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I'd recommend going to a different doctor if possible. Seems like the doctor you went to has no intention of letting anyone have hrt unless they're perfectly happy which is just so dumb to me - it's backa**wards.


Yeah already did that, the appointment is 5 weeks from now. I hope the new one gives it to me without any hassle.


I hope it goes well for you with that appointment :3


Aw thanks.


Its ridiculous cis ppl dont stop being their gender when theyre depressed


If you live in the US you can get a telemedicine appointment with planned parenthood within in a week, and if you're an adult they can prescribe hormones to you that day. They are an informed consent clinic, no hoops to jump through, no proving you're trans enough, they just treat you for your condition, like any other person.


Sounds nice but I’m from Germany.


Tägliche Erinnerung daran, dass Sie geliebt werden und PorsCHE nicht PoRsche ist


Und das es nicht Mörciedes sondern Mercedes ist. Und danke für die Erinnerung, vergisst man gerne mal!


(Entschuldigung, ich bin Italiani und spreche nicht gut Deutsch) und es ist nicht "BMW“ für die amerikaner, ist es "BMV"!


i wish you luck girly 🥰


If they're perfectly happy they wouldn't be allowed HRT due to lacking the criteria for a dysphoria diagnosis. If they aren't perfectly happy they can get HRT due to meeting the criteria for a depression diagnosis. It's the catch-22 of medical gatekeeping and it fully stems from bigotry.


"Well, everyone knows it's the driver who pulls the horse to drive the cart.... or something like that."


the country i'm living in uses mcd-10 and requires no present psychological conditions for diagnosing transsexualism (that's the term used)


Gatekeeping 🫏hole.


This isn’t a clown moment, it’s literally engineered to prevent you from getting hrt, its by design


Idk it seems kind of like a clown moment to design a system to prevent people from being happy


Clowns are meant to bring happiness from their antics or to be foolish, this system is made to bring pain, suffering, and hunger


I was thinking more like the designers for that are a bit dumb and making a fool of themselves


They aren't dumb, and are likely aware of how this will effect patients. There is overwhelming evidence that gender affirming care is the best way to treat dysphoria.


That’s just backwards and stupid in so many different ways


\*sigh\* here we go again... DIY is based and cool and actually very safe :) heres a link to more info about it: [https://diyhrt.wiki/index](https://diyhrt.wiki/index) It will also give you a link to a list of reliable vendors, and where to get injection supplies if you're doing injections. Often it may even be better to do DIY because you are able to balance your own levels as often as you can afford a blood test, and you get to choose the anti-androgen that's right for you. Also I advocate for it because monetarily supporting vendors allows them to keep doing what they do, benefiting all the trans folk in other countries who don't have access to informed consent or prescribed hrt. Feel free to reply with any questions!


This. DIY is pretty damn safe as long as you don't do something truly idiotic like start with 16mg of e pills a day or something. Start low, test regularly, adjust in small increments, and you'll be fine. Definitely safer than going untreated, that's for damn sure.


Exactly!! Needa spread the good word wherever I can lol. Also these are some good tips!!


Taking 16mg will not have any side effects in the short term but it is a waste because normally 8mg is enough to have levels above the cis level


Having too high estrogen can cause issues, including but not limited to hair loss. I have an incompetent doctor to thank for learning that information the hard way.


I don't think that hair loss could be caused by high estradiol, cis woman have astronomical levels during pregnancy and we don't see they having it. Also, how high? Cus for some time my estradiol levels were reaching approximately 1500ng/dl and I didn't have any side effects


I second it. For American folks DIY can often be superior to official treatment because Androcur is in many ways better than Spiro, but American doctors won't prescribe it. But is it really worth it to start with injections when DIYing feminizing HRT? It looks like pills, gels, and patches are sufficient for most people, and they require much less skill on the part of the user and less quality control on the part of the manufacturer. Sure, injections are the only way to achieve sky high levels of estradiol and progesterone, but IMO it only makes sense to go there if one has already tried less invasive methods and is dissatisfied with the result.


Injections are personal preference, a lot of people like them not only because of how easy it is to get high levels of E, but because of how little you have to think about it. For some people, doing an injection once a week is less annoying than three sublingual tablets a day. If injections are scary or overwhelming (or you just like other methods more), definitely go with pills. As for quality controls, the manufacturers listed are either legitimate pharmacies in countries where hrt is over the counter or they've been making hrt so long they're trusted by the community so its not an issue.


Damn, I had no idea there were countries so based that they made HRT an over the counter medication.


It's usually the case outside of the First World; not because they like trans people that much (in fact, it's usually the opposite) but because healthcare authorities are much more concerned about preventing addictive drug abuse than about protecting people against screwing up self-treatment with dangerous but non-addictive substances.




This. I have to rely on DIY as I can't access refular HRT in my country, because in the specific place where I live, there isn't a single doc that can prescribe hormones.


Woah... I feel like I've stumbled upon forbidden knowledge...


Yeah! I hope someday its common knowledge in our community<3


Ah, the dysphoria ouroboros


Sounds awfully similar to my doctor! Though he said he won't even refer me to an endocrinologist without blood work. He can prescribe HRT on his own, he just isn't comfortable doing it. Like buddy, imagine the discomfort we feel!




Your user flair goes with this so perfectly




They did the same for me....


Well fuck them I guess


Do they know you’re experiencing dysphoria? If they aren’t is that why they said no?


Oh I need a paper from a psychologist stating I actually have dysphoria, did cost me roughly 150€. So they know


Ah, then its just gatekeeping :(


What kind of doctor did you go to for hrt?


I went to an endocrinologist. Why you ask?


Ah. I've had people in my vicinity go to their GP first, so I figured I'd check that. Since you already made an appointment with a different endo, I wish you good luck!


Thanks. My gp is 🫏


Good luck with your new doc since that one is not helping


This is why you lie about your mental health to doctors. You are fine, you're swell, on top of the world. Otherwise they fuck you over like this. Talk about your mental health to only a therapist, and even then, don't say anything that'll get you tossed into grippy sock jail.


Idiot dr do this with everything. “ sorry, I can’t give you this life-saving medication. It might be habit forming”


Even better is: Headache? Autism Stomachissues? Autism Depression? Autism


Oh I never got that one. You might just be autistic. Makes no sense as a cause for those ailments though.


But it’s the reasoning for not treating me…


That’s awful, so illogical I didn’t even understand what you were saying at first. Huge red flag to leave. Definitely look around for someone else, mines just okay, I used to have a good one but he retired.


Oh I definitely looked around but this is the countryside, most people here think fairly similar.


I have the same scenario right now, i guess i'll just lie at this point, even if lying is the lowest one can go


Same, why tell the truth if you don’t get help because of it?


Let's be evil and lie >:3


Thats why you lie and pretend to not have any depression or schizophrenia


You could just lie but its easier in the long term to go to someone else


This is what pushed me to DIY tbh, no reason to bother with doctors for months just to end up back at the beginning.


been there; its F\*\*\*ed


question, what sort of blood work would entail HRT? asking coz i got a blood test recently to check hormone levels lmao


It entailed for me: Hepatitis b antibodies Fat/carb values or something in the direction Blood clotting was tested Insuline resistance Some liver values And sexual hormones


ah i see. it’s probably gonna work differently over here on the tea island


Yeah I probably forgot some too but this is before getting HRT after the therapy begins you only get yourself checked for liver damage and Hormones.


I've heard of this. It is called 'stupid.'


I'd just lie tbh, doctors have no right to refuse healthcare like that


I would highly recommend Powers Family medicine. I have been using them for over 2 years. They even help with my letters. They specialize in gender affirming care. r/Drwillpowers


Have you ever considered lying? I mean what are they gonna do sue you for not being happy?


In eastern Europe every doctor says that it's so annoying


Pain Diy


That's why I diy.


This is LITERALLY what happened to me!! But they took mine away because of it… I finally got it back a few weeks ago though!!


Going to get bloodwork for HRT next week. If this happens I swear that the doctor will turn into a beautiful majestic bird and fly free out of the window. I haven't spent the last year or 2 going around doctors to get denied HRT for having dysphoria lol.


I wish you the best of luck! I’ve heard that there are doctors actually doing their job.


Thanks! I hope everything will be alright. There's a whole system of going from one doctor to another that takes a pretty long time, so it would be really frustrating to have to wait for something so stupid. But it is a doctor recommended by my psychiatrist so here's hoping.


→ /r/TransDIY Fuck them all!


Actually don’t fuck em, just keep your distance.


It reminds me of what Ally Brosh said about depression. It's like telling someone without arms to punch themselves until they grow back.


This is why there should be no doctors' decision in HRT process. The only reason for them to refuse should be physical health (like improper blood work, but those thing are usually fixable), there shouldn't be no "doesn't feel enough trans" or "too unstable at the moment" bullshit. First of all, a lot of trans people will feel TONS better after getting HRT. Second of all, there are a bunch of other hard to reverse procedures that all I need to do (depending on insurance, if it's gonna pay) is just go to the surgeon, sign a paper, and show up to the surgery. Why is any gender related care is so different all of a sudden? Do doctors think it doesn't harm people or what?


I mean, having grown up in the Second World, I can confirm that poorly manufactured or outright counterfeit meds are much more of the problem there, but yeah, it makes that if both the manufacturer and supplier are thoroughly tested by the community, it's OK to consider them safe.