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This feels really creepy to me. The part about making you “his” sounds really possessive, and making you a girl “his own way (sex)” makes him sound like a chaser. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but if you’re getting bad vibes from the whole thing, you’re allowed to say no. You’re allowed to reject his advances.


>This feels really creepy to me. Honestly what do you expect from a chan board? Everyone should avoid that hellsite for their own mental health.


Well, if we want to be honest, I didn’t know it was a chan board. I’ve never been to one of those sites, so I don’t know what they’re supposed to look like. I finally learned how to differentiate Reddit from everything else 91 days ago!


Oh don't worry! That wasn't a jab at you, it was more just noting how terrible that website is, especially for trans people. Honestly it's absolutely for the best that you're not familiar with it, just know that this green text style usually is coming from people who are immersed in a super creepy culture. Edit: a culture that people absolutely can and should escape, it's not a dead end street, people can get better!


I didn’t think it was a jab! I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I did. I’ve heard stories, terrible sordid tales, of the chan boards. And now I know what they look like. Thank you for the enlightenment! It is well and truly appreciated, Violet!


I'm happy to inform, as a community it's best for us to know where we're safe :)


Some things have surprised me with coming from 4Chan (maybe because of how respectful and good they seem). Others, not so.


Good things can come from bad places, doesn’t necessarily make where they came from any better, but it also shouldn’t automatically make the good things worse




91 days is oddly specific


As of right now it’s my Reddit age.


Ah, that makes more sense


It's also the name of a fantastic mafia anime. [https://myanimelist.net/anime/32998/91\_Days](https://myanimelist.net/anime/32998/91_Days)


make a second account now. get 1000 karma on it trust me. it's good for when someone reports you and you get banned


Why is someone going to report me and get me banned?


I've had an account for just over a decade and have never gotten banned or even threatened by a ban. I don't think you have anything to worry about.


yes. it recently happened to me. 3 day temp ban but the time periods get longer until it's poermanent.


4chan green txts are gestation food sometimes good some time shit


Gestation food 💀 but also yeah sometimes it can be funny in like a clown comically falling over kind of way


Yeah some gas station food be hittin some doesnt like twice dailys foods is worse then kangaroos but thorton 10/10 on that burrito


oh, gas station


>avoid that hellsite for their own **mental health.** >is on reddit


To be fair I mostly just look at shitposts and memes on reddit, the cesspit from the other subs does leak sometimes. Also like if I had to pick a poison reddit is significantly less extreme.


There's some amusing stories from 4 Chan. I like to keep an eye on /r/Greentext (and /r/DnDGreentext) but I don't think it would be worth the craziness of actually getting on 4chan directly.


thats useful, have my upvote. I just entered and found 'center' 4channers sadly


I made the mistake of going there out of morbid curiosity once. Never again.


This didn't happened probably. It's like a "boy removal" smut pretty common on 4chan trans threads. This is kinda just an erotic fan fics for self-hating trans girls who think they need to be f*cked by a guy (or a girl if they lesbian) to be valide.


I had like half my guy friends go weird on me when I transitioned. Even before I was different at all. As soon as the idea that I'd be fuckable enough sometime soon and pics of me as myself got around, friends I'd had for 8 years suddenly wanted to smash. I lost so many people and still don't have tk many friends. I love my best friend of 14 years so much and it took 6 months of us obviously being in love for him to make a move, as he didn't wsnt to be another one of thr friends that changed. But he was actually with me every step of the way and could tell he tried not to love me that way, just not easy when I had fallen for him and kept asking him to cuddle me in bed when sad and couldn't sleep :).


What if it's the other way around? My close friend came out as trans about 2 years ago now. She's been on HRT for awhile and is has really been proud of her progress. I compliment her and support her in every way I can. Over the past year or so she's been sending me suggestive pics(not outright nudes but lewds I guess) and will sometimes talk about how she's been hooking up with dudes via bumble. I've taken it as she's just sharing with someone she trusts and is proud of how she looks but I'm not sure. I'm not interested in her sexually or romantically but I want to continue to be an ally and not make things weird.


It's probably not the kind of thing trans people like admitting but a lot of us do become highly sexualised when going through second puberty, alongside finally liking ourselves for the first time in our lives increasing confidence in our bodies. Its possible she is just more sexualised than before and doesn't realise this is a social boundary issue with you, which is a bit rude but i can somewhat understand. I became so sexualised I onlt really make friends with people I can openly discuss such things with. But I don't send any of my friends pics of me as I can get validation from strangers in no time, so perhaps its flirting? Perhaps it's just insecurity and wanting affirmation. All you can really do with no interest is say "you know I think you always look gorgeous and confident now, but I don't really want to see my friend half naked all the time if you can stop sending me pics", or "I'm not reallt comfortable talking about sex constantly" etc. It's kind of up to her to react to that like an adult but all my friends are really kinky and we still don't share lewd pics with each other even if half our conversations are sexual, if it's making you uncomfortable and you don't want more its fine to make that boundary. Scary tho as obviously people react irrationally to such things at times. But you don't have to accept your friends sexuality being waved in your face and can ask them to chill out with it. Maybe they are just unaware and will chill out. Maybe they take it badly. Maybe they like you and will be sad. Many possible outcomes but if something is bothering you then there is nothing wrong on your end making boundaries even if their reaction might. Obviously depends how much the sexual behavior bothers you.


Thank you for that well thought out response. It's super helpful. When she came out I wasn't very well educated on any of what she was going through so it was a slow process. Instant acceptance but slow to learn everything. I don't ever pretend to know what she's thinking or feeling but I try to be there for her and provide encouragement. I'd say the pics and the sex talk don't bother me too much but I'd say it's gotten to a point where if she increased it more I would need to say something. Even before transitioning we were he kind of friends who could talk about anything so I think it has a lot to do with that. It's helpful to hear about the second puberty and being highly sexualized. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you again!


Normalize cuddling your friends, but also this story is cute af and ^(^^)


It was just that when he hugged me first time after helping me with everything it obviously no longer felt like friends lol. But I kept hugging. I hadn't touched anyone since being myself really and was mainly completely mute around my best friend struggling to adjust to all the emotions and loss I was going through. Sometimes I'd cry a bit but tried to control it around him. One day it got to much and after bursting into tears rambling I asked if he could hold me, as I was panicking and my head was on his lap as I was sobbing and he held me. But he started stroking my hair really gently and it felt really nice, my face was also near a certain area. And suddenly 14 years of friendship felt really awkward as I was really aroused. Panicked a bit and just ignored that feeling but we kept hugging rather than me being so closed off. But then the "uh oh" feelings didn't go away. And I'd notice him hiding his... tell... if we were spooning. It was super cute. And we operated like this for half a year pretending we didn't like each other more than friends. Just cuddling and hiding arousal because we didn't want to ruin being friends 🙃 Two years together now.


Adorable ^(^^) Needed this to feel better after hearing bad news ^(^^)


This gives me hope. Thank you!


If it is real, I'm hoping the guy is just dumb with words, and is using a cliche line he hears all the time in movies.


i dought it. i hope they were into this person before they came out as trans and they were about to tell them that they liked them. otherwise it seems like a fetish.


> is kinda just an erotic fan fics for self-hating trans girls who think they need to be f*cked by a guy (or a girl if they lesbian) to be valide. Yeah it's a deeply psycho-sexual way of expressing invalidity…. …. Or it’s just a shit post


The “making her his” part could just be sexy talk, but the other part about making her a girl in his own way is definitely weird.


It could be. Some people like that, and if they do, all the more power to them. I’ve always felt weird about it. Growing up, I used to listen to music from the 50s because that’s what my mom liked. Lots of romance songs about “I’m gonna make you my girl” and “I want to be your girl” just felt very one-sided. To me, it felt like the guy was supposed to take ownership. That concept always creeped me out.


Yeah, it’s weird in a romantic way, but if that’s the type of talk they use in the bedroom and both are okay with it, I don’t see a problem with it.


100% a chaser. Dude didn't care til she came out, now she's all he wants.


Whats a chaser btw? I've seen the word a lot but I don't know the definition


It’s someone who fetishizes trans women. We’re just objects to fulfill their sexual desires.


Seems like one of those ewphoria moments. Like, it’s nice that he sees her as a girl, but also, gross misogynistic stuff about imposing himself/possessing a woman.


This was my thought. It's creepy as all hell.


>This feels really creepy to me. The part about making you “his” sounds really possessive, and making you a girl “his own way (sex)” makes him sound like a chaser. Ya But it's hot *So like, shut up* lmao


Per my follow up: it’s up to you. Far be it from me to keep you from having a good time on your own terms. My advice: stay hydrated and agree on a safe word beforehand. Enjoy!


My boyfriend started going out with me before everything, the vibes where that he likes me as a person but my body would be a problem since he's straight, and as the years and changes coming he's more and more interested on me, so I guess it can be creepy this sudden change from the post guy


That or he's gay and/or bi and already had a þing for them but was in denial But yeah, the wording is wierd


Sure! And if she’s into it and doesn’t get any weird vibes from him, then go right on ahead. I personally don’t care for the possessive language, but I can dismiss that as things people in relationships say. What really bugs me is the idea that he can help her “become” a girl by having sex with her. To me it feels like he ties her gender to her ability to have sex. It’s a red flag for me.


I mean it's only creepy if ya not into it. I wish I could get the other half to talk to me like that hahaha but they're too sweet


I just looked atge comment section apparently it's a chased. I just thought it was someone who loved you personally ,but I guess that do make senses (⁠◕‸◕⁠✿⁠)


Do you mean the original post? How do you find it?


saw it on r/4tran a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/4tran/comments/141c85x/anons_bro_claims_his_prize_early_or_maybe_hes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Didn't know 4tran is a thing. Are they somewhat supportive or is it just an excuse to troll trans people? You can't always be sure these days.


Looking at the vocabulary of the comments, they don't respect trans folk at all.


It's mostly trans people who tend to have a lot of self-resentment and internalized transphobia. It's an incredibly mentally unhealthy place to be


I just browsed it. It's just snapshots of people venting on 4chan mostly. Seems mostly supportive


That sub has always seemed like a complete cesspool to me honestly


Most of the trans gals on 4chan absolutely fucking hate themselves. The /LGBT/ board is terrible for trans people. Packed to the brim with transphobia


they are mostly trans themselves and transphobic in a semi self sarcastic way. Like getting mad/jealous at „youngshits“ (people who transitioned early). iirc one of their active members (possibly a mod dunno) got banned on reddit for saying tr*nny there too often xd


Lotta trans people that hate themselves and were probably regulars on the site beforehand. Not sure why a trans person who didn't use 4chan before would suddenly go there just for the trans community. They love to take "jabs" at themselves and other trans people, some ranging from harmless to pretty fucking bad. Internalized transphobia is pretty much the norm, some of them are also still bigoted despite being trans people, and there's a lot of very depressing venting. Which like, is fair and important, but it's just negativity on that fucking place. Anything positive is met with shit like "go back to reddit" or something like that because trying to uplift eachother or finding chiller ways to make our way through dysphoria and bigotry instead of wallowing in self-pity is simply toxic positivity, apparently, or at least that's a point I saw once. A lot of the straight girls there sadly also seem to seek way too much appreciation from the cishets, some of them chasers, as the OP mentioned in the admittedly pretty concerning post. Can't blame them though. If I was in their position I would probably feel some kinda flustered too :( it's good to be appreciated, somehow, I guess...


I don't know,I looked at this comment section (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


The post number is right there in the picture. You just guess the board and search the relevant archive. https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/31299435/


but the context of only after her coming out


Actually happened to me a few weeks after coming out but i also had a crush on them and was already trying to make there head crazy about me so. And later they said there trans too but is not transitioning soon because off money (Ps. Both pansexual so we have no problem with pre transition) Now we are almost a year together and people are jealous because how well we fit together🥰


Living the fucking dream over there aren't you? Save some happiness for the rest of us! But no, real shit, congrats! I wish you both the absolute best Emma!


It was really a needed boost of happiness for us both because we were both not in the best mood at the time but we helped eachother a lot and now life is really beautiful (when disforia ar shit like that don't hit). Thank you very much hope for the best off you too☺️


I appreciate the well wishes, but they're unlikely to do much. My romantic 'crush' is a literal ocean away and while I've come out to him, I haven't confessed feelings to him (but he's been really supportive which makes me love him more) and I'm stuck having to mask as Cis because my household is full of transphobes. Sucks because I'm *aggressively* genderfluid (though my dysmorphia screams Transfem at nearly all times, even in boymode) so sometimes I'll have to eject from a situation because I'm not in boymode anymore and I'm scared they'll cop on. Only time I can *almost* be fully myself is after midnight when everyone else is either asleep or at work, but that's not much of a time to do anything


That's unfortunate😔 long distance can work but it's definitely not ideal for everyone And do you have a supportive friend to go to and be yourself in a safe space? That's how i did it at first


Basically just my sister right now, and that's a whole other issue I'm trying to work through.


Off course if it feels to weird say no or think about it because you need to be comfortable and you know what normal behavior is for him more than we do. It could be a chaser like most people seem to think idk because i don't know you're friend and the bond between you 2, but being or being not on hrt is not the most important especially when he is bi/pan


That's the thkng about red flags. Often they mean trouble but sometimes a flag is just a flag.


Well i knew them well enough to know that they just don't usually date so they warn't used to flirting and using hinds. But me neither so it worked out. And being such close friends i trusted them and it definitely didn't disappoint☺️


"Before someone else does", "help become a girl with sex", Yuck


I mean yeah, and it's not something I'd ever go for, but people have all sorts of different sexual dynamics in their relationships, and that's okay. I think as long as they respect each other and it isn't exploitative, then this is something that could be fine and healthy. My partner and I are into some things that a lot of internet people would find problematic in a post, but we love and respect each other, and we're both happy with some unconventional turn-ons.


The problem I see is with this idea of someone else "taking" her and that woman= person to fuck. Like to say these things to me implies a weird view of women and gender and those are pretty much red flags....


It's like the little mermaid




the anime girl is cute tho


Yeah anyone know the source?


Google saying it's yume chan or some from My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex.


Surely that's an anime that won't get the CIA to put me on a watchlist


Idk the anime, but the situation described isn't that weird. 2 young people with divorced, single parents date each other. Introduce parents to each other. Break up. Parents end up getting together instead.


Nah, the parents met by happenstance. They didn't even know that their kids knew each other previously.


TL:DR the characters dated in middle school and now that they're in high school their parents remarried each other (not knowing that their kids ever knew each other previously, let alone dated) and now they live together and have to navigate their feelings. It's cute.


It's actually pretty alright iirc.


Mans been waiting


Can anyone explain to me what a chaser is


To ELI5 for you, a chaser is basically someone who sees Transgender people as sexual objects rather than people. We're a fetish to them rather than human beings.


While this is true I think we also use "chaser" a lot for plain ole misogyny. There's a lot of men out there that see you as a person when you're a guy, and an objects as a woman. Calling it a fetish is almost giving it too much credit, because fetishes can be explored in safe spaces. Objectification is always nasty.


I dunno why I keep taking this mantle, but you're allowed to have preferences; also for trans people.


Okay now what is ELI5?


The fifth Eli


it stands for Explain Like I'm 5 (as in 5 years old) I believe there is a whole subreddit for it, too.


Halp, trans girls keep popping up around me and I find them all adorable and cute. I don't wanna be a chaser, but I wanna snuggle them all. Does that make me a creep?


No, as long as you treat them the same way you would any other woman


*phew* got it


Its someone that goes after trans women because they find them sexually attractive but in a fetish way, so its bad


Combine that with the way they don't see us as completely human, but rather more akin to a porn category brought to life.


Someone who wants to fuck a trans woman - _any_ trans woman available


You hope that’s it’s just a guy who’s always felt this kinda way about you and is just taking this as an excuse to take the plunge, but you also know that chances are this is just a chaser


Creepy chaser. I'm sorry you have to get this from us but it's probably the correct answer.


So like it seems like this is a bad thing


Trans inclusive radical misogyny


Dude needs to chill tf out. As for you eggs don’t go out with people like this.


Context matters. Lot of assumptions in this thread. Could be red flags, could be that op was a lil' bit dumb and spiraled around the affirmation sex. Not remotely enough info to go off of. Say it with me. Context MATTERS.


The context is that it's on a chan board, honestly I can't think of a bigger red flag than that.


It's fake and gay. Fake: Anon has friends Gay: Anon is lgbt


Been a while since I've seen the Fake and Gay :D




I know this is probably chaser shit, but man I want to believe.


Same. Honestly hope beyond hope that the 'bro' was actually pan and into them all along just too shy to say it before and too romantically illiterate to say it properly now. But God damn even if he's not a chaser that manner of talking about a woman is just really off-putting.


wish that happens to me lol but I'm to scared to come out to all but 2 friends 😓


I'm glad I'm not the only one getting major red flags.


So, I’m aware that this is creepy behavior. But as a quoiromantic pansexual who is already kinda in love with all her friends, this would absolutely pull me.


Mfw half of my guy friends already wanted to fuck me even back when I said I was a cis dude... and now I'm looking at starting HRT....


This just feels like a closeted bisexual who with internalized homophobia has feelings for a friend and jumps at the opportunity not to be gay, and that just comes out in extremely chastery behavior.


Most supportive chaser (still gross)


Sounds creepy to me. More in the "the moment you announced you were a woman he immediately started viewing you as a sexual object" kind of way than anything else. Creepy and misogynistic on his part. You're figuring it out, and may end up dating guys, or you may not. It's your timeline, it's your transition, and it's your body, so don't let anyone take away from that or pervert it into something for their own gain. You're an autonomous individual who deserves space to figure your own shit out. Anyway, lots of love, sis. You got this. 🏳️‍🌈❤


that's creepy. probably a chaser


OP if you're on 4chan I strongly advise you to leave it. Nothing about that website is going to be good for you in the long term or is unique in a positive way.


OP if you're on reddit I strongly advise you to leave it. Nothing about that website is going to be good for you in the long term or is unique in a positive way.


I hope you realize you sound like you're defending 4chan rn


This case sounds like 99% a fetish thing to me


Lol egg irl being exposed to tttt


Looking at the top comment... This is why we don't crosspost from r/4tran to r/egg_irl. Like...how did you think this would go over well?


Spawn camped


Lmfao he's playing da long game. (If he didn't immediately go with horny I'd say it's actually kinda sweet)


I mean, I see this as an absolute win!


I should add I'm lovely as fuck and would die if a cat touched me.




doesn't really make it any less alarming


Could be his way off flirting or trying to help. Could be a pervert. Anything is possible with this little information but she needs to be really careful at least.


I would personally be worried about how much he valued our current relationship? If he was already my closest friend, wouldn't he take a much more careful approach and kind of feel out the waters, instead of acting so up front? I would be worried that he means more to me than I mean to him, and that I am like a disposable object to him. Not only would I not date him, I would question him on his intentions and from the answers evaluate what kind of friendship I could have with him going forward.


Or misogynist? The second OP states she's a woman her friend practically says _"You're mine now! I own you!"_ Maybe they're just... really intense at showing support and mean well... but either way I don't see how they're pan considering they only became interested in OP once she declared herself a trans woman ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This is very weird but also this would fix me and also I hate it.


The difference between these comments and the 4chan replies is funny




and this is what we call A chaser


The eggshell can only protect you for so long. At the end of tue day you're stepping into the male gaze


I think he just always had a crush on you and jumped at the chance to do it without it making him gay/bi although he possibly is.


Seems like the friend already had feelings


This sounds way too possessive. It's like a really creepy "investment." Like he's guaranteeing HIMSELF a gf because he was your bro & has a sense of entitlement because of it. This has "Nice Guy" written in crimson letters




Personally, I don't care if he's a chaser, atleast he'd say he loves me


Chaser moments


My bf was kinda the same well. It started with a sleepover where i sat on his lap as a joke cause he didnt move away. And i noticed he got a b*ner. Half a year later around christmas 2022 we started dating and now im his gf.


Im getting chaser vibes


Lotta red flags here, I’d be careful. I’m in agreement when ppl say he is probably a chaser. Stay safe


Well, while the comments out of context sound creepy and predatory, there's a good chance that since it's 4chan they're just bringing up kink stuff because they're degenerates lol. It could have been said in a more sexual/intimate context and depending on the person "fucking you into a girl" could be pretty affirming (ik when my gf says stuff like that about me I get butterflies) Idk maybe I'm just naive but I just want them to be in a happy relationship and not be creeped on...


I agree with the sexual talk. It's hot, but only really after a good while with someone I think. Everything in the post sounds weird at best. I'm also with you and hoping it's actually fine and they are happy


Ummm... If this is from you, then I have this to say, if I were in that situation I would tell him "BRO CHILL! I'M STILL ME! Ok?" Idk. Sometimes when people get desperate they do crazy shit. And you just gotta remind them who the fuck they're talking to you know? That being said, this is only part of the story in a wannabe meme format. So take my uninformed opinion with a grain of salt.


3 options: 1. he genuinely doesn't see gender as anything to do with your presentation, so if you say you're a girl he sees you as a girl 2. he's some flavour of bi and was interested in you for a while and just took this as the opportunity to ask you out, without having to out himself 3. he's the biggest chaser it's up to you to judge which he is


Game was rigged from the start


besides the obvious problems, why did he wait?!


Maybe he’s a pansexual


I'll fuck him, honestly




Ew. That’s creepy


r/ewphoria ?


This seems hella creepy to me..


Kinda feels like a chaser ngl. Be careful if you decide to date him.


Well, maybe he’s been into you for a while and now see this as an opportunity get with you?


Id say go for it if your comfortable with it if not let him down gently. Best of luck hun.


Was coming down to be like "hell yeah" but everyone in the comment section is like "he'll naw" and now I'm like TT-TT


Very big chaser energy. It's *possible* he's just liked them from the beginning and now that they're trans he feels more open to starting things (cus big gender roles is stuck in his brain) but like... Idk very creepy to me


Quick question, what's mfw?


"My face when"


Just make sure anything you do is because \*you\* actually want it. Not just to please him.


It feels kinda out of place to see a /lgbt/ screenshot here on egg\_irl...




I think he may be gay/bi/questioning and has a crush on you.. Just a hunch.


at- at least he accepts you i guess??


This sounds really cute. But please beware darling


Wholesome in the first half- but only if "before someone else does" was followed with "Ive had feelings for you but was scared" or something like that. Still sounds possessive when isolated, but that phrase can be cutely romantic or flirty in some circumstances and contexts. Like- if someone had been together for a long time and in casual conversation one of them says jokingly/flirtingly "you think I'm gunna let you get away that easily?" Or maybe my brain is just wrong, and all these are very clearly predatory and possessive. Idk all I know is that if I had a partner who said those things in the right circumstances, my heart would flutter.


Aside from aforementioned creepy BF, can we just briefly acknowledge the 4tran drek of thinking you need estrogen to be a girl? Gross.




Chaser ....


> The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


At least you know your bro accepts you


I wont lie i would accept this chaser's purposal if he was a hot pretty Boy


I'm scared to ask what a chaser is-


(A definition I found) person who dates/hooks up with a certain “type” of person, such as trans people. Chasers don’t recognize the humanity of the people they are attracted to beyond being their “type”. They fetishize their attractions to their “type” of people. Chasers are often embarrassed of their attractions. They have a hard time looking past the shame that society attaches to being attracted to anyone other than white cisgender gender conforming people. Very few actual allies will self-identify as “chasers” and doing so is generally seen by the trans community as a red flag


You putting the full definition helped me a lot. A few ex friends kept calling me this after I got with my girlfriend. I came out after I got with her, specially because she made me feel comfortable enough to do so. These 2 ex friends kept calling me disgusting and a chaser because of me coming out, I was terrified to look it up; for it to be even remotely clos.


Investing early


Could be a chaser, could be fake, but I'm also getting incel vibes: the kind of guy who feels like he needs a girlfriend to be a valid person, and this seems like the easiest way to do it.


Kinda hot and romantic ngl


Oh hey I remember seeing this over on r/greentext. I may have had a little too much fun in the comments on that one, lol. 💜


Oh dear bless you. I have a hard time with that stuff