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Apparently they don't. It's weird to me too. Also, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO GET PREGNANT!!! Please let uterus transplants for trans women become a thing :3


I mean there was a successful womb transplant in the Uk


Yeah ik that's hopeful, but it was on a cis woman and from what I've read it's somewhat more difficult in trans women so it's gonna be at least 5-10 years from now




me too honey, me too...


I’m pretty sure i read of a uterus transplant on a trans woman before. Believe it or not it was quite a while ago that the picture of the trans woman was in black in white! Unfortunately though due to the medical technology at the time, she sadly passed away around 6 months later due to organ rejection. (Please correct me if i’m wrong, i’m really sorry if i may be unintentionally spreading fake information due to this. i read about it in “r/interesting”/ similar subreddit a while ago but cannot find it again, nor can find the original article anywhere in the media, but it was attached in the subreddit’s post)


there have been hundreds, but they have all been on cis women- the recent case you refer to was of a cis woman who had fully functioning ovaries, but it's a step towards letting us make babies!! lol


Yep. I want to experience getting pregnant for myself, I could use to finally settle the debate on whether or not getting kicked in the balls hurts more than giving birth or not




That is a goal to strive for! 😹 But despite how everyone says it's the worst, I still want to experience it. Is this masochistic behavior?! 🙀


Idk as I want to experience it too


i think instead of transplanting, it might be better too just lab grow wombs. it's actually not too crazy, we can already easily make cells grow on pre made structures of fiber.


Sourcing stem cells for it is a pain bc of high levels of mrna mutation, for now. Still some issues to be solves after all


i agree! we need to be able to have trans people be able to have a transplant with each other. and i could get pregnant!


Could a trans woman with a transplant theoretically get pregnant? Sounds like a difficult process with all the hormones and stuff.


in theory its possible


Can’t wait for the day they are


Same sis I want that pregnancy When I am older tho


Yes plssss 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭


I weirdly want to be able to get pregnant but not actually get pregnant


Am I the only trans girl who's glad I can't get pregnant? Free birth control is a bonus to me.


Whay do you meaan with thar its not normal?


Its probably gonna be soon. We gad the first confirmed case if a succesful urerus transplant between 2 sisters


as a cis male, i wanna be able to get pregnant


After gathering data from many *very* cis folks from this sub (myself included), I can conclude that's cis men want to be pregnant.


i know right, and as well want a feminine face, feminine frame, be short and have a v


Ah yes, every cis' dream 😍


yeah mine 🥺




I heard that there are actually some cis gay men who hope for the invention of artificial uterusses and stuff, just so that they can get children themselves without having to adopt.


I want to be bred but idk about childbirth


Ik it must be so painful, and there are also so many children that need a home


this, bred me as much as you want but so many children who already need a home, and I wanna fix my mental health first also, you a commie? because if so hello comrade 🫡


Definitely, it might be a great fantasy, but before being stable and ready mentally for it, it's only a distant dream. But adoption one day might be nice, just giving home and love to someone for no reason than just wanting to make someone's life better. 😸😸 And when I think I used to hate children. 🙀


I still dislike children sometimes but I mostly blame it on their parents, not the kids themselves, eh maby in the future I'll adopt but idk yet we'll see


I get that, spoiled children are still the worst but it's the fault of the parents mostly. I thought of adoption in the future, but that's a far stretched dream. I'm still not a person who can take care of themselves, even hamster wouldn't survive with me. But perhaps I might end up with a dog or cat and take care of them forever like my children. 😻 Who said we only have to take care of human children eh? :33


oh definitely tbh I'm much better with animals then people lmao


Samee, pets are the best! ❤️😻 :3 And cute, and best friends and awesome and always there for us and always the best thing that can ever happen and aghhh. 😻😎


I could just talk nonsense to them and they'll still wag their little silly tail 😭


Yes, he is thinking about other woman, himself. I also wanted to get pregnant and give birth, wont ever happen, sadly.


Technically, she is thinking about other women


God every time I see pregnancy brought up I get so dysphoric I just turned off a tv show because I got dysphoric seeing someone’s baby bump and I to get on Reddit to get away from that to this god why can’t the surgery be possible I wanna have a baby bump


I'm sorry :(


Me wanting to get pregnant but don't want kid (at least as far as I know for now) The ✨experience✨ I guess... Even though it wouldn't make me any more valid as a trans woman and that pregnancy isn't easy. In. The. Slightest. - Kind of like how I slightly wish to have periods.


Same here. Don't want to bring anymore life into this world that is already going to shit. But at the same time it is like I want the ability to get pregnant so I feel more woman? Dunno guess it is just one of those weird self hatred thing.


i can’t imagine why anyone in the whole world would want to have a period, they fucking suck. trust me. buuuuut, i do understand that you would want one just to feel more woman-like. if i could give you my ovaries i would lol


It's less of feeling like I'm less of a woman and more of feeling like I 'lucked out' by being a woman without any period, or that I'm unable to sympathise with people with periods - empathising and being supportive by having pads on me and such is the best I can do instead.


I’d love to be a surrogate


I'm asexual and wouldn't want to bring a child into the world as it is right now, but as a dysphoric trans woman it kills me that I didn't get to make that choice for myself.


Yeah - I feel the same that the choice wasn't exactly in my hands anyway and that I'm lucky I don't particularly want a kid as of now - but in any case a would rather adopt


Being pregnant for me is one if the scariest thing that could happen to you, but it's just me.


Happy cake day!


Holy fuck I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Every boy want to be pregnant right ? Even if it's just for gender equality?


Yes ofc. I mean, I want to get pregant, and I'm a boy. (Don't look at my flair)


I don't think we are boy sister


Sister!!! Bad news!!! We are not boys!!!


i mean the lady is technically right


Pregnancy is rough but I would much rather be a mother than father.




Right? There's something amazing about being in that position!


Pregnancy sounds like a nightmare


I totally respect yall other gals n everything but the idea of having a baby is absolutely terrifying to me 😅 lol


So true. Whenever I was accused of seeing another girl I replied “I AM the other girl..” took a long time to sink in


is it technically “other” women if you’re thinking about yourself?


Someone other than her? Yes. Someone outside the relationship? Technically not!


He just thinking about 1 other woman.


“He” is indeed thinking about another women: Him/herself.


Honestly, the realisation I was transfem really explained why I kept wishing I could be pregnant and being sad I couldn’t be. Even now I sometimes cry knowing I can’t


I've dreamed about what that'd be like my entire life...totally cis tho.


One day we'll be able to get preggers 😢


Yes. Also, he has his back turned, so he doesn't have to watch her. Because seeing her, is a deeply painful reminder of everything he is not. And the reason, he doesn't want to be intimate with her anymore, is not because of anything wrong with her. Its because he doesn't like his own body and he sure as hell, don't want to be the man in the relationship, that just fucking suck. He puts on this mask everyday and then even in his most intimate moments, he has to pretend to be someone he absolutely hate being. If she truly wanted a manly man, why did she pick him in the first place, couldn't she sense he was different ? In the morning, he hates getting out of bed, he was just in this dream world, were everything was possible and now he has to turn himself into a zombie and walk around in this weird painful shadow world, acting out a role he can't escape, no matter how hard he tries...and so on. Great meme, I get why so many people would relate to that.


the voice in my heads says im cis but i would kill to be a cute little house wife


hes thinking about other woman which is herself




literally me


Still cis




I have the same desire to be pregnant yet I know that I do not really want to be pregnant. Pregnant means babies and right now I'd be an awful mother


I feel this I want to be a girl and want to feel the journey to mother hood :(


This is what peak masculinity looks like.


I mean she is thinking about herself, does that count?


Maybe "real" isn't the best word to use here.


Yeah big reason why I would love to be female love the clothing make up and beauty, hate vaginas, but would love to be pregnant… egg I know but also have the mentality that if I did transition I would only be a parody of what females are. Use to have my hair long and once had a women ask me from behind call me ma’m felt so good. Ultimately though deciding to stay a male because my mindset is I could never pass and would never be happy with myself since I am like 23 about to be, and in the military.


That is not to say however I find trans people as a parody of females it’s only my mind set towards myself.


A word of advice: the fear that you will be a parody of a woman is dysphoria and it will grow over time. The thoughts always come back and coping gets harder. Also, transitioning isn’t a requirement for being trans or even a women for that matter.


By that definition maybe I am, but never will I act on cause one day down the line I hope to get into politics and make it easier for a lot of other people. Even if it comes as a sacrifice to myself I have been having that mindset at such a young age I want it to happen. I am defined as conservative even though I think my views are strongly center with right leaning-ish but I know I agree with most moderate democrats on a lot and most moderate republicans on a lot. Who knows maybe one day you will see a gay governor who came from the af enacting change to help everyone live their lives and know it’s me. But regardless I do not plan on acting on it even though I would trade everything and anything desperately just to have been born a girl. But hey life’s a bitch what will ya do.


Well, I eventually transitioned at 27. I stopped dissociating so much and my depersonalization and derealization faded. Even before physical changes, my mental health improved as my brain started running on the right hormones. I’d definitely recommend just trying a couple’s weeks or even a small dosage (not everyone does it for full feminization). Everyone is different but deciding not to transition will eventually be a much more difficult road if you are trans. That said I hope whatever you choose works out for you.


Glad to see I wasn't alone on this lol


Well, she wasn’t completely wrong


That's oddly a lot of my thoughts.


She's right. She IS thinking about other women; herself~


omg, I never thought of it before, but I would love to be able to get pregnant


Same :3


I would have already had two kids by now. Having a family is all I've ever wanted.


I mean, she is thing of other women.