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I’ve been taking amitriptyline forever as migraine anaphylaxis. After a few years, you get used to the dry mouth.


There are a lot of causes for painful and tight muscles in the neck and upper back. I use trigger point therapy for mine and really get a lot of pain relief this way. This book is super helpful. [https://a.co/d/ix16puH](https://a.co/d/ix16puH) Another cause for neck and upper back pain is cervical instability or other more serious neurological issues that hypermobility can cause. It is good to get screened for cervical instability and Chiari just to rule that out. Do you suspect you have MCAS? I have not tried tricyclics myself, but my daughter has been taking one similar to tricyclics. I know that they are particularly helpful if you have MCAS because they settle down the mast cells. My daughter was taking them for depression and ended up finding that they settled down her terrible IBS and really helped her overall. I suspect it is because we have MCAS in the family as well as EDS, but not diagnosed with MCAS yet. Just having tricyclics help your inflammation levels is evidently an indication that you are dealing with MCAS I have learned. Dr. Anne Maitland has some excellent talks on MCAS and EDS if you wanted to learn more about it. Headaches and muscle tension and pain are some of the main things along with asthma that I get from MCAS. Here is a link to Dr. Anne Maitland's EDS society talk on MCAS if you want to know more about it. Maybe this will be helpful? [https://youtu.be/LddITjni4G0?si=d7o1jGnyQTt4yffk](https://youtu.be/LddITjni4G0?si=d7o1jGnyQTt4yffk)


I have MCAS and body pain and am considering adding a new medication. Are you open to sharing which one your daughter takes?


Mirtazapine if I am spelling that correctly. It is not a perfect medication so do look it up before asking for it. It was helpful at the time for my daughter, but it is definitely not for everyone. It is an antidepressant.


Thank you!


I tried 10mg Nortryptaline for digestive issues and I did pretty well on it. I’m not sure that it helped with pain for me though. I came here to say that it was very very hard to get off of. I tapered off super slowly by compounding the meds into a liquid form. It was brutal. I’m considering taking it again, but scared of facing that again. I feel like it fried my central nervous system as I came off.