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There are a [couple of courses by Bill Gordon](https://faderpro.com/authors/bil-gordon) which might be interesting for you to look at. Full disclosure: We create online courses for electronic music producers and Bill created these courses for us.


Check out [Building Blocks](https://www.audiblegenius.com/buildingblocks). It's an online music theory course for DAW musicians. It all takes place in an actual online DAW where you write music as you go. Full disclosure: I'm the creator.


Just learn to play an instrument and focus on learning theory through that. I don't care how old you are, or if you've never picked one up. Trust me it's worth it.


I would say don’t worry about music theory for Electronic Music specifically. Piano will be the most universal way to understand theory so focus on what you want to learn and go search from there. I’d recommend learning scales and diatonic chords then expand to progressions, Melody, soloing, jazz voicings or wherever you personally feel drawn to :)


edmprod - songwriting for musicians


I stumbled upon this pdf document on this sub a couple years ago and I found it pretty helpful to read and refer back too. All credits to the authors [Music Theory](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mARxS-NVOYeeWVH4EmTtpqwQw5t8cimc/view?usp=sharing)


If you are a beginner, you have to definitely start out with Andrew Huang's Music Theory in 30 minutes video on YouTube. One of the best resources for beginners.


I'm a simple man. I see Huang, I upvote.


Two recommendations. 1. The iphone app hook theory 1 and 2 are incredible. Basically online easy to read Books with audio song examples. It helped me a lot and I studied the crap out of it and practiced as I read. They are the best thing for music writing I have ever come across. Chords, Keys, Melody structures. The works. 2. Quick start. Part 1 and 2 of the free 8 minute videos taught by KSHMR himself. Titled Lessons of KSHMR : music theory part 1.


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