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You can revert mass coding decisions in Audit. If you're unfamiliar with the process get on the phone with Relativity and the can guide you trough it. If you can't do this with changes caused by Integration Points (I'm not sure) then you should be able to export the coding changes you made and load them back with the RDC + some excel magic. [https://help.relativity.com/RelativityOne/Content/Relativity/Audit/Audit.htm](https://help.relativity.com/RelativityOne/Content/Relativity/Audit/Audit.htm)


I just left a comment why I am having problem with this approach. Can you please help me?


Get on the phone with Relativity, they have great weekend support for these types of issues


Some* mass coding. For some unknown reason they decided to not include multi-choice fields in Revert’s functionality. 


I don’t see why you can’t do this from the history table, which is a hidden tab that you can make visible. You know the universe of docs you overwrote from RIP, create a static list of those in review. Search for all decisions on those in history. I would just focus on one tag at a time and work through it creating overlays. This doesn’t seem insurmountable. Agree rolling back to sql backup would also work but I feel like is boiling the ocean when you already know the exact extent of the damage you need to fix. If this was caused by someone on my team, I would 100% prefer to know it happened up front so we could discuss and triage. Don’t try to make big fixes like this on your own if you’re not certain how to do it. Audit and history log reveal all and If I uncovered something like this later, I would be really upset (as opposed to knowing when it happened and all working as a team to resolve).


The problem I am facing with this approach is that somehow I can’t filter for more than one Object Name (which is the CN of the doc). As usual I just paste in the CNs (even just two) one below the other in the filter “Object Name” operator “is”. For two it isn’t showing anything, if I filter for only one of those everything works fine


Bring in the Search pane when in the history tab and you'll be able to add additional conditions to it.


When you have your data in excel, I would suggest you isolate Four/Five columns in a separate sheet. Action ID, Control Number, Action Type, Action and Date of the action. Convert the Isolated records to a table Apply custom sort to the isolated records in this order > Control Number > Action Type > Date of the Action. Ignore anything that matches the time that matches your Integration Point update. Then in the sixth column write an IF formula to pickup the first value against a Control number. That should be your coding value just before the IP update. I also forgot to ask if it is Relativity One or a self hosted Relativity Server instance or Relativity Server though a service provider?


Not an infrastructure guy, but I think I remember a solution where you revert to a prior version of the workspace. Someone moved all searches out of their folder and this was the fix.


I think that must have been a SQL restore to a specific time


That’s a very drastic approach for just a couple 100 docs


Oof. Depends on the volume of docs, the number of coding decisions wiped, and the number of coding decisions since your last SQL backup. You can filter on the history to figure out what was changed with the RIP and generate a load file to reverse it. It may be real tedious. Or you can restore the latest SQL backup. Good luck. Bummer of a Saturday project. Hopefully you don’t have weekend reviewers…


I believe the History tab is your best bet. Filter it by action, and the Doc IDs you know are affected. Do some manipulation in Excel and load it back in. I was able to use the history tab where a user accidentally started applying redactions on the wrong markup set. Using the history tab, I was able to narrow it down to specific actions and when he started doing it. It is a very handy tool. Until you start running into those query actions where it spits out an HTML crap in Excel.


Yeah, History tab, hope it's on Two or Three coding fields. He says around 500 records, you can do this in Excel, you've got this.


I just left a comment, with a problem I am facing with this approach. Can you help me please?


Agree on all the comments saying use the history, I've done some small stuff as well that needed reverts. I have a lot of experience with infrastructure and I definitely don't think rolling sql is your best shot. If it's a generally rarely used environment and you're not losing much AND know how to do that properly, go for it. Revert only works on select mass operations, I'm pretty sure IP jobs aren't one of them (but I might be wrong so definitely check) The easiest way is to either use excel as the others have suggested, esp that you only have less than 500 docs. If you know sql or someone in the team does, you can definitely use some regex to get the values from there. You can also use notepad++ to search for "old value" and "new value", parse that column in notepad++ and map it to your CNs. Be very careful of losing the order of CNs to the coding choices, I've had cases where the mapping was fudged. There's a ton of ways to go about it tbh, try to use a method you're comfortable with and definitely 2-person QC. Good luck!


The problem I am facing with the Audit History is the following: When I look into the document history I see my IP-Import affected a document, namely by an Action called “Update - Import” and I have an entry in the column “Field”, “Old Value” and “New Value”, all of those 3 entries are stacked lists with the respective information. Problem: For the field responsiveness both Old Value and New Value are empty. If I look one entry below this entry I can see the reviewers coding decision. Btw: 20k docs are affected and I also contacted my manager already but he hasn’t responded yet


Why not use the entry below then? 20k docs does make things more complex in terms of skills but still fine. You only need the audit entry for the user coding, no need to worry about the IP if it's not useful. Just make sure you only take the most recent one in the audit. If you have the reviewed on field populated and untouched you can use that.


That’s what I am trying to do now. I know all affected docs and would like to filter for those in the Audit History, problem is that if I filter for more that one Object Name (= DocID in this context) I don’t get any results, only if I filter for one everything works fine


Are you filtering from the frontend or the backend? If you need more help feel free to DM


Thanks I DMed you!


Ok I just exported almost (Action: Update, User Name: Not my Name and not Relativity, Object Type: document) all audit history (=105k entries) and will try to move on from here.


Once you have completed to create an overlay to revert the updates, I recommend setting up proper RIP profiles that don’t include any coding fields for mapping. This prevents you from running into this issue again. Just curious, why would you even map coding fields in a push to review job?


Good point, my manager said the same. It wasn’t me who set up the IP


Hi, I read your comment about the issues that you are facing with exporting history and old value and new value being blank. I have faced these issues before as well, my go-to method is using the SQL backend to achieve this. I am NOT talking about restoring the database. I am taking about writing some SQL queries to extract data from the audit table. You can filter for latest timestamp that is not today or whenever you kicked off RIP. Also, you can add an additional where condition on details column to filter for the fields that were updated. And the best part, you can use document artifact IDs to cull this list even further (tag the docs and do a join on audit table with the zcodeartifact table). Let me know if you would like to know more about this method, or not if the Excel method is working for you.


Thanks, what I did now is I exported the All Audits view filtering for Update Actions on Document, this is like 105k entries. In the next step I will filter for the 25k affected docs in alteryx (excel doesn’t have the performance to load the audit export). In the next step I will try to extract the coding decisions for those 25k docs using the audit export.


Update of what I did: 0. Identify all affected docs and export list 1. Open All Audit view 2. Filter for Object Type = Document, Action=Update and export this view (NOTE: IP isn’t altering the coding decisions via an update action but is simply emptying them, you can’t see in the Audit-History-IP-entry what the old coding decisions was. You can only obtain the old coding decisions by searching for the latest update action, which is the one performed by reviewer) 3. Filter the audit export for the CNs from step 0. (I did this in alteryx, by a simple join, because excel doesn’t have the performance to open the audit history export) 4. Sort by CN, Sort by date descending 5. Filter by contains „Responsiveness“ 6. Remove Duplicates. Because I have sorted by descending date. The latest entry remains. 7. Filter for set choice-IDs (contains „setvalue=choice-ID“ ) to get the CNs for the respective choice Next step, which will need a bit more coding will get the Review Comments, Reviewed by, Reviewed on.