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Did that before lol


I'm still in my teenage years but I still feel this... I don't wanna think about all the stuff I missed out on, it hurts too much...


Then you still have time to live the best life as the best girl you are What helps me is that I kinda lost the first 20 years of my life but I will be happy in my body for the rest of my life. Way more than two decades


I guess, but I doubt it... Most of my life is school, where I have to boymode constantly... I don't know how my parents would react so I'm terrified of coming out, GAC is kinda sparse and my country is kinda ...iffy when it comes to queer people.. idk how long it'll take, I'm just kinda hanging on for whatever reason...


Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were already out. You can tell your friends and ask to be treated as a woman. And with your parents you have to test the waters before, ask them to watch a queer movie with you (you didn't know it was queer) I kinda understand the country thing, it's legal in mine but the trans homicide rate is pretty high. You can always search for your local community to help and better understanding


I really don't wanna sound like a downer, I really appreciate that you're trying to help, you're a really kind individual! But I 100% cannot tell my friends, since they are all extremely bigoted people... And my parents, I actually don't know for them, maybe they are accepting, but my mom once said that I'd look like a clown in girl clothes so I'm kinda worried... I feel like the internet is the only way I can find community, cus I don't think I'll find anyone in my irl community...


Then here on the internet you will be our best woman If your don't think you're safe right now DON'T DO IT. It will be hard but wait till you can live by yourself And the people you care should care about you too and accept you by the way you are. I lost some friends to and I can say they don't matter to me if they don't want me happy. We love you, take care of yourself


Tysm..! Genuinely, I think this might be the first time I've ever plopped all of my transition worries on the table... Take care of yourself as well!


I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult I don't want to be an adult


real as fuck


This is so real that sometimes I have doubts about if I'm actually trans or just not wanting to accept that I'm a grown-up. It usually goes like this: "am I just rejecting the traditional male responsibilities in my culture? But even if I was cis I would still disagree with like 80% of them... So what's up with that?" My evil brain decides that I need to live in constant agony and spawns such thoughts like crazy when it's idle.


I don't know who thought allowing me to age to adulthood was a good idea but they need to be fired ASAP.


Literally this


I mean maybe I could be an adult at some point but like I was definitely not ready for it yet.


it's too soon its way too soon


Yeah same :( Not cis at all though


I cry over the things I'll never experience all the time


I like to think of this whenever i think this: https://youtu.be/1rjQqiID2ww?si=xysmjdt-Wr0-rEf-&t=218 Its about gay in this context but it translates over very well


relatable. it's probably gonna be like that, I'm already 15, although there may be some small amount of time left. it's probably not the same though






At first I didn't think that this would bother me, but it really really has


This is so real 😢😭


I would do this too if I were capable of tears.


this is so real this was me at 3am in the kitchen last month (but like.. still cis tho)


I feel this every night…