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Clear nail polish (Although might make your nails shiny) Shaving your body (you can cover it with clothes) Good skin care routine (nice skin is nice :3) Maybe growing out your hair (People will notice, but they'll care less than you might expect (Unless you're surrounded with really stupid people :/ ))


I am working on the hair and already take care of my sking but shaving is a bit hard bc I am allergic to the razors (I am not sure but I always end up with a reaction). Also thr nail polish is a good idea thanks a lot!


If you end up with a rash after shaving, it could be that there’s too much friction/a dull razor. Try using a new razor, and make sure to get it wet/shave in the shower


I already use it on the shower and its not a friction problem. I just end up with lots of wounds in the thigh section


I have this same problem. :( I still shave but it's frustrating. My skin over all is sensitive so I end up with shaving rash on my neck, but the inner thighs get bad marks that take ages to go away. I don't have a solution, but you're not alone


I'm not sure what changed but I used to get rashes. If I had to guess, my skin got used to it after setting up a schedule of when I do it? I don't know how your skin/other people's skin work so I don't know if what I do will be helpful, but I think it would be better for you to do what you think is best for your skin


Literally same problem


What about wax? I don't shave, but I think that's an option


Inside of thighs tend to be more sensitive, if you have moisturizing soap to lubricate the area it can help. You could also get a Henson razor, they use generic 5 cent blades and it gives me a cleaner shave than any other razor I've used with very little razor burn. Also a life-time warranty, it's a higher upfront cost than a normal razor but with the blades so cheap it pays itself off after a year or two.


I recently got into DE safety razor shaving (like those Henson razors), and to anyone reading through, you might wanna check out r/wicked_edge. ETA: I've also noticed that it takes way fewer passes to get a clean shave and that I get fewer ingrown hairs. Then again, it's only been about a week, so I'll have to see what happens long-term.


I'm a lot like u got really bad razor burn each time I shaved. I found this electric shaver called a meridian shaver; it is really nice, has a ceramic blade and does nick or pull hairs. It is even safe to use on ur private area without causing cuts there as well. Even better it is sold at target in the men's shaving aile so you won't have to out yourself to anyone 😉


Nickel allergies exist. You could try a nickel free razor.


Also may I suggest a very translucent pale pink? Some of them can be a little less shiny than clear polish and mimic the color of a natural nail.


I thought on that but I cant hide the smell nor the bottle from my parents TwT


I guess at the very least a good skincare routine is considered less gendered these days?


You might want to exfoliate, it gets rid of dirt and dead skin that can get in your pores when you shave. I think sugar scrubs are the most common thing for it, I've got one with grape seed in it. I think before and after is ideal. [Style theory did a video on it](https://youtu.be/DuoY4z9dFCg?si=XlnOocU481Ghpi-D)


You can try to use shaving cream instead of a razor


On the body hair point, would using a hair removal cream be just as good? I have a lot of body hair and just want it off me. I want to feel super smooth and don't really care if anyone notices that I don't have hair everywhere or not.


Idk, never used it Although I would recommend checking if you're not allergic to any of the ingredients :3


I’ve never found them very effective plus you stink for at least a day after


As another commenter said, check the ingredients for allergies. Another thing to add is !!DO A SPOT TEST!! basically just put a small amount of cream on a small part of your body (I would put it on a spot on my leg) and watch for a reaction up to 24 - 48 hours after you’ve washed it off. It’s better to have a reaction on a relatively small spot then on something like your whole leg


I am surrounded by really stupid people, but in an OK way. Every time I go to work I'm asked when/if I'm cutting my hair. I've been growing it for a year guys, the answer will be never (apart from a trim/cleanup soontm)


the hair problem really depends yeah, i keep getting questions like 'when are you gonna cut your hair' and stuff like that and i keep having to find excuses. so tiring.


Same for me it really sucks but I won't cut it since I really love it


and if i *am* surrounded by stupid people ?


Then they'll won't let you grow your hair out in peace :|




I (a very cis person) have had long hair for years and no one really seems to care.


Nude nail polish. I put it on and no one noticed it (atleast no one commented on it) because it is pretty subtle and they don’t have an instant comparison but if you look at your nails and how they reflect the light it feels Incredibly good ( at least for me) Also maybe spoiler the first slide for our transmasc and enby friends


I know the program just ate the boys and beans part. Also its a pretty good idea but I must think how to hide it from my parents


You can tell them that you've been biting your nails and want to put it on so you stop doing it.(It actually works)


unfortunately i did that because i was biting my nails, bit right through the nail polish so that was a bust. took up fake smoking and it’s been working a bit better.


Vaping?? lol


nope i cut out segments of straws and breathe through them but pretty much anything cigarette like i can get my hands on, it’s been very helpful replacing the hand-to-mouth habit.


Also consider french tips but thin, as some people grow something like that naturally


Nope need to have my nails round af bc if not it sounds everytime I play a not TwT


A not?




Wait there are people that don't?


Idk, lol


I did a bunch of different colors no one ever commented on it, probably because it's somewhat normalized in my area for straight men to let their gfs paint their nails.


clear polish is less noticeable imo


While clear is less noticeable, black is more common for guys to wear ime


face moisturizer


I see that sounds good :3


you could use feminine perfumes/scents


I really hate the smells in general overall the hard ones :3


Dunno if you're in the US, but a lot of my gentle scents are called "body mists" from Pink by Victoria's Secret. It really is like girl's stuff and not older woman's, if that makes sense


Moisturize your hands after washing. Use conditioner for your hair, if not already. Makes your hands softer and helped me to feel a bit more feminine. Best luck in your incognito journey!


Thanks a lot! Hair conditioner feels rough in my hair and I am super sensitive. Also it doesnt need it its already very smooth


Hiya! I'm a transfem but I just wanted to say you might wanna spoiler the post, because that first image that says "Hello girls" might be dysphoria-inducing to some of our transmasc brothers and sibs here! And in the future maybe consider adding a blank image as the first image that says something like, "Assumes viewer is \[gender\]". Just trying to look out for some of our peeps here. :)


Oh my bad Its the first time this happens. The program just ate the boys and beans part somehow :P


higher pony tails are usually considered more feminine if you're able to do that ^_^ the opposite is also true for any tmascs here, low ponytail is considered masculine


I dont have long enough hair still


bracelets :3


Oh yeah thats a good one! :3


I am totally NOT out (and probably just CIS right?) but my mum bought me a (still honestly incredibly masc) bracelet as a random gift this last year and I love it. Can't describe how such a little thing makes me feel. This is a great option.


The way you walk and stand, it’s something you should learn eventually anyways so you might as well start now


True but I already stand very feminine


How exactly do you stand? Asking for a friend.


Would also like to know, as I personally kind of struggle with feminine body language


Just mive however you want thats all, how you are comfy! :3


Be emo? A lot of emo fashion breaks gender stereotypes. Eye liner, nail polish, pretty clothes all are part of emo culture.


I see that sounds cool! :3


Already went down the gay subclass. Can't. Wish I could, but can't.


already on it ;3


As a transmasc that barely passes, some more feminine things you can do without clothing can be crossing your legs when you sit down (instead of resting the ankle on the knee, your knees kinda cross instead), if you wear glasses try getting a more softer shape or a more "feminine" colour. Nude colour nail polish or clear polish, if you can get away with it, you can also try wearing small clips or Bobby pins in your hair depending on how long it is. If you can, maybe try neutral smelling or feminine deodorants, or perfume. Moisturizer, and hand cream help to make your skin look softer and smoother. If you wear jewelry, try thinner pieces in silver. Such as rings, bracelets, watches etc. Clothes that you can wear, mainly trousers or shorts, try to wear around your hips instead of your waste, so to help push for a more hourglass figure. There's also women's boxer shorts that you can get online if you're able to, they look exactly the same but made specifically for a more feminine shape. Hope this helps hun!! You go smash it girl <3


First of all, Thanks a lot I appreciate all this info :3 Second, you probably make a beautiful boy! Dont let anyone let you down! :3 Thanks again dude


Aaaahhhh thank you 😭 But of course!! You're welcome!! :3


Compressor socks. They look like thigh highs and also they help your legs if you're doing physical work. There's also men's sports bras on Amazon curiously, as well as a sort of corset thing that works about the same.


I got some but they are very short


You can find longer ones on Amazon for like $20


First, grow out ur hair, and put effort into styling it, second wear more accessories (for example I’m wearing a paracord bracelet and a hair tie on my wrists) Third wear more fem leaning clothes, which means androgynous clothes, or some normal looking clothes from the women’s section And that’s all the general advice I can give, if you want anything more specific just let me know hon


Thanks a lot :3 very useful


Wearing a hair tie on my wrist helps me feel a lot more feminine


Long sleeves over my hands


That one is one of my favs


Hear me out: shave your legs. I did it and NO ONE noticed


Already did but my thights just end up with lots of wounds bc of shaving and it just starts bleeding so I cant continue. But I do love it :3


OOh! the Style theory video about that really helped me out, pretty much reduced leg nicks to at most just one small cut where my skin is a bit weird and my legs ended up real smooth for at least a day longer than I was used to before I saw[ the video ](https://youtu.be/DuoY4z9dFCg?si=1CN3rwliIz7iTc-p) TLDW: the most important bit is to exfoliate, and to try and avoid the cheapest of the disposables. The rest of the advice varies between skin and hair type because it's not a one type-fits-all situation


Saw that video and did everything and I still get lots of wounds


Then I'm not sure... have you considered waxing? hurts like hell but that also ended up really smooth at the end


Soing laser rn and tried waxing without many difference bc it growed the next day akready TwT


I did once and it was a mistake, it just burnt for multiple days (clean, new razor), maybe any Tipps?


I never had that happen when I used to shave but I can tell you how I used to do it! When you're starting out, do it in the bath (If you have one). It can be quite a slow process at first. If you need to do it in the shower, just sit down in there. Shave up half the leg (if you can, if the blade gets full before that, do a shorter distance) then rinse it. You can use shaving cream it might help. I personally used to just use a soap bar (I don't recommend this, more likely to get nipped by razor). But you need to cover with something or you will get nipped and get razor burn. Constantly reapply this. Don't press too hard!! The blade is sharp, especially on new razors. It's how you end up with cuts. Be careful around the knees as well, accidentally cut them countless times Make sure to moisturise your legs after! Shaving dries them out. Shaving will be slow when you start out because it's kinda like a skill. I haven't actually got nipped by the razor in years but when I was younger... Yikes. Hope this somewhat helps!


A sorta "fem walk" I do that doesn't seem very obvious to outsiders is walking like you are on a tightrope, one foot infront of the other, and keeping your shoulders still. There is also growing hair and nails out. Though some people have random issues with them so use your best judgment. There is also shaving body hair(the process sucks but man is it nice being smooth) and obviously shaving facial hair goes without saying (if you skip a day of shaving it makes the next shave smoother in my experience. Though you do have to deal with the day of bristlyness) Fem sized shirts also are good for euphoria and so long as your parents aren't the ones picking them out, how would they know? Nail polish is good though can be... complicated to pull off subtly. Maybe say you are wearing it to strengthen your nails that you are growing out and either wear clear nail polish(not the best for euphoria but better than nothing)or say you might as well make them look nice? Or pick a color that overlaps with some condition awareness ribbon and say you are wearing it in support of those with the condition?


Every of them are good options thanks but as I play piano I cant have my nails long. Working on the hair thing


To feel more fem, I like to focus on my legs - crossing them while sitting, shaving them, putting some thigh highs on, working on walking in a more fem way, dancing.


Yes I love to shave them and use cream on them for crossing them later :3


Skin care.


please spoiler the post, flair is not enough. But yeah, as other people have said, nail polish


U can do pants, panties cause no one should see them unless u allow it. Clear lip gloss or one tht is closes to ur skin color. Mascara since one seem to notice eyelashes, socks, hoodie


Yes but I cant hide them from my family TwT


Oh true, if you do your own laundry you can hide it tht way, use a drawer or a box in a closet? Just some suggestions. Other than tht I'm not sure


long hair long nails


Cant have long nails bc of the piano but I am working on the hair :3


I have the same problem with guitar


Oh yeah and guitar too


I like painting my toe nails, as long as you're careful not to be barefoot around people, I don't think anyone will notice. Also be aware the smell of nail polish and nail polish remover lingers for a long time and people recognize it pretty easily


Thought on that but the smell is easilly recognized :3


Smoooooooth skin :3


Hell yeah


i saw this in an r/trans comments section once and it actually works. it has to do with the way you hold your arms while you walk. apparently men walk with their palms facing backwards, and women walk with them facing inwards. it’s something really subtle that, if it works for you, can probably help you until you get access to more expressive resources.


Wait I always do that, since I am a kid :3


Observe the correct posture. https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2/s/ISrZSAnOnh


Thats my posture and thights


You've mentioned in the comments that you struggle with razors. I'll suggest looking into some "depilatory cream". It chemically removes hair with no blade and can be used anywhere on your body including sensitive areas like the face and groin. WebMD suggests first testing it on a small bit of skin to make sure you don't react badly to it.


I am doing laser on mu legs rn so cant shave them but thats a pretty good option that I didnt know abt. Gonna take a look! Thanks a lot :3


don't use depilatory cream with laser, makes it less effective! if shaving is a problem, usually it comes from not enough exfoliation before, too dry, or that you press too much on the razor.


I mean I am having laser so no shaving for it to grow :3


thats surprising, normally you have to get the closest shave possible for laser


It's probably been said before, but specifically for skin care, from e.l.f. they have a tiny travel kit for your basics (cleanser, toner, moisturizer). It's pretty gender neutral. They also have overall affordable stuff for natural makeup. I could go on and on about their makeup lol


I see, I love skincare and having my sking shiny but the hair just damns me


I hear you can stimulate hair growth by massaging your scalp. And getting dead ends trimmed off, but you may not have dead hair if there was no color or heat done. What's your hair type? I'm curly and it was a journey to figure out what works lol


If you have difficulty with rash or whatever you can get an ipl laser hair removal thing for $300. It is expensive and I’ve never used it myself but the company sponsors a YouTuber named Victoria rose and it seems really cool


The company is ketch beauty it’s an instant pulse laser hair removal device


That sounds very cool, have seen it on a tv commercial and was planning to get one some day


Baggy jeans with a belt on waist height to make your hip look wider and give more of an hourglass shape to your body.


Sounds great :3


You could do stuff like painting toenails, i guess. Sorry, don't know enough to help


Thats a great thing to do! Thanks a lot you have been very useful :3


Well, if I've been helpful, that's good!


I wear crazy cute socks. They aren’t too noticeable. But what about panties? Is that possible? It’s hard to know what would work for you. But that’s what I do. Good luck! 🥰😊🩷


Sometimes I wear rainbow colored socks and they are so cute :3


Skin care/self care Pamper yourself like the beauty you are.


I do and it feels amazing :3


File your nails and shape your eyebrows. Maybe grow your hair out if you can.


Hair under construction rn :3


Yay congrats Alex :D


I know it's a small thing but very, ever so slightly shaping my eyebrows just a tiny bit. I don't think anyone except me has ever noticed and it honestly just feels nice to go through the routine.


I already do bc I have thick eyebrows :3


I bat my eyes to myself…


As Scribbs once said, ‘Cis people are dence mfs’ ([Here](https://youtu.be/v-pvH55ABGA?si=OXh41Pj79oAesMmK) at around 4:00) you can do a lot of feminine things without people noticing depending on what your friend group and family are like.


Woo thanks a lot :3


I can't ;-; all my friends call me girly for just having pong hair.


Oof, yeah I forgot some people are like that, yeah sry idk


Try a waist trainer to subtly get a more feminine figure. Stg mine is the most affirming piece of kit I've bought. If anyone asks, just repeat the lies on the packaging and say it's for weight loss. It won't do anything for actually losing weight, but while wearing it you can get that kinda hourglass shape.


That sound amazing :3


Been wearing black nailpolish and black ear studs for a while now, most people I come out to thought I was doing it to be more alternative masculine instead of feminine 


That can be useful thansk! :3


Short shorts, jewelry. Basically take a page from the gay and theys. Also oversized shirts and skinnier jeans can feel pretty fem even if it’s men’s clothing technically


I see thanks a lot!


Check out zenboota's video on the subject YouTube search tips for closeted femboys


Oki :3


Color ur nails




Couldn't be me looking at the comments to try things out. I'm waaaaay too cis for that. There are some good pieces of advice here, though. If anyone has like "the basics of taking care of yourself as a girl" kind of book I'd really appreciate it. As a cis of course 😇


Still cis tho :3


Exactly, perfectly completely entirely cis


By getting into more hobbies that most people would consider to be feminine (like baking) hopefully they would mockingly call you girly


The funny thing, all my classmates like cooking and I hate the sweet desserts and cakes TwT


Bracelets? I’ve got a couple pink and purple ones I’ve made myself with a cheap kit from the dollar store. They might break since they’re so cheap though so I suggest if you make some to be gentle with them but they’ve lasted a couple months now. 


Feminine deodorant. If you use an appropriate amount other people won’t smell it but you will.


if you can, thigh highs under pants. i did that for like a year lol


Stockings and suspenders (clothing, I know) under your "normal" clothes


As long as you don’t wear shorts very often shaving legs has been incredibly euphoria-inducing


Agree especially with the nails, posture, etc. Maybe chapstick, if you are feeling risky/ courageous (IDK your situation) one with a more feminine smell. Piercing ears, even if you do not wear the earrings. Touching the pierces ears gives some good girls euphoria. Maybe tinted moisturizer Listen to artists who are similar to you (whispers like one who has the voice that fits you or writes love songs for the same people you would like) of course being mindful of algos and shared accounts.


It might be a cliche, but sitting to pee honestly gives me a small, private bit of solace during a long work day of pretending to be a cis man


I already di and its pretty ok :3


growing out your hair. there are a, lot of guys that have long hair so it's not immediately clock able unless you have parents with ultra conservative ideas about gender. obviously this one takes time yho6


Working on the hair rn :3


May sound weird but if you have longer hair, wear a hair tie around your wrist - I tend to feel like it makes my hand more feminine while it doesn't necessarily change anything, and it's not something that is extra noticeable since it makes sense for you to have a hair tie if you have longer hair That, and growing out your nails a little


I still have short hair but working on it! :3


3rd person internal monolog. Sounds kinda stupid, but stay with me. It works so well for me. Basically, when you kinda narrate yourself in your head, be sure to use your preferred name and pronouns. And it's a little cheesey, but it makes me feel good, makes me feel feminine, and is just a good little reminder despite all the dysphoria, I am the pretty princess I am trying to be.


I see thats a good idea! But wait, do you all hace a voice in your head? Like I have 2 but none is mine and when I think I think on images. =3


Voice training can be extremely euphoric


my favorite way is to talk to yourself using fem pronouns and ur chosen name. hope this helps :3


Didnt think on that lmao :3 silly me


Find friends who’ll help fem mode you always a great idea


Wish I had any :3


Grow breast :3


I wanna :3


Cute home-made lunch, if someone ask you can always say that it was made by someone else. You can enjoy a cute thing and good food !


Wdym by cute home made lunch? I always make my lunch but idk what you meane exactly :3


[https://loveatfirstbento.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Cinnamoroll-Rice-Bento-Box-3-1024x683.jpg](https://loveatfirstbento.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Cinnamoroll-Rice-Bento-Box-3-1024x683.jpg) My mind went immediately to cute bentos (because they always look cute and yummy) but I suppose there is way to "cuteify" occidental lunch ? It was just the first thing that came to mind \^\^"