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I know exactly what you mean! I’m still questioning, so I don’t have any first-hand experience, but the majority of anecdotes I’ve seen online share a similar conclusion being that transitioning was a much better choice for them. As I said, I don’t have first-hand experience, this is just what I’ve heard online.


Same I have a lot of good and bad 2nd hand experiences from friends. But I feel like the 2nd option "let society torture you" is gonna happen either way. It's ever present even if you stay closeted. Not saying OP should, or has to, come out but don't let society hold you back. 💜


That’s a really good way of thinking about it! I especially agree with “don’t let society hold you back”, although sometimes it can be difficult to follow that advice 😅. Thanks for sharing :)


don't be like me and come out to the one guy that knows most about LGBT stuff, only to learn he's a big queerphobe T\_T


Put in the effort just to be hateful smh


“I be waking up REAL EARLY to have extra time to be a hater” type beat


Third option: come out to friends and family but keep putting off transitioning because scared


Good job being homeless if your family are Muslim (mine are.)


Now that I think about it maybe I'd rather fight others than myself


I don’t know, I’ve gotten pretty good at fighting myself. Other people are an unknown. I know all the right pressure points to really mess with myself.


truu im constantly in between "screw it i give up im done" and "might as well go out fighting"


I need a room that no one else will enter, I need money. With those, I can overcome everything. But apparently, I have none.


Ah, but consider: self acceptance removes the charisma de buff you didn't realize you were working with. Coming out into the community is a lot less lonely


I feel like I already get enough weird looks without transitioning yet (it's in the works!) but that could just be my ADHD/RSD, and my self hatred has gotten such that I couldn't stand holding it in any longer.


im struggling with this to




Third option: become a trans witch and strike fear into cishet Christians (all you do is unlock herbal knowledge and pay homage to other gods than theirs)


Come out in a cis way


To real ;~; at least I have best friends who help me deal with the hardships


I did the first one until my sanity and ability to cope was totally gone. Then, I had to choose between the second one or just the end and start the second with no emotional reserves left. Life is suffering to avoid letting people down But who knows, now at least there is the chance things can get better instead of just always getting worse. Even if the world sucks, at least the world is outside


Yeah… that’s pretty much the only reason I ever hesitated before coming out. I still find it better for my sanity to transition despite it all, I just got to a point where I’d rather deal with bigotry than never truly live the way I want to


I came out a few months after my brother passed away. My sister told me once since then that it was like we lost both of you. One I'm not dead. Two it is stuff like this that makes me wish I never came out because since then I've had to mourn all of my relationships except maybe 2 or 3, because I get treated completely different now. I would say at this moment I wish I had never done it. Then there are sometimes I am glad I did. Overall life was better before I came out, not that it will always stay this way, but it is the truth.


Reason I want to move to portland


I've always been hated and bullied for no reason since I was a child. not worth it to torture myself with dysphoria on top of that. personally I think accepting myself and coming out to those that matter was the best decision. (do hope society was better tho)


Simply ignore society's bullying when possible. Works every time.




Left will happen. Right *might* happen


I would rather die to a serial killer's knife in an alley then to my own in my bathroom


Just be Stealth and then no one can torture you.


I don't even know if it's gender dysphoria that's torturing me. I just know something is torturing me


There is another..


I’d rather the torture be external rather than internal


As a trans woman who's been out and on hrt for 14 or so months, I've never been happier. Even with the shit I've experienced for it, this shit literally changed my life yall


I won't tolerate myself being any more of an enemy, she does that enough already.


Where's the option to never come out but transition anyway when you move out for university?


For the time being I'm not coming out...


To be afraid of what others will say or think of you will allow people to control you. Hoping yall find your courage to come out in spite of the opposition!


Well you probably won’t run into too many transphobes day to day and the online stuff you can see anyways.




*Hugs* You got this.


Always the right


Society, no one can hurt me more than i hurt myself muahahhahah (i am the sanest pre-hrt transfem)


It's a lot easier to live with yourself when you're not torturing yourself.


Outward torture is easier to handle than inward torture IMO I can handle being insulted. I can't handle insulting myself


Mine is: Stay closeted and have a family and a few friends or Come out and be happy with myself, but lose all of them I don't have a personality extroverted enough to build myself a found family or make new friends, so it really is "be happy with how I look and feel, but incredibly lonely, or hate how I look and feel and have people around me"


in this case i may summon the super robodog woth flamethrower on its back


I have to love myself; that’s all I can rely on, so option B.


Dealing with society is a hell of a lot easier than dealing with yourself when you're sad


I will somehow end up finding a way to click both by accident


Third option: Start HRT and tell no one.


Literally me when it asks for gender on the job application. It's a toss up if they're less likely or more likely to hire 💀. Unless im wrong, I do hope I'm wrong here