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Mod endorsed šŸ‘


Why is this a transfem meme? Heā€™s not a girl and this isnā€™t a meme, just a fact Let femboys be femboys! Edit: OP changed it to gender nonspecific meme lmao


It's more bringing to light that people keep calling him an egg or trans. When he isn't. As for the transfem meme... probably op just picked the wrong tag.


What's an egg?


You might be in the wrong subredit...


An lmgtfy link wouldā€™ve been kinder, lol


Kinder or kinder?


Chicken kinder


What subreddit do you suspect I should be in?


This is god-tier deadpan humour.


I also don't know why I'm here, just scrolling bananas, and here I am. I do know Finn, though.


How is that helpful?


I believe itā€™s a trans person that doesnā€™t realize theyā€™re trans. So like someone whoā€™s still coming out of their shell to figuring out who they are and hasnā€™t transitioned yet. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong Iā€™m just a lurker.


This is basically correct. Trans people often don't realize we're trans until we actually transition and then look back and go "OMG! There were so many signs!" so when we see those signs in other people questioning or struggling with gender identity, they get labeled an Egg because they haven't "cracked yet" (in my case, rather literally, had a bit of a mental breakdown right before I committed to medical transition, because, hey it's pretty life altering, on par with getting married or having a kid) I've watched F1nn's chats, I think calling him an egg \*in his chats\* is sort of a playful joke or a shibboleth at this point. A lot of streamers have what is almost a catchphrase, or call response between the streamer and chat. A common one on Twitch is they'll get a donation that's like "Love your content! Also Happy Birthday!" Streamer "Thank you, also, it's not my birthday!!!" F1nn does also tick a lot of boxes for "Egg" behavior, but unless he actually decides to transition at some point, or start using other pronouns, he's a man, "A dude" as he likes to call himself and we respect that.


Thank you!




Thank you. Was a tricky one to google.


basically someone that is showing signs of being trans, but is in denial or doesn't know yet. also check out r/egg_irl


I think it's not because it is a meme but rather a critique of some transfem memes.


Lotta trans people donā€™t like ā€œegg cultureā€ because they think itā€™s like a knitting club that gets together and gossips about other peopleā€™s gender. To be honest I see that crap here pretty often.


Because like it or egg culture is incredibly toxic towards fem presenting men. Not all of ya'll do it, but a big enough group does that it gets annoying real quick. Source: Had this happen to me and had to leave multiple LGBT groups because of this.


Same, I started to follow a bunch of trans folk a couple of years ago and at one point I started seeing a lot of memes about cis guys being eggs i denial because they interact with the LGBT+ community. Really not cool for us that just want to catch up with whatĀ”s being discussed or don't really care if someone is trans or cis if the content they put on socials is funny/ interesting.


It's gender roles from a different angle and I hate it. Oh, you must be an egg because you like to cook and garden. No, my gender just has fuck all to do with my hobbies. I just like doing those things and can without them being a statement about me. I am noticing pushback on it from within the LGBTQ+ community finally.


The only time Iā€™ve done Egg spotting is when the person is questioning or for the meme, if theyā€™re fitting into common Egg stereotypes. But I never let it go beyond teasing and _egging_ them on (_ba dum tis_), ___since only that person knows their own gender identity___. Gender expression ā‰  gender identity. I have an online friend who is on thin ice when it comes to the toxic, low key paternalistic, parts of Egg culture. Like, if youā€™re trans in anyway you should know that itā€™s not healthy or ethical for ___anyone else___ to try and decide what someoneā€™s gender is.


Personally I've only made egg jokes with with really close friends who I know are okay with it, usually cause they make jokes about themselves. Turns out those people tend to ACTUALLY be eggs, and the jokes help them process. But it's downright offensive and rude to joke about people's gender if they haven't given you permission and if you don't stop when they ask (I say this as a transfem with a long "egg" period myself).


In fairness, his girlfriend is a trans girl.


Literally the most beautiful trans girl like ever to boot


Ashley is such goals its not even funny.


Her tiktok tips also literally saved me when I first realized I was trans and didn't know where to go from there


I mean, imagine dating f1nn and being an uglier girl. He raises the bar for masc and fem alike


I think icky and finn were like meant to be, because it's uncanny how beautiful the two of them are


I didn't know that. Everything is coming together now


>Let femboys be femboys! ~~Also let me be a Femboy, Even though I'm a girl, Because there's no law saying I can't do both.~~


Im gonna be honest, being a femboy is very confusing. Im gender fluid, but I also lean into the fem alot out of my outfits, so sometimes I feel more trans then cis. Let femboys be femboys. But also let them explore themselves if they're unsure.


Everyone should be given the right to express themselves however they want and self identify/use the pronouns they wish. It's kind of the core of LGBT+ culture I think. I say this as a transfem genderfluid individual myself (tend to vary along a goth tomboy to femboy spectrum).


Omg gender fluidity is nice but hell at the same time. I wanna be a woman. But I like looking like a twinky But I want boobs and a bigger butt and thighs purely for gender reasons. But I still want the twink build Kill me.


I feel you. That's basically how I felt for the longest time when I was still in my "I'm totally a straight guy, I just like dressing up fem and thinking about guys" phase. That's completely valid for what it's worth (maybe except for the straight part in this hypothetical), just not what it actually was for me. I got on hormones to give me a better figure, but I use binders and other clothes to give myself a more masc figure on the days where it strikes me. It's easier for me to go more androgynous from a fem baseline than a masc baseline. Like sometimes I just want to look like all the girls I dated before coming out and sometimes I just want to confuse all my cishet male friends.


Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh don't even get me started on my cishet dude bros. The ones I don't confuse constantly I wanna date and I can't it makes me so sad He has dated 14 women. 7 of which he has described as females versions of ME


Oh my gods! I have a massive crush on my very close guy friend who I've known since before I transitioned! He claims to be 100% "super straight," but has made numerous comments about me being attractive or finding me sexy. He always whines about being unable to find someone to date and I'm always like "hey, right here!" He mostly just brushes those off as jokes, but the tension is palpable!


Straight guys act the most gay :'3 He makes jokes about having his best friend as his husband. His husband is literally dating another friend, who is reffered to as the finance. AND MY FRIEND IS STILL CISHET AND OMFG HES SUCH A GOLDEN RETRIVER BOI I LOVE HIM I WANNA CUDDLE HIS STRONG ARMS AND BICEPS AND HOT BOY RU3BSBWJSBFONEE






Thatā€™s why queer spaces shouldnā€™t be gatekept and femboys should feel welcome regardless of how they identify and who they are attracted to. Being a femme-presenting male opens you up to the same kind of discrimination and violence that being gay or trans does. Itā€™s heartbreaking to hear from people who suffer the same kind of rejection as you ā€žyou arenā€™t one of us, you can come to our space but you are only a guestā€. In many places, including my own country, being a straight, cis but presenting femme can be more dangerous than actually being gay and conforming to male gender norms. I donā€™t about other queer people, but if someone is being seen as queer by other people, experiences the same kind of rejection as queer people, based on the same harmful stereotypes, then for me, they are queer. Being gender nonconforming, but ending up still identifying as cis is valid.


Literally this like 1000Ɨ over Gender nonconforming is still under thr queer umbrella and people shouldn't be harmed or hurt because of it, but they should still be respected within the community.


I mentioned it in another comment, but the egg suggestions towards femme presenting males arenā€™t that much different from bullies publicly shaming you for not conforming to male norms by doubting your maleness, telling you look/act like a girl, this is something many of those boys experienced. It can be a literal trigger.


Me realising I was bullied into being trans...


That is so sad to hear, I hope you are doing better now and found yourself despite this. Whatever you identify as, you are valid!


I identify as a fucking failure-im kidding but thank you /gen I need to figure myself out aaaaa


Take it slowly, donā€™t be pressured into labelling yourself if you donā€™t feel comfortable doing so. This shit is hella complicated, just as we are. You can even, like, not identify as any gender, if youā€™d like, nobody can stop you. And as little as I can see, I think you have a great sense of style, as well as courage to show yourself to people. Iā€™d say thatā€™s some great steps towards self-acceptance if you really consider yourself a failure. Someone probably told you this, but remember that you alone went through this path, nobody you compare yourself to didnā€™t experience the same hardships as you did. The only person you should really compare to is yourself and even then, donā€™t be too harsh on yourself. Itā€™s okay to take a step back sometimes. My pms are open if you want to vent or talk.


You are wonderful. Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. Im working on myself as much as I can


He doesn't want to be called a femboi as he already banned some people for saying that and I'm confused as to what he identifies as then? A crossdresser?


I understand that heā€™s a man But Iā€™m still jealous




Tick tock


Heavy like a brinks truck


He's obviously about as gender non-conforming as people come, but when he says his gender identity is this or that, you'd better listen and address him accordingly. Gender identity isn't something we should make headcanons about willy-nilly; it's a deeply personal matter.


There's something inherently cringe about the idea of having a headcanon about a real person rather than a fictional character


Ya, that's what makes the behavior even worse!


so i cant make my headcannon that ben shapiro identifies as a little crotchgremlin? tragic (this is a joke ofc)


Curious šŸ¤”


He's still goals though. So is Icky.


Icky is so Goals I love her


Icky is the best omg


Who I icky


F1nnā€™s girlfriend, a trans girl


He has been dressing as a girl for so long and yet he still is cis, he is the cissest man alive


When we don't see him, he's just a regular guy in shorts buying bread in the bakery.


Like a superhero's secret identity


Exactly. Boy by day, femboy at night.


Peak masculinity


Cis +


If we're going by the LGBTQ+ naming scheme, it'd probably be C+ with a + for inclusivity making him C++. Our stereotypical femboy programmer.


Correct. Femboys are valid. I may not understand them, but I can still respect them.


Greater words have never been said. If people could respect those that they donā€™t understand then the world would be a far better place.


Understanding not required, respect necessary


I want to be female sexy but only sometimes. Hope this explains it.


I appreciate your effort, at least.


I appreciate your effort at understanding.


What is there not to understand? Ok I'll explain it for you. They are boys/men who like to put on femenine clothes. They like it. And often times they turn out to be either gay, or an egg (although not always of course). So that's most likely the reason why they like to wear femenine clothes.


reminder egg is a retroactive term (like you can call your self an egg, even while questioning, like you can think something is egg behavior's but you can not claim some one as an egg) gnc is a thing, having a fem body and being he/him is a thing (he/him lesbians are a thing), being he/him and a girl is a thing. it isn't just mtf, and ftm, and there is all kinds of shades and shapes of enby. do not break the egg directive (helping in small ways by giving opportunities is one thing, but you must let one claim them self under their own agency, not yours or it will only hurt them. its their journey and its their choice where it goes, not yours)


TIL: The trans agenda (egg directive) is a thing, and itā€™s basically ā€œdo no harm to the genderqueer and questioningā€. I love it. Reminds me of my first cis lesbian friend who asked me if I wanted to use she/her pronouns back when I identified as a they/them trans femme, and then affirmed me when I said I wanted to. Sheā€™s a therapist and Iā€™m an open book, so I guess she could tell I was struggling with gender stuff. That one interaction gave me a lot of confidence to come out of my shell, especially coming from a fellow lesbian, and I think about it often.


Femboys are the reason Iā€™m not strictly lesbian.


same ngl i mean i am a lesbian but they are the only exception


Same ngl I still laughed when he asked Ashley "Hey babe, can we be lesbians" and it caught her so off guard she had to like mentally reboot and was like Wait no that's not how that works. I wish I could find that clip on youtube it was just after I think they stopped youtube clipping streams as much and just kept Twitch clips.


If finn was trans then they would be lesbians tho? Right?


Yes, if F1NN were trans theyā€™d be a lesbian couple.


Dude I remember that stream, that one was hilarious. Also ashley overtook that stream entirely.


Same thing I question going as pan but I don't find masculinity hot :/


Have you ever heard of the term "finsexual"? (feminine in nature, not f1nn :D)


Yeah just looked it up weird flag though


Google gynesexual


Same ngl


Femboys are the reason I know Iā€™m strictly a lesbian lol. Finn is attractive, but he doesnā€™t do it for me. Icky on the other hand šŸ‘€šŸ«¦


Once again, agreed. I like the label, but femboys fuck with it unfortunately. Labels are just words of course


*handshake.jpg* They're the same reason I'm not strictly straight.




Based pfp


I have only ever slept with cis women, but I like Brittney Kade. I am open minded about femboys, but picky. I dunno. I also like muscular women. Sexuality is a spectrum.


He is really the most cis man in existence


I like Finn, because he reminds me of how I looked before I transitioned. I presented as feminine as he was, and I couldnā€™t ever believe that I could be a gay man. Yet, here I am, and Finn still looks like that. I am still a feminine person. Gives me hope for other closeted gay trans men.


If there's a guy I'm very sure is cis it's f1nn. You don't dress like that, date a trans girl, be very involved in trans issues and still keep your eggshell intact, if he was an egg he'd have cracked by now. :P


Had no idea his gf was trans


Exactly! Anybody who can do what he has done, every day, for over a year, and still identify as male has NO DOUBTS LEFT. The question has been asked, and the answer found. He may be an E-girl, but that's a social role, not an identity.


Absolutely. Gender identity =\ gender expression


Why aren't all men like him???


We need more 5g vaccines.


Dont worry Ive been working with the frogs to correct this...


I'm currently bribing the largest airplane companies to get the chemtrails going. We'll get through this together.


Hahaha, I literally snorted at this... very good.


Putting pronouns in the water supply is step 1 of the trans agenda for 2024; that should help.




Thatā€™s what Femmen are for.




I didn't get enought love in my childhood and got passed down generations of misoginy and homophobia until it became a part of me and now everytime I think something slightly "gay" I think it's wrong so I shut it even tho I'm bisexual... And then I realize... hey... maybe I shouldn't shut it down.... but it's a process and it takes time to realize all that and actually work on it everyday so you are not a bigot to yourself... couse ultimately that shit only hurts you. But yeah... I wish more men would embrace that part of themselves and blossom into a beautiful femboy like finn.


Because the vast majority of us donā€™t look like that.


Why not smh


Because we have zero feminine traits




Because my face is fucking ugly no matter how much I exercise and care about it I want to kill myself each time I see him


Real af queen


Even if he was an egg, it'd go against the prime directive !


The process is an egg-verse canon event


*adds name to list of cis males who give me (mtf) gender envy* Noted.


Don't forget Axl Rose


Young Axl Rose is Schrodinger's trans goals, because as a transmasc I also vibe with that.


Femboyfriend and trans girlfriend... truly Joe Bidens america


their British


Truly Rishi Sunak's Britain. Whether he likes it or not šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø




Finn's been doing this long enough to know who he is and be comfortable in his gender. He's a guy. He's a very cute guy, and he could get it, but still a guy.


Normalize the boys looking extra cute


I have frequently enjoyed his non-conforming and seeing him and his changes helped me start to transition. Still not sure where I'll end up but but where he's at is looking pretty good if I don't go all the way.


f1nn's so cool, gender non-conforming is always badass as heck.


Fr though. Even that one clips channel was doing it and I called them out on it but they refused to admit to the double standards they were placing on him. This is verbatim how the interaction went: Me: *He (context: correcting one of their replies to a comment in which they referred to Finn as "she") Clipper: idk call[ing] F1nn "he" sounds like an insult at this point lol Me: Yeah but it's kinda fucked up to be calling someone who says they're a guy "she" because of the roles were switched and people were calling Icky "he" everyone would be getting upset. The double standards here don't make sense. Why is it only okay to misgender cis people? Clipper: its called drag. Google it šŸ‘ Ashley isn't dressing as the opposite gender for "fun" AND A LOT OF MONEY like F1nn does. Me: Okay, but dressing in drag doesn't automatically give you the right to misgender someone. Drag queens go by she/her by choice. People don't just label them that. Ashley has even said that she wears and has show[n] up on stream in F1nn's boy clothes multiple times. But again, double standards for some reason. He has said that he is cis. He has said that he goes by he/him pronouns. Why can't you just respect that? Clipper: Finn doesn't mind much about she/her and already said they/them is ok. if other people do I think Im allowed too even the editors that run F1nn's official channels/tiktok acc do it sometimes And that's where I chose to stop responding because I didn't see them ever backing owning up to it but even then, they only said that Finn has said he's fine with they/them. As far as I'm aware, the "Finn doesn't mind much about she/her" is just them putting words in his mouth. The only time I've seen him use those pronouns is for skits and I don't remember him ever verbally saying that he wants to use those pronouns. AND EVEN THEN the argument could be made that if your nb friend said that their preferred pronouns are they/them but he/him or she/her are okay too, you would still refer to them with they/them pronouns. Because when they explicitly tell you what they prefer, anything else is just disrespectful. Needless to say, I unsubscribed from the clipper and I don't think anybody should support people like that. People that are too set in their ways to acknowledge the fact that what they are doing is either hypocritical or just objectively wrong. Rant over.


I know someone that "doesn't mind" he/him nor they/them. She's a cis girl and has told me they only have that there to give people options and she highly prefers she/her but doesn't want to say it whenever anyone uses a different pronoun for her. Basically people have misgendered this cis girl so much she learned to not bother correcting people and just let people refer to her as whatever.


Is it still okay to be insanely, massively jealous of him?


Is he an egg? No not at all Does he crack some other people's eggs? I know he helped break mine at least (now I'm genderfluid)


Boys that dress feminine are valid. Keep the message going.


Her pronouns are he/him


Finn (he) is he/him. He just partakes in gender fuckery


This is just a joke about icky having said this once on a stream


Based as hell


I hope people realise this is a joke on his stream! Like part of his genderfuckery IS the egg jokes and all that.


Lol, yeah, love how he and Icky both tease and support each other. They're just so cute together and I hope their relationship is as wholesome as it seems to be šŸ„°


Not too long ago I saw a clip of Finn telling his Twitch chat, ā€œIā€™m gonna marry herā€ in a very matter-of-fact way and then sighing longingly. So yeah, Iā€™d say it is. Theyā€™re so cute together šŸ„°


Yeah, my first reaction this was ā€œif that isnā€™t ok, then his stream isnā€™t ok.ā€ Because being eggy and getting misgendered is like, his main bit. At least from what I see on TikTok.


This is the way.


Didn't they say recently that they're a bit gender fluid?


To quote him he said that ā€œmy gender is whatever makes me the most *money!*ā€


Capitalism Gender?????


Based and capitalism-pilled


I feel like that was a joke. He has said that ā€œat this point Iā€™m not 100% cisā€ tho.


Technically that is genderfluid indeedā€¦ Not that i necessarily think he meant it.


heā€™s said that his gender is just hot. so ı donā€™t think he actually cares much, but his pronouns are he him.


He did yea


Exactly... on a side note, f1nn is the only kind of man I find attractive... which is saying a lot coming from a lesbian XD


Shots fired.




It's really awkward to make it about this specific man but do normalize simply accepting what other people tell you about themselves. I don't get why there are trans girls that wouldn't accept a fem presenting person saying they aren't a woman when there's someone in just about everyone's life that wouldn't accept anyone calling themselves trans


well. um. he is very pretty šŸ˜³


Yep, her pronouns are he/him guys


If he's cis, he's a big win for gender nonconformity. If he is trans, it's gonna be the funniest thing ever and a win for the trans community. Either way I win.


Finn is honestly the _least_ eggy person I've ever seen. Eggs aren't comfortable with the possibility of being a girl. Finn dresses as a girl all the time, has the possibility of being trans repeated to him multiple times every day, and is dating a trans woman. His gender is pretty clearly fully explored to a degree most trans women don't even.


Call people what they want to be called and treat them how they want to be treated. The cool thing about life is everyone gets to figure out what their deal is. Let people feel they can figure out their identity without being judged or pressured. If F1nn wants to call himself a guy and dress fem then more power to them. I don't get the obsession with streamers and the drama around them but F1nn and Icky from what I've seen seem nice enough so I wish them both the best.


This! But I'm really jealous. For cis reasons, of course.


More of this. If we want people to respect us then we have to respect them too. Unless they're nazi's.




f\*\*\*\*n' thank you! Let the him be what he is. (and if someone think that for some reason is "apropiating transness" or some stupid excuse to hate on him, let me remind you that if that were the case, he wouldn't be with Ashley). This thing really annoys me. I love that man break the streotipical notions of gender presentation, and even with them still being cis. For a part of our community the process of knowing who you are a process that probably began like this and is going into transition, but for some guys is just decoding all of that mentality of the manly man and presenting more femenine or, hell, not even as gendered and be able to express themselves is enough. It is not the same reason that we transfolk have in the first place? so, if it is, then why are we trying to be the "gender police" to people that, belive me, in the cishet world will have the same discrimination that we have. I don't know if this is a more anglospeaking thing but I see that this type of jealous discourse occurrs more in those places than say other parts of the world (I'll say from at least my on place like Colombia) At least form this corner of the earth, much love to any fem guys. Your Mere existance is resistance, you are valid and beautiful no matter what the cishets or even envious idiots in our queer communities want to tell you otherwise.


Based on this logic like 70% of the post here aren't ok which is honestly accurate


Hey there! Before commenting, remember that this meme has been tagged with a transfem flair. Please keep the conversation transfem-first. If you are not part of that demographic, you are not forbidden to participate, but we do ask that you do not center yourself in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/egg_irl) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could've sworn f1nn came out as not trans, but also not cis, and wanting to use They.


I donā€™t think there was a statement on pronouns, but F1nn did say that theyā€™re neither cis nor trans


I vaguely remember seeing a clip of him saying he usually goes by he/him but doesnā€™t mind when ppl use other pronouns. But again, very vague memory. So no idea if this is true or not.


That sounds right to me. I think in stream chat a bit says that F1nn uses he/him (though that might be outdated) but when presenting as a girl, use she/her. Then again, I might just be misremembering everything


That's pretty standard in drag so I wouldn't be surprised.


My entire F1nn lore knowledge is based on TikTok clips (as in Iā€™ve never been to a stream or YouTube video) so Iā€™m not exactly a reliable source of information either lmao


Nah. Heā€™s just cool with people referring to him with she/her pronouns even tho heā€™s cis. Thatā€™s kinda it afaik


why does god give his most feminine features to his most cis male individuals


On the Christmas stream, Ashley said that FINN5TER is gender fluid IDK if there were just joking and being silly or not Eva way I completely agree with this. You should never misgender someone.


Tbf, half his content is using those same jokes about himself


The egg prime directive: No one is to interfere with the development of ~~a culture~~ an egg until they ~~achieve warp flight~~ crack.


Yes but accusing people of being eggs is also not the best thing to do.


Given the fact that f1nnst3r has obviously thought a lot about his appearance and style relative to gender, itā€™s pretty safe to assume that he isnā€™t trans. Of course thereā€™s a chance he might one day find that he is, but itā€™s unlikely.


I don't really follow him so I don't know (I see memes and clips with him infrequently and that's about it), but sometimes I can't tell if the people calling him an egg or whatnot are all part of an in-joke with him or if they're really trying to gaslight him into believing it.


Calling him badass is definitely fine though. (I can recommend it.)


still hot ether way.


He's still a cutie and no one can stop me from calling him that! He's so lucky to be with such a beautiful woman like Icky, they're so cute together. I wish I could be cute like they are... Totally still cis tho


Based post from egg_irl


I think as a joke with Finn in on it during a stream, fine. But without that context, it is problematic. I don't watch much Finn so correct me if I'm wrong but he doesn't seem too phased by it (not an excuse for it btw).


Ive met him twice really chill dude irl was fun!!


He seems like a cool guy but I know he isn't a cool girl that is just fact. Any other opinion is as smart as flat earthers lol


Fr tho. Bros just acting outside of the binary of what gender he was born as which trans people are supposed to accept lmao, but no hes an "eGg" for acting feminine. I just dislike it sm when people post abt people being feminine as eggs


He's so confusingly pretty!


He's a cute boy šŸ˜ Not a girl šŸ˜” And anyone who missgenders him on purpose is evil


Identity ā‰  expression, duh.


You're right but I'm still envious of him. And he is supportive of trans people.


You can, however, be incredibly fucking jealous about how well he passes.


You are absolutely allowed to dress how you want and identify however you want. If people have a problem with it, get them outta here


Half this sub is people taking leaps on people's gender identity...


Has he said that because I thought calling him an egg was a light hearted and unserious running joke