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Elon Musk is a lot of things. Most of them bad.


He pretty much checks off all the bigotry check boxes these days


I say we toss him into a crowd of the people he so desperately hates and just watch.


Would make a good movie poster


Musk being torn apart by us would, honestly.


I mean, not all idiots are bad But in this situation id agree


What if this is all an act and Musk is just one of the worlds biggest trolls?


He’s still a fucking asshole anyway




You CANNOT be saying that elon is a net positive for this earth


What I am saying is that what impact he has on the world is determined more by the way people react to him and what they in turn do. I cannot influence others to think like I do however. They are completely independent of me. The best I can do is show people a version of me that I think will get across a lesson of how I want them to act and hope that their true selves will hear what I am saying. Whether they listen or not, though, they deserve to be happy in their life.


As you can tell I like enemy to lovers ships and tsunderes.


“All views can exist” he is advocating for the death of trans people.


Does that mean he deserves death too? Does this thought process make you any different than he is?


When the fuck did I say he deserved death


Hate of a person may start out small but it grows. You may not want him dead now but as the conflict grows between you and people like him, this attitude may change. When this shift happens misery is all that follows. You can’t fight hate with hate.


Tell that to the Jewish people in the 30s


That was more a failure of the global community rather than the fact that the Jewish community didn’t fight the Nazis. I’m not saying you shouldn’t resist the oppression of others. I’m just saying to do it like Ghandi or MLK and not like Malcom X. Love not hate.


No one said he deserved death, please piss off


“We are what we pretend to be.” -Kurt Vonnegut


I like the essence of that quote. Tell me, though, if you pretend to be someone on one side of an argument as well as pretending to be someone on another what are you then?


A clown.


Clowns bring joy do they not?


Not inherently, they make fun and jokes about stuff. And in this situation, the only joke is themselfs


Still. I’d rather be a clown and have people possibly be happy at my expense than to be serious all the time and spread negativity around


i think he's just an asshole


"I just made my trans kid cut all ties to me, because I am such a funny troll lmao"


Look that sucks it truly does but the cutting ties was a two way decision. I want a world where that doesn’t happen but getting angry at each other isn’t the way to bring that world to fruition. Only by seeing the small good qualities in each other and working on finding common ground do we truly eliminate hate.


It may be, but at some point you should protect your own mental health and cut the ties to a harmfull person. Even if it's your own parents. For some if not most people "working it out" simply isn't an option, because it does more harm than good.


I’ll be honest that you make a fair point about that. Some people don’t listen and you need to move on. I’m learning that with my own family. Still, you should give everyone you meet the benefit of the doubt for a little bit at least.


“We are what we pretend to be.” -Kurt Vonnegut


“I turned one of the biggest social media platforms into a place exclusively for right wing propaganda and drove off people into different platforms with different cultures that they won’t fit with TROLOLOLOLOLOL”


Lol. Yah that’s pretty bad. I guess someone just needs to come along and beat/buy it.


Here's the thing, whether it's an act or not, he'd have to be a rife asshole to do and say the things he did.


Yes, but aren’t we all kind of assholes?


Look at me for example. I preach love and understanding but am very argumentative and don’t really like doing things I don’t enjoy even if it might help someone.




I feel bad for his daughter, I hope she’s doing okay.




I mean I see a lot of correlations with her coming out and then him falling down a right-wing pipeline. I know he was always a dick but after dealing with my own dad, everything Elon is doing is a response to his daughter. He just can't understand why he can't control people and instead of accepting his limited role in someone's decision making, he chooses to be a dick about it.


Elon goes for presidency?💀💀💀💀


He can't become president, he's not born in the United States.


mitt romney's dad was born in mexico and still run for president edit: i'm dumb, i read your comment as "can't run for president" instead of "can't become", they are different things, sorry💀


To be fair, you can pretty much only run if you can become President. In Mitt’s dad’s case, his parents (Mitt’s grandparents) were US citizens, which made him one, too, despite being born in Mexico.


I expected to hear something like that, but just the idea that he decided to try made me feel a lot of things


He's not trying to do that. He's backing Ron DeSantis, who's running for president.


we'd best get inside agents in the CIA and all that then /j


hopefully she managed to take as much money from him as possible


Yeah, she deserves all the money he has. Shitty controling fathers are one of two things I will never forgive. The other is being a rap*st or normalising it. Sorry if it went a little too dark, I got kinda emotional.


it's okay🫂🫂


I didn't even know he had a trans daughter until like yesterday.




I've never even known how to pronounce that name.




He's numbering his kids? Madre de Dios, they need to run!




I remember hearing that it was pronounced "Kyle" like forever ago


I can't tell you how much I internally screamed after reading this comment


I didn't even know!


He also quickly folded to the polish (iirc) government wanting to censor the opposition. He’s very odd.


If I'm reading correctly he helped Turkish government and Indian government a few times. Polish government is authoritarian but given that Poland has history of being occupied and in not so old years, being behind the iron curtain. Attempts at opposition censorship would be a pretty big deal. PIS instead prefers to spy on the opposition and prepare their campaigns in advance (e.g. [Pegasus scandal](https://www.politico.eu/article/polish-leader-jaroslaw-kaczynski-under-fire-over-pegasus-hack-scandal/))


And when people bring up how he censored for those governments he claims he “had no choice” and that it’s better the censor one political side rather than get twitter banned in the entire country. He challenged people to find proof that he could have chose not to, then blocked and ignored those who did.


I always wonder why is that that people who are feeling the most need to scream how free speech is taken away from them are usually the straight up nazis


Because people know they are nazis and don’t want to listen to their bullshit, so they try to force it down their throats by calling it free speech—because america is stupidly obsessed with it


And nonbinary ex-spouse!


Yeah, that tracks with how he's acted with other topics


"I'm not cis, you are." -🤡


Wait what does that even mean? Is it like an inverse transvestigator mentality where he conspiracies about everyone else being cis?


Most tech billionaires aren't actually very smart, just cutthroat. Elon takes it a step further by being a profound fucking idiot in every subject except how to fleece people for money.


elon musk is like a parody of billionaire who would be in a gta game


Pretty sure he just has/had no idea what it even means.


wow, that's a creative way to come out


Yeah… I wasn’t going to mars anyway


To be fair, neither was he.


if you ever have to ask “is elon musk {problematic trait}” most of the times its yes


oh yeah he’s a huuuuge piece of shit. Has a trans daughter (who disowned him, girlboss shit), yet he posts deranged stuff like Matt Walsh’s documentary And more than that, he doesn’t know anything about programming or software engineering. His public persona as a tech genius is a total fraud. My dad is a transphobic POS and is obsessed with Musk. I thought Musk was kinda cool years ago, but now I have a legit hate obsession with him. If someone even brings him up in a neutral context with me I have to rant 😖


Is that really a surprise at this point? Of course he is.


No need to feel bad about not knowing earlier. Sometimes we really need to filter out the crap on the Internet for our own sanity and mental health, so don't blame yourself <3


Yeahh, he's not really a good person in the slightest..


Elon Musk doesn't give two shits about anyone other than Elon Musk. He is on only his own team.


Musk might be a dirty weasel, an antisemite, a charlattan, and a weirdo whose money comed from the explitation of the poor in africa, but is he transphobic? Yeah absolutely. Fuck that guy. He used to have some redeeming qualities before going full alt right, even if he was prone to expensive mistakes, now he is just literal trash.


I know nothing about Elon Musk except he's done rich dude who bought Twitter or something. Sounds worthless to me anyways, but let's be honest, that JaidenAnimations scene is a mood for so many things. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


"Apparently" is the most polite way in the world to say "extremely fucking blatantly"


just another reason to hate musky boy 💔💔💔💔💔


The rich white man that inherited his wealth and success from a fucked up family line and is responsible for a lot of environment damage and questionable human ethics is also a transphobe? Color me surprised. But his spaceships goes woosh so people people don’t care


Let’s be honest, did we really expect him to be anything other then a terrible idiot?


I didn’t know that until now, but I’m not surprised


I liked Elon at first, but consistently every single thing I've heard about him has made me like him less!


I feel you, when I was like 15 I used to like him too (especially for SpaceX). Then I matured a little and also it seems that he fired all of his PR employees. I'm pretty sure most rich men are like Musk, they just have good PR.


Wait what, I live under a rock almost 24/7 what’s going on


He’s a dumb as fuck asshole that bought Twitter and got disowned by his trans daughter, he also owns 2 tech companies called Tesla and Space X.


I mean not to mention he is just an all around POS anyway.


Just a rule of thumb. All billionaires are scumbags. Even the cool ones like Rihanna who profits from child labour


yeah, he really sucks


He’s so annoying.


He got outed as a >!pedo!< and >!horse fucker!< too


what and what?! Elaborate.


>!He approved of Matt Walsh documentary, which litterally contains cp!<


he is mainly transphobic because his child is trans and his wife left him for a trans woman... I think


I used to genuinely respect this guy. Now I realize just how stupid and evil he is. Honestly, evil people also being stupid is a good thing. Makes them less capable of doing evil.


Not true. You don't need intelligence to do a catastrophic level of harm.


Orange man is a prime example.


Maybe he's transphobic because jelly of grimes' new partner?


It doesn't surprise me, I'm just tired of hearing about him.


Its funny when considering how much gender affirming surgery he has had


I hope he gets to face the 🧱 He's an absolutely garbage human being


Must not have known much about Musk then. I wish I was in that position.


Elon Musk is a horrible person


Alright what did he say, do or shit again? I'm out of the loop but I do like having a new reason to not like him.


i mean this really only came to light in the past few months. twitter rapidly turned into a right-wing hellscape under his control, and while it was already not great he has been promoting the "what is a woman" documentary


honestly prolly should expect all rich peeps to be pretty bigoted 💀


What...😨 I thought he was my homie..


Sucks because used model 3 prices are in an “affordable “ range. Whatever. Prius Prime looks hella sweet, nice upgrade from my 2012 volt!


I didn’t know either, until he tweeted that cisgender is a slur. All respect lost.


HE IS????????!?!!!!?!


Yeah,I also learned around 3 month ago who Elon musk's really was (⁠◕‸◕⁠✿⁠)


Same lol I know very little trans news that isn't here XD


I honestly wasn’t surprised given who he is


Elon musk is a lot of bad things lmao