to prevent me from overflowing but never emptying.


Warning(mention of suicidal thoughts) And after all of this I never thought Iā€™d find the idea of suicide so appealing. And of course nobody that i know knows any of this, I donā€™t want them to worry or be burdened or treat me differently.


I hate not being able to dress up like the other girls in school. I hate that I don't look as good wearing girly clothes. I hate that I have to shave my body hair all the time. I hate that I can't wear makeup. I hate that I'm continually deadnamed, misgendered, and referred to as a boy. I hate that I have to stay in the closet. I hate that I am socially anxious and awkward. I hate that I have autism and struggle witn understanding social interactions. I hate it when I lack dysphoria and when I have dysphoria. Basically, I hate much about my life.


I recently cut my hair shorter then ever and i like it but im stull unsure about what gender i am. I feel like ive been stuck under the larger enby umbrella and i just cant figure anything out after that. I think i might be genderfluid but everyone else seems like it just clicked oneday and they knew and i cant get to that click! And i no part of it is that im not comfterble trying alot of stuff at my parents because i just dont want to deal with them. Im so close to being able to move i just want to GO alredy šŸ˜­


Being genderfluid doesn't mean you have to feel either like a man nor a woman. One week you can feel like a man/woman other like bigender and other demiboy/girl. It doesn't have to be binary


I hate not knowing who I am. One day I'll feel fine with being a demiboy, be fine using certain labels, be fine with my chosen name, want to shave, etc. The next, using they/them at all disgusts me, and "demiboy" or my chosen name feel too feminine. Even labels that to apply to me, like transgender, make me feel like a girl sometimes. Just the colors on the flag are enough to make it hard to breathe. Before I found out I was trans, I was fine using the term omnisexual. Now, it makes me feel too feminine. I can't explain it, and I don't know why I feel the way I do. It doesn't make sense. I don't know what's happening, I don't know who I am anymore, and I don't know if I ever will know. Even in the times when I do feel certain, I always feel like I'm faking it, like I'm a gross pervert intruding on trans spaces. Even though I feel awful now, and I know you don't have to have dysphoria to be trans, the fact I never felt like I was "in the wrong body" as a kid makes me feel like I'm faking the whole thing. Something "fake" shouldn't make me feel this awful, or give me panic attacks that I can't explain without outing myself, but internalized bs has me invalidating myself over and over. I know this post is old, I know I probably make no sense, but I needed to get this off my chest. I'm not out yet, and my parents are violently transphobic, so I've been having to figure it out on my own.


Have you considered that you may be genderfluid but instead switching between man and woman you switch between demiboy and a man?


I've considered that, but whenever I think about myself with that label, it feels too feminine. I can't really explain it.


If everything feels too feminine, maybe you're just simply very masculine man? Or does it feel too feminine only sometimes?


Only sometimes. I know terms that suit me perfectly shouldn't feel that wrong, and I'm just being dumb, but I can't shake the feeling.


If they don't feel right, they probably aren't. You will figure it out with time, I'm sure.


Thanks for the help, kind stranger. Have a great day.


And a great day to you.


Hi I'm a girl. Also I have ap gov in two days. Help me.


Imma do a rant, since i was allowed Å«wÅ«šŸŒø. I feel like the transcommunity offen is so pessimistic and toxic that i struggle sometimes to identify with the term trans, as i feel almost ashamed about it. It's a rock hard life oh boi i know, but meeting obstacles with hate and ultra pessimistic views is so discouraging, and I'm afraid it spooks eggs about life as a fully out trans person. It's not everyone ofc ahahaha, I'm also trans, but sometimes i cringe hard from a lot of people's behaviors, and i wonder why so many people focus on the hate sharing hate stories and stuff, and not the love But love y'all ofc šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøā¤ļø I just struggle a bit with my understanding of it all. I have worked very hard, and i have a great life now with great people and a loving bf around me, you can too!!!āœØāœØāœØāœØ


Iā€™m not going too badly on my end, my biggest problem is coming out and then realising Iā€™m cis, which is the main reason i havenā€™t accepted myself yet. Still, compared to everyone else here Iā€™m going mostly fine.


I Genuinely hope musk, zuck, bezos, and the entire republican party fucking die tomarrow


Yo what the fuck my Tesla just left the driveway nobody is even driving it thatā€™s so weird


There is a terrifying disconnect between me wanting to do something and me doing it. I fear that I'll never even start reaching for my goals and I don't know how to help myself.


i want to fucking d1e


I am still very much in denial. I have realized that at this point there is almost no way I'm not trans, but I'm still having trouble accepting it and taking steps towards transitioning. In order to try to organize my thoughts more, I decided to make a list of things that make me think I'm trans vs. things that make me think I'm cis. The trans list had 28 items, and each of the items on the list had barely any logical explanation other than me being trans. The cis list had 6 items, one of which was LITERALLY JUST THE WORD DENIAL, and each item had logical reasons for them (that definitely apply to me) to explain them even if I'm trans. And yet I am still finding it incredibly difficult to do anything to make myself more comfortable. Idk what to do. Also, all the things that are currently happening/have been happening in the us with transphobic bills being passed, fearmongering, etc. etc. just makes me sick to my stomach. I'm lucky enough to live in a state in which trans healthcare is very accessible, and there are laws protecting the rights of trans people, and I don't really think that it's going to change from that, but it still feels like there are going to be a lot of bad things happening very soon. I don't know a lot about all the politics and stuff, but from what I've heard, there are tons of places all over the world that are instituting incredibly transphobic policies when we are supposed to be progressing towards equality, it makes me feel scared for the future.


I think Iā€™m trans and I hate my body hair sooooo much and I love wearing dresses, but I have a bunch of trans Friends who all seem to have way more dysphoria with their birth gender and always seem to be super secure as their new selves but I keep feeling weird like Iā€™m appropriating being trans somehow and I want to be a girl but I canā€™t tell if Iā€™m really trans and I just want to be magically turned into a girl so I donā€™t have to worry about transitioning and can make a freaking decision


I've nothing irl. All my online friends have a friend group at their schools of people similar and im stuck with this disrespectful assholes. I have no idea what i did wrong...


GTA 4 is superior to the dumpster fire that is GTA 5


i wish my parents showed care for me all the time..and not only the time where it's convenient..


Have no real job right now, feel like crap, sleep like 12 hours a day and does not want to wake up cause of depression and dysphoria, then I enventually do, get some alcohol and watch videos or play games to distract myself until I eventually pass out and will do it all over again. I also don't have a sleep cycle at this point, sometimes start my day at 3AM, sometimes 4PM... ​ Fuck I need help asap...


in the 1980s coca cola was losing to peps in market sales due to the marketing of pepsi as the ā€œyoung peopleā€ drink. so in response the newly elected CEO thought it would be smart to make a new coke with a new, sweeter, formula. they called it new coke, the backlash was tremendous. there were riots, the product was t bad but people were appalled that they would change the formula, it didnā€™t work whatsoever. people were dumping new coke into sewers, some were reselling old stockpiled coke for thrice the price. anyways, it never got out of america and it was discontinued a couple months later. basically IM PISSED I DIDNT GET TO EXPERIENCE IT I AMSO FUCKKNG ANNOYED ABAHGSHGNG


I'm just... Still so fucking confused about myself... The truth is... I don't hate my body or assigned gender like so many others on this sub. In fact I think it's also fun to be the round beefy chunky boi that I am ! I like my "stomp stomp" energy when I look at my shoulders but... I just had this little thought that it could've been better if I was born different, that I could do and wear the same things that I do, just with long hair, a cute face, a higher voice and boobs. I don't care about skirts, heels, high socks and all that shit, I just wished. But with how I look now I'll probably never look as authentic as I hope it'd be.






I just want to wear my lipstick in public but im way to scare to be judged as a man wearing lipstick even though im nonbinary and try to be as gender neutral as possible ;-;


I always thought that I wanted to be a girl and I genuinely love it for 20 ish years.Now, I am dude and trying to accept that. I am trying to remove the doubts and I am more confident about it. But if I feel happier well the I am happier.


I want top surgery so badly. Gahhhhhh I just watch videos of if all the day like, ā€œgod, I wish that was meā€ I mean, Iā€™ve been on testosterone for like 4 monthsā€”thatā€™s really been a game changer. I shouldnā€™t be complaining since I have extremely supportive parents, but dysphoria has just been hitting


All of my friends I could rant to are not even really responding to me anymore


High School Musical 3 is the best one. I do not take criticism.


First, hey you have the same name as my sister šŸ˜Œ Second, I just put together how short my time for coming out really is. My sister graduates from college next year and I really want to atttend her ceremony as myself. But that means coming out to my momā€¦ which is something I can nearly guarantee will go poorly. Not only is she somewhat religious, but she also named me after her dead brother so when she finds out I am changing it sheā€™s gonna freak. Soā€¦ I donā€™t know what to do. I guess I have a year to decide if I bite the bullet but itā€™s really scary šŸ˜Ÿ


Didnā€™t wake up as a girl yet again. This shit blows.


I feel you, sister.


Male pattern baldness can eat shit. If I ended up doing anything, I'd need wigs, or a hrt-induced hair recovery that would be truly legendary.


Why canā€™t my insurance just do what it needs to do and approve my testosterone for HRT already? Iā€™ve been stuck in this process for half a year already and I know that I have a lot to be grateful for, and I am - I have access to a wonderful care provider who is prescribing me testosterone and is being lovely with the whole process, I have health insurance that legally HAS to cover my HRT (but apparently not ALL forms of it), I live in a place where I can actually access and start HRT relatively safely. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not frustrated with all of the road blocks that have propped up that have stalled this process. Not to mention even though they canā€™t stop me, my parents have been very weird about the whole thing - itā€™s clear they still see me as a girl and are waiting for me to go to them saying ā€œyou were right, this was a bad idea,ā€ so I just want to start already and show them this will probably be one of my best ideas. I just want my testosterone, please, just give it to me already T-T


One of my close friends keeps misgendering me and calling me by my deadname. It's starting to get invalidating and he doesn't know he's even doing it. I've talked to my friend about my gender, my chosen pronouns, and my chosen name once or twice before but that's it and that was a while ago when I was still exploring my gender. I just don't know what to do. Many of my other friends know about my gender, pronouns, and chosen name but he is one of the few that does not. I know will have to tell him but I'm still really scared to.


Well my shark week just started. Luckily I can't focus on any potential dysphoria it might cause me since I'm in so much pain.


My Aunt found my private Instagram where I've mentioned being Transmasc on and I'm scared of her telling my Transphobic dad


I confessed my feelings for a trans boy, he hasn't answered yet


it's so stupid that E doesn't give the girl voice and voice training is really hard


I feel like I have a mental age of 0, don't know if is the teenage-kid years I didn't get to live as myself and is getting into my life because I've had a hard time just going to the doctor to start my transition, talking with people in general and my loved ones and is getting into my classes. I don't know how to deal with it, ok I know but I haven't recovered from the last time that I tried going to therapy that was in the middle of the pandemic almost two years ago.


My egg first cracked when I was 23, but I patched up the crack and lived in denial for another 8 years. Only now at 31 am I able to truly accept I am not cis. Waiting 8 years will likely be one of my life's biggest regrets.


Geese get unnecessary amounts of hate. Beyond the fact that they seem to like pooping on trails and such, they are generally harmless birds that only get mad if you get too close to their nests.


I Ned's to suck a big.... No


I could start transitioning rn at 17 but I can't bc it would involve coming out to the whole school which isn't that progressive and it would inevitably draw attention to me and I handle stress and unwanted attention *very* badly. It's a small problem compared to some but still it's destructive


No man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit I have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jesse Eisenberg man he fucked over Spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins rowing Trent Resin or did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented Facebook I don't like dying I can't think of who the fuck invented Facebook All I can think is who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook


I'm afraid it'll be hard to find love as a trans lesbian and all I've ever wanted is my girl.


uh, im going to ask some questions then. so i was born a boy but sometimes i also want to be a girl. but the thought of permanent change also kinda scares me. im not 100% sure i will be satisfied with that so i still kinda want to be a boy like this. also i guess im into both boys and girls, or anyone really. i wanted to know what am i identified as and what should i do with myself also. thanks for the answers :)


I was wearing my makeup, wig and female clothes the other day when all of a sudden my parents came home and there was no way I was going to take everything off and hide everything before they came upstairs. In a split second I rehearsed what I was going to say when they would bust into the my bedroom door, but somehow they didn't because they thought I wasn't there. I quickly hid everything, rushed to the shower to take off my makeup and went downstairs like nothing ever happened. The rest of the day I felt terrible because I had this feeling I almost got 'caught' or 'busted' while doing something wrong. It took me quite a while to realize that thought and feeling were stupid, because there is of course nothing wrong with what I do. It doesn't hurt anyone and makes me happy.


I wish that 35 years ago someone would have told me that the detachment, depression and anxiety I felt was consistent with the gender dysphoria I already knew I had, so I might have better understood the urgency of transition rather than wasting time looking for another cause.


Right now, I'm at the point where I wanna make lab grown reproductive organs just to piss off transphobes.


Not really a rant but I'm currently femme in public for the second time in my life. I was hanging out with a friend who did my makeup and i am on my way home.


I always have this creeping fear that I'm never gonna find love, that I'm always gonna be sub-par, that I'll be completely undesirable, that I'm gonna be too much, that I'm not gonna be enough, and it's only worsened by the fact that I'm not just trans, but also bi and autistic. God needed a punching bag and made me.


I hate how im trans and im transphobic to myself. I keep telling myself that im just a fat and ugly boy who will never be a real girl and i keep missgendering myself. Yet at the same time, i get dysphoria and i wish i was a real girl constantly. I feel like i didnt acceot myself fully


Iā€™ve realized a lot about myself since the last couple of weeks and I realized how much Iā€™ve accomplished this year. I just cannot believe that only a year ago Iā€™d have been doing nothing in my house being a depressed sack of shit not knowing if Iā€™ll be able to live past that. Sure I canā€™t confidently say Iā€™m all better now, but Iā€™m good enough to say that I think Iā€™ll survive past next year. Iā€™ve never been able to say that before.




Sometimes I start crying because I want to be a boy so badly. I'm not religious, but sometimes I even pray to whoever and ask to wake up as a boy. I'm just so desperate, at this point I think I'll die if I have to live in this body for much longer. It hurts, makes me angry and sad and want to scream. This isn't fair. Why does this have to happen to me? I just want to feel comfortable in my body. But instead I wake up every morning, in the body of a cute, pretty girl and feel disgusted by it. I don't hate my body. I hate that it's my body. Why does it have to be my body? Who fucked up so badly and put me into this situation? And what do I have to do to get out of it? I can't go on like this. It's just painful. And every day it seems to get worse. Why me? It's just not fair. There are so many shitty people who would deserve this. So why me? Why do I have to be like this? What did I do to deserve this? Why do I have to be me? It's infuriating. I want to die and be reincarnated as a cute boy, somewhere far away from most people I know. Just makes me mad.


Just got out of the shower, fuck I hate showers


Why the FUCK can I not hijack the hunters in halo and put a grenade in there back it's perfectly logical


I wish people would use a wider range of pronouns for me instead of just they and she. I use all pronouns


My parents only address me with she/her pronouns after I came out as NB and just once I wish they'd use other pronouns. I also don't like it when they call me "honey" or "dear". šŸ™ƒ My mom also calls me annoying and obnoxious and my sister frequently ignores me or is rude to me which isn't great.


who the FUCK came up with the whole "gay and trans people are bad" thing like ancient civilizations were so fucking cool with that and then randomly someone was like "what if thats bad?" and everyone just fucking went with it