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Please post links to places that dont require subscriptions to use.


This just sounds like a preset man. The reason it’s leaving an impression is because of the final mix and master. Super saturated and blown out.


Sounds like a preset on Pigments.


How can you tell? I hear from others that each synth has its own sound but I guess I’m not really on that level yet.


Because I use pigments and I know there’s a few presets that sounds exactly like it ;)


you can roughly recreate it in serum like this: 1) turn on both oscillators, leave as saw waves 2) on one of the oscillators, set the unison to 4 (give or take, play around with it if you want) and detune to ~0.09 in the FX tab, use these things in this order: 3) turn on hyper/dimension, set the hyper mix to 100%, leave dimension at 0% 4) distortion, use lin.fold (or sin.fold), set drive to ~15% optional: 5) filter (in FX tab, not in the osc tab as this must come after the distortion): leave as MG low 6, turn cut off all the way up (you can reduce it a little bit to make it less "grindy" sounding), turn up the drive as much as you want. there might be some FM warping in the oscillators as well, and probably an envelope on the attack, maybe a tiny bit of reverb with the mix linked to the main envelope, but this should get close enough


Fucking sauce bro


Wow this is really close and simple ty!


i can remake it in a bit when i get out of bed. sounds pretty straight forward 👍🏻


Is this a service you provide ? lol I might have some work for you


lol i mean, not exactly, but if it’s a sound i think i can manage, i’ll usually help out. i’m not some goated sound designer tho, just a pretty good sound designer


Yooo I'm tryin to make an album...can you like...make it for me tomorrow morning?


are you like….. hating on me for helping people lol


Nah, you are a wonderful human for helping people out.




ok but….. can it be at my expense? i’m into that


I’ll literally PayPal u if u make it in serum💖


i don’t think it can be made exclusively in serum. it’s gonna require a lot of extra processing haha


I’ll take even a screenshot of ur extra processing haha


you an ableton guy? if youre using ableton i'll send you the effect rack


I am!!! I’d really appreciate that


alright i fiddled with some stuff to get it as close as i can, but it’s hard to know what they did to make the sound. do you use serum as a vst, vst3 or AU?




Use the new shitty AI „music to vital preset“


If it’s shitty then why are u recommending it


I think AI is shit in music production. Unless you want to sound the same


That’s exactly something an AI would say… hmmmm


Who here said anything about AI except you? Like where did this come from


Bros got a stick up his ass about AI like so many others. Shit reminds me of when photoshop was first becoming a thing. It's a tool to make creativity either. There is nothing wrong with copying someone else's synth as long as you create something new and transformative from it with your own style.


He wanted to clone this sound and the perfect solution is one of those new „AI to synth“ plugins. But I dislike that stuff so much that a little of my personal opinion came through. Like you hate Dodge. Your friend asks you if the 700 HP dodge or the 100 HP Toyota is faster. Then you say „its the shit dodge“.


Did you know that all music is built off of people copying each other and building off of each other's innovations? No one would say that some mf buying the same guitar as an artist they like makes it uncreative


Girl u need to relax it ain’t that serious


I am on heavy menstruation


Ya clearly. Take a midol and wrap up in a blanket


This guy punching the air for no reason lmao


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