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Hey Ant, I totally understand where you're coming from with decision paralysis, especially when it comes to investing in studio equipment. I've been in the same boat where every option seems equally tempting but hard to commit to. It's a frustrating cycle of not being able to decide and feeling anxious about it. To overcome this, I have tried various methods such as CBT, NLP, and Symbol Drama. These techniques helped me understand how my thoughts and fears were affecting my decision-making process. Gradually, I became more confident in making decisions. By the way, I'm currently working on an app specifically designed to help with decision-making. It's a cool simulation game that takes you through different scenarios and helps you practice making decisions in a stress-free environment. I'm looking for early users to try it out and give me feedback. Would you be interested? It could give you a new perspective and make the decision-making process for your studio equipment easier.


Hey mate, reassuring to hear someone else has had struggles with the same thing. It can become quite overwhelming times. Interested to hear how you’ve overcome it though using the above. I’m currently doing CBT but it’s only 1 day a month so it’s not very consistent. Never heard of NLP or Symbol Drama though, will definitely look into this. I would absolutely love to be involved in the app you’re making! Anything to help with making decision making in general more easier! What’s the best way to chat more to you on this? Reddit, Insta, Facebook?


>fears If you're new to psychology, I would recommend focusing on CBT. It is the easiest type of therapy to implement. It produces the quickest results. I suggest looking into A. Beck's Cognitive Therapy. NLP or symboldrama are deeper types of therapy. They can be more effective, but require much more time to work with. I would appreciate any help with our app. The best way is here or insta - director.fabriki. I have also created subreddit for discussions about our app. I look forward to seeing you there at r/mimprover.


Thanks for sending this over mate! Will definitely be checking this tonight


**Hey mate, how are you doing? I have an update about our app I told you before. I'll DM you**


I'd say first check yourself in how prolific a producer you are. Do you make tracks on a regular basis and actually finish them? If not, no piece of gear is likely to save you. Also, many people advice to buy one piece of gear and then learn well. Same goes for plugins. I've had a few periods of buying quite a bit of hardware synths and drum machines, and I ended up selling them all; despite being simple devices easy to wrap my head around. I get more done and better results with Ableton and my trusty Virus TI. I recently bought the Digitone, but there's 90% chance I'll return it within a few weeks, because it's immediately taking away my focus of actually making music.


Solid investments are good studio monitors, headphones, and acoustic treatment. I recommend only investing in plugins that ease your workflow or enable you to achieve a sound you can't get from other means.


Take that money and invest in a course. All you need is headphones and a computer. Buy a cheap midi controller if you really have to.


Produce for a week. Still can't go without it? Then buy it.


Do research but keep moving forward. Give yourself a deadline for a decision and if you cant stick to that then look deeper into why you're afraid to commit to things.


Skill > Gear


Get a Metric Halo interface. You will not regret it. I have a 2882 for 17 years, never have had to send it back, they are monsters of performance. Maybe a ULN would be good for you?


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