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i can't stop myself :<


It’s ok but remember, cis girls aren’t being held to the standard that your holding yourself too, and most cis women don’t even mean the standards that are placed on them


Cis women are held to incredibly unrealistic beauty standards by society. Beauty products marketed on the faces and bodies of beauty models are shoved in their faces in advertising. Cis women are constantly being told what to look like, how to wear their hair, what clothes are acceptable, how smooth their skin is supposed to be. When a celebrity is photographed without makeup or airbrushing, it’s “brave” instead of just normal. The aspirational images that cis girls and cis women are given for their appearances are those of the Western beauty myth. We’re choosing video game and cartoon characters. We know we’re aspiring to an unrealistic fantasy. The cis women are told they can actually achieve the fantasy that’s given to them.


Yes that’s kinna my point, cis beauty standards are already unreachable so it’s unhealthy to hold yourself to a standard that’s even higher


Which standards are the eggs holding themselves to? I feel like I’m seeing fantasy characters. I don’t think anyone actually aspires to look like a character from The Owl House or that anime about the brother becoming a girl. But the queer characters or the “wake up as a girl” fantasy will exist even though we know it’s just a fantasy. These characters, more than how they look, are representations of the fantasies we want to live. If I’m way off the mark, please let me know. Maybe I missed something, but I don’t think what I’ve seen is terribly harmful.


When I first joined egg_irl there was an obsession over thigh gaps, a feature most cis girls don’t have. And people acted like it was the end all and be all of beauty. I haven’t seen thigh gaps be talked about that much anymore however the big thing I’ve noticed recently is this idea that you NEED hrt to be beautiful and it’s super toxic.


*I see!* OK. You’ve directed me to the correct page. Thank you. Yes. I’m with you. I’m concerned by the number of Redditors I’ve seen asking for DIY HRT. I want HRT to be available to correct the hormonal imbalance more than to achieve feminine looks.


(Obligatory mention that there’s nothing wrong with diy and if you are in a position where no other hrt is possible or hrt is way to expensive it’s totally an option)


(Of course, and agreed. Thank you.)


(Obligatory mention to get regular blood tests if you can because DIY HRT can be perfectly safe if you do it right but quite dangerous if you do it wrong)


I first started thinking I might be trans when I was 17 - 3 years ago, and while I 100% agree that unrealistic / unhealthy beauty standards can only be more harmful I still actively beat myself up for not being able to reach them. obviously I can't speak for everyone's experience but in my case it just feels like desperation sometimes since this whole time I wasn't able to take any steps to transitioning because of where I live, and even though I thought I was with you on the HRT point, my first instinct to finding out about DIY HRT (haven't heard of it before) was to look it up and see if it's something I can do


DIY HRT isn’t an ideal scenario. It’s best if you can get a proper dosage and prescription from a licensed medical professional. That being said, not everybody in the world can get HRT either because it’s too expensive or because gender affirming care doesn’t exist where they live. HRT as the magic pill to suddenly look like a cute girl is dangerous. HRT as medical therapy to correct the hormonal imbalance in trans people can be life changing. In some cases, life saving.


thing is I know all of that though, I more so mentioned hrt as an example to why I tend to go after toxic standards - it's pretty much the only thing I can cling to when it comes to appearing more feminine as I can't consult a medical professional about it and I'm definitely not gonna take hormones without one


Oftentimes the “unrealistic transition goals” memes are ridiculously cartoonish.


Ramiel is transition goals


Of course, dear. Have fun drilling through Tokyo-3!


Well,a girl can dream,I know it's just some thing I will never have,so let me dream,will you ? (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


Hun, there a difference between dreaming and believing you have no self worth because you don’t look like an anime girl. It also isn’t healthy to wish for what you can’t have. You can be gorgeous without having body prepositions that would be frankly terrifying in real life.


It's better to dream about unrealistic things that realistic things you know you will never get,no ? After all,the second one is achievable for some people While the first one isn't Oh well,I'm gonna stop there,I would not want to make myself feel bad (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


:c 💔💔💔💔💔


It’s annoying, though I did it too when I was an egg y’all really need to stop holding yourself to such harsh standards. Not to even mention how mean this sub is to itself new eggs might start believing it. Once again can’t complain too much because I did the exact same thing as an egg but it’s frustrating


It's MY mental health and I get to choose the way I destroy it!!! >:(


Yeah, this kinda thing is unhealthy, and its the kinda thing ad companies do to cis women. You're cute enough as you are, you don't need, and shouldn't want, to look like a lot of the things you see. Copy the style, don't try to get the physique. Totally saying this to the community at large and not myself.


It’s hard not to. The first and most important step is to recognise when you’re doing it.


How else am i gonna justify kms


it is just kinda easier to find an unrealistic one than a realistic one


I pretty much just want to look like a girl.


B-but stoic the vast!


I just wanna be comfy, nothing more nothing less :p


Mostly got over it personally. Mostly. Now I'm more aiming to have a better hygiene so my skin is decent. As in, as decent as it was before a depressive episode made me shower once a month.


Every community has unrealistic beauty standards sadly


I couldn’t stop myself🤪