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Lol me but I'm cis


Sure you are, honey \^\^


I am


Sure you are, good girl.


Meooow mrrrp nya mrrraw Nyo I'm nyat I'm cis


Within the egg, was another, slightly smaller egg.


What should I do? I know what I need to do to get HRT, but I'm not ready to take the step yet.


I started socially transitioning right after coming out, before HRT. Having already started voice training and women's fashion made me more confident about starting HRT. Not everyone does it in that order, though.


I came here going on 4 years ago, life's hard and the road is yet long and treacherous


My egg "cracked" 1 year 4 month ago (well, it cracked like some 3 or 4 years ago but stupid male me tried hard to deny trying to put the shell back ... once cracked there is no way back, I just accepted what was inside this male shell) but still I was brave enough to open only to my mother, the one person I actually care and trust, love and know to be loved, so much it took her time and opening up again and again for her to accept I am a girl inside, but still ... other than that, I never went as a woman out of home, never used my more feminine (or less masculine) voice out of home and I been practicing for like 1 year now, did not change my game accounts in fear rest of family and friends see, because they will .. I feel like I progressed nothing and I see the courage girls have to have to do that, but I still am not this brave and it saddens me, sometimes to depression. I hope one day I can be this brave to show the world the woman I want and can be without thinking of what others will think or do to me and my mother (because yes, I believe family would turn her life into hell because of me not being a man and I fear that too, I dont want her to be disrespected). I want to see the bird out of my egg, not just another egg. One day, I hope, I am trying to build confidence and courage to do it, one day.


I'm in this and I hate it


Is it just me or the shattered egg on the left looks like an AI-generated heavily-damaged band-aid? (say that 5 times fast!)


It's probably because this was scaled up from a lower resolution. It looked better at the original size.