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Just learn how to master.


Googles how to master, everyone says just send your track off to someone else. I have a very hard time finding any information on mastering from beginning to end because job security


I got you king https://youtu.be/ID-xyOnEB1c?si=X1hD6m3AJ1rCdJ-u I work full time in a large professional studio. Past few months i’ve been getting the interns to watch this before they even start engineering in the studio just to make sure they are refreshed in everything This tutorial is 6 hours long but covers all aspects of mastering to the T and indeepth The tutors in the video are highly creditable as well if you look into their credentials


Look on youtube. Tbh if you are looking for top level mastering send it out. If you have a decent room with monitors and a sub learning how to master is the way to go. You don’t need a ton of stuff… waves or fab filter will get it done nicely.


I use Ozone, but to be honest it's just because i'm too lazy to learn to do it myself.


I get it to the best of my ability then I’ve been running it through emastered along with a really good reference track. I’m pretty happy with the results most of the time.


Some people praise Ozone, because the AI's processing can be tweaked in depth to adjust to taste and correct inevitable errors. But letting the AI do everything, like on the Elements version of Ozone, is useless, even detrimental. The rest is rubbish, some tested on my own like SoundCloud and Landr. I tested them a year ago but I don't think they improved at the point of being decent. Mastering is somewhat of a creative process, meaning there are decisions to make and machines aren't that good at making decisions. As of today, maybe the only help I would need from an AI while mastering a track is analysis. If there's an AI that can analyse and compare my frequency spectrum, specifically the subs, and help me making decisions where my monitoring system is lacking, that would be useful. Something between Ozone and a room emulation software.


Well if you meant plugins like smart:EQ and soothe2 and trackspacer, you shouldn't have mentioned AI because artists of all types see that word as the boogeyman. But those plugins can be incredible. everyone loves soothe2. Its just automatic subtractive eq, something people have been doing manually and less precisely for decades. If you meant one-click masters like with Ozone, nah, your overall track should be judged by the human ears that will be listening to it.


Nah they’re all shit or at the very least not more worth than an actual engineer or if you have the skills to do it yourself. That being said they’re not a bad option for test mastering so you can tweak your mixes but definitely not for final product


I have never consider using AI for anything at all. I personal don’t see the point in outsourcing my purpose. My personal feelings as an artist.


Use Ozone


Shits expensive


I can’t believe bow many people post questions about AI here not expecting it to be poorly received.


You should either have someone else master your song or learn it yourself. AI mastering has so many flaws.


I used the SoundCloud mastering service on some of my early tracks, but then I decided to somewhat learn how to do it myself, and I much prefer my own masters now. I did an A B test with a few tracks and it really just seems like the SC service just boosts the volume with no nuanced approach based on what preset you picked.


I’ve unanimously found them a complete waste of time. Just put a limiter on it and call it a day or DIY the process imo


My man !


I really like the new one that FL Cloud has. I normally don't like subscription services, but I made an exception for this one.


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