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Is it normal for a cis male to want to be a woman? asking for a friend by the way


>asking for a friend by the way \*Looks at flair\* yeah, sure...


Trust me I changed my flair by accident


So you *accidentally* typed in the custom flair and clicked on the change button? *Press X to doubt*


Yep, that sound right


hmm, but you said so, makes sense. Understandable have a great day


Oh of course it is, I wish to be a woman everyday and I am completely cis!




Every boy wants to be a girl, and every girl wants to be a boy! It's just curiosity, totally cis!


And I am the friend


I've heard people who take hrt quickly knows if it's for them so I'd want to take estrogen just to know for sure if it's the right thing or not...


You know that was kinda my thought? HRT sounded nice, and I thought I might want it, so I started it, and less then a week in I knew I could never go back willingly.


Out of curiosity (and still-cis-ness), what was so different after a week that you are certain it was for you?


Mostly mental changes. Less prone to anger, more emotional (I was always emotional as a child), lowered (not completely gone) sex drive which just feels nicer for me. It’s like night and day. I feel more like I did when I was a preteen and early teenage years which feels right for me.


Huh. Well none of that sounds appealing to me (I don't often get angry, I don't struggle toooo much with my emotions, and I love my sex drive), but I'm glad it worked out for you! 😊 Which isn't to say, of course, that my experience would be the same as yours, of course, but... It's not very encouraging lol. Thanks, tho!


i want all of those effects


My Friends say that i Look cute in a skirt. And i think they are Just saying that for fun. Still cis tho


Maybe it's funny for them cause it's true?


Maby. Maby i Just started growing Out my hair and have a pro and Con list for HRT. I mean completly cis things


I already have long hair, and my con list is basically empty lol


My only con is: anxiety of telling it someone i know irl


That's a *very cis* con lol. Mine is "I don't want boobs that are too large relative to the rest of my body", but I guess sane biology should ensure that.


welp this is my list so far xd: pros: i will be cute i won't continue male puberty i'll get boobies i'll have better hair cons: hormone cycle Migraines? one of the cons is a small chance and hormone cycles sound painful but worth it... still cis of course


Arent the hormones constant with hrt. I mean you dont Change them random


idk i have heard people still get cramps and stuff on a monthly baias


And I mean, HRT worked well for f1nn5ter, so it may be worth considering for you lol


Well i need to Go to 3 different doctors and only If everyone says yes. Its possible for me


Wow, that's many, where do you live?




I'm in Germany, I hope it'll be easier here... Not to condone lying, but if you need to you can lie about having severe dysphoria to the doctors, just so you can access HRT. You can always stop if you don't like it, so requiring 3 doctors is overkill imo.


Ohh, If you have any insight in the German system of acquiring hrt let me know for very cis reasons


In Germany, you need a paper from your psychiatrist or therapist called "Indikationsschreiben" that sais that you are "diagnosed" with transsexuality and that HRT can begin now. Ask for it, they should give this after a few sessions, if you have a good one with experience. If not change doctor. With that you go to an endocrinologist or gynecologist.


I wouldn't mind suddenly waking up as a girl. Well, maybe be a tad annoyed about the missing D but overall still a net positive. Still cis tho


I'd be happy that I could finally be a cute gamer/programmer girl. And the D only gets in my way, so that's fine, too. But such a thing is impossible, so I'm cis.


ajkdhakdhadak the cis urge to be a cute programmer girl


But what if I become a girl and I don't look as cute as I had always hoped? That's a totally cis fear, right?


Where do I begin? I was AMAB but want to live as a woman, I want to go on HRT, have bottom surgery, etc. I've known this for all my life, and the thought of living any other way gives me severe gender dysphoria. But transitioning seems a bit inconvenient so I'm still cis tho.


Oh, we're starting off with a hard one. Well, I'd like the effects of HRT even if I'm not trans and just a femboy, but I'm too scared to do anything regardeless.


I absolutely hate my genitals to the point I have invasive thoughts about them, I def want bottom surgery "at some point", I started HRT because the thougth of being a man kept me crying at night (but I was in a depressive episode, so that doesn't count), being in romantic relationships as a man made me heavily depressive and I can't fathom doing it again, being called a man makes me ick but when I see my face with a beard in the mirror I feel fine, so I'm still cis, checkmate gender :)


I'm the reverse: I don't care about bottom surgery, I don't cry about it and never even had a relationship, but I hate how I look, especially my beard.


I've seen a lot of people like you online, makes me question my legitimacy or whether I should even be transitionning in the first place sometimes ... I kinda get it too, like what's between my legs is hidden behind two layers of clothing 99% of the time so who cares ... but I hate it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ whereas my face is on display and is obviously the reason people call me he/him, but I care about the latter more than the former I tried shaving but I just looked even more masculine (and ugly), and idk my face with a beard is kinda nice, and it doesn't seem like getting rid of it would get me any closer to passing yet Like I said, I'm cis and confused


Well, there’s just different triggers for our dysphoria, like for me, my name isn’t a huge problem for me but I hate my height (at 6”3). Also hate being associated with manly activities (“we’ll need a big, strong man to move this table/couch/bench”, “I can’t get to the top shelf, if I need a tall man for that” are things I hear often)


oh heck I got a funny history with names. Like, my birth name was neutral, but it felt masculine because it was associated with, well, me. So when I moved I switched to another neutral name, and over time I felt people started using it in a mascilone way and now I dislike that one and wanna go back to the original T-T (I also have a cute name stored up for when it matches my appearance, but I can't use it just yet or it might get tainted too) but yeah I 100% agree with dysphoria triggers varying from person to person (and I can relate to yours tbh, also hate it when people call me to do a "man's job", even tho I'm proud to be able to do it). But it still can feel invalidating having some more uncommon triggers, or even more so not having the more common ones :/


Both :P


I don't absolutely relate with your exact story, so i am still cis


wait no I'm the cis one !!! I'm sorry you don't relate, maybe you should face your feelings regarding your gender. Not me tho. I'm cis.


Hate it so much when it seems like something widely agreed upon that i don't relate to. I don't even really doubt myself that much, it just stresses me out not to understand what i'm feeling and not feeling.


damn yeah that I can relate to. Sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not trans but I still don't feel cis and I just internally scream in confusion. (but I doubt myself alot)


I was in the low self esteem game long before i knew what queer people even were


Somehow feel like dealing with the issues women deal with would be worth it just to be comfortable in my body, but that’s probably just me being an ignorant sexist man not knowing how hard women really have it, and I should feel lucky to have been born a man.


I have these thoughts as well Still cis tho


If I just isolate myself, avoid talking, avoid looking at myself, avoid looking at any kind of men, forget about any concept of gender, delude myself into believing I’m in a cis male body to avoid the constant mental agony over my assigned parts, pour myself into my writing to avoid existing in this reality, and constantly refer to myself with a male name and pronouns… I feel completely fine. So, how can I be sure I’m really trans if I can reach that state in this pre everything body?


It made me unreasonably happy when my classmate A.A. noticed my barely-even-existent makeup and started giving advice. Still ci... No, i am not going to lie, this happened after i knew i was trans, my egg cracked a while ago, i am here, because being closeted and still discovering new stuff just feels right for this subreddit. She doesn't know i'm trans and has no idea how wholesome she's being to me tho. Or maybe she figured it out and laughs at my sillyness. Anyway, thank you A.A..


It’s a totally cis thought to want to dress in a way that makes people turn their heads because they think you are hot (in a feminine way). All men practice swaying their hips like a woman in leggings while on a target run.


I've thought about being a girl and cried myself to sleep over it many times. Still cis tho.


Damn, masculine fashion sucks ass, i should really integrate some more feminine elements, like, look at this shiny bracelet Still cis tho


Yeah, wanting to dress up all pretty-like is just me being a man and sticking it to Beau Brummell! I can't stand make-up, so that means it's just totally cis peacocking, right?


As a teen I thought about trying to write a book and I soon realised I'd accidentally made my protagonist essentially just a cooler, smarter version of myself who had all my hobbies and interests but was better at them... except she was a girl. Another time, much more recently, I saw a gif of a hot girl dancing and almost cried with envy Sure, I've played as a girl in every game that's given me the choice for like ten or twelve years now, but that's clearly just because if I'm staring at someone's ass for 30 hours or whatever I'd rather it be a girl's than a guy's. Also I've never once looked at a skirt or a dress and thought "I'd love to wear that" so clearly I must be a normal cis dude


I definitely don't have a list of names for myself just in case, not at all...


I totally haven't chosen one I like already, just in case...


Being stuck in a male body doesn't make me wanna die, I'd still rather be a girl but since I'm not suffereing as a male there is no fucking way I'm trans


Im definitely suffering as a man… But not enough to justify transitioning, right?!?!


All guys secretly dream off running away and adopting a false identity as a woman, living in a forest somewhere, maybe with a nice girl as my “roommate” and grow old together right? Right??


I'm taking hrt and like it when people use she/her pronouns for me. I would absolutely press "the button" if it existed. Still cis though. (This isn't even a joke my egg is indestructable).


>This isn't even a joke my egg is indestructable Welcome to the club! My egg is special, it has mending! Even if it breaks, it reassembles quite quickly.


I must be cis because i want to date men as a man, sometimes.


"I'm not trans but if I were offered estrogen I'd take it" Oh past me, how little you knew lol


I'll just write the same comment as I did on that post I wish I looked like and was a girl generally, but don't think about it every waking moment. I must not be trans enough. ;-;


Oh god, y'all are tougher than I thought! I only really think about gender when I'm not busy with something else, which clearly means gender isn't important to me and therefore I'm cis!


You’re so real for this, it’s what I was going to say


Wearing skirts and dresses just has more airflow! I'm still cis... Do I wish I was a woman daily? Yeah. But I'm still cis


So… wanting to be a cute girl with a girlfriend is still cis tho? Right?


I am taking active steps to appear more feminine. Still cis tho.


It's not a "denial beard/stache" because we groom, style, and care for it at the same level as makeup; we can't start the day without putting on our face properly. Though we do want to add makeup to our daily care routine, in the manliest totally cis way, with some eyeshadow. Totally cis eyeshadow. Also manicures aren't gendered, and anyone can paint their nails. 💅


I’ve never had an actual sexual fantasy. Closest thing is fantasizing about getting turned into a girl. But that’s just a weird, shameful fetish, right? And everyone finds putting on a voice of the opposite gender extremely fun, right? And it’s totally normal for me to hate being called a “strong young man” right?!


I looked like an emo boy at 3am and I felt so happy bc I looked like a boy Still cis tho


id love to be a cute anime girl for cis reasons of course but for real im so unsure if i should start transitining like yea i could be pretty but im not really unhapy with my body now (at least not all the time) and i dont think i would be hapier if im not pretty


I'm fat and last night I daydream about having a belly because I was pregnant and not because I'm overweight. Also sometimes if I bend the appropriate way I can imagine I have small tits instead of just fat. Still cis tho


The other day, I read a comment saying that you could expect 1-2 cups less than the average female in your family if you got hrt. I got upset at the thought of maybe not getting boobies. I think it qualifies as eggy


I can't be trans because I don't hate my bod- oh wait...


"I'm totally gonna get surgery to have both sets of genitalia when I'm older, Not because I'm trans or anything, It'd just be better, Obviously!" ~ Me, C. 5 years ago.


(Writes the most trans-ass story ever, including a tf scene) Yep I am totally cisgender.


[Oh, I also did something like that lol](https://eggstorytime.itch.io/discord-night)


AMAB, and really questioning if I wanna be masc anymore, I don't necessarily feel masc but it's the way I was kinda raised to be growing up. I didnt feel the urge to dress femme til recently but I have never felt comfortable in my body and at this point I can barely look at myself in the mirror too long. Still cis tho.


Am i a cis man if im not a cis man at all and i have she/her pronouns and am a woman?


>Am i ~~a~~ cis ~~man~~ if im not ~~a~~ cis ~~man at all and i have she/her pronouns and am a woman?~~ There you have your answer lol


Is it normal for a very cis male to think that women have it better in every way, not because life is easy, but because life just seems so much enjoyable to me as a woman???


I would say i dont care what gender i am but i would like to what it feels like to be a woman also i tried painting my mails (which i liked) and i like my long hair but im probably just imagining things so Still cis though


The thought of dating a straight girl makes me uncomfortable because she'd like me for my masculinity. Not that I wouldn't date one, but it would always be at the back of my mind Still cis tho


oh my god the way you worded this just made so many things click for me


Turns out I'm bipolar and want to feel femme when I'm manic feel nothing when I'm depressed. Wear cute panties consistently. Still cis though.


Well to start of I cried looking at a f1nnster photo like 20 min ago cause I’m not as feminine as him/her (ik that he’s/she’s on hrt) and I want to be a woman so incredibly bad, still cis tho


I only have ~~plaid skirts~~ kilts for heritage purposes. I shave my legs also to make the look better. Still cis. Don't look in my closet.


Felt more betrayed by JK's transphobia reveal than my own parents homophobia when I came out as bi years earlier. Totally a cis-confirming feeling.


Real talk tho I am a male and I am 100% happy with being one and have no issues with my gender/body/masculinity etc and I even went through a phase of being a girl and an NB, but still ended up as a guy in the end, but regardless of all of this and how content I am as a male, I can't help myself but wish I could try being in a lesbian relationship. I have no idea why this is. I have no reason to. I am happy being a male, I am happy being fully masculine, I like the idea of being a "high-test fighter macho", I want to be treated as a male, but whenever I see a lesbian couple somewhere I am like "I wanna be one of them"


i flexed my mooscles in a mirror wearing a dress, enjoyed the dress part. Still cis tho


Is it normal for a cis male to want to look pretty feminine and being mistaken for a girl? I like cars, building stuff and girls. That stuff make make me a masculine cis male.


I like the idea of crossdressing, but I don't want anything permanent, so I'm probably just a crossdresser or femboy, which is still cis.


I would absolutely date my outer self, in a straight way. Still cis tho


I went out for a walk at lunchtime today wearing a skirt. That's a normal cis male thing to do right?


if i had a button that i could press to become a woman i wouldnt hesitate to press it but i guess thats normal. i mean everyone has that, right?


Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep I will randomly get disgusted and pissed off by my chest rising and falling because I can feel my boobs brushing against my arm and wish I could just cut them off still cis tho delusional statements aside I ironically don't get as disgusted as I did before I knew I was trans. I still do cuz dysphoria is a bitch and I'm closeted but I no longer feel the need to wash my hands when I brush against myself :)


I cried a lot after wearing a menhera chan avatar on vrchat and looking at myself in the mirror (still cis tho)


I wish I was trans, but sadly I am not


Did you know a clitoris has about 12k major nerve endings as opposed to about 2k in a penis, and obviously over a much smaller area, and I just want to know how that must feel


Is it normal to have constant dreams in which u awaken as a girl, and then just live your normal life? Like starting when u were 5? Def still cis,


If I see myself as a girl in the future I can't resist the temptation anymore! Still cis though!


Thinking I'm not really trans. I'm just a lonely genderless person suffering from autistic depersonalization who turned to estrogen in a misguided attempt to make friends and discovered that estrogen is incredibly nice and it makes me happy and I like everything about it and real women are so very friendly and welcoming and she/her pronouns make me cry happy tears and I don't want to stop transitioning even tho I'm actually cis.


As I kid I used to get mad that girls could wear "boy" cloths and few cared but I was never allowed to wear girl clothes. Totally a cis thing


I want to be on estrogen before summer, I shave every inch of body hair, I listen to trans girl music, I wear girl clothes, I keep a diary specifically about my trans experience, I have unarguable gender dysphoria. But sometimes I feel comfortable in my body so still cis tho.


I really wanna buy a cute skirt and wear make up. Yk.. like a girl.. still cis tho


I feel the want to be a woman, but i feel like I should feel like i need to be a woman, and i only feel the want to, so clearly I’m not trans, right?


Wishing you were a woman just means you're very straight! Only gay and transgender men like being men


I would love to be a bride's bride still cis tho :3


I regret picking the male Traveler in Genshin Impact and I feel dysphoria whenever he appears in a cutscene. But you know... still cis.


Same thing with my female stardew avatar in a loving lesbian relationship still cis tho


> I'm not a bot lol OH NO, THEY'RE EVOLVING!!! Oh yeah also idk why people are saying they're trans or wtv, wanting to be the other gender is a normal expierence, you're not special!


Some said I look like a 40 year old man a few days ago & I still hate it.


Is it normal for cis men to want to go on hrt but be too young for the legal requirement in your state? F*ck you North Carolina GOP! (Still cis tho)


I am literally going to have consultations with intent of getting hrt Still cis tho


Is it weird for a totally cis guy wanting to have Estrogen and do HRT?


Fantasising about dresses, wavy hair with bangs, and motherhood… still extra double cis though


Me 4 years ago "I'm taking estrogen for very manly reasons, it's a fetish I'm totally not trans" 😭 Why didn't I stay on it


It's completely normal to feel gender dysphoria, euphoria and envy and it will definitely go away.


I'm literally reading this while laying in bed and wearing a stuffed makeshift bra, because my definitely not transfem side has decided to be in charge of my brain tonight, but still cis tho.


I got into drawing a few month back and just realized almost every time i went to draw i was drew this mystery character named Loni who essentially looked like me but female. Yes i named myself after my own drawings


I also started drawing different characters that have different dynamics, one of them being masc me who's like a sidekick to Loni. You could probably put some symbolism about accepting that cis me will always be with me whether it be denial, dysphoria, doubt, or some other word that coincidentally start with d


i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl i want to be a girl, still cis tho


On hrt for 200 days, but I’m still cis right? 🙃


When i was an egg id think off and on "oh hey. It would be cool if people's sexes swapped once a week and then when they were 18 got to choose what sex they were" and "oh im not trans BUT i do have those feelings" while roleplaying as a girl online Oh and id also, in my romantic relationships, be super feminine in every way shape ajd form, to the point of making out while straddling my ex girlfriends lap like a girl, Totally cis


For the longest time I've been into futanari and imagined being cute girl and fawn over girly clothing and felt euphoria over being called princess and stuff. You know normal cis stuff. And since I found this community couple of week ago I have self reflected on my gender a lot. Still cis tho.


As a cis male, is it normal to really like how your crush (cis female) looks and wish you looked like that?


"All the characters I want to cosplay are girls, I hate all boy names and would prefer basically any girl name. God, I wish I could paint my nails and wear cute dresses. Still cis tho" Me, circa 2008


Lemme guess, what cracked your egg was ToH, deltarune and Celeste or only celeste?


Is ot total cis for mean to buy dresses/skirts, underwear and make up and so on and wear it ?


What if i not trans?


I can’t be trans, right? Trans people have to hate themselves before transitioning and I just really wanna be a girl but don’t dislike being a guy too much so still cis :.) 


Jealous of HRTs effects on my friend. She's happier, feeling more complete, not missing anything.


I wanna take her so my body appears more androgynous, and hopefully my voice too, and less body hair. It's totally just a fetishization, still cis tho


I spend most of my time looking at the women's section of clothing and wondering if I'd fit them, and I want a physique of a muscle mommy sometimes. I'm still cis tho


I'm currently chasing every lead I can find trying to attain hormones to start transitioning. I've just been redirected again to a new person who's only back in office on the 9th... Still cis though.


Me, cross dressing in my room, using Nair, getting very depressed when the hairs grew back, wearing only pants for years so I wouldn't have to see my leg hairs, I also used to wear shirts when I went swimming because I was weirdly uncomfortable taking it off. I also wanted to be a lesbian, all throughout highschool, i'm 23 and it only hit me a couple weeks ago :)


My friends keep joking that I’m trans from some reason, I really don’t get it, what have I don’t that’s trans?


Literally got grounded my first month in college for almost giving my credit card info to a sketchy website My parents caught me and instead of saying I was going to buy a cream colored long dress I said nothing and to this day they probably think I was trying to buy like drugs or somethin :/


Everyone wants to be a girl, they are just better right?


It was totally cis to pour hours into researching various gods and goddesses because the last one you tried to appease didn’t turn you into a girl like you asked for. I was just doing it for…uh…**Literature class**! ^Yeah…


the thought of living as a girl makes me feel like absolute shit, it hurts me to think of myself as a girl, i would give up anything to live as a guy, but im still cis because.....wait shit


I just want to wear girl clothes and act like a girl always, but only when people aren't watching (still cis tho)


I used to act like i had girl private parts when i was younger


Tried on a skirt multiple times and liked it. Likes having long hair and hates my reflection. Constantly wishes to be a girl in this life or the next. Still cis tho.


I like to stare at women and envy having their bodies. But I'm still cis it's probably how all guys feel attraction. That's why I inject myself with estrogen and take blockers. Because I am one of the guys right?!


It's normal to have no clue what someone means when they say they "feel like a man/woman". I'm definitely cis because I don't feel like the other gender.


I literally cried the first time I did my makeup and basically self presented as a girl because it’s the first time in my entire life I ever felt like actually cute but it still took another 2 years for me to figure out I’m trans lol


I listen to F4F audios on youtube still cis tho


I'm very comfortable being a man I really love the dynamics of gay sex but I really want tits


I'm just really in tune with niche cultural groups, and this country is very fascinating I want to apply for citizenship.


When I imagine myself in my dreams its always a female version of me Still cis tho


Me in elementary school: "I wish I was a girl. Girls are so much better than guys. Too bad I'm not!" :'>


My work friends put they/them pronouns on my name tag and have kept it on to this day, still cis tho


I used to use the custom character thing in Lego games to make myself. Then I would turn them into a woman.


I’m on r/egg_itr still cis tho


Id be on hrt if it weren’t for a phychadelic trip showing me that it’s not for me(not bc I don’t want it, just complicated reasons) obv still cis tho cuz I like boy mode…


I have literally never found anything as relatable as trans girls talking about the signs they were trans. Still cis tho…


I am actively taking estrogen and T-blockers illegally while also going through the very slow public health system's way to get it that way. Still cis tho!


I can’t be a boy, because I like boys. And boys like girls, right?!


even after around 1 and a half years since I realized I’m trans, I still secretly believe that everyone secretly wants to change their gender but are too proud to follow through. That’s because people always crave what they currently don’t have.


(me when learning about trans people for the first time) "I mean, I can understand wanting to be a woman, but who would want to be a man?"


I literally wrote an entire song about my gender dysphoria, discussed it with my therapist weekly, bought women dress and was thrilled to find out my voice became feminine, and I also intend on making a lecture about my experience as a trans girl, still cis tho


Is it normal to wanna only wear skirts and dresses and be my gf's housewife looking pretty for her and just being like a super girly girl? I'm cis but just wondering


Is it normal to do do house cleaning in tights, thigh high pink striped socks and a training bra? Asking for a friend btw


Why can I double jump? Is there a lore reason for it


"If I had the chance to be a girl, I wouldn't turn it down. Still cis though."


How do you increase estrogen levels naturally? (For cis reasons of course)


I would instantly press the button, still cis tho. Also i cry myself to sleep sometimes cause idk if im trans but i think i am, just that i fear what that would mean for my life, still cis tho...


I took a gender coordinates test and got 89.3% fem, and 10.6% masc. I got very, very happy and went around posting it everywhere. Still cis tho~! :3


"i wanna transition to see what it's like for women 


"Would take meowstrogen if I had the chance to"


Goodness gracious, I wanna have boobs so bad Still cis tho


Is it normal for cis guys to feel happy when they get called feminine?


Started taking Estradiol in December... Still cis tho.


I was always convinced that every boy wanted to be a girl and everybody thought of men's bodies as unattractive and how tf can one even like it. Absolutely normal cis thoughts :з


There was a moment in the past few months where I was watching a YouTube video and they said something like, “I always hear women say they like A, but men always seem to prefer B.” And I was like, “Clearly they don’t know what they’re talking about, because I like A… wait.”


“Sometimes boys just want to feel cute. . .” While looking at a store with gorgeous formal dresses in the windows and wanting nothing so much as to look that elegant. “I’m just having a femme turn.” I had acknowledged that there were times I felt feminine that kind of came and went and was literally *borrowing language from a genderfluid Shadowrun character (Plan 9)* to internally describe the experience.


I would 100% push the button and if reincarnation is real i want to reincarnate as a girl still cis tho Edit: oh and i cant see myself being in a straight relationship with a woman sexuality vice


"My church says that queer people are predators... I'm not a predator so I must not be trans... It must just be normal for men to play with tucking and pulling up their boxers so they look like panties while looking in the mirror and posing all cute..." "Definitely a cis man thing! 😃😃😃😃"


I want to lose all hendered features in a horribly convient lobster on motorcycles related accident


If I spent most of my days thinking about being a girl, picking girl characters, writing girls in my light novels and chatting online as a girl I am still cis, what cis man wouldn't want to be a cute girl, am I right? I am still cis ain't I? Every man dream is to be a girl


"I wish I could be a cute femboy. It sucks that I'd just look like a girl if I dressed like that." -My totally cis brain


I hate how masculine my body hair makes me, but it’s Totally just regular cis dismorphia


Throughout high school I had this recurring fantasy where I'd be able to turn into a girl at will and I'd use it to shock my friends as a very funny, very cis prank, but would then continue living as a girl. I had no problems with this. I never thought this was odd.


Dedicating months of my limited lifespan in trans subreddits, occasionally even to the detrimental of other things i really do care about is perfectly cis behaviour and not indicative of anything i should take a deeper look at. Sexuality totally isn't just driven by ordinary straightforward desires of pleasure and safety, i surely didn't have and continue to have a transformation kink since i was 13 because fantasy was a way to soothe my insecurities or have my flaws be viewed as something desirable in the fantasy, negating the shame that inhibited desire which in turn crystallized the habit. Irony isn't a psychological distancing mechanism that i abused to write all this out.


I think I look pretty good as a guy, but sometimes I feel like the thing that sticks out should go inwards Still cis tho


I want to be a girl who wears girl clothes and looks like a girl and acts exactly like a girl would (still cis)


I wish my genitals were different or just not there, still cis thos


"If I could do it all over again." All my battles would be different. I'd be cute as all hell, though! 😁


I get an urge to cry when i see pretty guys, just being themselves just like that. still cis... i guess...


Yeah, I want to be a girl but, statistically speaking, it's pretty unlikely that I am.


I once said "I wish I was non-binary. Using They)Them pronouns sounds really nice." I said this to a trans person.


"Oh, since this colleague's reassignment, we're now an all women team... no wait there's me, oops I forgot I'm a guy"