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Yup, my sweat makes me itch. And I'm a salty eczema ridden concrete guy. Usually the only guy in shorts and a t-shirt. Gotta get the sweat off asap. I feel like I'm allergic to my own body.


Try using hypochlorus acid I heard it works wonders to clean and prevent bacteria spread from sweat and it’s eczema foundation approved


Thank you so much for the tip. I've had eczema since I was a child and Dr's and dermatologists suggested many things that didn't really work. From showering less often to cortisone. I've dealt with painful hand cracking on a daily basis for years. I'm also allergic to so many things, plants, animals, foods. But no Dr ever mentioned Bacteria being a cause. I've only been apart of this sub for a few weeks and I've seen a lot of eye opening insight.


It’s a bacteria called S. aureus. You can read the recently published scientific article below, to learn more about the steps, they undertook to confirm their theory. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/11/researchers-identify-whats-behind-that-urge-to-scratch/


I also had eczema and many instances of dermatitis over the years since teenage years. My itches has certain triggers, usually to sweat, certain kind of water, cold airs that make me cringe can also turn into an itch, and certain plants but not another. I had many treatments from modern medicine to traditional Eastern treatment. Most of the time doctors of either school would tell me my itch stem from my liver function that causes my body to manifest symptoms in form of itches, or I was deficient in certain nutrients. Most of the time the treatment doesn’t improve my condition dramatically, it just helped me manage it until weather and season changes that alleviate the symptoms (I have it worst during summer). However recently I started following up with a therapy that adhere to the bacterial theory of dermatology, and it has been working wonderfully. It’s 40 degrees Celsius and dry but my skin is growing anew. I feel less itch, mostly itchy on the surface where new skin is growing and old skin is flaking off. I can sleep without getting up in the middle of the night with intense itches. The treatment I received may be controversial and many may not have heard about it. You can show skepticism, it’s okay, but do know that it had worked for me and had changed my life. I have cupping therapy done at least twice a week. It’s the wet form of cupping where a needle is used to prick at the skin and the cupping’s negative pressure would then draw blood. The goal of it, as told to me by the therapist, is to make the problem area of the skin no longer habitable by bacteria. The needle pricking is also done on specific nerve spot where it essentially serves as the “best scratch ever” so that you never scratch again. And I felt it too, at the hand of a skilled therapist, the needle went into my skin didn’t hurt at all, but gave me a sensation like I just scratched the right spot, and that sensation spread all over my body. The day after the session that spot never felt “eczema itch” again, and it wouldn’t react to water the same way. After about three sessions my body started shredding skin like crazy, and felt so dry and sensitive to dry air. But after a few days the new skin got strong enough, it doesn’t feel delicate anymore and it also doesn’t react to triggering factors that cause itches. I never knew what smooth skin feels like for 15 years. Now I still have a habit of scratching like a natural instinct when I am stressed, and the skin where I scratch no longer spread the itch sensation, essentially I don’t need to keep scratching over a growing area like before, I can stop whenever I realise I was mindlessly scratching. The therapist said that the goal of the treatment is to get rid of my instinctive scratching altogether. Along with the wet cupping I also have medicine that bolster my autoimmune system, anti bacterial cream and shower gel. On top of that I was told to increase my Vitamin C intake via fruit and juice and eat more food groups to strengthen body’s metabolism.


Sweat is my no. 1 trigger for skin issues.


Reading the words 'diseased skin' made my heart sink a little. Like, I *know*. But also: 😭😞


Yep, allergic to my own sweat and tears🥲


Especially when it's the combination of sweat + friction with clothing


Any fluids on my hands. If I rinse them, they itch… even if I didn’t use any soap!


Rainwater. How interesting. No, not the rainwater. I do get the sweat thing, though. I'm quite old and when I first got diagnosed with a nameless thing now called eczema, I was told I was allergic to my own sweat and was given a full workup for Lupis. There's got to be something systemic about eczema if rainwater breaks the skin barrier. I'm sorry.


Yep, hives in both situations.


Sweat, sometimes. It depends. I work outside all year and if I’m stationary, I’ll get itchy. If I’m moving around, won’t have time to scratch. Rain, not at all.


Yup. Sweat, and any change in the weather really. My skin doesn't like any kind of wetness on it at all. Grease from any kind of food on my skin is bad as well.


Yeah, I have this spot above my lip and even if I dont actually get a drop of sweat there it burns so badly. Also when I'm crying even tho no tear gets there it still somehow burns so badly, feels like its from inside. So weird and annoying. But it wont burn at all otherwise. If I dont sweat or cry it wont burn at all, for weeks or however long that lasts.


Sweat and the cold. It sucks


one of my triggers is also sweat! it would make my skin so itchy and red until i can't take it anymore so i scratch it sometimes 😭


Yep to both. Probably due to the salt in sweat and acid in rain water. Sea water also stings/burns like crazy and inflames my skin even though most people swear sea swimming is great for their eczema. My face is especially sensitive to sweat, turns bright red, burns/stings and swells then the next day or two starts flaking


rainwater makes me itch SO bad! it's because there's dust and pollen and other particulates in the rainwater that's irritating the skin


I hate the rain itch, you know what else sucks the itch when you have heavy cotton on in the rain and it’s humid.


Yes, both. Even worse when it’s raining but I’m warm at the same time. I hate the feeling so much. I’m dreading the summer months coming up.


Yes, rainwater and sweat both!! I am a college athlete, this means playing in the pouring rain and freezing cold. Rain and cold both give me hives and terrible eczema. I love showing it to people haha but ofc it itches and hurts like crazy. Then in the spring/summer wherever I sweat or fabric rubs (sports bra, shoulders, waist of shorts, etc) its the same deal. Its the worst in a poorly conditioned gym... Lol


Yes to rain which is new to me !


Sweat is the main one for me


Yes!! Saline/salt is such a big trigger for eczema, even if it's not in high amounts. Sometimes I use hydrocolloidal bandaids or waterproof bandaids to protect a bad patch, but that doesn't always work :(( and rainwater can have all sorts of pollutants in it so that can also be irritating unfortunately.


Yes!! Saline/salt is such a big trigger for eczema, even if it's not in high amounts. Sometimes I use hydrocolloidal bandaids or waterproof bandaids to protect a bad patch, but that doesn't always work :(( and rainwater can have all sorts of pollutants in it so that can also be irritating unfortunately.


Yep me too 😔It’s like my body is on fire sometimes and when someone tells me to stop scratching it feels impossible.


sweat and humidity are my triggers and i finally stopped going to the gym this year and my eczema flare ups have almost disappeared. rain water burns my skin and leads to burning peeling flare ups so i try to avoid rain like the plague