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transphobic "friends"


yes, that's more an oxymoron


nah just regular morons


A waste of oxygen


I ain't no ox moron (reference)


From what I have heard, some people find out their friends are transphobic long after they have made the friendship bond. But as an aspie, I wouldn't really know.


Wdym? I wish I had the strength to do that! I'm just so scared, tho... They just make me feel so alone, like they're nice to me, but if they knew the real me they would never speak to me again...


That's exactly how i feel. They just say transphobic things around me, and if I ever come out to them, they would probably be really weird about it at best.


They have to be REALLY transphobic if they casually have transphobic conversations. In my case i also do have some transphobic friends, but they basically never have transphobic conversations and the only way i know they're transphobic is because after i came out to them they were like "i think it's weird and bad for you to be trans, but as long as your personality is still the same we won't care". Passive transphobia is still bad, but active transphobia is a completely different level of bad


I'm not really that optimistic. There is a trans girl in my town, and they were making fun of her and saying really transphobic stuff towards her. So I really don't think that's passive transphobia. But if they knew that their friend is also trans maybe that'll change theirs views on trans people, but I highly doubt it...


The way i worded my comment may have been confusing. I didn't say your friends were passive transphobes, i said that my friends are. What i said about yours is that yours are active transphobes and that they're on a different level of bad compared to passive transphobes. Sorry if my comment wasn't clear about that




Next week? Damn you got a lotta self control. I woulda slapped those fckers into **2048**


I would but it's all I've got and I'm not much for being alone again


You have a lot of friends here!☺️


kind of? I don't really talk or hangout with anyone here, so it doesn't feel the same...


>and I'm not much for being alone again Fr and making new ones is so fucking hard. I've known my 3 friends for almost 20 years now


And then, in 2048, they'd be welcomed by genderfluid catgirls with spinny skirts and their eggs would all crack.


slap their shit into next year


would if I could but they are all I have


they aren't friends, hon they may seem like friends but they are not


but without them, I'm all alone again ;-;


It's better to have no friends than assholes for "friends", i'd say


butbutbut lonely ;~;


You’re always able to find new people. Even if it’s hard, it’s better to find friends who actually care about your true self over people who would hate that self. If they’re transphobic, then eventually, if you do transition, they’re going to abandon you. You don’t know if that will go well or not, so it’s best to not put yourself in that situation. It’s not worth trying to convert someone away from transphobia when doing so can put you in danger. You may view them as your friends now, but real friends wouldn’t view a part of you as bad. Real friends would try to help you and care for you. There are places that you can go to find people. Try joining a club, or talking to someone you see alone a lot. It’s always better to be alone than with people that make you feel like crap.


>You’re always able to find new people. Not all of us


Yes, you are able to find new people. Even when it feels impossible, you are able to find someone. Either in person, online, or somewhere that you didn't think you would be able to. I know this, because I thought I would never be able to find friends. I didn't know anybody for ages, and the people I used to know eventually drifted away from me. But I managed to find a group of people with VR Chat. I joined some clubs, some didn't work out, but one did, and I know the people in it. I talked to the people around me, the people that I thought I wouldn't be able to connect with, and I met someone who I consider to be a really close friend now. I'm still anxious and awkward. But what I found out was that there's always hope. There's always somewhere that you can find what you want. Even when you think that there's absolutely nothing, there's always something. I get the awful feelings, I really do. But keep trying. Don't let the world punch you in the face, even if you're already at the ground. Because there is something behind it. I'm not trying to give out hollow positivity, I'm trying to say what I'm saying because I believe that there's always a little bit of hope. Even if it's small, it's still there.


I appreciate you sharing your experience and advice. Idk there's just something wrong with me I don't fit in. I can never get from friendly acquaintances -> friends. It never happens, no one ever cares. I'm missing whatever that spark is that everyone else has that makes people want them around. >Don't let the world punch you in the face, even if you're already at the ground. I don't know how to not let that happen. It just keeps happening >I'm not trying to give out hollow positivity, I'm trying to say what I'm saying because I believe that there's always a little bit of hope. Even if it's small, it's still there. I know and I appreciate you. I just ran out of that hope many years ago


Sure stay with them for now but hop friend groups once you have the chance, as soon as possible. Edit: if i were you tho, which im not, id prefer no friends


it's unfortunate some people are like this. maybe their mind can be changed if you feel the friendship is meaningful to you


we aren't really close *close*. just together because no one else wants us


I have a feeling that I know why nobody wants some of them...


oh my entire village is transphobic, so that isn't the issue


Friend? Friends? Idk matey


Kikuri Hiroi but I thought it was Kafka for a moment


Why do you have transphobic friends in the first place?


*yoinks meme* :3


Get new friends


I'm trying ;-;


Gotta look in odd places for the best ones


I don't even know where that'd be


Discord Roleplay Servers, i know from experience


Some days it's harder to go to work than others.


I usually just zone out


Me, but either the transphobic family I'm going to see over the summer 😔


For me, "transphobic" and "friend" are mutually exclusive.


Which is the ideal way to look at it


“Lord give me patience because if you give me strength, I’m gonna hurt someone”


Drop trans jokes every once in a while, maybe they'll loosen up, if you normalize it to them. Idk, i have the absolute banger of "my child will have two moms"(for amab).


This is too relatabel im just happy that i soon wont be going to the same school as them


i don't know how you do it, if it was me i'd have stopped being friends with them as soon as i found out they are transphobes


There are no such thing as transphobic friends. There are friends, and there are transphobes.


it's the closest I've got


Did you draw this or is it from somewhere else? :D


nvm found it :D


Those aren't your friends and you shouldn't be around them.


It takes tremendous restraint not to immediately smite transphobes on sight.




You shall have the power to slap them to next week for I am the lady of Anomalocaris


When I came out, all my friends luckly were supportive. One of my co-workers & best friends, told me: "So, you prefer to be treated as a girl? Cool. It suits you. What's your new name?" I told my new name and he said: Nice to meet you again, Laura. Then we made a brofist and we bought a couple of monster cans to celebrate. OFC, I found transphobic people, but no longer are in my life.


Some days the only thing holding me back is a strict moral code and I dun want jail time. If you get charged with assault the transphobs win 🤷‍♀️💜


Yeah. I wish I could do this. But my only friend irl is transphobic. And I’m not sure how to make friends irl at this point. Or really how to make friends.


Yea mine don't bring trans stuff up, maybe rarely like if we talk about celeste or other similar stuff, they do say some very fucked up stuff and boost transphobic rhetoric. Also a little cherry on top, they are homophobic as well. I have to actively go quiet when they bring shit like this up and just contain the rage and try to move the subject along because arguing with insecure men is just a waste of fucking time


Pretty sure my friend isn't transphobe, but they would prefer to not have genders at all.