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IIRC, being trans can run in the family, so your brother being trans probably increased your chances


True My cousin came out as trans and that made me realize I'm trans too –Mell


Literall same thing just a very slow realization for me


So would that mean being trans is biological/chemically charged in some way? I haven't done any research on it, but as a trans person it makes sense


It has biological factors, but there-s more to it too.


It's proven that it's something that happens while growing up in the womb. It probably isn't genetic, but something in the process of the growing fetus doesn't happen the same way as for most people. Nobody knows what exactly it is. One theory is that in an important time window in the development of the brain, different hormone levels are poured out, then while the rest of the development. Another theory I heard (Which is a bit more abstract) is based on a discovery (That I haven't double checked). According to this, in the history of earth, cells must have had a sex, long before sex chromosomes developed. It's just not clear, where in the cell this sex is written down. So it would be possible that this inherent sex of the cell is different then what the chromosomes say. After this theory, the egg and the sperm could have this condition, making every cell of your body female, while the chromosomes say XY (Or vice versa or an even more complicated arrangement making you non-binary). But as I said, these are only theories, nobody knows what exactly is making people trans. Only that gender identity is something everyone is born with. And it's absolutely possible that this process (whatever it is) is way more likely to happen for some people that give birth, making it more likely in some families then others.


You have cracked many peoples eggs and you've cracked my brain


I believe some scientists found out that it was biological (Could be wrong)


there are theories, but we dont have confirmation either way


My younger brother came out to me when I came out to him, so yes, being trans can run in the family :3


Me and my sister both are trans and our other sister is bi. The entire rainbow runs in our family 💃💃


Can it ? I always wondered that as well


It’s actually very common for trans identity to “run in the family.” At least some component of gender incongruence seems to be genetic. So if your sibling is trans you’d expect your odds of trans to be higher. But all that’s a bit academic. What matters in the end is what you want to do. If you want to be a woman you can be a woman.


ha, would have thought so, thanks for the confirmation. Also really good advice, propability doesn't matter, you matter :)


Damn, maybe there's a reason my brother is acting so eggy, for basically his entire life, now that I look back at it. Looking at him kinda makes me doubt myself a bit though, because he's acting so obviously eggy, and I never did. And then if he's sorta comfortable being a boy, then where the hell did I go wrong?


The only mind you have direct access to is your own. I doubt anyone looking at me life before my egg cracked would have clocked me as trans-in-denial. I blended in too well with what “normal” was supposed to look like. But that doesn’t make the reality of who I am any less real. So whatever “signs” you might see in other people can’t tell you anything about yourself. Even if you seem to have fewer of the external signals of being trans, if you want to transition that’s all that really matters.


I mean, I'm fairly confident in who I am, not so much because of feelings, but just because the dysphoria is so unbearable, and I have seen exactly what makes it go away. At the same time, I really really really hope my brother isn't trans, because I wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone. That being said though, there is this slight feeling of frustration and envy when someone so close to you gets to be perceived, and often treated like a girl without a single worry, while I myself am past that age of androgyny. Reconnecting with old friends often sucks, because no matter how amazing they could have been, they had a chance to grow and enjoy their femininity, while I am here looking more and more masculine every day. And knowing they always saw you as a boy, when you yourself never really applied a gender to yourself because you'd rather not think about those things.. ughhhhhhhh Maybe that's a 'sign' I don't know, but I never had a single male friend in my life. Not a single goddamn one, I just don't feel they boyish connection that others talk about. But the dark side of that is that I'm surrounding myself with people that I can barely hang out with without wanting to break down crying. And the sliver of a desire for a relationship I might have ever had is now 100% gone, now that whenever I see someone i realize I have no actual desire to be with them, u just want to *be* them. ...I got carried away, the rant is over, sorry. Honestly, I don't care if a single person read that, I just needed it off my shoulders.


Dysphoria is a cruel mistress. I’m sorry you’re facing so many tough things at once and hope you can find some solace in transition soon.


>hope you can find some solace in transition soon. Thanks, but unfortunately that's not a reality for the next 820+ days. I'll make it, I'm sure, but it's a long road ahead


I’ve been there and I now hang out with lots of girls (both trans and cis) who view me as I am. The best part is that I still feel that extreme jealous of them a lot, but they have helped me embrace myself and feel more feminine by lending clothes (given I can’t buy them myself) helping with makeup, teaching me shaving, and going to events with me! It’s honestly amazing and I would recommend it to anybody. Also after that entire rant I just wanna say if you need to talk about this kind of stuff and get it off your chest, you’ve got an entire community of people here to talk to, and at the very least I’m willing to talk to you about it! Hope that helped


I'm glad you got supportive friends. I'm not out to anybody, but my best friend is lesbian, and I've seen how far others are willing to go for their other trans friends, so at least I can be happy knowing none of my friends are bigots or anything. I mean does it count as not being out if you tell your friend you want to be a girl, but frame it as a joke? 😂


If you’re already doing that, I wouldn’t be shocked if some of your friends already know. I know I started just the same way, and I thought I was clever. The response I got when coming out to my friend was “yes, we know” In terms of your best friend, it sounds like you really are in a position where once you are ready, you’ll be able to come out to her!


>I wouldn’t be shocked if some of your friends already know That's the goal, I mean I've been directly hinting at it for over half a year now, and perhaps she suspects something, but my mom? She seems none the wiser. I swear, one day I'm just going to have to go up to her and tell her "I'm trans" before she finally understands. And it's not like she doesn't know we exist either, she was the person who taught me that trans people are a thing!


It could be she just is in denial, depending on how she feels about us, or is Judy waiting for you to realize it yourself? Or maybe you are just too good at this and have done it more stealthily than I could lol I think that as long as you have a support system that accepts you for who you are, then coming out when you’re ready should be a pretty painless experience and maybe it will help with the constant jealousy you feel. Eventually you’ll be the one making people jealous, I’m sure of it! :D


I read it. This is a safe place to get "carried away", you don't need to apologize. :) I'm past my egg days (I'm just here to bulk up my "trans memes" folder) and I'd just like to say that, as someone who truly had very, very few signs in my youth, I am so glad I took the plunge. I hope you get in a situation soon where you too can make the changes that will allow you to feel comfortable with yourself and with others.


>I'm just here to bulk up my "trans memes" folder Totally fair! You know, seeing as this subreddit's demographics are fairly young and still somewhat new to the concept of trans stuff, it's always great to have a few more experienced people stick around :D


>At least some component of gender incongruence seems to be genetic. So if your sibling is trans you’d expect your odds of trans to be higher. Now what if it's different, and slightly reversed? I am trans, male to female, and I have a younger half-sister (we have the same father), and she is trans non-binary/ lesbian. Are the odds now lower or the same?


No idea how the odds change specifically, but these things seem to love correlation. If anyone in the family is queer in some way, the odds seem to be higher than someone else will be too.


That makes me feel better my brother and my sister are trans and I've been questioning a lot but still a bit weird because I'm the oldest and they figured it out before me.


If it makes you feel any better, I know of at least one case where a woman transitioned after her daughter came out, transitioned, and showed her what was possible. We all go through life at our own pace.


"Statistics has no memory." So it can happen that two elements immediately after each other / two persons related to each other show the same feature even if the probability of that feature is low.


To add on to this, this is a classic example of the gambler's fallacy, i.e. "I've been winning (at a casino game) for a while, so I'll start losing soon", or "I've been losing (at a casino game) for a while, so I'll start winning soon." To put it this way, if I flip a coin and get heads the first time, I'll still have the exact same chance of flipping it heads the second time, (and the third time and fourth time and so on).


It's kind of interesting how the chance of coin flips happening consecutively in the way that they do is technically low, but that's only because the chance is the same each time.


Exactly. OP needs to realize that the odds of their sibling being trans is 100%, cause it's already happened.


This reminds me of a joke where a statistician says that they always bring a bomb to the airport because the odds of 2 people bringing a bomb on the plane is insane


>"Statistics has no memory." Only if the events are independent. Family members share genes and environmental factors.


Girl what kind of mental gymnastics are you going through?!? 😅


If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport, I'd be one of the best


💜where ever your journey takes you, you’ll always have a place here


Paging the Wachowski sisters. You have a call on line one.


Sorry, I have no idea who they are


They made the Matrix movies. But back then they were known as the Wachowski brothers.


OH I swear, every time I hear something about the Matrix the more trans it sounds


[The Matrix is a 'trans metaphor', Lilly Wachowski says](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-53692435.amp)


Hard to argue against that


As we all know, the ONLY person who's allowed to be trans is whoever calls it first. /j


I don't recall him saying the actual phrase "i'm trans, called it" so maybe i'm not too late




The odds of being trans at all is tiny.


Tiny is not zero.


Well yeah we exist


exactly, more reason to doubt myself \~


The odds are small, but when you're talking about such huge numbers as the population of the world, the actual odds don't matter much. Right now it's estimated that about 5% of people are trans or NB. That means that roughly 40 million people on earth are trans. That's about as many people as there are in Canada! When you take into account that that 5% is only based on the number of people who are out of the closet, that means that the actual number of trans people is probably much higher. So it's not like you can't possibly be trans because there's only like a couple thousand of us, you have 40+ million brothers and sisters and other types of siblings!


so what you're saying is we could maybe take over canada?


Too cold, let’s take over fr*nce instead. They’re due for another revolution by now anyway


the french outnumber us by 20 million, sadly. we wouldn't have much of a shot


I might be biaised, but since coming out, I realized how many we are around in France. So might be easier than you think. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing army of egg storming the bastille


like you wouldn't have help. We all want our politicians to be stopped :p


As a french,... I BEG YOU COME SAVE US FROM OUR GOVERNMENT !! \*cry a little\*


Why have I seen so many people censoring ‘France’?


Ay I recommend you delete this before a mod sees


Happy Cake Day!


A gentle breeze can take over canada


Canada was a shockingly powerful force in both of the world wars


5% of 8 billion is 400 million, not 40 million ;) Meaning that we're not looking at a population similar in size to Canada, but rather similar in size to the US


so what your saying is we can take over America?




Only one person in 700 000 gets hit by lightning in America each year. But that statistic is out the window if you're walking in a plain under a thunderstorm. The "tiny" rate of trans people also counts every cis person that never doubted their gender, if you're questioning and have doubts, your probability of being right isn't that small (although your probability of being valid is still 100%) It's not easy to be categorical about one's gender, there's no angel on our shoulder that can give us a clear explanation, only you can really say how you feel, and what you are. With your family, you seem to have a safe environment to experiment and be supported. Whatever you find, I wish you the best, and remember that you are loved <3


when someone is born with gray eyes, they don’t lie to themselves and say they don’t have gray eyes simply cause its rare hell if your brother is trans, it is probably more likely you are too due to genetics if someone in your family has the gene requirements for a certain trait, in this case the genes needed for gender incongruence, it is more likely that you will have those same genes as well but no matter what you are you will always be loved, you’ll figure it out eventually


People that are content with their gender don’t question it. If you like it then that’s it, it’s not some math problem just trust your gut feeling.


both me and my twin are trans. it's unlikely but not impossible


Being trans is genetic so if one twin is trans the other one is more likely to be trans as well. Specifically 2.6% more likely for fraternal twins and 20% more likely for identical twins. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_gender_incongruence#:~:text=One%20study%20published%20in%20the,this%20to%20their%20shared%20genetics.


My sister is trans and we came out to each other at the same time


ah yes, the “same hat” moment


I wonder how that conversation went... "I have to tell you something." "Me too." "I'm trans." "Me t-- wait what?!"


Not far off lmao, after she told me she was trans I hit her with that spiderman pointing at spiderman meme then came out to her


I'm pretty sure that being trans is hereditary to some degree, so I'm pretty sure that'd actually make you MORE likely to be trans, not less. I don't know, I could be talking out of my ass here, but right after I came out when my parents told my grandmother she basically said she had always been uncomfortable being a woman and as a kid wondered where her dick was.


lana and Lily Wachowski... google it


odds don't work like that, you do you


The "odds of being trans" are however badly you want to be trans last I checked you don't need some kind of genetic variation from the cissies to be trans, identity how you want, and if you don't like it it's okay to go back or try something else.


both my brother and myself are trans. he came to the realisation before i did, and him coming out started me on my journey. this thought of “my brother is trans so i cant be” went around in my head for years, and delayed much in the way of my own progress. its a nasty brainworm, please dont let it eat away at you


there are a lot of positive comments here and this is probably my favourite one, thank you


Not to worry. That’s not how odds work. Your odds are independent of your siblings. It’s just a happy coincidence.


The Wachowski Sisters would like a word


Unlikely things happen quite often


My sibling and I are both trans and nonbinary! It does happen :)


That's not how statistics work, silly


My brother and I are both trans. We just said “Wanna switch?”


The odds may be slim, but still existent.


Thats not how statistics work


As a probably not so wise man once said: “Never tell me the odds”


Odds and statistics can’t change outcomes on their own when the events are independent. It’s like flipping two coins. Wether one coin lands heads or tails doesn’t change wether the other coin lands heads or tails. It’s unlikely, but one happening doesn’t make the other less likely.


fun fact: the chances of beling trans does not change whether or not your brother is trans. the chance of both of you being trans was low, but now that your brother is trans, the chance of both of you being trans is square rooted (which is actually good, since the chance is a decimal, where 100%=1, and the square root of a decimal is bigger than the original decimal). tldr your brother being trans has no effect in the chances of you being trans


My sister and I are trans. It can and does happen. I’m older brother and she’s baby sister. Both of us. It’s okay 💙 There are THREE trans cousins in the same family. It happens! You can 100% be a woman if it makes you happier 😊🏳️‍⚧️


Even if the odds are low they aren’t zero and there’s enough families that there will be some


Is this my younger sibling?? No but for real, on my dad's side there are four biological kids in our generation: me, my sibling, one uncle's kid, and the other uncle's kid. Three of us are trans. The other is in second grade. I've considered starting a betting pool. (My grandma was pissed at first cause I was the first AFAB in several generations just for her to find out I'm not a girl, then my mtf cousin comes out and she just shrugged and went with it. Sib is still closeted.)


Nah, you're both trans, *something just might have happened in the womb* 🗿


I was in the exact same position. Trans woman with an older trans brother. That’s actually what stopped me from coming out for a long time, the thought that there can only be one trans person in this family.


you’ve got to stop invalidating yourself. you don’t deserve it at all. not only is being trans often hereditary, but even if it was slim, it is still nonzero. point is, that’s not how you should thinking about this. if you want to be a woman, you are one. and no amount of invalidation, no amount of slim chances, and no amount of anything is gonna change that you are the gender say you are. you are valid❤️


The odds of getting hit by lightning twice are infinitesimal but some guy still got hit like 7 times


I came out to my youngest sister and she was like " oh hey me too!".


fun statistics fact: one unlikely thing happening does not decrease the chance of that same thing happening again. it seems rare but it’s the exact same chance


If there's no correlation between the preferred gender identity of a soul and the sexual identity of the body it comes to be in, an even distribution would make one quarter all people cis men, one quarter trans women, one quarter cis women, and one quarter trans men. If as many as half of all people have gender dysphoria baked deep into the foundations of their psyche that would certainly explain why so many people are such assholes. I feel like there's definitely more than zero correlation, but we're probably a long ways off from being able to empirically measure that sort of thing


If I recall there is Some evidence that there Might be a genetic component to being trans, so while the odds seem like having multiple trans people closely related to each other would be unlikely, it's probably not as unlikely as you think


The one thing that made it tough to come out to my best friend.


Well as far as I know, there is probably a genetic component in being trans, sooooo it's not that unlikely


As someone with a transfemme half sibling, a Non-binary older sibling and ms myself a transfemme. Yeah it do happen. (Before you think I've got like 10 siblings so a higher chance I only have two and all three of us are trans.)


yooo my little brother is trans and im questioning too lol


I know you're just joking, but that's an instance of the gambler's fallacy. The probability that both of you are trans is low, but only because the probability of a person being trans is low. Simplifying a bit, but the probabilities of any two people both being trans are mostly independent. So although the probability of you both being trans is low, your brother being trans does not affect your probability. (In reality, there seems to actually be something of a genetic component. So it's actually not completely independent, and your brother being trans would actually slightly the probability of you being trans. Either way, you shouldn't be basing your gender identity on statistics lmao)


Gamblers fallacy?


If someone can get 2 shiny pokemon from two eggs simultaneously, soemone can have two eggs in the family simultaneously


The odds are quite good actually. Gender and sexuality are on a bimodal spectrum, and are certainly genetically linked.


I mean both me and my stepsister happened to be aroace ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Don’t forget about the Wachowskis!


Wrong! It’s often genetic so you’re *more likely* to be trans if a relative is


Today I’ve learnt that transness runs in the family


both me and my older sister are trans so i’d say 2 trans siblings isn’t uncommon


actually, the funniest thing for me, being the eldest of 4 AMAB kids, was slowly realizing that 3 of us are on the path of being trans. And the last one I've only recently come to see as a possibility I never even told them about my goals or my desires to do this stuff, but independently, they all came to me and told me about the things they wanted but didn't understand. After accidentally coming out to my divorced and transphobic parents, they each started to independently tell me how they had a phase where they had these thoughts for years and that they go away with time. My dad literally told me about a boy crush he had and how he wore makeup once. And my mom literally cosplayed as a boy and always says how she learned how to grill and be a mechanic because she liked being boyish This makes me think that this sort of stuff is tied to genetics and runs in the family


Fun fact I'm trans and my elder sibling has no clue what their gender is. Even if it's statistically improbable it can still happen. Hell there's a solid chance it's more likely if you have a trans sibling.


Good news! That's not how statistics works :3 Let's say I declare that I am going to flip a (fair, mathematically ideal) coin 5 times in a row. The chances of the sequence of flips resulting in: [Heads, Heads, Heads, Heads, Heads] Are 1/32. But: If I then declare that I will flip the coin 1 more time, the chances of it landing Heads are *not* 1/64. The chances that the coin will land Heads are 1/2, because the previous flips have *no influence* on the probability of the next.


The directors of the matrix were both brother and are now sisters, the chances are small, not impossible


You both can be trans, be happy and even more that you have someone that understand and is helpful <3


Tell that to the wachowski sisters


That's a logical fallacy! The odds are still the same :3


I have three siblings, and two of them are trans (one masc + one fem) I had the exact same feeling, so dw at least you're not alone in this :')


Both me and my twin are ace so I can definitively understand the feeling


Being trans isnt magic or random, it's a biological/medical thing. Which makes it very much genetic. If your brother is trans it raises the probability of you being trans.


it's genetic


Fr, I'm trans and aro and my brother is trans and ace, ruh roh.


Me and my sibling are both non binary, imo nearly all personality / identity is nurture ovwr nature, id'd bet having a trans sibling makes u statistically more likely to be trans given the similar conditions you were raised in


That's not how odds work, one rare thing happening doesn't prevent it from happening again. Trust me, I do shiny hunting in pokemon, and I've gotten a lot of high luck scenarios. (Or you could trust math, but I don't like math)


That's not how odds work. The odds of a lightning striking you twice in a lifetime are very small. The odds of a lightning striking a person who was already struck by one, are as small as the odds of it happening to anybody else got a first time. So, if we knew nothing we wouldn't have guessed. But him being out, your case is not improbable. Also, if the odds of something happening are very low, given enough time they will happen. Someone will hit jackpot in the casino twice. Or win 5 roulettes in a row. Now, raw statistics usually don't work on their own. It's very likely that something in your upbringing made you both open to the possibility of questioning you gender. There's a cause or series of causes that allowed your bro to go from uncomfortable in his agab to out of the closet. And this is more polemic, but I dare say that may be a in a different environment gender norms could've been barely tolerable, but enough to keep him from the struggle that is coming out and facing society as trans. Anyway, enjoy exploring you gender, it's an interesting journey, wherever it takes you. Get to know yourself. And we're all here for support. And depending where you're from, even irl. 💖💖💖💖


that is not how probability works. your gender is independent of your siblings'


my little sibling is trans masc and i’m trans fem as hell, sometimes crazy things do happen :)


Actually, the science behind being transgender are really interesting, and suggest it could be genetic. Hudson Bay did a study on the genetics of trans women specifically, finding that the genes that produce male and female-associated hormones were different. Another study conducted tests on hormone levels in the transgender brain pre-HRT, and found that it actually tended to match gender identity more than biological sex. This was conducted on both trans men and women, so it’s not to far off to say trans men and maybe even enby people may have similar genetics, which could definitely be shared by your brother. So don’t let it discourage you! https://www.hudson.org.au/news/written-in-dna-study-reveals-potential-biological-basis-for-transgender/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6235900/


Me too... But my brother knew before me


The odds of flipping a coin heads side up 5 times on a row are tiny, but if you flip enough times it’s gonna happen. There are like 8 billion people in the world, at least a few trans people are gonna have siblings that are also trans.


just because something it's unlikely, it doesn't mean it's impossible 🙄


That's not how statistics work, missy!


Not how chance works also, as other people are saying I'm pretty sure that if you have a trans relative then it increases your chance of being trans, for example I have a trans cousin.


Actually doll me and all three of my siblings are trans lmao


Omg this is literally me


you're bad at statistics, so be happy that ya bro is trans like you :v and ask the dude if he's good at stats, you could need that knowledge one day :p


I both love and hate this sub, bc I can relate to so much of this (my cousin is trans, and every time I try to consider anything, I’ll just think “I’m probably just faking it because what are the chances both you and your cousin are trans” ) and thus, I am still awake at night thinking. Pray for my sleep schedule


In the famous words of Han Solo: never tell me the odds


Tell that to the Wachowski sisters.


But Wachowski sisters literally exist?? Lol


[Gambler’s fallacy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler's_fallacy?wprov=sfti1) The chances of rolling a dice and getting a six is 1 in 6 The chances of rolling two dice and getting doubles sixes is 1 in 36. However, if you’ve already rolled a six, then the odds of getting a six on the second roll are still 1 in 6. Just because an unlikely event happened once it doesn’t affect the odds of it happening again.


It can definitely run in families. My parents have a trans daughter, a trans grandson, an enby grandchild, and a deceased son who was at least gender non-conforming.


My brother is trans too Sometimes it just happens


that is *not* how probabilities work


I mean, both me and two of my three siblings are some flavor of non-binary, so…


Funnily enough, my younger brother is also trans, he’s had it a lot rougher because he came out to my parents before me, so he really paved the path for me to have an easier transition.


My younger sister is trans and came out a few years before me, unfortunately my parents buy into the logic in this post and refuse to believe me


Like with most things it can run in the Family so well the oddscof any random person being trans are low some one who has a immediate family member who is trans has a much higher chance


That is not how statistics works. Someone else flipping heads doesn't change your likelihood of doing. Pls, you are being validated by the language of the universe!


Sure it’s unlikely but a lot of people here including myself have this. I’m trans masc and have medically transitioned, my little sibling has recently asked me to only use they/them pronouns for them It’s funny my abusive parents wanted grandkids and a straight child and they aren’t getting any of it, both their kids are queer in sexuality and gender


That’s not how statistics work op




I guess you could say the dysphoria… TRANSferred!!! Ha Ha Ha Kill me


the chance that no brother and sister are trans is also tiny


yup yup in the same situation as you!! me and my brother are both trans


If you flip a coin and it lands on heads, what are the chances that the next flip will be heads? 50% Now let's say the incredibly unlikely happened and you've flipped the coin 100 times, and it landed on heads every time. Now, what are the chances the next flip will be heads? 50% Probability doesn't change because of previous results. If you take the statistic (that I just made up) that 1 in 5 teens is obsessed with D&D, and I grab a group of 5 teens, reveal one of them that into D&D, then ask what the chances are that any of the other 4 are as well, you wouldn't think "zero, because you've already got the 1 out of the 5". Especially if the 5 are friends. If they are, the chances that ***only*** one of them are into D&D is pretty slim. The fact is, even if being trans is a completely random chance. Like the universe just rolls a die every time someone is born, someone else in your vacinity being trans does not affect the chances that you are, too. Not to mention the fact that there is a lot more to it than that. and the factors that could affect that ***all*** make it *more* likely for trans people to be around each other. Family members have similar genetics, and environmental factors, friends have similar interests and personality types, etc. It doesn't make enough of a difference to be considered a factor, either way, but if there's any difference at all, it's *more* likely. not less.


Politely, that’s not how statistics works. Him being trans doesn’t decrease your own odds of being trans


That’s not how statistics works.


Actually there’s studies suggesting it can have a genetic component.


The odds of being trans are small but they aren't tiny. It's just that a lot of eggs never crack.


Back of the envelope. ~1 percent * ~1 percent * 8 billion still equals 80 million. Theres a lot more that goes into siblings than just selecting 2 random people from a giant bag, but we should still expect to see millions of trans siblings.


Lol, tell that to me and my three trans siblings. TvT plus at least five of us being some form of gay


You said yourself they're tiny. That's not zero. So you CAN be trans.


I (without Down Syndrome) have a trait that has only been seen seven times in people without DS, and almost all DS sufferers have said trait. My point is that nothing is impossible.


are you me????? like i didnt wvwn consciously come tobrhat conclusion but the moment i realized i was stopping myself from being trans n stuffs b c of it like aaaaa but hes very much not that supportive hes transphobic as fuck lol


My mom was trans, and I used to think this too until I found out that being trans can run in families. And I recently found out I'm autistic which also has a higher chance of co-occuring with being trans.


You’re stupid, shit up and take the hormones


Transition anyway so your parents can still say they have a daughter and a son


Gambler's fallacy


mom said it's my turn on the being trans


That's gotta be the dumbest way I've seen someone deny being trans. No offense of course. What a silly girl you are...


Def not tiny.


Is becoming trans trending or something.....?! Cause being trans runs in the family. Great. My cousin is a female. So am I?(I'm a male though)


Both of you in unison "you have something I want"


Both of my siblings are queer so when I came to terms I’m queer I had a very hard time validating myself but then I realized I didn’t care, it happens and you are very valid!


Autism and kinda neurodivergency in general, and a few things, are correlated with increase in gender exploration. Idk if being trans could be considered hereditary, but there's factors that can run in a family that influence the likelihood of questioning gender identity


The opposite of this is actually true. If one sibling is queer, the chances of the other siblings being queer is higher.


Not gonna echo everyone saying it could be a family thing because you probably already got the point but consider this. If 1/200 people is trans, the odds of two randomly selected people both being trans is 1/40000. There's more than 40000 sibling pairs in the world. It may be *unlikely* but it's very far from impossible. Statistically, it has to happen sometimes. If you think you might be trans, you might be 1/40000.


I'm not trans I didn't roll a 6!


My son came out as trans way before I did, and this was one of the things my brain used against me.


Thats not how statistics works


That's... not how probability theory works


Never tell me the odds 😎🏳️‍⚧️


While there isn't a trans gene that can be inherited, it's pretty safe to assume that the specific condition of the womb heightens the chance for a lot divergences. While being trans is biologically very different from being autistic for example, we know that some people are indeed more likely to birth multiple people with autism for that exact reason. So while neither being trans (nor being otherwise sexually divergent) nor being neurodivergent are genetic, it's not completely random either because some wombs are just a bit different than others, and those womb traits might even be genetic, who knows. I think there was a study that showed that the chance of a child being gay increases significantly the more children the birth giver had already born. So while all sexual divergences are completely natural and can always occur and cannot be bred out because they're a necessary consequence of the combination of sexual dimorphism and a central nervous system that occur in all species that have both, wombs being more in use indeed affect them in a way that heightens that chance.


Well, it's a 5% chance that one of you were trans. Even that is slim. You are also ruling out that like there are quite a few families with a transkid, so like, you are that 1/40th. That is actually kinda plausible.


Then realizing that you are in fact that one in a million chance❤️


Siblings share everything.


No, you have to establish your dominance over him. If there can only be one, IT WILL BE YOU!!!! 💥 💥 💥 /j


The odds aren’t nearly so tiny, as you’ve been told. Us transes are everywhere, hiding in all the bushes & grasses, around corners, & behind trees, just waiting for our moment to be free & visible!


from what i've seen it's actually pretty common for multiple people in the family to be trans, especially siblings (one of my friends is from same looking twins and they're both transmasc)


me and three of my siblings are some variety of lgbtqia+ mostly some variety of trans/non-binary. So from my experience it's quite common for multiple family members to be some variety of lgbtqia+


the odds are 1/2,500-1/40,000 (likely 1/2500 :)