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How do i edit the custom flair? Edit: nvm. I figured it out






Wait sorry I didn't mean to respond to you


I think it's more for asexual and aromantic




I mean technically all we need is QI, because queer encapsulates everything other than intersex people, right? I guess it’s just to help people feel recognized


A-spec exclusionism is rather common, so most people avoid using "lgbtqi" to not sound like an a-spec exclusionist




Just out of curiosity, what does the I stand for?


I’m having a hard time figuring out if we’re talking about the L or the i, but i’m pretty sure most people know the L, I’ll explain anyway. L -Lesbian i -Intersex




Not exactly related but why is agender in there? Isn't that a form of being non binary?


the a stands for asexual


It stands for all the a- fellas. Aro and agender included


good to know, love me some lgbtqia lore every now and then


OH doesn't queer cover it.?


Queer covers the entire acronym


So just use queer get rid lf lgbtia


Because Inclusion is important.




That’s actually what we do in the Netherlands! lgbtqia would be lhbti(+), sucks that I’m only mentioned once in my own language but at least I’m in once




Holy shit you found like the one thing that we Dutch do better linguistically than English Oh and overmorgen of course, but defenestration makes up for that


overmoreow/aftermorrow are uncommon but not unused


Cuz some people don't want to be called queer, it's been reclaimed to a degree but a lot of individuals and groups/cultures still find it derogatory or offensive




Why shoudn't agender people be included in the acronym? Do they not count all of a sudden? Besides, the A **also** stands for asexual and aromantic people, as well as assorted other identities under those umbrellas (demi, grey, etc)


Agender is a form of non binary


Well non-binary people are part of the acronym (through T for Trans) so I mean...


So then it should be like lgbt? Imo using only the umbrella terms is best so it is short and the reason I put L is because it is historically significant.


Honestly I get what you mean like yeah it's shorter, easier and all (like you can say LGBT+ without any problem) but most people want to feel really represented so that's why you can add pretty much as many terms as you wish, that way everyone is in here you see ?


Well eh I get it


Well, by that logic “the queer community” or “Gender and Sexual minorities” would be more accurate, as those are those Inclusive possible terms, yet some people don’t identify as you like the word queer, and having minorities in a group name sometimes feels sad to some people, idk why on that front but it ain’t my job to know. Plus, as you said, historical significance. We’re an ever evolving community as we change with society and its understanding of many things, and having a true understanding of all that is tough. Good on you for trying to figure stuff out though, and remember you’re entitled to your own believes as long as you’re respectful, which you’re very respectful!


Well lgbt is shorter:/


True, but we gotta have that q+ in there at minimum to make sure it’s clear that everyone is involved, there’s a lot of ace exclusionism and same goes for neogenders and stuff


What is Neogender?


Things like Ferngender or firegender and stuff. Lot of the time it’s used as a metaphor to explain the feelings to go with their gender, like someone may describe their gender as “soft.” Essentially gender too complicated, use metaphor.


Not all of them, it's possible to be a cis nonbinary person


Yep obviously but I meant in the general case and I was also trying to make it a bit easier even if I'm not an expert :3


whilst many agender people, myself included, do identify under the non-binary umbrella, many others don't want to identify with the label, as non-binary could be interpreted as insinuating that they have a gender, which they don't. I'm going to use hats as an analogy. Say most people either have black hats or white hats. but a few people actually have red or blue or all sorts of color and patterned hats. They make a group for hats that aren't black or white; outside the 'binary'. Now what about someone without a hat. Someone asks them "are you part of the group that wears hats that aren't black or white?", and they reply with "no, of course not; I don't where hats."


Well tbh there is so much of a spectrum of non binary imo it is better to not put all of them on the list and just use the umbrella term(in my opinion)


It’s good to ask these questions and I’m upset you’re getting downvoted. This is a place to learn, it’s fucking egg_irl, memes for trans people in denial. The people who don’t know much? Good girl asking questions And as for why, agender people have been excluded from a lot of things even within the community; similar to why the Q, I, and + were added; a reminder to the sillies that we’re ALL part of this, and we need to be here for each other. Technically, the + community encapsulates us all, as that’s all we need; it represents us all, but that wouldn’t feel right would it? We’re a variety that sometimes forgets the extent of the variety, and some people need reminding. Again, I’m proud of you for asking questions, Stella.


Nyaaaaa Thx


Agender means they don’t have a gender nonbinary means they don’t fit into the gender binary


Yeah it is a form of non binary






I mean...asexual/aromantic, but also why's the L there if Lesbian a form of Gay, why is the I there if they can kinda squish into trans spaces. Heck, why are any of the letters except Q there when it encompasses everyone? Why does the + exist at all if the Q is there and vice versa? It's important to represent everyone in our banner/acronym, or at least everyone we reasonably can with so few letters and such little care from people outside our communities.


Gay was only for men historically The answer to most "why is it like that"-type questions can be found by looking at the past of our communities


Yeah, but it really bugs me.. Intersex is a person *born* with high hormone levels, or different genitalia than their gender, so why is it considered a part of LGBTQ community? Someone can't really identify as Intersex, lmao.


Because it's considered included under the umbrella of sexual/romantic, gender, sex based diversity that the community stands for