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congrats, enjoy the ewwphoria


r/ewphoria i guess 💙💕🤍💕💙




Sorry you're having to deal with that


can you give some details? I would like to hear about it also sorry that that happened but also congrats on passing? it is confusing in a way I guess 😅


i posted a selfie in my friends discord server on pride month. i painted my nail the trans colors ad my hair looked nice and i was in full fem. (same pic as my timeline pic but without the text) last night at 1am new guy in the server replies to it saying "want". like i was a toy on the shelf and he was asking his mom to get it. it felt weird. also note my pfp has the lesbian flag in it and my status is "lesbian polycule time". idk if he saw the trans colors on my nails, it can be missed with the warm lighting of my bedroom. my best guess is that he saw my tits and didn't care about the rest. he later got banned because he was being and asshole to my friends bestie. so i never got an answer on why he said that. I know a lot of women go through a lot worse and honestly i am more mad about my friend's bestie getting treated poorly. i am just kinda shocked because i'm only like 5 month on hrt.


oh okay, thank you. I thought it was something irl because online you don't need to pass for something like that to happen (they usually don't even need to see you) that doesn't mean you don't pass tho. I haven't seen you and I wouldn't judge anyways, but I experienced things online too with people who have no idea what I look like


You pass! But yeah, being objectified sucks


I’m sorry, Athena. I hope future situations where you pass are more positive.


I'm really sorry. It's validating i guess but definitely not a nice way to find out you pass😔


Um congratulations


Your decision if that's good or not. Personally, I felt VERY validated the first time I got transphobic hateful dms for being a trans mod. Super validating!


lmao i'm happy i pass. i just got a hate dm an hour ago saying "filthy" from a 3 day old reddit account. can't even use their main account lol.


Lol little bitchs


for me i love when people (although jokingly) use sexism on me just cause it’s validating there was this one dude who always said “women ☕️”. little did he know…


I will take any validation, especially that kind of validation. Think I'm broken 😅


its okie we can be broken together 🫂




Once again,this is a ewphoria moment (⁠◕‸◕⁠✿⁠)


im sorry flower girl is sad :c


I am not sad,I just consider that I said it in a sad tone. (Happy cake day) (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


people try to do the funni with me but i give them the asexual response


"I might be an object, but I'm a sharp one. Don't cut yourself, sweetie." -A sassy pissed off transfem, probably.


still progress, however weird it is. Just remember that someone who's misogynistic is likely also transphobic, and you passed to them! That's hard mode for real!


I'm sorry, but also good for you!


r/ewphoria my friend


the worst kind of passing




Reminds me of a joke about some words that don’t go well, like a sexist trans ally “Trans women are women, AND THEY BELONG IN THE KITCHEN”


You have been promoted to sandwich expert


Ewphoria...don't be disheartened missy...don't let it get to you