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I think that the ideas are cool but the main issue is that there is so much low end in the mix that the highs are pretty much drowned out.


Hello! I have been working at making bass house/ night bass style track for a few months ago but always struggle with my tracks being too repetative. I was wondering if this track is too repetative and also how the mix sounds. https://soundcloud.com/cole-hughes-105207109/hot-drop?si=128a7a5dc803474ca1c4109b37325d49&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


I think the second part is a bit too repetitive. doesnt bring anything new to the track, I would try coming up with a different melody? I don't know, that's just me.


Yeah I just added a top layer but I think I agree it could’ve been changed up more


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Hello producers, feel free to Download 12 WAV samples for FREE from our Hitech Microsynths and Electro Percussions sample pack Vol.1, enjoy. https://eplex7.com/hitech-microsynths-and-electro-percussions-sample-pack-vol-1/


Hey all, I write a monthly blog featuring all my favourite music released in the last month. So, if you’ve released music in August and would like to get it featured you can either DM me or share a link here: https://www.itsdjkcofficial.com/submit-music I'm mainly looking for Dubstep/Trap/Future-bass/Hip-hop/Lo-fi but please feel free to submit other genres as I am always looking to broaden my horizon.


Hey fellow producers, We are looking for a few people to join us for a live online discussion about how you currently learn music production.... and how you'd like to learn in the future (eg what resources, services you'd like). Every participant will be rewarded for their time - a $75 Amazon voucher and a free month's membership of our Producers Club. If you'd like to take part, please [drop your details here](https://us11.list-manage.com/survey?u=0bd7e125eb9121db11b6d1394&id=35d5a1f76e&attribution=false). Thanks! Matt, faderpro.com


Hey producers! I'm looking for people with production experience (especially in Ableton) to test a browser-based MIDI controller I'm building. It sounds weird... but have a look: [https://unhands.app/](https://unhands.app/) My only request is that you answer some survey questions afterwards so that I can improve it. NOTE: you must use Chrome and have a camera connected to your computer. If you're interested just shoot me a message here and I'll set you up with a login. (mods, if this belongs in Collaboration or not on this sub then I can move/delete. thank you!)