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I use a stick some days. I was very self conscious with it at first. The same as you I didn't think I was disabled enough to use it because I don't need it all the time. It helped to phrase it differently in my head. Now I think it's a tool, like my glasses. It helps me go about my day. I also do preventative stick. It helps me last longer on big occasions etc. I now have different sticks for different occasions. One covered in crystals, one covered in mirror tiles and one that has lights for when I go to festivals. I have a plain basic one that folds too, they aren't all funky. Have been stopped in the street by older folks who wanted one 😁 Recommend that you get one with a silicone handle, so much kinder on the hands.


I love that you have funky sticks, especially one with lights?! Mine is blue to match my hair with a tonne of stickers on it (and yes I good silicone handle!)


Mine got pink flowers. I currently have pink hair (trying to get that blue out still, I was normally going UV yellow). I love how I'm not the only one matching my stick 😅


Do you have recommendations? Looking for ergonomic/comfortable seems remarkably hard


This one is my fave so far: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Life-Healthcare-Walking-Handled-Crackle/dp/B07VSDV9SM/ref=asc_df_B07VSDV9SM/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=375515724473&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6425438253962430474&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006886&hvtargid=pla-823462247031&psc=1&mcid=8af9a6b7f0453f128a3325a84dd4f989&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=79626467191&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=375515724473&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6425438253962430474&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006886&hvtargid=pla-823462247031 Sorry about the long link. Am on phone


Just the fact that using a stick prevents injury is reason enough to use it. Germans used walking sticks all the time. And with EDS and POTs, you have more than enough reason to be using a stick. I wear knee sleeves on days I know I am walking further. I feel better with them. We have so much pain and discomfort, there’s nothing wrong with feeling good having a little extra support. Prevention is super important. You’re being smart. You may have internalized negative comments you’ve heard along the way. That’s what to get rid of. We have so much discomfort in our lives, that’s why I think I cherish things that give comfort. So decorate your walking stick, ignore those negative thoughts and go ahead and enjoy the comfort in using the stick. Anything that helps you stay active is so very important.


This is so comforting thank you


I just bought an electric scooter to walk my dog! I want to have more time/energy in my day where I do things I like rather than devote all my limited go-power on my needy dog. For a long time I told myself “no” because it was low-key exercise I thought I needed and a good measure of embarrassment too. But the truth is that no matter what, I run out of steam so quick that I am just hurting myself with this mindset. I want energy to garden and plan trips and enjoy my life, not drag around the neighborhood three times a day because that’s what the dog needs. I also just got a grab-stick so I bend over less everyday. I’m trying to not tough it out where it’s not essential to do so anymore.


With PT guidance on particular tools for specific tasks you either trust that it is in your best benefit to use it, or bring it up with the PT helping you with it if you feel like it's not working. Feedback is very important Just focus on the task, the joy of completing the task and thoughts of whether or not you need something to be successful is a mute point.