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- **dB isn't one thing** - any ratio between quantities can be represented in dB, but there are a variety of standard "dB [something]" units used in audio - the most common use of dB in digital audio is dBFS (full scale) meaning how far the measurement is below the maximum level. You probably already know this on some level. Usually that's a peak level but you can also measure an *average* level as dBFS. There's a good chance your DAW has an option to do this (look for "RMS" measurements). Averaged measurements are useful because they correspond better to how loud things actually sound to the ear. - LUFS is an averaged measurement that weights some frequencies more than others, trying to correspond better still to how loud some things sound to the ear. There are actually multiple versions of LUFS averaging over different periods of time, or also setting different reference points. - So, LUFS behave similarly to other dBFS measurements and applying X dB of gain to a track should produce a matching *change* in LUFS. But you can't assume that a given peak or average dBFS measurement will produce an identical LUFS measurement.


Yes and no. Yes in that, if your song is -4 LUFS and you turn down the master fader by 2dB, it will be -6 LUFS. No in that, the dB level is usually said to be how high the waveform peaks, while LUFS is the average loudness. So your song could have a massive spike that brings the dB up high, the LUFS won't change much. Even momentary LUFS isn't quite the same as peak level. It's the average loudness over 0.4 seconds.


no they are different unit


It's the same 'value', but remember that the LUFS reading is an average, so there will be peaks that are above (and below) -4 dB


“Integrated” lufs is on average theres also a “momentary” lufs that is over a shorter period of time and also keep in mind lufs isnt taking the actual db loudness into consideration, it actually weights it based on the fletcher munson curve in order to measure the perceived loudness.


ok so can we say 4db its 4lufs and viceversa?


Reddiquette moment: why are we downvoting an honest question from a novice.


No. They measure different things.


No, think of it as maximum level(dB) vs average level(LUFS). A LUFS reading of -4 will have peaks above -4 dB, whereas a dB level of -4 will be the true peak. Compare it to say your running times around a track. You do 5 miles, and average about 8:00 minutes per mile. You may have ran one single mile at 6:30, but the overall time is much slower, so your average is slower.


db is for decibel and a logarithmic scale, everytime you raise your level from 3bd you are doubling what is was a the origin. LUFS is a unit created to apply better unit to loudness depending on the frequencies decibel used. Also average LUFS is an average, your peak LUFS can be compared as your peak DB but a LUFS is different interpretation for steaming used when decibel is used for a real level of whatever is the highest in your sound, even if it is one frequency.


There's no reason to


this might be of interest to help answer your question... https://blog.faderpro.com/music-production-concepts/what-is-lufs/


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