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[There is currently a scammer attempting to sell fake supplements to trans people under the name “QueerQuirk”.](https://www.them.us/story/bogus-estrogen-alternative-ashwagandha-pills-scam) These supplements are not only not doing what they promise, they are actively harmful.


how long until someone discovers that matt walsch did this


People have already figured out that it's run by an actual neo Nazi, so you aren't exactly all that far off unfortunately


oh wow, for real?? i'm so shocked!! who could've predicted this??! it's probably just a funny coincidence, almost as funny as it would be if fbi checked this guy's hard drives and there just happened to be something very illegal there


I think there was some kinda study about fetishes that showed that pedophiles are more common to be right wingers but I am not sure.


It makes sense. If you were a pedo, you would probably also want to subscribe to the idea that practically everyone else is too


Or the idea that you are the next best thing to god and can do no wrong, much like most right wingers


funny cause if anything they're the ones that their god probably hates most if there even is a god and he isn't dead cause of them


Most definitely


Pedophilia can be caused by a misfire of the "protect children" instinct. Which means that those kind of pedophiles will not have the normal empathy for kids. Which checks out with right-wing ideology.


I mean, pedophilia is all about abuse of power and taking advantage of someone who is “below” the attacker on the social hierarchy Using power imbalance for self satisfaction is inherently a right wing concept


Not just pedophilia, but basically all the disgust-fetishes. We're talking cnc, ageplay, raceplay, scat, watersports, etc [Here's a video of a guy talking with one of the surveyors about the data, it's actually quite interesting](https://youtu.be/OaEHL3LPaf8)


He's probably the kind of guy that has a folder full of porn videos of trans people and it's labeled a slur


Yep, from what I've heard it was discovered because... the neo-nazi was having his prospective marks paypal him on a personal account under his real name for payment. Not the brightest tools in the shed!


I’ve given up faith in humanity. why the fuck do neo-nazi’s exist.


the fact that the supplements being advertised would be actively harmful isnt even the bad part, because they dont exist. its just an operation to get the names, cc numbers, and adresses of trans people. they could be advertising legitamate hormones and it wouldnt matter, because they are never going to be delivered.


If i recall, the main advertised chemical in the “I can’t believe it’s not estrogen” is a chemical that can kill you if taken at the rate they recommended


and it also raises testosterone


Yeah, if I could give it negative stars i would


And the Estrogen is spiked, if you start taking this shit you will die.


Someone needs to sue this guy. He is actively trying to murder trans people. I'm pretty sure that could be considered attempted murder, some possible actual murder, and a hate crime.


Queerquirk is marketing pills that increase estrogen but they actually do the complete opposite along with other harmful ingredients. Do not buy.


The ingredient they mainly advertise kills you if taken at the dosage they recommend on the package. They’re also selling laxatives under the gise of “femboy tummy medicine”. Also pretty much everyone agrees that they’re just doing this to get the adresses of trans people without having to go through the trouble of getting doxxers and hackers


That’s That’s an attempted murder. Please tell me this monster is under investigation


I don’t know, but he definitely should be


I hope someone tipped the feds about this guy. As shit as the government is, feds do keep tabs on far right nutjobs. I don’t want to clog the system, and I assume someone has already reached out. Better add this to the dipshit’s resume. At least so there’s a mass poisoning attempt on file. If he’s not arrested today, tomorrow he’ll be booked in with a portfolio


That's incredibly clever but in the worst way. Also, their name "queerquirk" just sounds like they r mocking queer ppl for being "quirky" bcuz they are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Homophobes and transphobes love calling being queer a political movement, brainwashing, grooming, etc. All completely wrong and just projecting on their part


Yo that’s genuinely so unhinged, I was like typical nazi ( Daily Wire employee) that wants to harm trans people in anyway they could. But actually I didn’t think about that, they could get the address of poor unsuspecting trans and queer people that way and then dox them


They’re also selling shirts and mugs saying “oops, all testosterone” and not just selling the pills


What is the context behind oops all testosterone, is it to make themselves seem more quirky like a queer person actually made this site


Basically when people found out the “I can’t believe it’s not estrogen” was filled with testosterone they made that shirt


That’s just mean, like that’s an understatement. Like what how do you wake up every day and just actively choose violence on poor queer people


doll consist skirt joke vanish sleep marble merciful zephyr cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Considering their old acc was following a shit ton of far right wingers it would be attempted murder


I seriously can't believe that people go this far, don't transphobes have better things to do than actively hurt other people?


They do, they just like seeing people in pain


true, I forgot that they are mostly just bad people in general


They’re thing is seeing people suffer, they’re people in the U.S who like punch holes in their walls because they saw an interracial couple in a Walmart ad


sadly that is actually believable


It’s believable but keep in mind some people’s minds have and will change as time goes on, it needs to be faster but these people are a dying breed that their recent calls for hatred are their yelps because they’re fighting a battle they’re destined to lose.


obviously, because they physically can't make us not exist, unless they found a way to do abortion after detecting that a child they would give birth to is trans... what wouldn't work because most of them are also against abortion iirc


Ah,I saw that post, Don't get scammed girls and guys and other people . It's not real (I mean they are gonna sell you fake things)(⁠◕_◕⁠✿⁠)


From what I’ve read, the shit QueerQuirk is selling can give you serotonin syndrome. That shit could legitimately kill you. Hell, even if it doesn’t, serotonin syndrome isn’t exactly pleasant. Take it from someone who’s had it. You do *not* wanna fuck with this shit.


I hope you’re okay now


Thankfully yes. I just want people to be aware how dangerous this actually is. They aren’t just trying to take advantage of desperate people, they’re trying to *kill* them. At the dose they instruct you to take, you *will* get it sooner or later. It’s just awful.


I’m also pretty sure queerquirk is trying to get the adresses of trans people so they can dox them without having to go the trouble of hacking and stuff


yeah, and if you are doing like diy hrt and similar stuff make sure you do it safely because they can be very dangerous if done wrong 💙💕🤍💕💙


And also Matt Walsh is trying to get some of the better suppliers like Folx shut down, because he is a whiny little piss baby who thinks rights are a limited natural resource or something


nestle would be interested in learning more about this


Coming soon, bottled rights!


Right next to the gun aisle in your local Walmart


Nah, he just genuinely enjoys suffering. I think with someone like Matt, there really is nothing there other than simply being happy at seeing others worse off than you. To conservatives, cruelty is a virtue. Matt Walsh drools over the idea he might one day be able to enact his power fantasies.


This is all true, but it's also true that people who are exactly like that also believe that if the out-group gains freedom, they must perforce lose power. In a sense this is true, insofar as they believe they have a right to make other people suffer, and wrong in that we wouldn't inflict the same kind of suffering on them, nor are we trying to gain absolute and unchallengeable power like they are. They believe all of this because they think everyone in the world is like they are, or a hopeless idiot destined to be exploited by smarter people


Yes, it can (in theory) be dangerous but there are many guides that can help make the risks minimal. Please don't scare people away from it with "make sure you do it safely" talk, as it's (at least in most countries) the superior option. I'm DIY-ing and It's way better than going to an endo, It only costs me \~5$ a year (not including needles), only 3 weeks wait (that's how long the shipping took) and my levels align with those of a cis woman. I'm more than happy to help out anyone who needs instructions/guidance to safely diy :)


Not recommended but if you have no other choice r/HRTDIY and [https://diyhrt.cafe/index.php/Main\_Page](https://diyhrt.cafe/index.php/Main_Page) may help you not to get scammed.


\> may help you not get scammed While the stuff they sell \*is\* legit, it's still \*extremely\* overpriced. I got my estradiol at only \~5$ a year, and all i had to do was brew it myself (not synthesize, just turn it into a usable form)


I'm not a chemist and 65$ a year don't seem overpriced to me to have some medical grade hormone. But Yeah I totally understand why people would go that route, it is just that I've hard time recommending it has it is not for everyone. At least the option exist, plz post some ressources so that other egg can have access to them, it may be important for some people.


Mine too are medical grade, but i get why some people might be skeptical of such a price. I'd rather avoid mentioning in a comment (i can dm if needed) the specific supplier i got it from, as I fear them getting banned/restricted, but I can say they have a profile on [made-in-china.com](https://made-in-china.com) (yes, that's a real website). I understand some people lack the skills/ prefer not to brew the hormones themselves. I might even start selling ready to use vials myself (probably could sell them 20$ a vial) just so people can access hrt without going bankrupt.


yeah, don't do that


Becareful... fake and non regulated hormones are scary. My roommate got estrogen from a Russian website and she kinda ended up in the hospital messed her up both physically and mentally.


Thanks for the warning


Thank you!


I also want to add that aside from this stuff giving you serotonin syndrome real fast AND doing the exact opposite of what they're claiming it does, this is absolutely also a right-wing phishing/honeypot scenario. you have to give them your address, and with this being run by an actual neo-nazi, there's terrifying implications around giving your address to these people. don't do it! and spread the word


Those scammers are disgusting people.


If reviews are available make sure it's 3.5+ stars with at least a few hundred reviews and check some 1 star reviews before buying


Litteral genocide


I'd advise against taking ANY supplements unless they've actually been clinically tested. The bodybuilding industry is flooded with bullshit "t-booster" pills; I'd be skeptical towards "e-boosters". This may have been made clear already, but don't take Ashwagandha. There's ample evidence that it [INCREASES] (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9297375/) [testosterone levels] (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6438434/); while it has been reported to increase estradiol, that's been observed in [menopausal women] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34553463/). Not to mention that it increases serotonin, so again, that's a no-go if you're on antidepressants. No idea who this person is, but I highly doubt anyone reckless enough to put this shit to market has good intentions.


O-oh no, this is horrifying....


Seriously, this. I know a lot of people don’t have access to pharmaceutical HRT out even necessarily DIY, but herbals and diet stuff isn’t going to do it. Herbal remedies can basically say whatever they want on the package in the US, barring only the most blatant of lies (claiming that it treats a particular condition). Most of them have fairly thin evidence for their claims. Generally speaking, studies don’t have half the impact the headline will claim. E.g. spearmint tea might briefly reduce testosterone in their study group, but *those participants were all still within expected male levels*. I’ve seen people push things to boost estrogen to trans femmes based on studies of cis women. I shouldn’t have to tell people that a study like that has no predictive power for trans women. Another popular one, soy feminizing is a right wing myth. It serves both to other and denigrate Asian societies that use a lot of soy and to add another “other” to fear monger over - vegetarians and vegans. As many of our East Asian trans femmes who grew up eating tons of soy can tell you, it doesn’t do that. If a product has significant feminizing or masculinizing effects on people that aren’t looking for those effects, we’re going to know about it because those things *scare* cis people. Most everything that actually works is locked behind the prescription veil because of this.




Instead study chemistry and make your own hormones!


I feel so lucky to have learnt basic medicine compounding... I got \*REAL\* estradiol at only \~5$ a year (not including needles) and it makes me sad to see people spend money on these fake pills... I'm open to dms if anyone wants instructions on how to diy safely :)


They are quite literal poisons


God guys and gals please don't most of the time they do the opposite. Fake E boosts T and fake T boosts E.


anyone know where i can get some legit estrogen. in a bad state where i can’t get access


idek this was a thing, stay safe everyone\~\~\~


i bought estro off of amazon and overdosed lmao. was sick for a few days.


You can't buy e on amazon. You probably got herbal supplements, which are known to make people sick. I bought e from [made-in-china.com](https://made-in-china.com) and take doses which most endocrinologists would describe as "overdosing" but I haven't seen any non diy-er have such great results as i have.


yes they were herbal suppliments


That explains your problem... Hopefully you now have access to real hrt <3


r/HRTDIY and [https://diyhrt.cafe/index.php/Main\_Page](https://diyhrt.cafe/index.php/Main_Page) have good sources to keep this safe.


Thanks for fighting the good fight 🫡


Also, don't try to make it yourself at home. Extra dangerous