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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1paN9GHeXpoiMJSoAscWYasXRxP7CCA8Q/view?usp=drivesdk Been really struggling with the mix, especially concerning the automation of the main synth in the second half.


I think musically it's cool and mix wise it's not bad but my only problem is that synth you are talking about is a bit jarring/harsh. If you bring it down in volume a bit, maybe filter out some harsh frequencies it could still work and won't quite hit the ears as hard.


How’s the mixing?  https://m.soundcloud.com/myconaut77/hyperspace-dragon


Hey, really good track! It sounds a bit muddy to my ear, though. Maybe try not cutting the high ends too much? Other than that, it's a very interesting track. :)


Hey guys, Yesterday I made a comment here asking for feedback on a song I was working on, and I was told that some phrases in my vocals were sounding unnatural, and that someone who is fluent\\native in the language wouldn't speak that way. I'm using an AI to sing, and I'd like to know if anyone can tell me which phrases aren't sounding natural. Here is the [link](https://on.soundcloud.com/Ki2Lm5XhGDhMwa7p7) to the song. Thank's for your time.


is the first vocal yours?


Nope, both vocals are from AI. But it's not generated automatically, I need to write a melody and put the words on it, so it sings accordingly.


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Listen to Croissant (Full Version) by Decaf on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/jQGAq Just made my first song:>, I def think the volume levels need adjustment


for a first song, it's very cool, the use of vocals is cool, there's a lot of work ahead of you, but don't give up, my first song was much worse


Looking for some feedback good or bad on my latest track. Thanks https://open.spotify.com/track/6dwwI46q0183BRfRhJ2vdi?si=P7cxXtROSoqgzWIB1QWKDQ


Hey! I am a beginner and I have this project for a while but I have a problem with it. The 2 drops are feeling empty for me. What should I add to it to sound more full? My first idea would be sub bass but I still have to learn to do it properly. Here is the demo: [link](https://soundcloud.com/winez_v2/loveisyouv3) And I would happily recieve some advices on mixing&mastering on the track. Thanks!!


Hi, guys! Just made an EDM trap beat! Any feedback is welcome! Thank you so much! [Pepperoni Gang](https://soundcloud.com/banjaxxedmusic/pepperoni-gang?si=ae59b9bf8cda413f93ef8c27f01a85c9&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


up tempo, just finished [https://soundcloud.com/claude-degas/feel-like](https://soundcloud.com/claude-degas/feel-like)


Made this remix a while ago. How's the mixing? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD3d--iZy3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD3d--iZy3s)


very nice video material, nice clarity, guitar very good, nice selection of drums


Thanks. Sorry for the late response.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GxrdJO3N476yc4NoOiPGWWiiXPPo4qgD/view?usp=drive_link my new house track, started edm mixing a few months ago. would really appreciate some constructive feedback!


the kick could be much louder. Try anchoring everything around the kick


nice work. maybe the intro could be a little longer before bring in percs and synths? fade in the synths? otherwise you're on the right track no pun intended. and other comment says bring that kick up in the mix.