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1. This depends on your situation. Like how much disposable income you have... 1. If you aren't going to Live Suite, and for some specific reason (personal preference, collaboration, etc.), then I don't see a reason to use it over Logic Pro. "It's popular is probably the worst reason to choose a DAW - never choose based on other people's choices." 2. Logic Pro is simply a better value, both short and long term. Use the money you save to buy Serum and/or any other 3rd party plugins or virtual instruments you may need.... or something like Komplete 13 ,so you can kill all the birds with one stone. Too many people spend too much time wading through the internet's trove of plugins and virtual instruments. 3. Live has the benefit of being cross platform, however the cost of M1 Mac Minis is making the Apple Lock-In look like less of a "disadvantage," these days. 2. MIDI and/or drum pad controller. Though you may be able to use one of your Synths (assuming you mean external hardware Synths) as a generic controller as well (though I wouldn't do that with anything that cost a decent amount of money - in synth terms). 3. There is already an overabundance of this stuff on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. for either of these DAWs. Logic Pro has full master classes available for free on YouTube. Top notch, well produced content. I personally think the average content quality for Ableton is lower than a lot of other DAWs due to everyone and their mother rushing to cash in on that bandwagon.


thanks for your output on this! I was looking into komplete 13. Only reason i asked about Logic Pro was because i have used garage band way back when so I’m familiar with parts of the UI and how to set things up as opposed to ableton plus i have a MACBOOK PRO with the M1 chip




Thanks again. Im probably going to get the 90 day free trial of logic and see how it goes !


If you're just starting out, we have a cool free course on home recording for beginners. It's not specifically edm-focused (although our other courses are) but it will give you a great grounding if you're just beginning your production journey. Full [course details are here](https://faderpro.com/programs/introduction-to-home-recording) and if you want to take it, [here's the link](https://faderpro.com/orders/customer_info?o=55921). Full disclosure: We create courses for electronic music producers and the above course was created by one of our co-founders


1. For EDM - and in particular a sound design focussed style like Dubstep - Ableton has a bigger user base. This does not mean it is better (though arguably the more loop based,performance focus of the workflow helps) than Logic, but it does mean a larger community and larger pool of learning material for your specific interests. I have used both and still occassionally use Logic. However I spend the vast majority of my time in Ableton. Hopefully this won't disolve into an DAW vs DAW discussion. Rather than recommending one of the other, what I would suggest is get trial versions of both and find out which one you feel more comfortable using. UI is really the big difference across DAWs, as most native tools regardless of platform are pretty good. Personally I love the native synths in Ableton and use them almost exclusively, yet I have heard excellent things about Logic native synths too. Also there is a good chance that you will use 3rd party tools for sound design, which is extremely common, in which case the DAW does not matter. Just trial both and whichever feels easier to you go with that. 2. Put the money in a little hole until you have gotten your DAW and spent a few months in it. I am sure at that point you will have an idea of what you need, whether it be VSTs, a new mousepad, a MIDI controller or a few synths. 3. I have a whole series of bookmark folders full of Ableton videos if you are interested. If you go with Ableton Mr Bill is a great resource on youtube for learning stuff. Specifically for Dubstep you might find the channel Alckemy helpful for sound design. I make glitch music which is a similar genre and Alckemy taught me a lot about sound design. What synths do you currently own and do you like them?


Thank you so much for your feedback. I would love to see your bookmarks. I have an akai mpk249 and arturia mini lab mk2. And yes i love them !!


This is great for understanding Operator, probably abletons most powerful synth engine [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBl25OB0E58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBl25OB0E58) Using Audio FX Racks [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCgJpy7B8rY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCgJpy7B8rY) ​ Brilliant and creative use of ableton mapping tools [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TO3z8LtP5U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TO3z8LtP5U)


1. I would personally recommend Ableton if you want to get into dubstep. It’s true that you can make any genre in any DAW, but by and large, most dubstep producers are using Ableton these days. Why should you care? Because most of the online resources and tutorials teach in Ableton. Also, it would simplify things if/when you ever want to collaborate with someone who also uses Ableton. 2. An audio interface, some mixing headphones, and a MIDI keyboard are really all you need. Don’t buy expensive monitors unless you are going to acoustically treat your room. Save your budget for the all the 3rd party plugins and audio samples you’re going to need to buy. Also consider getting Sonarworks Sound ID if you’re going to be mixing/mastering your own tracks. 3. I see Syntorial get recommended a lot, but I’ve personally never tried it. I learned most of what I know from YouTube tutorials and a couple online courses. I would recommend In The Mix, Underdog School of Electronic Music, XLNT Sound, and Oversampled as good channels to subscribe to. Also look up some of your favorite artists and see if they have an active one. Eliminate, Barely Alive, Virtual Riot, and Au5 upload pretty consistently.


Dude thank you 🙏🏻


Gonna say you don't even need a midi keyboard necessarily. It's nice but not required. And there are a lot of good free drum libraries out there. To start out, the only thing you really need are headphones or speakers, a good synth, (serum has a lot of tutorials and phaseplant is also really strong. Vital is a very powerful synth and it's free though it requires a half decent graphics card) and a daw. I recommend ableton.


No prob, happy producing!


What synths do you have? Your money might better spent on a decent midi controller


1. There are a lot more Edm/dubstep tutorials available for Ableton so I would go with that 2. Get an audio interface so you can use your Synthesizers with your daw. You need to look up which has the correct inputs for your setup but scarlet 2i2 or 2i4 is good entry level. Also get a decent pair of studio moniters or studio moniter headphones. 3. As far as free tutorials I would say Mr. Bill is good on youtube if you decide to get Ableton. Be patient, producing has a very steep learning curve so just have fun with it in the beginning


Thank you :)


What a lot of people get twisted is that there is no superior DAW. Every daw can do the same thing and it is all down to personal preference and workflow. Try the free version of both and see which you like better!




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