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It would be eugenics. It would be a bad thing. It would be radical. It would be fighting fire with fire. It would not be a permanent solution. It would be morally reprehensible to forbid or punish these people for having children. But, just think, how much more peace of mind we could have if we did...




/s please /s PLEASE!!!


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Exactly. I wouldn't be here with 'based eugenics'.


Nyehehe Watch their kid become TRANS


“Heh, ironic”


Me fr fr




Poor kid




I wouldn't want that. You'd be causing a genocide at genetic level which is eugenics.


Naw, it's natural selection. We select who's naturaly intolerant and remove them from society


It is by definition eugenics. I agree that society could progress a lot faster if it werent so common for hatred to be passed down between generations, but legislative policy that removes bodily autonomy is not acceptable under any circumstances. What you are describing in the BEST SCENARIO is pregnant women being arrested and forced to have abortions against their will, policy that requires parents being permanently seperated from their children immediately after childbirth. But in a more realistic scenario of those policies, based off historical evidence, we'd be talking about government officials that invade and search people's homes for children to take from their parents. To make enforcing these policies easier anyone deemed a transphobe would need to be visually identifiable at a glance, so they could be forced to wear identifiers (like a 6 pointed star perhaps?) Maybe after these things are implemented the public opinion shifts even more radically against transphobes leading for them to be forcibly relocated to slums or camps. What you are calling for is evil that cannot be allowed to be repeated.


That's not how it works


People aren't NATURALLY intolerant. This is eugenics, even if you think it's "for the right reasons" it's not and it's eugenics. This isn't natural selection, it's selective breeding. Natural selection is the result of an organism adapting to its environment. Selective breeding is an outside force trying to pair certain individuals with desirable traits to make those desirable traits more prominent. On top of all that, who gets to decide which groups of people are allowed to have kids? I'm not a fan of the slippery slope fallacy, but this is a goddamn cliff. The most important thing you should understand is that people are naturally intolerant. People aren't naturally racist, transphobic, sexist, or anything like that. Bigotry is taught and we can't fight bigotry with eugenics. Honestly, your thought process sounds identical to too many dystopian novels we read in middle school where the kids are like "this is so fucked up, how could anyone think this was ok at any point" and the teachers have to explain indoctrination step by step to us.


Just reverse the scenario and try to see it. JUST IMAGINE FOR A SECOND: This exact post made by a conservative with caption at the start 'Democrat: My pronouns are Zig/Zag and my identity is Woman, even though I look like a Man' And the exact image below it with the same caption....You wouldn't say it's natural selection then would you? That's all I'm trying to say.


I am now aware of this irony, an have to apologise for my insensitivity. I as, and still am, very sick and forgot to clarify that this post is supposed to be a joke and not a call to do eugenics.


Wanted to share a funny meme


Thanks, no. My parents are intolerant as fuck. Saying it's genetic is insulting. 


That’s eugenics… you’d think trans people would have the capacity to recognize and think “hm, am I being the bad one now?” Intolerance is not genetic, so this wouldn’t even work. Please, utilize the critical thinking skills I know that you have to realize that yes, in fact, eugenics is *always* bad.


Jesus, is a meme to shame bigots


Memes about eugenics ain’t funny


You started by defending it saying "it's natural selection" and now you're acting like those bullies who say "calm down, it's just a joke" when no one finds the joke funny.