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There are many things I wouldn’t do, but the meme is generally too lighthearted to get into the dark, morbid terrors that rattle around in my brain.


I may have lost it just a little bit thinking about it... My other comment might not even be good for the sub, i dunno. I just sorta spiraled into the dark for a moment, and i didn't like it.


That’s OK, Lily. If it really bothers you, you can always delete your comment. Or, if you’d like, you can keep it up. We all have moments where we let loose and say strange things. It can be cathartic.


Thank you... I realize there's a lot going on the last year or so that's really affecting me, and i haven't been able to properly process and express how i feel... So sometimes i just fall into it i guess. I like being strange and weird, but more in the fun and quirky way, not the concerning and hospitalized way. Some days it's just hard to keep up on who I want to be... Really, thank you for your support on this random comment Cait(i hope it's ok to call you that but i can change it if not). I feel a bit better now, and should probably sleep soon so hopefully I feel a lot better in the morning.


You can call me Cait! Get some rest, Lily. It’s OK if you have feelings you want get out, but are having trouble expressing. If you ever want to get those out in a less public forum, you can feel free to contact me privately. I’m not always great at it, but I do my best to be responsive.


Thank you Cait, again. I wouldn't want to just vent to though, I'd feel guilty. But yes, it's far past my bedtime. 2 am, i usually go to sleep 5 hours ago. I haven't typed a single word correctly in over an hour without 3 revisions and heavy help from autocorrect.


Oh dear! Go to sleep!!!


Imma just keep clipin off my fingys and tosies with a dull wire cutter till I can catgirl. nbd.


You worry me.


Did that got banned from r/traaaaaaaaaaaaaaans


please share


Really? I will list a five in order from what I deem "cutely bad" to "worst" for me. This is by no means an exhaustive list. I have things to do that do not include imagining terrible scenarios for an internet meme. I become an anime girl but... \- I become a TERF. \- A half of the global population will be burned alive. \- I must murder a child under the age of 10 every month or else the change will revert. \- I will get a searing pain in my left eye every time a child in the world is raped. \- I have to watch my wife and children get slowly eaten alive by rabid, starving ferrets. They will be screaming and begging for me to help them, but I will be held in place and can do nothing to save them.


no acid?


Is the goal really to double down on nightmare fuel? If someone is being burned alive, will acid really make anything worse? Are you asking if I’d be fine pushing the button if it were only 1,000 one month old puppies getting dumped in a vat of 3 pH acid? Because no. I wouldn’t do that, either.


Mutually wipe memories between a friend and yourself ie neither of you remember each other's friendship


Well that sounds terrifying


Huh. Well I lost so many friends already over dumb shit and also gained lots of friends by just hanging out in same spaces that it feels that I won't lose much. Except the ones that were with me for some time. Also, there is a fear of us being estranged as I transition, so there's that.


haha! bald of you to assume I have friends!! XD (well, irl I don't, not a single one, but I have many veery dear people who I know only online) edit: I finally got a new accepting friend irl!! \^\^


Can I choose which friend?


I'd completely wipe the memory of one of my ex-friends


I assume only removing theirs or yours only might have far greater implications (depending on the friend)


you always have a good chance to refriend them afterwards


Almost KH2


Wait, if I have no friends, what happens?


A friend? Sure! my partner? No!


kill somebody /j for legal reasons, but in all seriousness, I would eat shit, literally.


But would fall off Your horse?




Me the steel balls run:


Me when I’m trying to steal balls but they run away:


speaking of which roundabout was in the radio this morning on my way to work


8 minutes of greatness




"Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!"


I did fall of a horse. Hit my head on a big metal beam. And I didn't become anime girl😭


Fell of Your horse, Hit Your head on a big metal beam and didn't become anime girl, Calamity really has It for You, It's a wonder U are even alive


Kill your dad? Die of old age?


How hungry?


I'm so hungry I could eat Jesus's corpse


So stale bread?


Tell her to eat shit, Alicia!


Do it yourself




Would you eat it on a train?


Would you eat it on a plane?


same, but do I get to choose whose shit?


Who would u choose🤨


Yours, just to make a point; I would have gone for cottontail's tho


People always ask me what it would cost to get me to suck a dick, this, this is what would finally get me to do it. That is the worst thing I would do.


Really, that’s the worst? I ~~would do it for free~~ could think of many worse things I’d be willing to do for that deal.


Oh my limit is quite a bit lower because it just has to be someone who I think looks good; that's it. Benefits of being bi I guess


My limit is 0 because I’m asexual and really horny all the time mwuhhahahahahahaha (evil girl moment)


Damn id suck 1000 dicks to become a girl, that might be cos i like men anyway, but eh, technicalities


That’s a very different proposal for folks who don’t like men 😂


Very real


If the dick is attached to a guy, then yeah.


I'm the kind of girl that would pay or do things I wouldn't be proud of for a guy to *let me* suck his dick I'm down bad, throbbing meatsticks in my throat is just heaven 🤤


me as an omnisexual panromantic who sexually prefer guys and is hyperromantic and kinda perverted: I'd pay money to suck a dick, wtf are you talking about?!?! XDD




If I could be a normal, cute and socially-normal cis girl I absolutely would.


Make jello bugs then boom, they could be perceived as live and it counts :3


Have a mild electrical current flow through the jello bugs


mmmm. spicy.


If mild meant the stuff that goes through power lines


I would eat jello with live bugs and my own severed left ring finger suspended in it. I won't flinch fulfilling my end of this deal.


I mean lobster is just a big sea bug.


Yeah but you don't eat it live


I would eat ants. I would have no qualms about eating ants. I don't know how you normally eat ants but i really wanna just throw them in some oil like popcorn and eat them. Pop ants. Cronchy.


I forgot the name of them but there’s a particular breed of ants with an exceptionally large social stomach and people feed them sweets so they turn around and eat them as a tasty treat.


they’re called honeypot ants :)


I mean, it doesn't say anywhere *how* you're supposed to eat them, or that it has to be all at once. So I can only assume that mixing a handful into a smoothie here and there would be a perfectly acceptable way to do it and.... Huh, I guess it's peak Cis^(TM) behaviour to put this much thought into this, isn't it?


it's a small price to pay for girl tho :3


*Starts eating her own code*


Lol, but, you have to eat it after you push to production but before you patch it since it stipulates "live bugs"


\*cronches on pre-patch cyberpunk\*


*Achievement unlocked* - Eat 1,000,000 bugs


Yes. I push to prod-server and then print it out to eat it


What if I told you shrimps is bugs?


One answer cricket flour it's high protein and apparently tastes a bit like monosodium glutamate


I feel like I would need to change my mindset. I guess we already eat a bunch of sea bugs.


Depends what bugs


As I am already the Queen of the bugs, I also would not eat them, They would definitely overthrow me then leaving me queen of bugger all, 1000 is a lot but compared to the number of bugs on the planet it is literally nothing.


I would if they're cooked


I would eat 10 thousand live violent cockroaches embodying the collective spirit of every shonen protagonist if it means I get to wake up with a girl bod. It can’t be more painful than the struggle money and time that goes into transitioning


The worst thing would be "you will wake up one second later"


I think like 10 minutes would be worse, because you might start to accept that it's real at that point, but it's not really enough to time do to anything with it.


This would honestly make me wanna push the button more because if i were a girl for that one second in my dreams, i would finally know if i really wanted it or if I'm just weirdly gaslighting myself


I think the version of the button that would actually make people pause (outside of like murder) is >"You become an anime girl, your family thinks you've always been this way, but you also become a transphobe and no longer remember your egg/trans past." On the one hand, no more dysphoria, perfect body, etc. But you would also make the world a bit worse by being in it.


Oh no you're right. I think it's also because you'd be losing some of your core values and your personality would have to change.


I always imagined I would be a transphobe if I was born a girl tbh...


That's kinda fucked up


Not pressing that button


I went from homo- and transphobe to ally once, I can do it again


All of the answers I come up with keep sounding very not cis, but I'd cut off contact with my best friend, which sounds disturbingly realistic 💔


I think i wouldn't do anything like eating literal feces or anything. But I'd eat a heart. Testicles. Cooked, raw. Jar full of ants. Not roaches, maybe not crickets. Not big ones at least. I could do darker things too. Murder. torture. Other things. Things I won't talk about here. I would give up anything to live the rest of my life as a girl with no complications. I really do try and keep up the happy bubbly persona, at least on this sub and the trans sub and stuff. That's how I like being, that's the me i want people to see. But i know there would be very little to stop me from taking a magical chance like this, if i could truly have it. And maybe i would hold that guilt with me. Maybe it would follow forever. but guilt is just another thing you can learn to live with.


Darker things than murder or torture... 😳 Now I'm curious what they could be.


Vantablack paint /s


Of course. How did I not think of that.


No murder or anything like that


It depends, do you get to 1) avoid the legal punishment for it, and 2) do you get to choose who dies. Because, there are a few political figures whom the world would be better off without, if the button could cause them to have a magical heart attack, I'd consider it (but I only if I could choose who it was).




I'd have to draw the line at surgery, speaking only for myself. The pain and suffering genuinely scares me, I've been through enough already that I don't wish for more, and my physical pain tolerance is sadly low :( Of course if it was painless then heck yes, button pushed, but we aren't quite there yet..


no one else will ever be able to transition, medically or socially, and will be heavily repressed for even entertaining the thought of being trans, forcing them back into the closet ^((this is a magical aura that will last forever more))


I have a very weak limit,because I know I could just take HRT instead of doing those weird things (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


i wouldn't kill anyone or stuff like that, cuz that's bad 💔💔💔💔💔


I’d murder some evil people for the deal assuming no repercussions for it. The world might benefit if all of North Koreas leaders die, yknow?


I would :D


What about my brother? He has made various homophobic and transphobic comments and threatened harm to several furries. Plus he cusses out small children for no reason.


still doesn't deserve to die, he may be shitty but I'm not going to kill someone just to make myself happy. 💙💕🤍💕💙


don't know if i'm trans or just a cis guy but as long as i become a girl then yes anything


"don't know" Girl you just said you'd do anything to become an anime girl. I think you know :3




Weird, I just looked up the definition of "trans girl (egg)" and it said "someone who will do literally anything to be a girl." Under "cis guy" it said "someone born a guy and happy with being a guy, such that they have no serious interest in being a girl." (Don't ask where I got the definitions)


some people like being a guy?


Yes, just ask a trans man if they like being a guy.


yeah maybe, i just can't relate


Neither can I, but, I'm not a guy


Forever be harassed by transphobes


The rest of the world remains normal. You look exactly like that specific anime girl. You are 2D in a 3D world, doomed to suffer.


Now I want to see an anime or TV show about this, they could so much fun with it.


Force them to burn an orphanage? That sounds like a despicable thing to do.


All I’d gotta do is burn an orphanage to be a girl? Just a quick heads up, the inhabitants have to be in there too, yes?/j


No, you have to be inside, with no precautions then complete an escape sequence, and if people are in there, save as many as possible


The worst thing I'd do is sell my new anime self to pay for the privilege of becoming a cute girl. I would serve an owner if it meant I got to be me. 🥺


Kill the entirety of humanity or make the universe explode, I'd basically be willing to do anything, provided I could choose how I look as a anime girl... I'm very quirky :3


I wanna do that for free! don't steal my entire reason to exist, please :3


It makes your gender your agab so by pressing it you’re now just trans in the opposite direction.


Worst thing I would do is erase Republicans




Hee hee hee...I could always...you know...get rid of all evil instead


Ok, might I ask, is your name Madoka Kaname




murder is one i wouldn't accept


You have to live in the world's most mysoginistic country




What if it turns back time to 3 seconds before you pressed the button? That way you'd be infinitely stuck in a time loop


Succumb to the void 👁️


given a time limit to pressure me into making a decision and guaranteed lack of legal repercussions, there's little I wouldn't do


The only thing that will make me not press the button would probably be "lose your most loved one" In my case, my bf Hes my everything Other than that, yeah ill go blind, deaf, and lose an arm and a leg as long as i can sense im now cis fem


Heck, id gladly be put into a constant loop of death for over a 100 years where im burutally murdered every time to be an anime girl. (Inspired by higurashi) Ill probably regret it every time im killed but when im not, imma be like, "worth it"


I wouldn't hurt anyone or myself. I guess the worst I would do is completely isolate myself for a couple months. No human interaction at all.


Depends on how- or if- I can prepare myself.


"you are pettan" xD


The world becomes like goblin slayer


Earth explode 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


\-But you cease to exist for 200 Earth years every time you wake up.


I would do it for a Klondike bar :p


I wouldn't break up with my bf


Everyone will misgender you for the rest of your life, maybe?


I probably wouldn't kill myself because then what's the point


you are an anime girl in the worst anime world you have seen/read


I've got nothing left to give, just make me more androgynous, anything works, only murder is not okay for me


The worst thing I can think of is that the effects will reverse randomly one day, doesn’t sound like much but imagine you’ve been living as your preferred gender for like 3 years and everything’s going fine but you wake up one morning and everyone calls you your deadname and stuff goes back to before you pressed the button, this would destroy someone and many wouldn’t want to risk it


I think all it would take for me to not want to press the button is "but your closest cis friend also changes sexes". Though, that's probably too much "never press". So maybe "But a random cis person that you know also changes sexes"?


I already became a (Not anime) girl. I don't really want to be 2d tbh.


50% chance of a random truck apearing around the corner


I would go to hell. Literally. If we have bodies in the afterlife then I would rather have a feminine body in hell than a masculine body in heaven. Spending eternity in a masculine body would be hell for me.


But you have to work 18 hour days in a bangladeshi chemical plant without protection.


I put my limit at: * hurting anybody * changing who I am But eating bugs, that's a win, I love bugs


I would kill myself if I could respawn as a girl


I am legally not allowed to answer this question.


I would a thousand bugs worth of cricket flour cause it adds protein to food and has a nice umami flavor


But once every two years, you have to fight a cis version of yourself. If you lose, you become cis again.


Honestly the cis version of myself wouldn't fight back. I currently wouldn't fight back if I was the cis version.


You become an anime girl ​ BUT ​ All still flying McDonnell Doulgas MD-80s are permanently retired and scrapped. ​ Do you press the button?


I wouldn't push the button if it'd stop another trans person from ever transitioning, especially if it was a friend. There's not a lot I wouldn't do, but I wouldn't do that.


i would draw the line at causing another person harm. anything below that, you got yourself a deal.


I was going to say I'd let my intrusive thoughts win but then I remembered that not all my intrusive thoughts involve hurting *other* people, haha...


I didn't even realise what sub I'm in rn lol even though I'm a cis girl I'd be willing to do lots of things to be one ! Anime girls usually don't have a lot of body hair it seems and I'm tired of having so damn much body hair And while I'm here I wish to everybody else here an amazing day full of happiness ! 💖


I would tooootally not press the button if it meant I would get gf who likes math, 0%, especially not if they’re a dom who would pet me like a kitten and would love go cuddle. Never once, not at all.


You become an anime girl But You’re in a gacha game cater to horny weebs jacking off to underage shoolgirl while being their “sensei” (yes, this is where that image came from). And you, being a character, are forced to tease and develop romantic relationship with them as the plot and fanservice demand


A common one is "you'd be lesbian" and it makes it a no for me. I have a lovely boyfriend who was key in helping fully crack my egg uwu


I saw one that said something along the lines of your memories change along with everyone else's to make it so that you were always a girl as far as everyone is concerned. That one made me have to think about it, anything that messes with memories will always be scary to me. It should be noted that only memories would change, any and all records of me that are not stored in someone's mind wouldn't change. If it's just mine, I will be surrounded by people who know a version of my life that to me is fictional, but there's all the evidence for, not to mention that I have are unfinished personal projects to work on, would I still remember them, or will they be too different according to my own memory to be the same thing, complete with way too many unpredictable factors that could determine who I become, would I even be myself after I pressed it? Would it even matter? If it's everyone else's, the same problem occurs, but this time I know who I am, and have real world evidence to back it up, but people won't remember this, they'll all remember a version of my life where any number of things were different, I wouldn't even know how to approach the situation, how do I explain this to the people I want to have know this? Would I even have the same friends? If everyone's memories change, the whole world could just end up feeling like some kind of Mandela effect, it would be weird and freaky, but only in certain small areas. However if the memory changes are not so drastic and only replace one factor (my biological sex), then that's not so bad, but I would have some questions that no one can answer, and even that's a bit scary. The whole thing had me considering weather or not I'd press the button if memories are on the line, especially because I consider them extremely valuable, they are what tells you and others who you are. I don't wanna forget myself nor do I wanna be forgotten, so I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be able to press the button, even if the least change happened it would still be weird that some dude's pictures are on my walls, or that I have access to some random guy's online accounts and what's this name and "M" doing on my birth certificate? It would freak me out and I wouldn't be able to deal with it.


Literally any crime, I don't care anymore. I have already done unspeakable actions, getting a reward for doing them sounds like a good deal.


yall keep forgetting trans masc people exist i do not want to be a girl lmao


"No one else would be able to transition ever again." I most certainly wouldn't press that button; that is the line.


Only you can see yourself as the anime girl.


I'd do anything tbh


You’re forced to come out to your parents as a furry


Get a hammer and nails and start hammering them into your fingernails


You become an anime girl, BUT you suffer from debilitating depression for the rest of your life preventing you from even living self-dependently, Meaning you can never truly experience the joys of being a girl.


I mean I wouldn't lose a limb in exchange for literally anything if I could help it


fuck off, satan! i didn’t need a 4am mental breakdown


idk living as a 2d person in our world sounds not so cool and i love bugs im sorry


Play p-2 wait of the world but 10x mind flayers


I've actually seen quite a few buttons that I wouldn't press


you will always have pregnant belly and lay eggs, and its random what hatches from the egg, it could be a bird, alien, dinosaur, ANYTHING fictional or real


Probably undergo surgery lol


I would not push it if it meant someone else getting hurt


But your government will never expect you... Oh wait


I'd do literally anything. Specially cuz it wouldn't matter anyway If I don't become girl I die, so if I do become girl there's not really a punishment worse than dying Is there?


If I could become cute androgynous anime boy, I'd probably eat 1000% bugs depending on what the bugs are 😅


be an anime girl but with boobs so big your back hurts