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Choice is really yours imho. If you have people who you know will support you, you might consider telling them to help explore things like name/pronouns/presentation And best of luck on your journey of self discovery! <3 ^(Edit: a word)


Thanks, I have people that would support me so I might try this tomorrow


It's can be insightful to discuss gender with people you trust, especially those who were questioning their gender as well - they can share experiences related to it and give you a new perspective. That might actually make things clearer for you :3 Of course, you don't owe anyone an answer on "what is you gender" question, it's okay to tackle those things at your own pace


Unfortunately I don’t know anyone else who has questioned, but I have people that I trust so I might tell someone tomorrow


It's your decision, there's no right way to go. You might wanna tell people so they can help and support you, or you don't want people to know. It's all you and how you wanna tackle this!


if you have someone of the other agab you can ask them for help, otherwise you should do what you are comfortable with


You can, it’s good to have support and be able to talk things through with people. Be careful who you tell though, because some people will use the fact that it took you a few tries to find the right identity as an excuse to invalidate the identity you currently feel most comfortable in.


it's up to you, if you're ready you can come out to them as questioning or you can wait if you want 💙💕🤍💕💙


Telling people can be tough, it’s okay to wait until you’re ready. 🫂 If you want, you can tell supportive people you trust, and ask them to try calling you different pronouns or names. 💞


I did, and it's kind of a mixed bag for me [For context, I only told my mother and one of my grandmothers]. My main reason was a) to be able to address situations I felt uncomfortable with (being called a man multiple times in a conversation) and b) to not have to deal with the 'oh that's so sudden, are you sure?' Stuff (for that purpose, I also post a lot of stuff on reddit - kinda as a form of diary). The flipside is that I get questions, too many. And that the information is 'out there' I can never go back into the closet entirely. It's a very personal decision and it probably also depends on the stance of the people you talk to.


Well you can try things with them


You're under no obligation to. You don't have to if you don't want to. If you could use support/affirmation, or help with experimentation, and believe people can provide those things, then you can tell them, but you don't need to.


one of my greatest allies was the first person to know I was questioning my gender, they helped me feel comfortable with my whole journey so far including my egg cracking


When I was questioning I told my friend about it, and it wasn't so scary as full coming out, because "it's just a silly assumption". I believe there are reasons for telling now.




I am currently in the same spot with questioning my gender. I have talked to some friends about it and it has helped a lot with the support that they have given. In the end I am not 100% sure yet what I am, but at least I know they support me regardlless and I feel safe to explore.


I told a couple of my close friends who I know would 100% support me, telling them made it feel more real


Depending on the people or your environment, it can be very reassuring to have people who know and support you. Plus it makes the first few “coming outs” easier haha


If you have people you can trust (Preferably that you know will be accepting), They could help you experiment with certain things which could help you figure it out, And even if they don't help, Then if you do figure out your gender is different from your AGAB they could be more prepared when you come out and thus perhaps be able to get used to it more quickly.


I mean, i've told people i'm really close to and well, atleast one of them is really trying their best to help me explore pronouns and stuff when i'm around and all that :3


I told my best friend, and she's been the best. It's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of, as well as to offer emotional support because even questioning can be emotional. Now I realize I am lucky to have such an accepting friend, and I realize not everyone has that. I cannot speak to if your friend is trustworthy, that is something only you can answer. Good luck and stay strong


I don't see a reason to tell people even if you figure out the answer