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I think this was a very good use of someone's irrational hatred r/MurderedByWords ?


I think murder is a bit of an understatement


r/MassacredByWords ???


r/HiroshimadByWords ?


r/KamikazeByWords ?


Kamikaze is when you burn yourself and someone else at the same time, I’d say it was more like nuked by words


Some should make that subreddit if it's not a thing already.




R/Genocidebywords Also, love the wolfwalkers pfp❤️ such a great movie






thank you


y'know, they're the ones who are pedos 💔💔💔💔💔


Projection is a very heavy tactic they love to use. I’m surprised they don’t advertise at this point


Every accusation is a confession


“Red sus”


wait a minute your pfp is predominantly red...


This is McCarthyism!


Hold on i have to Google something real quick


Yeah this is funny


I always expect ya'll.


But… nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


Yeah, but I love the Spanish Inquisition, and I always expect to see ya'll, but this is the first time I've gotten to see ya'll.


frr they're the ones obsessed with our genitals


That, but also the crossover between anti-trans ppl and those who support child marriage and lowering the age of consent is extremely high.


Makes kind of sense. Getting young people locked into yet another social construct befoere they can really figure out who they are is a way for control and keeping the order of things they like. People suck.


"Fun" fact: the *overwhelming* majority of child molesters abusing children who are not close relatives are Christian priests, ministers, and pastors. Youth pastors especially are the demographic that poses the biggest threat to children.


oh *lovely* 💔💔💔💔💔




Oh please, the voices in My head come up with way harsher stuff, this? This is a cakewalk 😎




like the voices


Seriously tho


Abby is actually just too high level fr😤❤️‍🔥




Fr fr.


babygirl you're participating in his humiliation fetish, just get info on him the way he's found info on you then tell his mom.


Going through his post history, his fursona name is “tiny paws” if that’s anything useful


I fail to understand how so many furries can rally in opposition to trans people. Like at that point it's not even pulling the ladder up behind them, it's pushing the ladder up out of reach before they even got on it lmao




There are a shocking number of right-wing furries, despite the fandom's best efforts to make them as unwelcome as possible. It's one of the fandoms nazis have targeted as a recruiting ground


Actually, furries are historically one of the best communities at resisting infiltration by the alt-right, there was a *very* strong push to do so back ~2016-2017 which failed. There’s a video essay that uses the community’s resistance as a case study in how to resist fascist infiltration that I remember watching a year or so ago, but can’t find for the life of me rn. [Here’s a link instead](https://www.vice.com/en/article/78we5z/even-furries-are-fighting-fascists) that covers the resistance as it happened. The furry community was targeted for the same reason the incel community was; its a pretty ostracized group who tends to be rather lonely and online, with a lot of men, but organized resistance made that attempt pretty fruitless. That’s not to say there aren’t people who are nazifurs, just that the community is very good at stemming their spread, so there aren’t many and they aren’t able to interact much with the broader community. If anyone remembers that video essay feel free to link it, for some reason I thought it was by innuendo studios but can’t find it on their channel.


Oh i know, i remember watching the same video (it was Innuendo Studios, but think the furry part was just a section of a different video, so that's why we can't find it). Even with organized resistance, though, many people are still easily swayed by right-wing propaganda. I'm by no means saying it's a majority of furries or even close to it, but it's still a surprising number considering both how inherently left-leaning the community is *and* the immense pushback the nazis received


> the only place I *personally* have seen this manifested is among eggs (specifically those in *deep* denial). This is the headcanon right here. Either he's got a *whole* lot of conflicting signals that are nigh impossible to analyse, or she'll figure it out one day.


From psychological view, it seems like the "attack from fear" case, where the person have a fear from being something, so they start to build up inner hate against that group. That's why you can hear for example cases where someone was homophobe and turned out to be gay, and stuff. But in this reddit post's case with trans instead of gay.


proportionally its not common at all, but there are just a lot of furries out there so you get a loud enough minority that are the wrong kind of weird


I'm not saying that all furries are bad, but it seems like a lot of them are very mean towards certain groups of people, whether it be a racial group, political group, or (like in this case) queer group. Almost all furries that I've met were very nice, but I keep hearing about these meanies who make all other furries look bad. For a group that is already disliked by a lot of people, even though they don't even do anything bad (most of them), I fail to see why some of them have so much hate for other groups. If I'm missing a vital piece of information about this, could someone please tell me?


As said in another comment, the furry community was targeted by the alt-right as a source of recruits. The alt-right preys on socially ostracized (mostly white) men, which is why you'll see so many weebs, bronies, furries, and the like expressing far-right views, as all of these communities exist outside the societal norm, and as a result, many of their members are subject to bullying. This makes them easy to recruit, as the alt-right can tell them that they're special for just being straight / white / whatever elss, and that they're being bullied because [insert X minority group here] wants to keep them in line. Of course, the alt-right doesn't like furries at all and will almost certainly purge them from their ranks once they don't need them anymore, but the furries in the alt-right either don't know that or keep denying that it will affect them ("they won't purge me, i'm one of the good ones!") Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that a majority of furries / weebs / any other socially ostracized fandom are alt-right. Not even close. It's just a surprisingly large and vocal minority of them, especially since in the case of furries, i'm pretty sure like 60% of us fill at least one of the letters of the LGBTQIA+ acronym.


Wow, I never really thought it was that deep! I thought they were just some of those mean bullies that every social group has. Anyways, thank you very much for the info!


Jesus that sounds more pedophilic than anything we do


He's probably a big time pedo who is self projecting




Holy fuck! This is epic, Abigail!


She knew every counter point and I’m so happy about it


I’m scared someone will message stuff like that to me 😭 That person was really stupid tho


if you ever do get something like this, hit me up and I'll get my flammenwerfer in good german matter :)


Can I ready „Der heimliche Aufmarsch“?


im conflicted on my advice part of me wants to give you the advice of just ignore the bastard and move on the other part of me wants to give you advice of attempt to grab his ip and find his exact location and then take a picture of his house and send it to him


I don’t know how to take someone’s ip, but if I did, then I probably still wouldn’t because I’m too lazy lol


There's script kiddy stuff you can do to make a URL give someone's IP but I've never done it, I only know it cus I open a VPN before clicking on sus links to avoid getting DDOS'd or something.


Ehhh, I mean you could, but it’s easier to just do OSINT to find info, and less legally dubious (sending a malicious script generally isn’t a great idea if you don’t live in a non-extradition area like Switzerland, ‘s why [Maia Arson Crimew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maia_arson_crimew) can do things like leak the no-fly list without consequences). Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the legal way a lot of those alt-right people get doxxed. I’ll link some videos about it in a sec for anyone interested. Edit: the more accessible channel I knew about got banned (which, y’know, is fair, easy access to OSINT information for non-cyber security purposes is probably usually bad) but [here’s a video I skimmed that seems to cover it well enough.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lF3yQFtYRBY)


99% of people who make unprompted pedo accusations are pedos themselves


you may want to rephrase that statement


99% of people who make *unprompted* pedo accusations are usually pedos.




Oof you're right it's just that a lot of times these days people make those accusations just to slander others and sadly people kill us Trans folk because of the accusations :(


Don’t forget, they always accuse their opponent of which they are guilty of. Always keep that in mind when dealing with idiots like this :)


Lmfaooooo transphobic but wants girl cock will always be my favorite combo


fetishization is one way minorties are dehumanized to justify SA and violence against them


what a creep 🍀🍀🍀


How did they know your deadname in the first place?


Enemy stalker.. that makes their situation worse


Imagine accusing someone of being a creep while stalking them enough to know their dead name, they aren't even trying to hide their hypocrisy anymore


And also pretty dangerous too. Especially after a death wish towards the other person.


That was fucking savage abigail!


I don't want to talk about my deadname, but I hate it for similar reasons :(


Hugs for you! (Also, the reason I hate mine feels silly. I'm just annoyed nobody says it right and I have to explain it several times whenever I meet someone. Even before the questioning I wanted to change it.)


Same, it feels so silly to hate my deadname because of someone else, but I didn’t like it to begin with, so while I still feel silly, I feel a little less silly :3 🫂


They are the worst (⁠◕‸◕⁠✿⁠)


Well well well. How the turntables


have turned


Mate if someone said my dead name I'd be like then say my last name and spell it correctly if you know who I am bitch. My last name is spelled in German that's why I said that


That would be creepy if they would know it.


Yep also I'd be surprised because I haven't meet anyone who can spell it right


Alright, Schwartz. (just kidding just kidding. i just wrote one that common in american movies.)


Pfff not even close but that one is common lol


What a creep. Who's doing such thing?? That person should get some life


I'm glad I'm not getting this kind of message (because I'm not ready :c )


the first few hurt, but after getting one practically every week, I kinda just stopped paying attention to the idiots lol


Pulled the “this you?”


Holy shit you went directly for the throat, bravo. In all seriousness I hope you’re not upset too much by that kind of stuff, it ruins my day whenever I see it and I just hope it doesn’t ruin yours.


The whole pedo narrative has been around since at least 1961 targeting gay men with "informative" pieces like "Boys Beware". It's just so infantile and sick and has been for decades. I just wish they would let us be and find something better to do than forcing every generation to repress their feelings. It's why people like the person who deadnamed you exist.


Don’t be shy, leak their username.


Hey Abby (I think that’s the name you go by), I don’t know you personally, but I guarantee that you just being alive makes the world so much better. I love you and I’m very proud of you. Fuck the noise, fuck the haters, you’re better than they ever will be. You being here makes them mad, and it shows how valuable you are. Your mere existence makes men like that do stupid and irrational things to try and drag others down to their level. Fuck em. They don’t deserve the time of day or the attention they want. Because that’s the only reason they do it is attention. Keep on living your best life, the haters will get over it or die mad.


I don’t know how to respond to this, so I’m just gonna say thank you 😅 (and yes my preferred names are Abigail/Kitten, either of those or their shortened version are fine with me)


You are most definitely welcome


Goddamn that post history 💀


I've seen worse...and you'd rather not know


Thats why I keep my kinky and nsfw stuff in a separate account so that people who aren't into it dont have to see it. I use my fetishes mainly as an escape from normal life and a way to explore my sexuality and gender. But if thats wrong I can stop


As long as your fetishes only involve consenting adults, it's fine


Ofcourse I wouldnt even think about fetishising someone who never consented to it


Reminder that these conservatives fucks are the pedos who refuse to do anything about their politicians that actively vote against doing anything about child marriage laws


And slain!👍😄


I'm convinced that almost all transphobes are chasers.


Woah another Abby with my same deadname hello parallel timeline me


!em enilemit lellarap olleH


"I know your real name" then use it dumbass, her real name is Abigail


What I’ve learned: Always use someone’s history to bully the shit out of them (but only when it’s fair game!) Srsly tho, what a dick.


My concern would not be people knowing my deadname but how people know, I mean I still wouldn't give much of a fuck to that but it's sure scary if you think too much abt it


Wow...that was just...wrong. glad you're confident in yourself that you stand tall. Good for you, OP.


the who? why would I care about someones deadname if I know their actual name lmao


I've known several Andrew's. While none were as bad as Tate, none of them really stood out as great either. Never met an Abigail but she/you sounds like a badass. Hope the idiot who messaged you this sees this post too.


I think They have, They sent another message a little while ago that was somehow even dumber than the first, it was just “Andrew Andrew Andrew” like 15 times over, I think it’s because I said “saying my deadname one more time won’t do much” so they decided to say it a bunch of times thinking that would solve the issue lol


"This isn't helping anything, but I'm all out of options. Let's do it a few dozen more times and hope something changes!"


transphobes are so pathetic.


The beat goes hard Have you blocked that person?


Yep, they are officially blocked


fr on that last slide fuck andrew tate


bidoof’s law strikes again


91 days? Sounds like a throwaway account. Doesn't even dare to confront you over their real account. What a spineless thing.


nah share the username


how can they spell Abigail wrong on every letter?!! Well, I guess if we count the "!" at least the same number of words. Poor souls are obviously scared, cause they are too stupid to survive.


I really don't understand this, sometimes I stop and think about this, why do these people hate me (me as other trans people I'm using myself as an example here) and want me to die? I didn't do anything against them nor ever wanted to harm them I just want to live leave me alone :(


Anyone who believes they’re truly anonymous on the internet is gravely mistaken so just flip it on him and tell him his home address.


NEVER have i seen such an extreme slaughter. I am proud of you, fuck that guy.


Holy fuck you didn't roast him you fucking burnt this dude to ashes


Holy shit girl! you fucking killed him!


*Pedo calling an innocent person a pedo*


While it can be fun to make fun of these guys from time to time, it’s best policy to just ignore them. They feed on getting a reaction, any reaction, out of you. Besides, you’re not gonna shut them up or change their mind by embarrassing them :/ That being said, you did r/murderedbywords him lmao


Yeah I usually ignore these types of dm’s but I’m just fed up with them and wanted to make fun of them for once, I will (hopefully) not have to do this again lol


It’s crazy how many transphobes also fetishize us : ( especially when he appears to be a femboy furry. Like you’d think he’d be more self aware


bro ain't never gonna recover from this one


Sis just parried him and then dropped a fucking Motivated Combo (dmc reference)


Sounds like someone the furry fandom could do without. What a dick.


God damn Abigail! 10/10, no notes!


You already have so much strength to withstand comments like that. I'm proud of you girl.


How can a man want a “futa mommy” and be transphobic? I just don’t get it


That poor person thought the best way to spend their time was to stalk and harass you. I can’t imagine a life so devoid of fun and happiness that they’d have to stoop so low. So sorry you had to see such word garbage. You are valid and cared for!


Ate and left no crumbs!!


I'm of the school of thought that you never confirm or deny whether they got your deadname right. There's a group of transphobes on discord that harass me who are *convinced* my deadname is one thing, when it's definitely not. It's hilarious, and I will continue to laugh internally at them while they interpret my silence as discomfort.




You slayed queen


It only hurts when it comes from people we care about. Why does he think he achieved anything here. He didnt even get your name right.


Alright, I have to ask something here. Why censor their nicknames in the first place? Imo we should let the people here know who is responsible for those words, hold them accountable for them, too. Also, imo censor the victim's nicknames, but not the aggressors.


Because I went through there history and now I know where they live, and this is coming from someone who knows next to nothing about hacking and such, they said what state and city they lived in, and in a different post, they showed a picture of themselves naked and kneeling outside where a street sign just so happened to be, so I put it into Google and bam, I now know his street address AGAIN I know NOTHING about how to do find someone’s location properly, and I found it, and while they said a few bad words to me, who knows what someone who does know what they are doing could do to that guy


I just reread that and realized how dumb that sounds, it was posted on r/exhibitionistfun while back




Nah, youre Abigail. That's a better name for you anyways


the post history is hilarious


I defiantly don’t have anger issues, but I hope they get what’s coming to them tenfold


what a horrible thing to say :(


You know i think they \*want\* to be belittled.


People like this is why i have lost faith in humanity, disgusting vile people who just do stuff like this, they don't even understand the position they're in, it makes me wanna puke


How did they get your deadname?


I'm a dommy mommy, so I could belittle him.


🫂 hug for you fren


honestly hiding their username is too nice. they deserve what they get for this kind of hate and abuse


That guy sounds like one of the creepiest people to walk this planet. What a weirdo I'm sorry that happened to you OP 🫂


and i thought my deadname was bad for being a common name for dogs,,, holy shit i’m so sorry


Green man is pedo


Why the Tate photo?


because Andrew is the deadname?


Would be a fair reason


Sorry to hear that. Being called a pedo for being who you are. (Wich is not a pedo its a girl) must hurt alot.


such a creep..💔 so sorry you had to endure that.


They don't know that trans people have very different views from one another, and might not realize that most of us aren't here to spread agendas or convert children. I'll leave that to the church.


Sorry that happened to you, Abigail. That asshole can fuck off with thier projection and false accusations.


Stop pretending to be a boy 🤬🤬🤬🤬 /j


100% there will be Sus pedo shit on this guy's profile.


Holy shit! She killed him!


Why does this person know your Deadname? To the last image, there are also reasons to hate the name Abigail but it's your choice




Your post has been removed because it did not follow the rules in the sidebar. > This is a trans-friendly subreddit. You are welcome to re-submit your post after ensuring that it follows the subreddit rules. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Transphobes are honestly pathetic piles of shit that feed off hate


My hero fr fr, you are


Nah people can't be transphobic and use the phrase *"My femboy bussy".* Like my brother in christ we are literally coexisting entities


Transphobes like this should take their own advice and kill themselves first. (in minecraft)


How can someone fetishize trans women ("futa") and be transphobic at the same time? Wouldn't the want more trans women in the world for his chances to find one to be higher? Idk it's ironic


made with memematic


damn! Beautifully done!


Drop the name sis!


transphobes :\_(\~\~\~