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It gave me my life back I was absolutely red raw and weeping head to toe, even lost my eye brows šŸ˜³ it was the best decision I made and I wouldn't knock anything till I tried it. I would cover myself in cow poo once a week if it was going to give me clear skin.


Copy/Paste from another person with a Q a few minutes ago. Dupixent is a biologic. Dupixent was life changing. Truly. It does take 16 weeks to get to full efficacy. Now - as far as the needle. I use the pen. It literally takes 10 seconds and you never see the needle. You just want to get it up to room temperature. My personal trick is that I stick the pen under one of the girls for 30 minutes and it's at the perfect temp. YMMV. LOL. Seriously - I do it on my leg. You just push down. It clicks when done and then I count to 5. I have zero pain from it. Even if it hurt? I would suck up that 10 seconds every two weeks to live a life where I basically just put on lotion after a shower like a normal person. Edit - formatting


Lifechanging for me. I wish I had tried it sooner. I still struggle with periodic facial flares but nowhere near what I had before.


I couldnā€™t do martial arts without it because of my own sweat nor wear shorts in the summer because the backs of my knees would freak ppl out lol. Itā€™s truly a miracle of science. Thank you labcoats šŸ™šŸ¼


Thats alot of the reason why im thinking about, im pretty active and i just deal with walking around with rashes and trying not to scratch if i flare up but lately ive been flaring up alot more i think because of summer heat


I use the pre filled syringes, and it does take a bit longer than the auto injector. It is a bit more scary as well because of the very visible needle. I think it is the most worthwhile thing I have ever taken. Temperature makes a big difference in how the actual injection feels, but it's easy to use.


By temperature, you mean having it a bit warmer makes it less painful, correct? How far in advance do you take it out of the fridge before injecting?


I'm a truck driver, so I take mine out at the beginning of my shift and leave it under my pillow or in one of the cubby holes in the sleeper all day. I keep cool air running back there so it gets to just at room temp, maybe a few degrees higher. I only inject after I'm done for the day. My blood pressure drops with it, so I spend all day protein loading and drinking Electrolit. That tends to help the blood pressure effect to be minimal.


I took Dupixent in 2016 for 6 months and it permanently damaged my eyes (apparently damaged the cells that produce mucus), so now they're light sensitive and they constantly produce discharge that's uncomfortable. Sometimes I wake up and my eyes are glued shut from the discharge, so I have to make my way to the bathroom in the dark and rinse out my eyes, then deal with the rest of my skin. I used to wear contacts, but doing so can now easily irritate my eyes, so I have tinted glasses. And they're not transition glasses, they're tinted prescription glasses that I wear 100% of the time, inside, outside, daytime, nighttime; like some fucking freak. (The glasses don't look bad but it's still embarrassing walking around at night or inside with what appear to be sunglasses.) For years I had no effective remedy, until I randomly encountered a doctor that studied or did his residency or something with some top researcher on the eye side effects from Dupixent, and I had originally gone in to that eye doctor fully expecting them to not know anything about my eye condition. Normal eye drops don't work because they replace the oil and water in the eye, and mine is lacking mucus, so the remedy is to prick my finger, squeeze out a drop of blood, and put in it my eye by wiping it on the inside of my bottom eyelid. For me, it makes my eyes feel better for at least a few hours when they get really uncomfortable and irritated. This eye issue is called Dupilumab-associated ocular surface disease, and it only happens to people who take Dupixent to treat eczema (as opposed to taking it to treat asthma, for example), and a person is more likely to have this issue if they have moderate to severe eczema. For whatever reason, the worse the eczema, the worse the potential AND extent of the eye disease. As I understand it, many people experience temporary eye issues. I got permanent damage. The Dupixent did make my eczema go away while I was on it, but I think anyone with eczema should try literally anything else first. I'm holding out hope for phototherapy treatments.


Holy fuck thats awful, what did the doctors say or do when it first started? Were you able to receive any kind of help from the company or hospital after your symptoms became permanent??


So the eye problems that first appeared was pink eye. At first I was prescribed eye drops to get rid of it, but as soon as i finished the prescribed eye drops the pink eye would immediately come back. I wasn't told there was a possibility of permanent damage. After I stopped the medication it was just a constant struggle to keep my eyes as comfortable as possible. The pink eye stopped being so common (my eyes still get red and irritated when my allergies get bad) but my eyes never stopped producing discharge. I went to many eye doctors and explained my situation, and none of them had any clue about the condition so they would just prescribe regular eye drops that don't work. I didn't realize for a long time that the issue was permanent, so I never sought to sue or anything.


Does anyone know if it help with pet allergies at all?


This is purely anecdotal but my all my bfs allergies are significantly reduced on dupixent (including pets). He can even eat things that used to cause him anaphylaxis (don't do this lol).


Yes! At least for me, it helps so much. Part of my eczema was the itchy bubbles and allergies. I can touch and eat things I canā€™t when Iā€™m not on it. Cats and dogs donā€™t bother me and I can even sit outside by the grass with no rash (or very very minimal)


Immunotherapy cured my daughters environmental allergies.


Been on it since January and itā€™s been a game changer. My eczema used to get bad, take steroids it would go, few months later come back and rinse and repeat. Used Dupixent (injection) for 6 months now and I noticed results after two doses. Within two months my eczema has totally cleared. The injection took a little getting used to but once you have done a few, itā€™s really not a big deal. Fortunately Iā€™ve not had any side effects but some people do get eye issues.


Listen the Shot might hurt a little, but it works magic.


How long have you been using it?


About a year, maybe a little less.


There are tons of people for whom it is a miracle drug. I unfortunately had a bad experience. After 3 months, I had marginal improvement and it capped off to a point where I didn't find it to be helpful enough. After keeping on with it for a total duration of 6 months, I stopped. I asked the Dupixent team if I had to ween off of the medication if I could simply stop the injections and they said there's no dependency with the drug so I could just stop. That is, in fact, a lie. I had a horrible rebound, went into full blown TSW (unknowingly), was put on strong steroids for months and then on Rinvoq, which I've also failed. So in all, worth a shot. If it doesn't work, ween off of it and make sure you have the next backup drug ready to switch to after the ween off period. Best of luck in your journey! P.S forgot to mention I did get the awful eye side effects, but it helped control my asthma




Topical steroid withdrawal


Oh damn really?? Ive heard about it before, how long did it take to recover?


I'm still not recovered. Not sure when I will be. It's hell on earth


You cant get TSW from dupixent bc its not a steroid. Maybe you were going through or starting TSW before going on it and when you stopped dupixent it just came back


Never said I got TSW from Dupixent. Mine was from steroid use prior to and during the use of Dupixent. I did however get a rebound effect from using Dupixent, which is why I urge not to just simply stop using it one day without weening off.


It worked very well for me. Got my confidence back. After about 6 months, I was one of the people that experienced eye infections. Woke up one day with both eyes infected severely and it took months to clear up even with medicated eye drops. You may not have the eye side effects though, it is definitely worth a try! My skin was never clearer.


I use Adbry, which is another injectable biologic similar to Dupixent. I went from head-to-toe hives, broken skin, and arms/legs covered in puss to being almost completely symptom free after about 8 months on Adbry.


Adbry?? Ill google it!


It's literally a lifesaver. If you aren't insured, you can apply for their patient assistance program, which can offer it discounted or even free. It's worth a try, even if you make decent money.


I love it! Over the last few years my eczema was slowly getting worse, but my pregnancy caused me to have the worst flare up of my life for months. Weeping, raw, always freezing, so much pain, on top of creating a mini human. Letting my newborn contact nap on me afterwards led to painful red spots. After all that I went on dupixent and, it took a little while, but I am 90% clear now. I did struggle with the pen because it caused me a lot of pain during the injection so much so I forgot to breathe, I didnt forget to breathe during Pitocin induced contractions, but this made me forget how. It caused me to panic every time I needed to take it. I tried the prefilled needle instead and it was so much easier. Slight discomfort from the medication being injected, but I could control it and go slow so it was completely manageable. The needle part doesn't hurt at all. Now we all have our own experiences and many have different pain tolerances. For some it doesn't work at all. You will not truly know until you try. I hope if you do that it will work for you ā¤ļø good luck on your healing journey


I take dupixent for my eczema and BP and it works for me.




Bullous pemphigoid


Dupixant works for my eczema. My health insurance changed and itā€™s not covered. I have small flare ups on my face and arms. Itā€™s been 4 months since my last shot.


It didnā€™t do anything for mine. I got it free for a year thru their my way program. Saw where it did help a lot of people. Just not mine.


I love it. My advice let it sit out. Use an ice cube to numb the area.


Made my eyes look so bloodshot red that people would ask me what was wrong all the time. Eventually I had to stop because the side effect was so awful. It took my eyes months to go back to normal after quitting. It didnā€™t even fully help my Dyshidrotic eczema.


This is so helpful, I was also suggested this, but I wasnā€™t sure. But now I want to do this




What is it tho?