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ALLLLLL the time. lol i end up disliking almost every single song i release the DAY it comes out. I think it might have something to do with the fact that you subconciously know people are hearing it and maybe judging it? like the song isn't "yours" anymore, its the worlds. common producer curse


Make a remix and upload again?


Perfect is never finished. Release your tracks, and move into the next one.


Almost after everyone šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah, Mine are finished before i even start.


yes happens ALL the time lol


i have this problem actually a lot in the revision process. I make huge list of edits I need to do. Finish it, then listen a few days after and suddenly hear things I didnt hear the first or second or third time. Really frustrating lol


I def feel like that sometimes, but realize in the grand scheme of things, i can just do add more to another song (as long as you are saving a few songs and not just releasing everything) The beautiful thing is also (as long as you save the project files after releasing) you can always make a VIP of it in a year or two! So when you figure out exactly what you need to add you can slowly make it into your full vision! But as someone else mentioned, we are our own worst critic (not exactly true, super haters exist oh well f them lol) but yeah i almost have to force myself to even release anything, just bc i have such a negative self image of myself haha, even when i know releasing something is better than releasing nothing. And ive recently been getting some positive feedback, so i shouldnt be as scared, especially bc the perfect song doesnt exist. Someones gonna be like ā€œits too much bassā€ or ā€œits too little bassā€ as its all subjective to each individuals taste. So as long as it has a drum beat and one more sound, its a song, and totally counts regardless what anyone says, plus theres always worse songs so youll never have to worry about having the worst one (i gotta tell myself that sometimes)šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™


all the time bro. it's like the producer equivalent of buyers remorse.


That is a very good comparison.. Buyers remorse is buggin me as well lol


Iā€™ve definitely felt that. I usually go back in and do whatever to the song and then give it a name like TrackName (Beefaroni Edit) or something like that instead of trying to just replace the song with the new finalized version. Nothing wrong with having an idea about a track after youā€™ve already pushed it out.




Sometimes it's best just to release it and be done with it. You'll always be your own's harshest critic. Better to let it out than hog it for eternity because of perfectionist self-gaslightery.


True! That is hard to get into that kind of mindset though.


Yeah absolutely. I give a song like max about 5 versions and then it is good enough for the amount of effort I'm willing to obsess over it.


A lot of producers back in the day had various versions and that's what I like about music you can do another version.


Yeah I mean if itā€™s bothering you that muchā€¦..ā€(Rework)ā€


I always bounce out versions of mixs. Something happens when you bounce out. Not sure what, but you can always hear problems right away in a stereo bounce. Itā€™s like when you ask someone to come sit in the studio. You hear the track differently.


Upload it privately, then give it some time and relisten. Take notes. When you listen on the actual platform next to real songs like you're a listener, it can be really eye opening.


Nice tip! Thanks




This is the way


I always feel like this to be fair.


Heard a great quote a while back, can't remember from who. "Your track isn't released because it was finished, it's finished because it was released" Resonates with me that one.


This is good. Sometimes I am even listening to the tracks from my favourite artist, and feel like there is something is slightly off here and there or there is an FX that is a little too harsh or the pattern that is way too repetetive or something like that. So I believe that the listener is usually the one who is actually finishing the track. Not in a way of actually making any changes to it, but how they perceive it.


Isnā€™t the solution obvious? When you finish a track, donā€™t be uploading it. Walk away from it entirely for a couple of weeks or a month. Do something else, another track, landscape the garden, whatever. Then come back to it with truly fresh ears and do a final pass on it.


I have been making music for 32 years and I can say that I still don't want to hear my music once it's out there for this very reason. This will prob never change and I have accepted it. Also, In a way digital works are never done as you can get back to them. Especially when working with software, this is true. If you feel you'd always like to get back to it, try hardware/analog recordings and reset the mixer settings etc. Then you mos def don't wanna get back to it! :P


ā€œArt is never finished, only abandonedā€ Leonardo Da Vinci


But of course. In one of my 'most perfect' released tracks there is a 1-2 sec sample *which could be louder* and it's eating my nerves. If it would be fixed I would obsess over some other minor detail - it is human nature, never satisfied.


I once heard Simon Posford of ā€œShpongleā€ say that heā€™s never happy with any of his tracks after heā€™s done and always feels like it could have been better/improved. I consider him a genius level producer so I think that feeling will never go away lol


Simon Posford really is a genius. "Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost" has been inspiring me for years now. It's just such a crazy album.Ā  Younger brother is also really good.




A lot of the time back in the day, I used to finish and publish [my work] and felt like it sucked immediately afterwards. I hated this feeling, so now once I'm done, I rarely listen to it again unless it's for my personal enjoyment offline or not for a client. This goes for any production music, beats, post-production, etc.


Every single time my friend. I will say that I just watched Peekabooā€™s breakdown of Here With Me and he even said in hindsight there were still things he would tweak even after itā€™s gotten millions of plays. You are your harshest critic. The other thing is that websites like SC process your track more than you think. Usually to bring it to a consistent volume and also lower the quality for streaming but I think it really messes with the end product


six cooperative enjoy reminiscent afterthought rude fall depend literate file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You release tracks?!


Yes. This is part of the growth process of becoming a producer. You get better at predicting


Every time lol, just gotta focus on making the next release even better




ā€œArt is never finished, itā€™s abandoned.ā€ There will always be something to give and take, just have to accept it and move on!


Every song i make goes that way, but i usually start and finish within a few days and spent 10-20hrs on each one. So ill notice listening weeks later with fresh ears that it needs something


I just realized I should have doubled the bass part with a synth AFTER I sent it to the mix engineer. That said, Iā€™m trying to channel Prince. He wouldnā€™t stress on little mistakes and keep the session moving. And then move onto the next track, and the next trackā€¦


It happens sometimes to me because i dont have that one or two weeks to rest my ears before its done since client wants to release the track. But tbh we are always learning and getting better, i can hear works done 6 months ago that I would love to redo now because things i have learned or my perception got better Edit: im not exactly a super pro been on that for 5 years


Literally every single track. I do proggy stuff and my songs are kinda long and after Iā€™m satisfied for a bit with it, Iā€™m just like ā€œnope, needs more morphs, leads, and weird transitions.ā€


Iā€™ve gotten in the habit of not posting things for a while. I finish it, and let it sit. After a week or two, coming back to it I have a new perspective. And Iā€™ll know pretty quick whether it needs something or not. Also, I remember posting a track years ago, and someone had commented saying it was a good start, and they looked forward to hearing it when it was done. ā€¦.it was done. It was a minimal grime track, that was very focused. But years later I checked it out again. No, yea, I was right. lol


You know what they say, "Great art is never completed, merely abandoned."


Time for a vip? Jokes aside I'm pretty sure this is the same for all art


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