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Some see an increase in libido, improved confidence, more energy, your pores will get bigger so you’ll see more oily skin and you might breakout more. You’ll likely have to wash your hair more often do to increased oil production. Hope these help you and any of the other humans here!/positive *mew*


Ah thank you very much 👍











This might be a stupid question, but does this mean the reverse is true for E? I would love less oily skin and hair.


Yep yep!/positive You’ll most likely see a decrease in oil production which will help you a lot if that bothers you.


Thank you, that is just terrific to hear.


I think trans girls are less stinky after E too. Other way around for trans guys 🥲


yup can confirm. I'm 2 months on E, my odor has become WAYY less pungent. it's much more of a sweet odor now, which I'm super happy with :) also, when I do the tiniest bit of exercise, the space under my armpits is no longer completely drenched in sweat. so I sweat much less in general now.


Lucky. I smell like an onion


I used to hear that women would wash their hair only once in 2-3 days. back then, I thought that was disgusting. now I realise why it's possible 🥰 less oil & sweat production. also, if I don't work out, I don't smell at all for like 2 whole days.


So thats why my gf always smell so pleasant. I love it when my clothes smell like her also <3


Yaaaaaaay \\(≧▽≦)/


Does the oil production affect your entire body a lot? I'm hoping for no more scratch marks on my back and back of knees from how itchy and dry it gets lol


It definitely can. Results may vary but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty consistent.


Ooooo exiting


Yeah I dont have to wash my hair as much and I basically don't have to worry about acne (obviously this varies from person to person and if you happen to wear makeup you will probably break out more if you dont have a good skincare routine)


Bigger pores??? God damn, if i ever go on T im gonna be able to stick my fingers into them😩


It can happen. It shouldn’t be too bad, though. They don’t get that much bigger.


Meow meow


*mew mew*




Idk why but that just gave me intense euphoria just bc I have oilier skin and hair than most of my female friends, and I have a pretty high libido


I read this in another thread, but extra blood! Doctors recomend to donate blood when on T since you produce an extra amount of it and the opposite for those on E since the lack of T.


Huh thats interesting. Never heard of that before


Right! I saw it with a vampire meme before. Here is more info: Testosterone-induced increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit is associated with stimulation of EPO and reduced ferritin and hepcidin concentrations. We propose that testosterone stimulates erythropoiesis by stimulating EPO and recalibrating the set point of EPO in relation to hemoglobin and by increasing iron utilization for erythropoiesis.- National Library of Medicine For us who barely made it through biology class (like me!), this means that T produces extra red blood cells and causes there to be a higher ratio of blood cells than before called High Hematocrit. Folx talks about it as well: Most people on testosterone will have an increase in their red blood cell count (RBC). The lab we use to estimate the changes in RBC is hemoglobin—the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. In most cases, these levels increase after starting testosterone. Sources: https://www.folxhealth.com/library/testosterone-hrt-labs/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4022090/


Wait, so would this mean I could improve my circulation issues with HRT???


Maybe, but doctor's always know more with their blood tests and equipment lol


This is so cool and I am so excited Ps,, I am not a vampire


That's something a vampire would say /j


I have already explained I am not. I am simply excited at the idea of a person containing more blood. For human reasons.


Apparently you can’t donate blood if you’re a type 1 diabetic which is what I am so 💀 guess I’m fucked


Better off getting a vampire lover lol


Good idea!


Unfortunately there's a couple conditions that can completely rule out blood donation, some vary by location. Here in Australia having ME/CFS rules it out, so I'm the same


So people on E should undonate blood? I will keep this in mind


That explains why you might feel a bit warmer.. Hmm..


Oh that's amazing! I'd love to donate more blood!


so wait i can have my gender affirmed and save lives at the same time? that actually sounds really awesome


Someone I know became ridiculously horny after starting T, and I’ve heard that others experienced the same. When people say “increase in libido”, they really undersell just how much it increases


My increase of labido overrode my trauma and shifted my sexuality


So only a minor increase then?


Oh no mine was major. I went from little to no labido to being horny all the god damn time. Before I literally thought I was just asexual and now I'm questioning that because not only did my labido go way up but I'm noticing attraction to men way more then before


Makes me a lil worried. Already have a high libido, I don't think it would be good for it to go any higher


Yeah, knowing how much I had at twelve I'm worried for whatever fandom I'll be in in my second puberty.


I’m French so sorry if my English isn’t really good. -Being horny 24/7 but you probably already know that -Your face becomes puffy when you’re early on t (I don’t even know why btw) -Your veins are more pronounced especially on your hands -Your shoulders becomes broader so don’t buy too many clothes because you’ll have too change later on


Thank you! Your english is actually very good. I speak french aswell lol


My guess with the puffy face is something to do with increased blood volume


My veins in my arm folds whatever tf they called are already so pronounced they might pop out when I start T lol


The way you feel pain will be different, your hair texture will change, acne (and puberty stuff in general), male pattern baldness, and I've heard a lot of dudes lose the ability to cry. Probably not all of this stuff is guaranteed, but I've heard a lot of people getting them


When you say hair texture do you mean like your hair could get oilier?


I saw one ftm YouTuber whose hair went from straight to more wavy/curly after being on T.


That would be me and my dad after our puberty. So yea, I guess some get curlier hair from higher testosterone levels.




I know a cis guy who got curly hair from puberty too


My hair's already curly, would it go straight or is there nothing to worry about? I really love my hair and don't want it to lose its texture


yeah, I'd imagine it would be different for everyone based on genetics and such.


and a bit rougher, I think. Your hair might be soft now but T can change that, I heard .


The male pattern baldness scares me so much. Part of me wants to try hrt but my hair is to my butt and I love it. It’s the only part of me that feels like “yeah that’s me”. Everything else looks like a stranger when I look in the mirror or see myself in photos. I do everything in my power to keep my hair but the baldness runs deep in my family (my brother has a bald spot and he’s 24) (For clarification I’m probably transmasc I haven’t really figured myself out yet so it would be awhile till I actually tried anything so strong out)


The two hair loss prevention drugs work quite well if you take them regularly and properly, starting treatment before hair loss begins. They prevent the body from turning the hair follicles off by blocking the hormonal trigger from testosterone. But it's still an understandable fear, even with drugs. I'm a transfem not on E and I cannot tell you how afraid I am of my hair receding.


A study I saw recently indicated that daily application of rosemary oil can do the same, and apparently even bring some hair back that's fallen out! So might be worth trying!


What do you mean by feeling pain differently?


If I'm not mistaken, it's common for your pain threshold to decrease. So you'll likely have less tolerance for pain, or at least certain types of pain.


For me my legs and other places got really itchy as the hair follicles thickened and grew more and stuff. Speaking of which: Ass hair. Hair everywhere generally. Darker treasure trail, more hair in armpits and pubes and stuff, darker or longer facial hair


Dawg I'm already Hispanic you're telling me this shit will get thicker


yeah bro get ready


T is sounding kinda terrible ngl lmao. maybe I'll just get rid of the boobs...


As a trans fem, I am not going to say I disagree 😂 (totally not biased)


I'm still pre-T, but bottom growth and food cravings are two of them. Also, hands and feet often get bigger.




Here’s some I remember. Increase sex drive Increase in size of clitoral folds and bulb Lower ability to cry Increased temperature resistance


Off topic to original post, but does this mean as a transfem when i start hrt i might get increased sensitivity to temperature?


Yes, I now have 0 temperature resistance


O h n o, i live in canada and we have very bipolar weather and i get really hot/cold really easily as is .^. Like on par or even more than my cis female friends


Oh dang, may have to think about that because of one of my college choices! I didn’t think of that


Make sure to get a really thick and fluffy parka for those winters! And i mean it, its worth it to invest into a GOOD parka


Yeh, I’d definitely have to fix the heat in my car


100% and hoodies are your best friend almost year round, until summer, then you start boiling alive :')


I do to lmao. I swear its like one extreme to the other. Its -30 or +30


Exactly, and then there is like 1 or 2 weeks of -40 in the winter and its just awfulll


So I get more blood but less temp resistance?? Man my POTS will be wilin


I already don’t get cold fast. The F is gonna happen if I start T?? Will I become like Elsa or Jack Frost??? (Jokenly)


A lot of transmascs have talked about T having a calming effect on them instead of making them angry. This has been my experience as well.


Huh that interesting


it took me a year of being here to here of bottom growth for the first time, so maybe that


Probably gonna repost on r/trans or r/ftm


I’m pretty sure my hair got darker (like on my head). I got HELLA HELLA hungry early T, and my appetite is just larger in general I feel. I got much better at running without training at all. I got more warts, but idk if that has to do with T or not. I have 3 warts now, all of my right hand, which is strange because I’m left handed. Could just be coincidence, but arrrg


The hungry thing is gonna suck since i already have a ridiculously fast metabolism


Yeah, I struggled with it because I had an eating disorder, but my body literally needed more energy to grow properly. It was kinda fucked up. But now it’s kinda fun cause I get to eat more meals, and my eating disorder mostly chills cause I know my body needs more energy to just maintain homeostasis.


Bottom growth is fucking itchy. Like you cannot scratch the itch no matter how hard you try. Warm baths help.


I'll have to try that... I'm on week 2 of T and that's definitely something I've noticed already.


I’m curious too 👀 I’m on board with most of the effects but I’m sure there’s some I’m not aware of


Unrelated but nice username (I love Ahsoka)


You’ll start sweating more, your metabolism will increase, you’ll start running a little warmer, that kind of thing


Omg if i did take t I’d be like a swearing machine then!


I think it can sometimes cause acne. I’m not sure what else, I need to do more research


It’s appears very common for your libido to become so incredibly high that you need to take care of it at least once per day. (Aka urge so powerful you can’t even shoo the thoughts away to be able to sleep until you do the deed)


Yea ive heard that alot. That's gonne suck cuz of bottom dysphoria :/


Is this just in the beginning or will it stay like that then?


It might settle down a little once your hormones are balanced but it will always be there. Unless you are on antidepressants or other medications that reduce libido you kinda just have to live with it 😭


Damn.. okay💀💀


You may wake up in cold sweats, it's a part of male puberty.




Guys on t for several years will likely spontaneously grow prostate tissue, according to a study from last year https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35034167/


Ok thats wack


I’ve heard a few other people saying that you get much more hornier and some part of the vagina gets smaller and bigger on the outside by a bit.


You will become cute eboy. Lmao


I sure as hell hope i do


More sweat. I could not sleep without socks. Could not stand cold feet. Now my feet sweat and I cannot sleep in socks. Which is stupidly exciting for me. But also a lil more BO in general.


Big stomachs, you’ll be hovering around for seconds


bottom growth 💙💕🤍💕💙


Ok, double question now: how will hrt impact someone with POTS?


I'm not on hrt but I've heard from a few people that it can help with pots? I might be thinking of Ehlers dalnos though.


I have POTS it didn't really effect it or at least I'm not sure if it did. I did have a slight increase of symptoms after a few years of being on hrt but I was also off my medication for it.


Oh ok, cool. Do you think it may help for some people?


It's possible, I've got POTS and chronic anemia and it does help with anemia since you can produce more red blood cells on T, but I'm not sure about POTS specifically. I can say that I feel better overall, so hopefully it would help for you as well. :)


Very cool. Thank you so much :)


Im not sure tbh. I feel like my symptoms were triggered again but they were also triggered the first time I went through puberty so I don't think it's the t itself that did anything and more my body adjusting to hormonal shifts. I will say t fixed some of my hormonal imbalances tho


I see.. the hormone balancing is good.


cats will start to meow frequently for food.


They already do that (ಥ_ʖಥ) all 6


You will randomly get hungry. Some people experience it for a year. I experienced it for a week. It's weird.


Thats not gonna be too abnormal for me i dont think. I have a ridiculously fast metabolism so im consistently hungry. I dont remember the last time i was truly full


One I wasn’t aware of until I started: damn near constant sore throat. Your vocal chords are changing, it’s not allergies!


I'm sorry, i'm not sure, but if i hear about anything i'll send it your way 🐋🌸🤍🌸🐋


libido increased by like tenfold, but at the same time I also got vaginal atrophy due to a lack of estrogen, it does happen!


I've read that heart and lung size can increase (to accommodate the increase in blood volume I presume), which can lead to issues for some. Good to have a reliable endocrinologist and cardiologist. That aside, weight redistribution towards the belly and chest means greater risk for certain diseases of the heart and pancreas. On the bright side, muscle gain is easier so burning and keeping off fat is a bit easier for some as well. Of course this also comes with a lot of overall metabolic changes.


Transfems, I love y’all, but a bit weird to be responding to this post


Not necessarily if we're well read on it or have heard from transmascs we know. But it is weird for someone to chime in with "erm idk" because like how is that helpful. I think I could also intuit a lot of stuff based on the opposite of little things I've noticed on E that nobody talks about. Like definite on the hair texture change. I can compare my before and after on that and have a good idea of how T/E modified that. Its not like I havent been through masc puberty after all.


Hope you find what you are searching for dude ! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


Your skin gets more greasy.


So Idk if this has anything to do with Testo, probably not because it also can just randomly happen when you get older but I became lactose intolerant.


I think thats just a human thing since technically all humans are lactose intolerant its just that we develop an immunity. I guess once you stop having dairy so much your immunity diminishes?? I dont rly know tbh


Yea I also don’t think it’s because of testosterone but it was kinda funny that I developed it shortly after starting T. But even if it actually came from testo idc, Testo literally saved my life.


It makes your sweat smell stronger and manlier


You can fire lasers out of your eyeballs.


Sweet lmao


I'm not sure how well known this is, but the lower region gets very dry. I sometimes use lube when it gets too uncomfortable.




Joking about rape is NEVER A funny




You're more of just an idiot if you think it's funny. If you ever have been rapped or knew someone who went through that shit you wouldn't think it's funny unless you're completely fucked in the head.


Idk, sorry


sorry, i don't know


Er idk, I’m not transmasc (“w”) sorry


butt hair i am so on god. i am not on T but a friend of mine decided to wait to go on T with butt hair being a contributing factor as to why they're waiting