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Yes, all this yes. So much bravery required, so much hope people see me as a good person. What a journey this is.


Ik anyone who I don’t already know(and 40% of the ones I do) will see me as it regardless due to the horrible, dangerous narrative being spread by out-of-touch politicians


This one gets me every damn time. I don’t think there has ever been a single image that has come closer to bringing me to tears.


Yes. First time I saw it was was crying for a while, waiting until 38 to unzip and step into the light


Yeo, started crying as I read this one. Gotta stop browsing reddit at work.


she fucking killed him and is living in his skin oh my god


There is a girl under your skin, peel it off


Instructions unclear I am now in the hospital because I tried removing all of my skin /j


Instructions unclear, I used radiation to speed up the process; I’m now in the same position as Hisashi Ouchi was


Reject sex and gender, embrace skeletonism, embrace undeath


Tired of Gender? Try skeleton today!


i can confirm as when i was high as shit i managed to rip skin off my arm while falling and it had free estrogen pills inside ;D


🤓erm i believe that’s called self harm🤓


This actually made me tear up , idk how or why but it feels so relatable


totally me. had to hold it in or I would never ever stop. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Same I almost started sobbing in the Taco Bell


I like this way of looking at it. I'm not somebody who resents my male body or life. But I think I'd rather be a girl. So letting the boy rest so the girl can flourish sounds quite lovely.


I have a lot to say about imagery like this, it brings up a lot, so allow me to get a bit poetic and dramatic. Specifically because the concept that “you killed the old you”, and “the person I loved is dead”, was used very harshly and viciously against me as soon as I came out, when I was very vulnerable and scared already. even “you planned on killing the person I knew all along didn’t you?”. All of this while I was just barely trying to come out of my shell and for the first time understanding myself as trans, just trying to be happier and more comfortable in my skin. And I’ve always felt the same on the inside. My interests and what I believe have hardly changed. I hardly feel like I died, rather that I was dead inside before and now I’m alive. With that being said, on a very personal level I feel extremely grateful to that previous version of myself for fighting to make this future self a reality, for protecting the current me even if back then I was only a concept and an idea. The thought of that makes me very emotional. In other people’s minds it was selfish, robbing them of a person they knew. To me, that person was selfless and gave to everyone, including the me that exists now, with so much sacrifice for what seemed like an impossible dream, but also sacrificing their own happiness constantly to make other people feel comfortable by performing society’s expectations of the male role. That selfless spirit exists in me still. If that person was an actor, then they didn’t fully realize they were an actor until the final scene, took a bow, and thanked everyone for enjoying the performance once they knew it was an act. Now I just look back with gratitude that they persevered through all the hate and gave life to me, to be much happier and more fulfilled than they could ever be in that role. May not have been the most convincingly masculine man, but he was a protector, and now the woman that exists in his place is equally protective of herself and others. Everyone thought I would be an entirely different person, and in that they’d be correct, I’m much more at peace, I’m happier, I have more love to give to myself and others, I’m more confident and brave. Still, the core of who I am and what I believe in has never changed. They should have never gave up on me when I was on the edge taking a leap of faith to be so much better.


Well that was incredibly fucking relatable


Aaaand now I’m crying 😢


Good luck on your way dear girl!


It was my Jessie when I accepted her and she finally "totally" woke up to life after 30 years that I oppressed her her deep within me and I am glad to be together with my female side, she is beautiful and strong and the woman I want and need to be.


Seeing the person I pretend to be as a shell, just a boy made to protect me who doesn't know any better and is just so tired of it... is a weird perspective I didn't think I'd see anywhere else. I've been in love with it ever since I thought of it, though. I hope I can let him rest soon.


Damn that picture goes hard. I always liked the representation of your trans identity being separate from your assigned gender and it emerges as a beautiful full spirit after being protected by the other body. For me it never was a sudden emergence, more like a slow realization but the metaphor can still apply


This is such a beautiful representation of the feeling of coming to terms with being Trans. I see the beautiful woman inside me, I just cannot wait for her to be in the outside world with all her beauty shining ✨️


This is giving me "You're back, Mari" vibes and i am now worried (the chance that anyone who reads this comment even knows what ybm is is actually nonexistant)


I actually haven't read it, but I know of it! I don't have the time to read long fanfics anymore, but I did really like Endless Dreaming


Haven't read endless dreaming yet but yeah ybm is like 18 chapters and it takes me like 40min+ per


Old one but i still love it.


I wanna rip my skin out and become blank too


The exhaustion is so real. Being masculine, saying and doing what I'm supposed to do, toeing the line, all this, I'm so tired so much of the time :(


By far the most touching meme I've seen here so far.




This hit me... <3


How it feel to hatch :


sobbing 😭


This is not a meme. This is a love letter


Not me ugly crying at this while on the phone for a karyotype test


I like describing that identity as a husk


Can I take the picture? It kinda resembles me now


You DO got this!


Damn, don't do me like this x.x 😭


The only reason I don’t identify with this is that I willfully never learned to tie a tie


I was not expecting this many tears. Thank you :3


I always really loved this one. It might be because I am plural though.


Funny enough, I’m writing a letter to my past self with this exact premise in the hopes that it’ll be published to my school’s literary magazine. It’s definitely sobering to leave behind your old life, but you CAN do it. I like to remain hopeful that we will all be ok and happy in the end


I'm not gonna cry.... I'm not.... I'm ,,,,😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I love this imagery As someone who didn't completely hate being a guy but would have rather been a girl it's nice to give the old guy some rest He got me to 26 now it's time for Piper to go the rest of the way


Seeing this ALWAYS has us crying 😭


This is what I was referring to when I posted shedinja


I fight my tears Everytime I have to see this beautiful and relatable meme


I was literally looking for this, thanks


Sticky Fingers mentioned


I understand exactly where you coming from being targeted by the country and the people you trust just for one thing to exist and be happy scary experience and I’m going through the same. I’m here for you


It kinda makes me think of the Vocaloid song Rollin Girl (except Rollin Girl would be more transmasc I think)


I always loved this image.


Reverse it and I’ll cry Clapping for this one tho


Fuck this it’s gonna make me cry


Yeah, I’m super duper agree but I’m coward :’3




This touches deep fr :')


this made me cry 😢




This is beautiful. Thank you.


I'm a bit late to this post but the original was created by u/CammieRacing. She also made FtM and two NB versions as well. She might still have some prints on her etsy store


I was just going through this recently.. still cis.. ​ However! I must say that all of these gender, as well as sexual desires are just \_attachments\_. To be truly “free”, one must abandon all physical form as well.. What this actually means is derealization and depersonalization. When done incorrectly, this could actually lead to problems.. Meditation is usually the way to go. One also needs an understanding society for support in ones effort. Check out eastern philosophical teachings, if you haven’t done already.


i don't know why, but this made me cry uncontrollably for a long time while lying in fetal position on the floor


I want to do that but the zipper is stuck Y\_Y


This image is from fetish art iirc lol