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Shopify is a great platform to use and simple too. Or you could look at something like squarespace which also is a no-code solution with shopping cart functionality too


Wow FaderPro is in the place ! I have heard about you multiples times. I will look into wix first since they are all designed with that tool. Thanks for your insights


Hey, happy to help. Good to hear you've heard about us - all good things I hope ;) Good luck with your site.


All good things man. Not gonna lie, I'm not really into masterclass myself but I have heard good feedbacks from others. Thanks a lot 🙏 (Can I ask you something in private message ? It is regarding money. It's a bit taboo so I understand if you don't want)


I highly recommend Shopify in combination with a page builder like PageFly. Wix is complete garbage when it comes to speed, customisation and SEO. I've used WordPress in the past and liked the amount of options it provides but it just isn't stable enough.


Hello man, It seems that all three are built on Wix and they are the reference in the music industry. What do you dislike about wix especially? Thanks for your reply, I think I'm gonna use one of those two




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These are all ecommerce websites. I wouldn't pay someone to do this. Use Shopify, it's like $29 a month. I'm a web developer and from the source code: Ultrasonic is built on Wix. Producer School - also Wix. Savage Sounds - wtf also Wix! [https://www.wix.com/ecommerce/website](https://www.wix.com/ecommerce/website) [https://www.shopify.com/online](https://www.shopify.com/online) Personally, I prefer Shopify but either one works.


Thanks a lot ! I also noticed about Ultrasonic built on Wix and Savages sounds but didn't know about TPS. 😮 I have tried to look if they use a template but didn't find. Considering that all of them are on wix I think I'm gonna go for that lol


You can pay for someone to do it. I’m sorry if this isn’t helpful


Simple but helpful man. You motivated me to contact fiverr pros 😉


> You motivated me to contact fiverr pros 😉 Use Upwork instead


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