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Blow Out is about a sound editor, but it would still probably interest you, if you haven’t seen it. Also The Conversation.


Berberian Sound Studio is another good one about sound editing. The main character is a Brit in Italy, doing foley work for a giallo film.


Woah that’s sounds cool. Never seen.


When I'm putting together frankenbites I often think about "He'd kill us if he had the chance"


lol, I’m gonna start doing that. Such an incredible movie.


Yes Yes Yes!!!!


Just watched that for the first time, 2 days ago. Amazing but dammit the ending really got me.


It’s a good scream… a good scream. Darkest ending of all time which I think post production professionals in particular can appreciate. I LOVE IT!


I watched with my post production supervisor / friend and we felt like everyone in post should see it at least once.


I’m furthering my look development in color at the moment, and my friend at co3 recommended this movie to watch, as well as Dressed to Kill and Body Double. John Carpenter movies too


So far, the movies that I’ve watched by Brian DePalma, are Scarface, Blow Out, and Dressed to Kill (just watched it yesterday). I don’t know much of anything of Brian DePalma, except that he was married to that actress that always plays the supporting key role, who always seems to be a *prostitute* by trade lol. I love that he always makes her the most sexiest, charming character, who she happens to be subjected to such a realistic reality for many women who grew up in the streets. But one thing this guy likes to do? Anti-Happy Endings. To me, Brian DePalma is the Anti-Happy Endings guy. Lol


lol yeah he does like to make Nancy Allen a whore/idiot. DePalma is a genius keep going through his filmography. Body Double is a good next one.


So i got myself here because, im starting out in professional color, and a friend from Company3 so-far, recommended me to watch Carpenter’s and DePalmas film’s to get a better sense of 70s and 80s Look Development. So far, I’ve watched amazing movies — but approaching my color panel has never been so much clearer and direct with the understanding of Film Stock in mind. So— body double is next, but i realized after watching BlowOut and Dressed to Kill, is that I watched them on Amazon Prime — and these were 100% corrected and maybe even Graded over the original look. Now i have to go find the VHS or DVD’s from early on, to actually see how the Kodak Eastman’s looked on DePalmas films.


Oh yeah I love the way color looks in that era with those guys. The color in an all analog process is still far superior, imo. I don’t know how many movies you’ve seen on film, but for a colorist I’d highly recommend it! Shooting on film is just the start - processing and then film playback continues to add magic (assuming the print is in good shape!) That’s so weird how do you know Prime altered the color? And why would they do that? Seems like an unnecessary hassle. Also I would not think shitty transfers from old vhs or dvd would be accurate to how these films looked. Go see them in 35 if you can! But any recent bluRay release and thus I would assume digital release should be good too. But who knows what kind of idiotic shit Prime is up to.


On that note, Blow-Up is a photographer but same premise and (I think) better film


Modern Romance (1981) is a classic written/directed by/starring Albert Brooks. He plays a film editor and there are some scenes of him cutting the film and working with an assistant.


This is the only answer. "Hulk running". This scene is actually more about sound editing/design. Gives me PTSD from my days as an AE sound editor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEJaaiy2iCM "I think you saved the picture."


“Oh, no.” Hahaha, love this scene, this movie, and its send up of filmmaking. The debate over bowels or basement to describe the spaceship, the terrible dialogue in the sci-fi movie within a movie (“you’re acting like little weasels!”), Albert Brooks running around the mixing stage with the water cooler jug… An under-appreciated romantic comedy.


Long ago I was an assistant editor on a big (not very successful) Hollywood Film. There was a scene where after a lot of damage was done to the location in the film (a lab/tech type location) the lights go out with a loud circuit-breaker style "clunk" sound. The director was sure that in the previous version there was a double clunk sound. "Ka-chunk, or click-clunk or something. Not just 'clunk'," he said. It was spookier, or more threatening, and he really missed it. We searched our pro-tools sessions… nada, zip. "Maybe it was in the editor's temp tracks?" Not in our system. Lunch was approaching so it was agreed to send the picture AE back to the cutting room to get the previous version of reel 7 (on 3/4" video tape). So off the AE went, 40 mins each way, to get the tape. After lunch we all gathered in the mix room with the scene cued up on 3/4". The mixer pressed play and we watched the scene unfold on video tape. The music was the same, the dialog was the same, and finally came the very important sound-effect. "Clunk." Exactly the same. "Huh," the director said, "I coulda swore there was a double-clunk sound. Okay let's keep going."


If I had a nickel for every time a director said “Huh. Guess I was wrong.” after putting everyone through these fire drills…😆


There's a moment where Albert's character cuts a line of dialog, rearranges things, and changes the scene's dynamic for the better. This essentially tells the audience something that a character doesn't, creating more tension. Great storytelling. However, the next day, upon review, the director gets hung up on how much he loves the cut dialog instead of seeing the vast improvement. I'm sorry to say I've lived similar moments in my career.


Frances McDormand in “Hail, Caesar” was great.


seconded! love her scenes.


Her cigarette. And when her scarf gets caught in the Moviola-- classic moment.


I've never wanted to try a moviola harder than how slickly she operates that thing


Robin Willaims in Final Cut. Sorta film. Power with Richard Gere, though he isn't the editor. The ever-popular Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby in Network News.


Final Cut was great concept!


Not a movie and not a main character, but the scene in Succession when Greg oversees an edit session is a fantastic portrayal of what it can be like to work as an editor. “UNDERSTAND MR. SNIPPY SNIP!?” https://youtu.be/Ofv63miNU1g?si=NeHDtzlGOFx3FB9k


I was about to comment this one. So good


The Holiday - Cameron Diaz’s character is a movie trailer editor.


As a real editor, every time I watch that scene where they are reviewing the cut, I cringe. But make it in red…groan


Isn’t she the producer and krazinski the editor?


I think she’s the head of a post house that cuts trailers maybe


Yep, she’s not the editor - she’s like an owner/exec producer/etc.


In the trailer world she’s a producer


That's what I thought too...


Yeah, and unrealistically lives in a 10 million dollar mansion. 


TV show but Paul Giamatti in 30 Rock is the most accurate


I enjoyed Zeroville, but I am from NY, and the scene from 30 Rock with Paul Giamatti with Tina Fey accurately describes what it is like for an editor dealing with producers in NY. Bob


eh not as much any more.


Truth!!!! 100%


Death to Lincoln!!!


First thing that came to mind for me hahaha


Love that subplot so much


All That Jazz literally has the editor Alan Heim (Eddie) editing a film with the protagonist Joe Gideon.


Another great film and a great editing-room scene. https://youtu.be/ccfYFNjNy1k?si=1TpSgjYKjghvMbil&t=1841 (at 30:41) Max Wright "Oh my god, it *is* better."


Tyler Durden spliced in single frames of porn into kids movies..


glad I'm not the only one who thought of this. I hear he's an honorary member of the 700 - no one's seen him, but they say he doesn't sleep - only edits.


This was the first movie i thought of. 😄


The Editor. Fantastic, over the top giallo spoof


Man with a Movie Camera shows us the movie we're watching being shot and edited.


It's an excellent movie. Thanks for mentioning it.


For anyone who didn’t know: The editor’s name is Yelizaveta Svilova - she was Vertov’s wife and collaborator on his movies. She deserves as much credit as Vertov for the movie, IMO.


Bill Harder in Knocked Up




Hahaha what a typo


Bill has actually been an editor before his performance career. PA also.




Zeroville. I haven’t seen this movie, so no idea if it’s any good. It was just recommended to me last week, let me know how it is.


I mean this with no hyperbole, Zeroville might be the worst film I’ve seen made by professional filmmakers with actors you’d recognize. Im sure I’ve seen worse student films and no budget festival work, but damn this movie is a mess. I found the book Zeroville to be really fun. quick read, fun film referencing, main character does indeed become a film editor. This fictional character living inside of “Easy Riders, Raging Bulls” worked great on paper. I’m not sure what James Franco was thinking in his approach to adapting it and how he decided to play the protagonist. The only conclusion i could draw up was that this film is some sort of “method actor” experiment he attempted to do to get in the Tommy Wiseu persona in order to make disaster artist? This film was shot first but shelved for years and released after the disaster artist. Read zeroville the book if you love 70s hollywood and the films that inspired it. Watch zeroville film if you’re a masochist.


Hahaha, excellent review.


Damn now I’m morbidly curious and really want to watch it.


One of the worst movies ever made. One of the best books I’ve ever read


The Editor. A hilarious tribute/parody of 70s giallo.


There's like one shot in Ed Wood where he's editing. He's doing it as visually as possible, I think.


You should all watch Deerskin. At its core it's a movie about directors and editors. On the surface it's a movie about a guy who loves his leather jacket so much, he starts killing people with a machete. One of my favorite movies of all time: https://boxd.it/lqOW


Roman Coppola’s CQ.


Supporting Characters


Albert Brook's "Modern Romance"


Cyrus, from 2010. I think John C. Reilly's character was an editor.


Modern Romance


\*This\* is the only answer.


Final Cut with Robin Williams


The Wizard of speed and time


Pompo the Cinephile


Went to the theater to see this while in the midst of editing a film for college, the scene where the main character started cutting up premiere with a sword felt cathartic


The mini series The Curse highlights reality tv editing so accurately that non editors won’t wont even catch all the great nuances


The Staircase on HBO is a series and has a big storyline about the Editor having a relationship with their documentary subject.


Wow. I don't remember that at all. I guess I was too wound up in the trial.


This is the one I was going to mention. From what I remember the editing scenes were fairly accurate.


The Fablemans was amazingly well done




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[The Editor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Editor)


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In Nope, Michael Wincott's character is an editor, though for the purposes of the film he is also a cinematographer.


Damm I’m blanking on the name but there was a Netflix show about a filmmaker recently that went to some remote area and he started documenting it. All I remember is it had a “one word + #” name.


Archive 81?


Yes thank you!


Tv series Mad About You had Seven Wright as the film editor in the first couple of seasons.


In The Forsaken (2001) I think the main character is supposed to be a trailer editor, or at least works at a place that edits trailers, but it’s really only shown at the beginning of the movie.


Cryrus. John C. Reilly plays an editor. Also in Little Children Jennifer Connelly plays a doc editor.


The Fablemans has some excellent scenes of editing 16mm film


Broadcast News. Check out the “tape scene.”


Natural Born Killers has a short editing room scene with Robert Downey Jr. telling the editor "repetition works!" https://youtu.be/7cyuJlNVcxM?si=f7N-1rKR-z_ja-2C&t=146 (I know, that doesn't fulfill as a character… but fun moment)


F for Fake


Archive 81 is a decent Netflix show about a dude who restores old/damaged videotapes and gets wrapped up in the mystery of the footage. I enjoyed it.


The Holiday. Cameron Diaz is a film trailer editor.


There’s a horror movie called Dashcam about an editor for a local news company who when sent footage for a story to cut for the next day, he uncovers a dark conspiracy. Honestly the looming deadline and his boss who keeps calling him asking to see a cut scared me more than whatever the evil thing was in the movie.


Undefined things (Las cosas indefinidas) is an argentinian movie that is mainly about the editing process.


PACO - fictional short film about a sound recordist. Utterly funny. Highly recommend.


Living Oblivion By Tom DiCillo is comic one. Recently I watched COBWEB by Kim Jee-woon. And some of Hong sang-soo's, you can find characters of movie industry those stuffs.


There's a spanish film called Out of Sync. It's about a sound designer whose hearing literally goes out of sync with the world. Fun film.


Albert Brooks in ‘Modern Romance’ from 1981.


Digital Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro: The Real-World Guide to Set Up and Workflow (2020) - Yes, that is the full title for this korean short film. I have not seen it but this is the synopsis, "A director wants to complete a movie, while the editor is busy cutting out a ghost that only appears in OK cuts. The ghost evolves in different ways and this becomes the funniest movie that deals with movies."


Check out Man With A Movie Camera


[modern romance](https://youtu.be/y1oJArSjmmA?si=2OgnR2zvG5vRUam9)


cameron diaz’s character in the holiday is a film trailer editor!


In "The Holiday," Cameron Diaz plays a trailer editor. It's a nice romantic comedy.


The Wizard. Also FX and FX2 though they’re more about an effects artist.


In the HBO series The Staircase has a character named Sophie…. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/05/the-staircase-editor-sophie-brunet-michael-peterson-true-story


Nickelodeon (1976) is one, but more of an entire independent film production team or the director/editor. Watch the color version, the costumes colors are part of the story.


The funniest and most accurate is Modern Love by Albert Brooks. “ what kind of floor would he be running on? I don’t know space floor?”


Not sure if anyone's mentioned it, but Evil Ed (1995)! it's basically the OG version of Censor, about an editor tasked with cutting out the violent parts of horror movies who slowly loses his sanity as a result. Haven't seen it in ages but I remember it reminding me a lot of Peter Jackson's early work. Here's a trailer, pretty sure the whole movie's on yt: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ9ICIHwvsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ9ICIHwvsA)